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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. blahblahland iyo blahblahland ayaaba ina wareerisay
  2. why not keep the simple bulugleey? Every Somali is represented by the 5 pointed star.
  3. Originally posted by Dr Ligle: JB, i just enlightening people with the facts, so all somalis can turn against hargeysa!!! and i prove my case with an unshakable argument!!! Stop right there. No body wants to turn against Hargeisa. It is a Somali city and deserves better.
  4. Beautiful pics. Does anybody have a pic of Xasbahalle? I heard a lot about that place. Yeah it might not be green but that is not a worry our farms country wide are enough to feed the whole nation (I mean whole of Soomaaliya when i say nation).
  5. ^^^ waryaa instead of worrying about flags you should be worrying about fariinta ina Godane. The menace hates peace.
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Prof. Gandhi and Dr. Mohamed Abbas maxay isu yihiin tolow ,,,, Not to forget nuuridiin Faarax as well But have to say removing the man for C/Boss does not make sense.
  7. time to report somalimirror I guess, their bias is beginning to kill me
  8. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: quote:Originally posted by Jaanka: They are reer Gedo and they want to rule Jubbooyinka without consulting the poeple? Don't be ridiculous waryaa! A Somali does not need to consult nor seek permission from any other Somali to be anywhere in Somalia. This mentality of yours is such a horrible relic of a bygone time and I'm shocked your kind exist. A Somali is a Somali. Get that through you head! Indeed a Somali is a Somali, but what I am saying is they want to force their rule on a people that don't want them to rule them. Proof of this is a couple of weeks ago the elders of the region held a meeting in Xamar rejecting their work because the people were not consulted. All this is being done in foreign capitals without the consent of the people.
  9. This is an outrage to all those indigenous reer Jubba. The people of the region do not want these warlords who committed crimes against humanity. The elders of the region a couple of weeks ago held a meeting in Mogadishu rejecting their evil-doing. The so called Jubbaland elite is totally from one clan that does not even reside in most of the region. They are reer Gedo and they want to rule Jubbooyinka without consulting the poeple?
  10. ^^^ Why welcome him back. Waayahan dambe waan ka nasane dhibkiisa
  11. These clannist boys need to learn some history. If only Puntland clans fought against the colonisers, what clan did the Sayid belong to? Why was the city Lafoole named Lafoole? Ignorant qabiilists like you wrecked the country. Lord, oh mighty. Is there no end to this?
  12. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Dhulkii waa wada abaar, kasoo biloow Soomaali Galbeed ilaa Gaarisa iyo inta ka shisheeso iyo ka hooseysaba waa wada abaar. Dadkii wada dhamaaday. Qof inaga fikiro oo adigu aan aheyn majiro.
  13. great win for the gunners. Celtic were just no match.
  14. nothing new,, but yeah the guys a legend
  15. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Humor-Painted Bathroom Floor & Ceiling That is disturbing. Imagine looking down at that every time you have a sh*t But then when u look up.....
  16. @ jacked and rugby tackle under the duvet animal style maad iska dhahdid.
  17. laa xawla walaa quwwata illaa billaa. Subxaanallah. People do you know that Allah NEVER forgives shirk. Do you wish to reside in the bottomless pit of hellfire for eternity. I am shocked that some of us are taking this GRAVE sin lightly. It is plain KUFUR and Shirk. It is the worst of sins. Do any of you know what happened to Musaylamah The Liar? He apostatized near the death of the prophet. The whole Muslim Ummah waged war against him till he was dead. Does any one of you know the penalty for apostasy in Islam. DEATH! Or are you going to give me we're western and that crap. Which is better? The law of man or the law of Ar-Raxmaan (Allah)?
  18. Haatu

    Salad Recipes.

    Originally posted by -MARX-: This is very nice and has your recommended 5 a day. Alla yaa hadda ii keenaa
  19. ^^^^ I thought I was the only person loosing weight I've already lost 2kg!
  20. I wonder what I could say to this request hmmmm...interesting. ..
  21. I know many would argue it is the result of unfair economics that only benefit the coloniser or some other rubbish, but the facts are the colonisers left in most cases over 40-50 years ago. At the time of Burkina Faso's independence, it's economy was the same size as South Korea's. The question is how come Burkina Faso is still dirt poor? The reason is simple. Africa is filthy rich in resources and lush fertile land. Africa is not poor, but it is poorly managed
  22. QAS! Boorash iyo hilib mawaba israacaan.
  23. They said the Somali parliament was bad That guy is gonna kill someone