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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. WoooW, ninka orod badanaa. Sideebuu bus ordaayo kaga dheereeyey?
  2. Yaabayee, then reer NFD speak a mixture of everything. Indeed you learn something new every day.
  3. Dawlad xumo,Dawlad la'aaneey ayeey dhaamtaa AUN naxariisto. The best we can do for him is to stop talking about him. Wuu dhimety AUN. Let's move on.
  4. Originally posted by -MARX-: what do you call a bowl in af-xamaari. its like baaquulee or something? so maha adeer johnny gaaloo? Dee baaquli
  5. Thank god it's not as bad as I imagined. But this is really worrying. Who knows when it can happen again?
  6. The video that he's in. The one where Micheal Jackson calls him. Odey shirwac doesn't know him so he asks him "are you MJ?" Really funny
  7. Nuune I detest both groups. Let's not believe in their lies. These groups have nothing to do with religion. Waa the same warlords oo soo gishteen shaar diimeed. They are hell-bent to out-do each other at the cost of the poor, the displaced, the children and the old. Sorry if I made the situation worse but these warlords have been hiding for far too long. Aadan Madoobe, Turki, Morgan, Hiraale are not fighting for religion but for tolka.
  8. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^What difference does it make? I second that
  9. Originally posted by J11: diyaar baan ahay anigu. darraad i posted facebook 'if i put my life in line for peace in Somalia, do i have your support?' i've got 3 somalis says yes, but what about the rest? Really patriotic, in fact a bit jingoistic
  10. Haatu

    Hi there

    Welcome Muhsin. Marti ha iska dhigin. And to all of ya'll who are wondering who the old man is you wouldn't believe it. It's the general!! Yes thats right, it's Dukey Just check Muhsin's profile.
  11. ^ now thats a way I understand, thnx sxb.
  12. Originally posted by me: quote:Originally posted by *hatu*: oooh and want work do you have in mind? Bal share garee The Kikuyu boot on your head should give you plenty of inspiration. what?!!?!
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by *hatu*: ^^^ haven't you noticed that whenever something liddi ku ah Buntlan is posted, he never shows up lool. What has happened here that is anti-Puntland? Or is Duke the subject again? Just me and odeyga have missed you lately thats all
  14. Nin waalan ayaa tahey. You don't even deserve to be responded to but I'm better thatn that. I don't mind Hargeisa becoming the capital and having a president from Hargeisa to be president. I don't mind Hargeisa being the capital of a unitary republic that controls Gaarisa. But what I cannot stand is that you propose that we have no say whatsoever in decision making or ruling. And about your army proposal, sending a certain number of men to your army? We can't be united without an army that is equal to all. And about the taxes, everyone should pay. Are we non-believers being forced to pay a sort of Jizya? And why would you stop anyone settling in waqooyi Galbeed. Did you forget that we are nomads and that artificial borders mean nothing to us. We simply follow the rain. I would be more that happy if more of our brothers came to settle with us in Gaarisa. And about your notion of Soomaaliweyn no matter how twisted it may be, good on you.
  15. I absolutely adore their accent. Especially the guy in the Qaran Express advert on Universal TV. Waa xawaaladda qura ee markaaba lacagta loo dhiibto
  16. Nassir seriously, bal share garee what you've seen. PS: Not to mention to highlight atrocities against Somalis in NFD.
  17. ^^^ haven't you noticed that whenever something liddi ku ah Buntlan is posted, he never shows up
  18. Ismahaan if u look at the bottom of this post, at where I'm From, it should tell you how Patriotic i am
  19. Originally posted by nuune: ^^ Seeker, I am now working on a project about CERN in my uni, have u seen my topic in general about the Hadron Collider. Still no time to test the experiment, but I will keep updating here Hadron Collider, the BIG BANG Hatu, just imagine, when was the first time you had a watch! Since i was little!!! What on Earth are you two talking about :confused: :confused: