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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. I also liked the Moomins And of course who can ever forget Heman..
  2. OMG. What are those cartoons? I've never even heard of them Man u guys are old C'mon know, where are all the anime freaks? Kickers
  3. Ahhh just remembering is good. I remember watching cartoon after cartoon and never getting bored. I remember one morning I pretended I had polio and was walking with my hands just so my mum could let me stay at home I probably got it from the riwaayad I watched the night before. Well these are some of my favourites and some that me and all my brothers and sisters used to watched: Dragon Ball: Ahh, my favourite cartoon. Kahmeh-hameh-haaa!!! I'll do the rest later IA. Please share yours.
  4. Originally posted by Fabregas_Bruv: ^^Maya, I am trying to find a way to make ngones large house and fancy laptop ghanimoworthy. (it was a joke sxb or maybe ir came out in the wrong way). Good day. sxb waan kula kaftamaye I was in a bit of a good mood.
  5. LooL @ JB and his dreams waryaa I thought you were an awliyo Juxa: I am new but changed my name a couple of times. I had someone stalking me NG: What are you saying you can't be new with 600 posts.
  6. Joined date-ka ma'aragtidoo?
  7. ^^ LoooL @ compensation for skinny people in heavy winds I agree with you brotha. Da Cushtic ppl of noble Arab and African origin should not take this wight man weather.
  8. Originally posted by Juxa: then there is CL reviving the dead and recruiting new jins Abaay ma'anagaa jinn ah? Let the lady do her good work and recruit us newbies.
  9. ^what, u want him to make takfiir on NG for talking to himself whilst high?
  10. ^ Do I smell an opportunity
  11. Talk about mirqaan. Waryaa are you sure u weren't imagining that.
  12. LooooL @ "alla muxuu diin wa**ey" Rag waalan oo wada shidan sida Brtitish Gas ayaa meesha ku jira
  13. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Good development indeed. War ninyow Faarax Macalin imaatinkiisa Good Development ma'ahaan. Trust me. Wuu hadlaa un. And sooo many brocken promises.
  14. It is part of Islam but you can't force the religion upon someone. They have to make that decision for themselves.
  15. Buulo Iftin NA Garowe/Gaarissa Haatu Ina Hebel Wararka naga soo gaaraayo Garowe ayaa sheegayaa in Sarreeye Guud Dhuuk uu cafis u fidiyay halyeey A&T. Sida Sarreeye Guuto Mudane. Soomaaliya uu inoo xaqiijiye, S/Dhuuk wuxuu caiska fidiyey kadib markii ay cadaadis saareen oday dhaqameedyada beesha siiba Ugaas Xiinfaniin, Garaad Baaragon iyo Suldaan Haatu oo matalaayey Halyeey A&T. Waxaa kaloo la sheegaayaa in Abu Che iyo Iimaam Maaddeey oo matalaayey "culimaa aw diinta" (Al Shabaab) ay qeyb lixaad leh ka qaateen waanwaanka nabadeed ay wadeen madaxda bulshadda. S/Dhuuk asagoo la hadlaayo Garowe Onlie wuxuu yiri, "anoo aqoosanaayo rabitaanka bulshadda, anoo tixgelinaayo waanwaanka madaxda bulshadda, waxaan aqoonsadey in aan cafis deg deg ah, oo aan shuruudo laheen, aan u fidiyo walaalkeey A&T." S/Guuto Mudane. Soomaaliya wuxuu u xaqiijiyey Buulo Iftin NA in ciidamadda Buntleen lagu amrey in ay kusoo noqdaan xereyadda ciidamadda oo ay joojiyaan holwgalayaasha dhibaati badan geystey. Mar la weeydiiyey S/Guuto Mudane. Soomaaliya in Buntleen ay isticmaaleysey Ciidamadeeda dhabta ah wuxuu yiri, "maya, maya, maya! Sheekadaas waa been sal iyo raad toona aan laheen uu fidiyeey ninka la yiraahdo Nogobaawi, oo sida la wada ogyahey ah gacanta midigta A&T." Waxaa kaloo la sheegayaa in nin isky magacaabey Ina Kings uu diidey cafiska S/Dhuuk, uuna sii wadi doonaa holwadayaashiisa. Akhristayaaloow, anoo ah Haatu Ina Hebel, waxaan idin leeyahay sidaas iyo nabadgelyo. Buulo Iftin NA Gaarissa Soomaaliya
  16. Haatu

    Fitness Freaks

    Fu-Fu how do you get proper toned up without loosing weight?
  17. Originally posted by General Duke: coming into the state undocumented I didn't know you had to have documents to travel in your own country.
  18. ^^^war weligaa baadiyaha maad aadin miyaa. They hand-shake with the right hand and place the left hand above the other persons wrist.
  19. Haven't these oil companies learnt from what happened to the Chinese? Oh well, we'll just have to re-educate them.