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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Get a budgie. The most beautiful birds ever.
  2. ^war ninyow waad isku dhex qasantahey. Adeerkey Faroole ka har baan ku iri
  3. ^ sxb, there is no land without the people. Which webi is that? I'm guessing Jubba. I've seen too many to tell them apart.
  4. Meeyaan calankii bulugleey. Whenever SSC held protests, at least one person carried it
  5. Basaasyahow weligaa waa lagu ogaa
  6. Kamafi - Huhhhhh-deyda waxay timaadaa marka aan la yaabo caqli darada dadka Sheikh JB - wax aan samayno inoo sheeg
  7. War Deg Deg Ah: Cagayare oo Tigreega loo gacan galiyay Wararka naga soo gaaraayo Jigjiga ayaa inoo sheegayaa in Cagayare oo basaas Itoobiyaan ah, loo gacan galiyay isla Itoobiyaankii uu u shaqeen jirey. La soco wararkeena xiga IA.
  8. ^ laa xowla, war buug dhan baad inoo soo qortay. It will take time which I don't have currently to read. Until then.
  9. ^ mahadsanid saaxiib. Maanan ogeen in luuqadeena uu saas u hormarsan yahey. Cajiib.
  10. War Deg Deg Ah: Afjuunti oo u digay Cagayare War saxaafadeed uu dhowaan soo saarey Mudane Haatu Afjuunti ayuu ugu digay Kamavi Cagayare oo uu ugu yeerey "nin kasoo horjeedo danta guud". Dignaanshadan ayaa timid kadib markii la sheegay in jabhada FLNO ay ku gacan seyrtey taladii iyo caawimadii ay Xisbiga Wonderers ay siin jireen walaalahood gumeysiga ku nool. Afjuunti wuxuu ugu baaqey taageereyaashiisa meel walbo ay joogaan, in ay hor keenaan Cagayare geeri ama nolol maadaama uu caqabad ku noqdey xoreynta ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Wuxuu yiri "ninkaas wuxuu u shaqeeyaa gumaysiga madow...wuxuunan arki karin nuurka weyn oo ifaaya, oo ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhan u ifaaya...waxaa lama huraan ah in la qabto ninkaas inta uunan gumeysiga inoo gacan gelin." Afjuunti oo war saxaafadeedka ka soo saarey magaaladda Gaarisa ayaa la sheegay in daqiiqadihii la soo dhaafey uu u duulay caasimadda Soomaaliya Muqdisho, si uu ula kulmo hogaamiyaha xisbiga Wonderers, Jaalle Che. Wararka naga soo gaaraaya Boosaaso ayaa inoo sheegaaya in la tuhumsanyahey in Cagayare uu ku dhuumaaleysanaayo guriga nin la yiraahdo Mr. Somalia; ninkaas oo la aaminsan yahey in uu had iyo goor u taagan yahey dhabar goynta iyo la dagaalanka gumaysi diidka Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa kaloo la sheegayaa in Rudy Diiriye oo ku sugan Mareykaanka, uu soo sii daayey rap-video cusub oo uu ku taageeraayo Haatu. Waxaa la filanaayaa in saacadaha soo socda uu Che soo saari doona war saxaafadeed uu uga hadlaayo arintan.
  11. ^ Uff iyo Kir Us to cannot even debate with each other as we have two different maps. You have the skinny '7' shape one, whereas I have the 'Grand' one. Wonderers believe in Somaliweyn (well most of us ie. me ) To us, the blue flag has its fair share and an extra bit too. As for the coffee, are you going to buy or shall I
  12. Originally posted by Kamavi: hatu when you sing somaliyo toosoo isku tiirsada kolba kiiina tabar daran taageera weligeen, you are talking to/about the people and it always was about the clan and people generaly. Yaan lagu khaldin. Kismayo is more important than any ghost burning up city( like Baqdad, or Moqadisho). why would I care about it when I am considered as a second citizen in that same city? Do you remember what it rewarded Ina Ali Bare, the halyeey who was named as jugta during the presence of Ethios in Moqadisho( not to mention Ina Jees)? Magaalo muuqdisho ah yaad Kista garab dhigaysaa wager war li'idaaa niyow... Sxb, I don't care for clannism. The issue here is that I prefer the capital as it is the mirror of Somalia. If they class me as a second class citizen, then so be it.
  13. Yes, flattening the graves to the ground is one thing but taking out the ancient remains?
  14. ^ Us wonderers, led by Honourable Che, are offended that you put us in the same sentence as pirates, HBB dwellers and fake wadaads. We are a unique sect which believe that the salvation in Somalia lies with political wondering just as our survival as nomads relies on wondering. As for the issue of SW, that is a personal issue of mine, Che has nothing to do with it I beated the idea of Gaarisa being in Somalia in him, he now has no choice to accept it. SW is alive sxb. It is alive in the hearts of true patriots such as I And how dare you mention Gaarisa and Godey in the same sentence. :mad: :mad: Godey is a beautiful city with an airport airport whereas Gaarisa is a dusty village Didn't expect that did you
  15. Originally posted by Garowe Gal: ^^ Y'all need a qol and a qufil ma ila aragtey
  16. Norf maanta si fiican ayaa isku cadayse Arsenal have a chance to win if they play their usual passing game while keeping possession and being patient. If they don't, then bye bye CL.
  17. Originally posted by Kamavi: isagoo sheegay in fikirkaas ay la qabaan xitaa ciidamada oo uu sheegay inay ku heyb tirsadaan dadka jubbooyinka ku nool . Maa dal baa loo dagaalamaayaa mise tol? The Prof. should not argue with his president. Muqdisho is more important than Kismayo as it is the capital, so it deserves to be liberated first.
  18. They were a liability living there. I don't mean to sound harsh here, but anyone could sneak in and bomb any plane that lands in Aaden Cadde. Plus, according to the DC of Xamar Jajab, they've been provided with an alternative place to live.
  19. ^ Yes Che, we agree that Gaarisa is in Somalia. And as for talking on behalf on wanderers, you have our full support chairman. In the case of my view points, well I'll let you tell Kamavi. Don't forget to mention my front row seat on Xiin's caravan