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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Originally posted by Mr Prince: That's not how it works brother, writing a story is only one part of realising a book. It's still very much 'happening'. It's just that I'm itching to read it
  2. ^ I always thought Nuune (like you) was Bannaadiri
  3. Are you back on xashiish
  4. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Hadda, Somalia iyagaa Jamaacada ah!, waayo iyagaa uga xaq leh Dawladda Sacuudiga ey Culimada u soo daliishadaan in Jamaacada la raaco! Sxb do you even know what is meant by the Jamaaca? Let me quote the book for you: 2: From the Sunnah is Clinging to the Jamaa'ah From the Sunnah is clinging to the Jamaa'ah.[1] Whoever desires other than the Jamaa'ah and departs from it then he has thrown off the yoke of Islaam from his neck and he is astray, leading others astray.[2] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES 1. 'Umar, radiallaahu' anhu reports that the Prophet said, "Stick to the Jamaa'ah and beware of splitting, for Shaitaan is found along with the single person but is further from two. Whoever desires the centre of Paradise then let him stick to the Jamaa'ah. He whose good deed pleases him and his evil deed causes him to feel bad then he is a believer." Reported by Ahmad (1/18), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2165) al-Haakim (1/114) and is declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah (no. 1116). Anas, radiallaahu 'anhu, reports that the Prophet said, "Indeed the Children of Israa'eel divided into seventy one sects and my Ummah will divide into seventy two sects, all of them will be in the fire except one and that is the Jamaa'ah." Reported by Ibn Maajah (no. 3993) and declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albaanee. 2. Alluding to the hadith of Ibn 'Abbaas, radiallaahu 'anhummaa, who said: Allaah's Messenger said,"He who sees from his ruler something he dislikes, let him be patient with him, for he who splits away from the Jamaa'ah by a handspan and then dies, dies a death of Jaahiliyyah" and in a narration, "then he has thrown off the yoke of Islaam from his neck." Reported by al-Bukhaaree (trans. 9/145), Muslim and Ahmad and the other narration by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2867) and Ahmad (4/130). Refer to Sharh ul-'Aqeedat-Tahaawiyyah (379-382), checked by Shaikh Naasir ud-deen al-Albaanee. 3: The Companions Are The Foundation of the Jamaa'ah The foundation upon which the Jamaa'ah is built is the Companions of Muhammad May Allaah's Mercy be upon them all. They are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah,[1] so whoever does not take from them has gone astray and innovated[2] and every innovation is misguidance, and misguidance and its People are in the Fire.[3] ----------------------------- Notes 3. Abu Shaamah (d.665H) said,"The order to stick to the Jamaa'ah means sticking to the truth and its followers; even if those who stick to the truth are few and those who oppose it are many; since the truth is that which the first Jamaa'ah from the time of the Prophet and his Companions, radiallaahu 'anhum, were upon. No attention is given to the great number of the people of futility coming after them." (Al-Baa'ith 'alal-Bida'h wal-Huwaadith, p.l9).
  5. ^ Missed him eh La gartey I wonder what he said to you on your coffee date with him Adam: What happened to that book of yours?
  6. ^ Xaaji ma wareertay. What are you on about
  7. I wonder if they are going to publish Sharhus Sunnah by Iimaam Barbahaaree, the all important book which talks about leaving the Jamaaca.
  8. Originally posted by muriidi: [QBdon't leave the jamaa'a ! [/QB] My of my, what wisdom.
  9. ^ Just my nature to assist a damsel in distress that's all
  10. ^ Agaa! I wonder why? Laakiin meelahaas kama fogi
  11. ^ my God, kibir dheh. Xaaji why didn't you tell your brother to slap the fool?
  12. ^ damn, I gave my location away anywho, let's just say I have a feeling
  13. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^What do you mean sxb, I said: the muran is not personal, no need to defend her from me Ninyow maal mahan too defencive baad noqotay. Muran iyo kaftan kala garo
  14. ^ Waryaa Maaddeey stop jumping to conclusions. I didn't tell him to light himself. Let me finish. then...head to the civic centre and threaten to burn yourselve if they don't leave you alone See, I'm not inciting suicide
  15. C'mon man, all he had to do was knock the ball round the goalie and tap it in
  16. ^ waryaa gabadhaha iska daa Saa u wici jirtey baad haddana bilowdey inaad la muramtid Raalli ahoow sxb, ha oynin
  17. B since you haven't found Ngonge's bridge yet, I suggest you head to the nearest petrol station, spill basiin all over yourselve, get your lighter out, then...
  18. Ngonge sxb waaba kasii dareysaa It would be better if you invested in piracy, there at least you would get Faroole's full support Nonetheless, count me and my company "Ugali4you" in PS: I demand 30%.
  19. Haatu

    Somalia Forever

    Who do I see here, ailamos, GDWonder, Peacenow. So this is their den... La gartey
  20. Jag visste inte så många SOLers kunde tala svenska Kir iyo Kud
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ I saw a SOLER on TV the other day. Khaatyan ban ka jooga. Halka buu kuu taaganahay with an embarrassed smile on his face every day. Spill the beans. Who is it
  22. Juxa: how wrong you would be.
  23. Haatu

    top secret!

    ^ lol @ ugalistani. Sxb, you completely missed the gist