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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Holland. Simple. They will win the world cup
  2. Originally posted by nuune: ^^ C&H , Dear, ducadaada Ilaah ha ii aqbalo, kan inkaartiisa aniga waxba igama tareyso dhal awliyaan iska ahey laa xowla walaa quwata, faan iska dheh
  3. Haatu

    moving out

    Originally posted by Allamagan: ^Haatu ksitoo sug lee sheekada mar dhow Gariso aa soo galeysaa lool war maxaa ii maleysey? I couldn't see Maad's picture so I complained only then realising that I could see it
  4. Allow kuwan ummadda halaagey naga qabo. Aamiin.
  5. Originally posted by Tuujiye: Haatu, war anoo iska baashaalayo xitaa wee i qash qashaadeen.. aniga wax kaste aan u adkeysan karaa laakiin gaal somali ah oo kuunto madoow markuu Islam caayo uma adkeysan kari duqa lool... Wareer Badanaa!!! looool wax waalan
  6. B, there were no colonisers. Stop fantasizing about bygone eras and smell the coffee. We are Muslim. We are happy with our religion. But are you? Clearly you are trying to apply logic to the religion.
  7. Tuujka Xaaji: Sxb in badan baan ka aamusey oo u dul qaatey, laakiin hadda dulqaadka wuu iga dhamaadey. Diinta haddey ka baxeen, bannaanka ha naga istaagaan, caydooda looma dulqaadan karee. Intii diinta weli ku jirta oo laakiin aan ku qancin, ha ogaadaan in Illaah uu ka koreeyo oo uu ogyahey waxa wadnahooda ku jiro.
  8. B you are lost sxb. Our forefathers accepted Islam by their own accord, NO ONE FORCED THEM. You clearly have no knowledge of Somali history.
  9. Haatu

    moving out

    Waryaa nuune, according to Che you were a killer
  10. Look at what this man caused now. Through his alleged incitement of terrorism, a lot of Muslims will die. And then people will complain America this, America that. Sad really.
  11. Haatu

    moving out

    Where was Shaleemo Ecuador
  12. Haatu

    moving out

    Che: Your welcome sxb. Nuune cunug shaxam shaxam uu ahaa. We certainly don't speak the same language Nuune: Yaa i moodey
  13. It's an important step forward. It increases the TFG's legitimacy whilst at the same time keeping P/land on side. Also, it will mean the re-establishment of the Somali navy. A win-win situation.
  14. Haatu

    moving out

    ^ War I know what you mean. Maxaad ii maleyse?
  15. Hey bullies leave the guy alone. I hear emotional men are a hit in the market these days
  16. Haatu

    moving out

    waa maay calool jileeca Ar goormee ku biirtey beeraleyda Sxb calool jileec ma ehee, laakiin markaan maqlo/arko waxyaabaha caynkaas, calool xanuun ayaa igu dhacaa. Miskiinka wallee waan u naxey. Tuujiska ma Ciyaal Faay Cali buu ahaa? Iskoris dheh ninka waa raggeedi. Why was he kicked out, was he a snitch? War are you talking about Sanca road? Meelahaas dad ku noolaan jirey baan aqaanaa. Ma adey qufulka kuugu xirneyd? Kibbar! Ani Gaarissa illaa birta dheer baa Zone-naheyga ahaa. Alla maxaan masjidka Al-Faaruuq wakhti ku dhameeyey Ninyow next year Inshaa Allah, meelahaas oo dhan in cagta aan mariyo baan doonayaa. ehem @ Somalicentric
  17. Haatu

    moving out

    Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I was raised in orphanage Was kicked out when I was 17 and have no home to go back to Sxb maa kaa dhabaa? Deepest condolences. Callool xanuun ayaa ridi doontaa
  18. I have to agree with Allamagan. The guy sounds disturbed.
  19. ^ Near impossible. As for the title race, things are looking better for Chelsea after United dropped 2 vital points. It is even better for Arsenal who if they win their next game will leap frog United into 2nd place by 1 point. But right now, Chelsea have the advantage; but I still think Arsenal will win