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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Safferz;984285 wrote: Old video but disturbing yes, he died after that too. There's a movie about it called Zoo . Why were you watching it Haatu? :mad: Someone told me to watch it. I never thought people could do such a thing. And for that to be the thing you die of, SMH. I need a good bottle and a young hungarian to make me forget this now
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;984287 wrote: Ofcourse the people of Somaliland have unique history, better than the rest of the horners we can say. We made some errors through our unique history but we are back on track now:D So? The Somalis in my region have a history separate from other Somalis but you don't see us stressing it and using it to justify a false nation. And the problem with you guys is that your booto is ridiculous, like the midget who gets rude to the 6'6" guys
  3. Agah, Xaaji are you claiming you guys have a unique history now? Wallee nimankiina baad dhigteen.
  4. I'm scarred for life nacalad ha ku dhacdee. Alpha, let me ruin your night. Have u heard of this vid kids watch nowadays? 2 guys and 1 horse.
  5. This is in Dhadhaab distric btw, far from the river.
  6. Waste of time. I'd much rather just watch the tanks, APCs and other cool gadgets roll by then watch men walk funny.
  7. MoonLight1;983893 wrote: Five stadiums while this region has no University of its own. pathetic. Hater much? The region was kept in calculated underdevelopment for decades and the locals only started in ay is maamulaan this year so give them a break. IA there's plans for a university in the future though.
  8. One movie review I just saw: "Watching paint dry is better." Some people are blunt aren't they :D
  9. Alpha Blondy;984115 wrote: imagine doing a role play with a Somali Xalimo. nurse and patient scenario patient: oh nurse, i've left my phone on the table, could you please fetch it for me adigo mudane. it's just over there and while you're at it, don't block the sunlight......(making it impossible for her not to bend over) nurse: saas miyaa? maxaad i moodey saqajaanyahow eedaabta laheyn? LOOOOOOL enough said :D
  10. Alpha Blondy;984074 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@sampled the Hungarians saas miyaa? caajib abti, oo miyaad la jaanqada naagaha yurubta dheexe? inaar, howshooda aya badan ee baal iska ilaali. :cool: Hablaha yurubta dhexe ee meel walba ka kuusan inamaba caadi maaha inaar I'm quite fluent in Magyar I'll have you know :cool:
  11. Culusow is so incompetent he couldn't steal unnoticed like Siilaanyo, Faroole, Shariif etc. The man is a walking disaster.
  12. Alpha Blondy;984055 wrote: no habar qalooc, no gays, no dogs. +1 :D
  13. Alpha Blondy;983980 wrote: are you going to invite your friend Al? imagine....you and your xabashi girlfriend.... me and my Slovakian chick for a weekend in your mansion in Garissa Cadey for the party of the decade, abti. baal shaqeyso so we can party in Haatu's exclusive retreat of moral vice:p Slovakian aa? You should've sampled the Hungarians instead One day IA.
  14. Abbaas;983308 wrote: Haatu, waxaan ka hadleyno soo ma aha, kuwa, Apps-ka, i.w.m oo qaabka mutuleelka (Tus. sida windows 8 Live tiles ) oo kale u sameysan oo waqtisugan soo gudbiya warbixin, soo maaha? Waa isla kuwaa. SomaliPhilosopher;984007 wrote: What's the Somali equivalent of "regards" or "sincerely" in context of a letter From what I've seen, Somalis use Ku:..... at the top of the letter which is short for 'ku socota' and ka:.... at the bottom which is short for 'ka socota'.
  15. Safferz;983962 wrote: I don't hate eskesta, I just hate me doing eskesta lol. We're doing a Gurage and Tigre dance too, and my Amharic teacher asked if we should include a Somali dance as well but I don't really know how to feel about dhaanto being part of the "Ethiopia" set for cultural night. It was always weird to see on ETV/ESTV. Don't do the dhaanto. We're not Ethiopian. In other news, I found my dream home. IA one day I will build a home just like it in Gaaris Cadey (It's in Jeddah and stolen from SSC, God forgive me).
  16. Alpha Blondy;983884 wrote: once Haatu impresses us with yet another strange soliloquy in his trademark abstract af-Soomaaliga.......then the prophecy is real. :p Muxuu cay dameer igaga dhimi weyska ciyayaaye!
  17. C/weli shot himself in the foot with his controversial comments the other day.
  18. Culusow is clearly slinging mud hoping it sticks. He's very afraid Yussur will expose him and his government for the corrupt group they are.
  19. They should have shown him a real waamo dance, not a galti export.
  20. Morgan, the Butcherer of Hargeysa. He should be killed.
  21. Oodweyne;983738 wrote: So, as you can see if he is minded to be bloody obstructionist, he can play this game by deliberately keeping this issue "unresolved" till the remainder of his term of office, which incidentally will fall precisely when his "constituency" who never wanted a federal system to begin with, can have their say in a nation-wide vote. Now you see how I think that it beggars belief that the Xiinfaniin and Co. are counting their chicken when the miserable bird is not even pregnant, yet.. . lol Oodka, Culusow can do that but then again Madoobe is not in Kismaayo by his leave but rather via borrowed muscle and local backing. To put it simply, Culusow can do whatever he wants but Madoobe's rule is a reality.
  22. @Alpha, stop being a hater ina adeer, you know my Af Soomaali is impeccable.