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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. SOL can help a lot trust me. With Nuune speaking 50% Somali & Maaddeey refusing to speak anything else, I'm sure you'll learn in no time. But there's the danger that certain individuals (ehemtuujiye) that speak a language of their own can corrupt your Somali
  2. Originally posted by *BOB: Ilaahow Reer Kismaayo hanoo waayin ileen la'aantood abaar waaye e. Peace, Love & Unity. Xaaji yaa ula jeedaa?
  3. Afternoon Seeker. Dadka ha igu dirin. I don't even know what you're talking about Gaarisa waa la nacey. It's K towns turn to shine GaroweGal, don't listen to Seeker. She's part of a conspiracy against me
  4. ^ Aaliya aka Azizah, when I said 'young' I didn't mean ladies wise, I meant 'young' as in my age 'young' Which is veeeeeery 'young' Meeshanna waa abaar, wixii fiicnaa mar hore baa la wada qaatey, into soo harteyna I'm 'young' enough to be their child marka huuhaada waa loo baahan yahey Ps: Abaay ii sheeg. Rumors-ka yaa faafinaayaa?
  5. lol What a funny guy. Who kisses someone's neck to comfort them
  6. Haatu

    PLayOffs '10

    Seeker say goodbye to Celtics.
  7. A player already, another injured, this World Cup is really getting interesting. I hope dameerka weyn that goes by the name Rooney get's injured badly T, Lescot? I thought Dawson was being called?
  8. Crminal yes, necessary yes. If we want to continue life as it is, some sacrifices will have to be made. Also, if you work in the private sector in the UK, you should worry about BP and how well it does in the stock markets as your pensions depend on them.
  9. Hello all. What a lovely day.
  10. KK are you saying reer Kismayo are cowards and even worse they do black magic? :mad:
  11. What difference does it make? The Americans are gonna send another one to them and tell them to cause mayhem whithin the Somali people. The only way we can get rid of these Africans is if we stop fighting, hold hands and respect the choice of Allah as he is the one who gives leadership.
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: The truth is, Turkey is a stronger nationa than the Jewsih state... Sxb let's not fool ourselves. Israel has the west to support its every move. We just have to look at the first speech of every western leader to know where the allegiance stands.
  13. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Edit:^^ waa runtaa arrinta ducada maahane wax kale kama hadlin, U-TV madaxaaba igu xanuuna, in la fiirsadona ma qabo, waxay xoogga saaraan xayeysiinta, barnaamijyo lacag aruursi ah (kan Cag ma dhige oo kale) lakin ninba dooqi! Haatu, ama go'aan ma lihid ama sida warka loo sheegaadan garanayn!. Juxa, Haatu ma taqaanid miyaa? 4 wadaad aa luuq la gashay, oo u sheegay in Madaxda dalalka Islaamka inaan waxba laga sheegin oo 'Umaraa'ul Mu'miniin' yihiin, waa ku bar gooyeen, intii loo sheegay wax dhaafsiisan markey dooddu timaado maxow sheegaa hee? 'Sidey ila tahay' & 'Insha Allah' sidaan u raaciyo sow maadan arag!, qofkii xishoodka ka dhamaaday ee been cad & inkirmaad la soo taagan sow in la 'name & shame'gareeyo maaha?. Actually there's some truth in that. Manhajkeyga waa manhajka salafi saalixda, waxaanu raaca amarka culumadda islaamka oo saxda ah oo aad ku ogtahay Sh Muqbil, Sh Jaabiri, Sh Albaani AUN inta dhimatey. Ayaguna waxey umadda baraan inaan la aflagaadeeynin madaxa muslimiinta oo la samro. Marka wax walbo oo dhan oo aad igu sheegtid, I am free from it. Marka maxaa kaloo heysaa?
  14. Be gratefull that those snotty buggers are out of your life Just kidding. It's sad, I know.
  15. Haatu

    Football Pictures.

    All you get is the pride in knowing
  16. Juxa why should I waste my energy on someone who just won't understand the simpliest of things I say?
  17. NNC maxaa Mzee Kenyatta sheekadda usoo galisey? Don't make it personal now
  18. Bob And Juxa I'm enjoying my single life. Ha iga qasina
  19. Originally posted by NNC: saaxiibkaada la soo ordey June 26th u sheeg inuusan ilaawin October 20th. You mean 21ka Oktoobar. Yaaba iloobi kara maalinta Kacaanka Soomaaliyeed? lol