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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Cigaal did sell the NFD for his own little gain (he effectively recognised Kenya's legitimacy in the area). I would not be surprised if what the OP is alleging is true.
  2. MADAXWEYNAHA SOOMAALIYA: "Al-Shabaab Nagama hor-istaagi karaan Horumarka aan ku soconno, waana ka hortagaynaa" Sabti, November 09, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyay falkii qaraxa ee ka dhacay Hoteelka Maka-Al-Mukarama kaasoo dhaliyay khasaarooyin isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Weerarkaas ayay dowladda Soomaaliya ku eedeysay Al-shabaab, inkastoo aysan Al-shabaab weli ka hadlin inay mas’uul ka tahay iyo in kale, iyadoo ay qaraxyadaas ku dhinteen lix qof, tiro ka badan 15-qof oo kalena ay kasoo gaareen dhaawacyo kala duwan. "Si kulul baan u cambaareynayaa falkan waxashnimada ah ee Al-Shabaab ay ka fuliyeen jidka Maka Al Mukarama oo ay dad aan waxaa galasan lagu dilay, kuwana ku dhaawaceen. Ujeeddadoodu waa shacabka geliya argagax oo yaysan horumarka socda sii wadin. Laakin, waxaan si cod dheer ah ugu sheegaynaa nagama hor-istaagi kartaan horumarka, nabadda iyo maamul-wanaagga aan ku tallaabsanay, waana kusii dhiiranaynaa isla markaana aan sii labo jibaaraynaa dadaalka horumarka, nabadda iyo maamul wanaaga," ayuu yiri madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha oo tacsi u diary shacabka ayaa yiri: " Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa Ileyhu Raajicuun, waxaan halkan tacsi ugu dirayaa dhammaan shacabkii ku geeriyooday gaar ahaan eheladii iyo asxaabtii ay ka geeriyoodeen intii ku dhimatay falkan qaraxa oo ay gacan ka gardaran dishay. Sidoo kale waxaan inta dhaawaca ah EEBBE uga baryayaa inuu dhaawacooda u fududeeyo oo ay dhaqso uga kabtaan dhaawacooda." Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu dambeyntii ugu baaqay shacabka inay gacan ka siiyaan hay'adaha Amniga dowladda si loosoo af-jaro dagaalka lagula jiro kooxahan Al-shabaab oo uu ku tilmamay koox nabad-diid ah. Weeraradan qaraxyada ah ee khasaaraha geystay ayaa waxaa fuliyay dhowr qof, iyadoo mid ka mid ah ay gacanta ku dhigeen ciidamada dowladda kaas oo ay saraakiisha ammaanku sheegeen inay su’aalo weydiinayaan. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2013/Nov/wararka_maanta9-43990.htm This attack comes a week after the former Central Bank governor Marwo Yusur exposed the high level of corruption in this government, especially how embroiled the president was in it all. The ramifications of the Marwo's expose was evident to everybody; Culusow's government would have a much harder time getting money from the international community. Back then Xiin and others predicted that an Al Shabaab attack would miraculously happen somewhere important in Xamar and Culusow would use it as an excuse to keep his dawarsi caalami going. That's just what happened. Coincidence or is Culusow really mortgaging the future of Somalia for his own selfish gain?
  3. Al, did you know this: 1 = neef 1/2 = bar/badh 1/4 = waax 1/8 = fallaadh 1/16 = rimic 1/32 = miil Did you know those jajab (fractions) above have their own names in Somali? No need to say sideediiba hal, just say fallaadh
  4. Aad iyo aad baad ugu mahadsantahay muuqaalladan qiimaha badan ee aad inoo soo bandhigtay Maqanow.
  5. Safferz;985040 wrote: Interesting, I wonder how it has fared so far. Banning/suppressing female circumcision has a long history in Kenya and it has always had the effect of intensifying the practice. I think the only effective route is to educate people about the problems, rather than make them defensive and feel their cultures are under attack by the government. It's on the decrease. People are more aware nowadays especially the ladies who were the supporters of this practice in this past. It should have died out by my kids' generation inshallah. Nothing to get alarmed over.
  6. Khadafi;984834 wrote: The bizarre thing is that Haatu says "bring the proof", it's a catchy phrase that sounds good. But how can I as layman without the basic extensive knowledge of the quranic verses (tafsir, sababu.nuzuul, hadith etc...) make a sound judgement, should I just go to the saxixaynand learn how to pray by reading random hadithes about salat?. Now, we do not. We learn how to pray by the way explained by the mujatahadin. Haatu, sxb you should know that even the most deviant sects often have "proofs" for their stance. The way to salvation is by following the ijmaac (the common understanding) and being sincere to God. The "proofs" they usually have are fabricated/weak ahaadeeth. And I agree with you, salvation lies in following the ijmaac and being sincere.
  7. Khayr;984594 wrote: The idea of having a proof for something to be true is a very modern and science based thinking. Deductive reasoning is very limited. You need Inductive reasoning to see patterns and confirm things. In hadith classification, a حديث can become stronger if there are other similiar hadiths that come to the same conclusion. For example, the hadith about having three daughters and two and one daughter. The conclusion being that raising one righteous child can be a ticket to heaven. (If I used a wrong example, then forgive me.) The deen is based on experiential knowledge. You can't understand anything without having endured and tasted. The Ahl al tasawuf are all about that. In matters relating to the aqeedah and manhaj, there is no dispute among the scholars and it is as the Prophet SCW said "its night is like its day". Where differences of opinion due occur and scholars use their ijtihad is in fiqh. As for the importance of daleel/athar/proof, it is well established in this religion since the time of the Salaf: It is reported that ‘Uthmân b. Hâdir said, “I said to Ibn ‘Abbâs: ‘advise me.’ He replied, ‘It is upon you to be upright, follow al-athar, and beware of innovating [in religion].’” Ibn Battah, Al-Ibânah Al-Kubrâ Vol. 1 p214. It is reported that ‘Abdullâh b. Al-Mubârak said, “Let it only be the narrations (al-athar) that you rely upon, and take from reasoning and opinion that amount that will help you to understand and explain hadîth.” Ibn ‘Abd Al-Barr, Jâmi’ Bayân Al-‘Ilm wa Fadlihi Vol. 3 p329. It is reported that Sufyân Al-Thawrî said, “The narrations (al-âthâr) are the religion.” And it is reported that he also said, “A man should not even scratch his head except based on a narration.” Al-Harawî, Dhamm Al-Kalâm wa Ahlihî Vol. 2 p264. I don't know what you mean by "the deen is based on experimental knowledge". Allah sent a book and a prophet to teach us the deen, nothing experimental about that.
  8. magicbird;984555 wrote: Ittaqillah bro, watch your tongue over the dead, for you just ate your bros flesh. As a somali and as a muslim you should know we never talk bad about the dead, so wateva wrong he did, leave it to his master. And second thing the Imam rh was a great individual that fought for his rights like a real man, not in the comfort of the west. Anyways wasn't it his place of birth America that teaches about fighting for what is yours cuz no1 will hand your rights to u without a fight. I cant see why one american is 'defending his nation' and the other guy is a terrorist. And I know alot of people that would actually befriend these that bombed our people aka veterans. And for those pacifists Im talking abt the fight against drone attacks not jihad. Awlaki was a terrorist (khaariji) and the world is a better place without his fitnah. That's not slander that's a fact.
  9. I agree with Tallaabo. It doesn't necessarily have to be about about social issues, but make it relevant to the local society. Why not make a movie based on a geeljire looking for his long-lost camel and call it "Baadi"? You could spice it up by introducing interesting characters that send him on false leads and then subsequently talk about how he gets revenge on them for misleading him. How he visits many different cities, finds love, gets into trouble with the shady underworld only in the end to find that his camel (let's call it maandeeq) has been consumed by a great big sufi sab which he took part in the Friday before. I haven't seen a Somali film like that and is sure better than this rubbish they're trying to pass off as a movie. Just make it relevant and original. Also, WTF is with the English title and the use of English as a whole? Is this supposed to be a Somali film or an English one? :mad:
  10. STOIC;984789 wrote: I hope he finds him. He has good things to say about his friend.The name thing can be confusing. Somalis have Sharci name and real name. Case example; Yours truly.It was hard to explain to my college friends why my wedding invites had a different name. facepalm! Such is the world of a Nomad Tell me about it. The doctors have one name, the passport another and at home the real one
  11. Saf and Al, what a couple that'll be PS: Let me join in with the qarxis. When Alpha was going out with Safferz he messaged me just before it saying how nervous and excited he was
  12. Cadale;984714 wrote: Lol haatu u know in my first year i didn't buy a single book nor did i read one and i still passed Well you did study gender studies afterall Safferz;984767 wrote: Yes, for recreation too! The "two click" checkout on Amazon is why I'm poor. I've even woken up before to order confirmation emails, only to realize I ordered books on my phone while half asleep. Caadi ma tihid. Have you no control?
  13. Safferz;984629 wrote: Amateur These books are for recreation, not study. So go back to writing your thesis Tallaabo;984631 wrote: That is so cheap;) Each book cost me more than that amount when I was in uni I'm not in uni yet. I was checking out some books I might have to buy tho...let's just say I'll be working like a dog in the summer. Alpha Blondy;984638 wrote: go to charity shops. like cancer research uk and marie claire. books are very cheap. clothes too. Inaar, I can't shop in a charity shop, I have too much pride.
  14. Good selection sxb. Khadra's song reminded me of another song she sang (one of my favourites), Dawada Caashaqa. Try it out. PS: The singers nowadays are nothing compared to these old gems. Just compare Farxiya Food to Khadra, two different worlds. Saalax Qaasim is also amazing, thanks for introducing me to him.
  15. Hawdian;984544 wrote: ^ lol that link was to show that even the galg lots are making a claim for Kismayo . It seems that an agreement has been reach for now. Nabadoon Diiriye seems happy. Lets see if they bring the people who killed the Doctors without border workers to justice.:cool: The guy himself needs to be arrested for inciting hatred. Good to see folks agreeing for once.
  16. Marksman;984573 wrote: I find it interesting that my post a few weeks ago about Saudi Arabia taking over religious education in Somalia with their Wahhabi curriculum didn't start conversations like this. LINK So if it's Saudi Arabia using soft power that way it's okay? All I'm asking for is a consistent outcry against anything unSomali like the Wahhabi death cult. Stop the hypocrisy. There's a big difference. Saudis are sunnis like us whereas the Iranians are Shias, not like us.
  17. Kulaha insecurities. I'm one of those people who wears a macawiis and dacas outside and you're telling me about insecurities
  18. I just noticed I'm at least 2 shades lighter than my facebook profile pic (summer tan). Who needs skin bleaching products when you have good old Winter to do it for your. PS: I'm getting ziering bald treatment ads. How did they know!
  19. Naxar Nugaaleed;984485 wrote: lol on the fresh prince theme, on a serious note dadka qaar west bey kaga degtay. wither your in the bush or in west philadelphia, 16 is a child. your adding insult to injury by throwing child labor into this sordid discussion Forced labour kulaha. This faarax ain't serious. Waryaa a 16 yr old back home is an adult comparable to the 25 year old in the West.
  20. SomaliPhilosopher;984483 wrote: Of course 16 is a child to you given your urban dweller status in West Philadelphia immigrated and raised squatting on uncle toms playground where you spend most of your days. 16 is a child when you define a 16 year old as a mily cirus idoler, cootie hungry vampire, "help me cook cereal" kid.. war how do you compare that to the 16 year old Somali girl who just built her family an aqal or the 16 year old hafiz leading tarawih. 16 is a child as defined by the West. But anyways the West knows best somaha mr.west phili? +1 You're best post on SOL to date. NN is mistaking himself for a white westerner.
  21. It's almost marriage season in a few months. I shall be turning 26 in a few months as well, huh. Maybe I ought to throw in the towel and get married as well, all my friends have done so as well. It's for that reason I avoid Facebook nowadays, I can't stand to see baby pictures anymore. Saff, get married, don't make the mistake I, Alpha, Che, Oba and nuune made. You don't want to end up forever single like us.
  22. Somalis are sunnis, Iranians are shi'ites. They should never be allowed to promote their religion.