Ninyow, we are tired of waiting and seeing endless lists of kursi-doonayaal. Is the TFG ever going to be capable of capturing Xamar or are we all wasting our time. IA dawladda wey xoogsan doontaa.
Sxb back then I was busy making money selling milk. I didn't have time to dwell on the streets or read endless Shakespeare plays in your case. Rag haddaad la doodi, orphanage iyo wax yaabahaas maxaa ku geeye?
Juxa, gishaanti ma aqaantid? I thought you was a proffesor in Af Somali. You know the stages of a girls life. Foodley to Gishaanti to married to garoob to duq
loool what kind of dodgey sheekhs do you listen to And I had a pure mind all day. Just found out that I have to go on a trip next week. Yacni it made my day
Malika, Southall naga daa yaakhee. I'm starting ti h8 that place. It's dead lately. But Brixton is the place to be nowadays. That's if your young and hip
Che, bisinka mararka qaar waa la iloowaa