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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. The prof. is speaking sense. We need to sort ourselves out first before we think about the reer waqooyi.
  2. And here i was bracing myself
  3. Somalia: I don't oppose the constitution, I've actually been defending it. I just what the federalism clause changed. MoonLight1: reer koonfur want a decentralized unitary state, p/land and p/landers only want this federalism thing. So why should one group dictate to the others aayahoodda?
  4. It is plain that the majority of us southerners are against this federalism thing, but the question stands, why are we reer koonfuur being held hostage by puntland?
  5. If he was weak and ineffective, then the residents of Xamar wouldn't have protested when he resigned. MMA: I too hope Tayo and HiilQaran join as they would be a force to contend with. Ha noolaado Farmaajo. Ha noolaato Tayo!
  6. Not a bad speech. It is a shame he didn't speak as well as this earlier when the airwaves were being dominated by rabsho wadeyaal.
  7. Axad, May 06, 2012 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo hadal dheer ka jeediyay kulankii furitaanka shirkii odayaasha-dhaqanka ee Muqdisho ka furmay ayaa sheegay inaanu dalka ku jiri karin KMG, isagoo xusay inaysan jirin duruuf kallifaysa in lagu sii jiro. Sheekh Shariif ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay arrimo ay ka mid yihiin Roadmap-ka iyo sidii dalka dib loogu dhisi lahaa, wuxuuna siyaasiyiinta uu damaca kaga jiro inay xil ka qabtaan dalka looga baahan yahay inay u furan tahay, balse loo baahan yahay in dhaqanka la bedelo. "Ku-meel-gaarnimo wax ummad lagu hayo ma ahan, duruuf kallifaysana ma jirto in KMG ku jiro, sidaa daraadeed waxaa lagama maarmaan in dadaal lagu bixiyo sidii looga bixi lahaa," ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif. "Haddii aan kaftamo, KMG-nimo dhibka ay leedahay aniga hala i weydiiyo," ayuu Sheekh Shariif ku kaftamay. Sidoo kale, Sheekh Shariif wuxuu sheegay in shirkan uu u hoggaaminayo dalka sidii looga bixi lahaa xilliga KMG ah, isagoo sheegay in howsha ay wadaan ay tahay sidii looga bixi lahaa xilliga KMG ah ee muddada dheer lagu soo jiray. Qabyo-Qoraalka Dastuurka: Madaxweynuhu mar uu ka hadlay dastuurka ayuu sheegay inaysan jirin ummad noolaan karta dastuur la'aan; isagoo sheegay inaysan ahayn markii ugu horreysay oo dastuur la sameeyo, balse ay ugu horreysay 1960-kii, wuxuuna intaas raaciyay in sannadihii burburka loo baahday in la sameeyo dastuur dhameysiran. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in wax walba oo bani'aadam uu sameeyo ay nusqaan ku jirto, sidaa daraadeedna uu hadda soo gaaray dastuurka, wixii hadda ka dambeeya uu gaari doono dhamaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Sheekh Shariif wuxuu sheegay in dadkii dadaalka kusoo bixiyay qoraalka dastuurka aan la dacaayadeyn, balse ay tahay in loo mahadceliyo, isagoo sheegay in hadda la haysto fursad wax lagu dhisi karo, lagana saaro wixii khalad ah. "Dadka waxa kala gaara waa dowladnimo, waa cadaalad, waxaana saldhig u ah dastuurka. Innagoo heli karna inaan wax dhisno waa laga wanaagsan yahay inaan wax duminno," ayuu Sheekh Shariif ku sheegay khudbaddiisa. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in dastuurka marka la ansixiyo kaddib ay sii socon doonto wax ka badalkiisa inta laga gaarayo in afti qaran loo qaado. Wuxuuna xusay in dastuurkan uu yahay mid ilaalin doona caqiidada dadka Soomaaliyeed, isagoo ku baaqay in laga gudbo kala shakiga lana dacaayadeeyo dadka ku howlan qoraalkiisa. Dhameystirka Roadmap-ka: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya wuxuu ka hadlay dhameystirka heshiiska Roadmap-ka ee looga baxayo xilliga KMG ah, isagoo sheegay inuu marayo in odayaashu ay noosoo xulaan ergadii, waxaana noogu xigi doona ansixin dastuurka iyo xuluddii xildhibaannada, isagoo ku daray intaas in dhismaha ciidamada meel wanaagsan ayay marayaan, sidaasoo kale waxaa meel wanaagsan isku keenidda ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo heshiisiintooda. Sheekh Shariif wuxuu sheegay in arrimahaas haddii sida ay yihiin loo hirgelinno sida ay yihiin in la gaarayo deggenaasho buuxda oo dalka kusoo laabata, maamullada degmooyinka iyo gobollada oo dhisma, hay'adaha dowladda oo xoogeysta iyo Soomaaliya oo dib ula soo laabata karaamadeedii. Siyaasadda dalka: Sidoo kale, madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay inay jiraan dad badan oo siyaasadda daneynaya, wuxuuna xusay inaysan jirin cid ay si gaar ah ugu xiran tahay oo ay u furan tahay cid walba oo Soomaali ah, isagoo sheegay inay doonayaan in nidaamkii hore laga bedelo oo ahaa wax duminta iyo in wax lagu raadiyo si aan fiicnayn. "Waxaan doonaynaa in siyaasadda dalka lagu raadiyo waxqabad ummadeed lagana shaqeeyo horumarkeeda, mana ahan wax la aqbali karo duminta ummadda iyo dhibaateynteeda," ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in dhibaatooyin badan lasoo maray oo ay ka mid yihiin qabiil, fowdo, dowlad la'aan iyo Shabaab iyo Al-Qaacida, isagoo xusay in loo baahan yahay in waxyaabahaas oo dhan laga faa'iideysto oo laga shaqeeyo sidii lagu soo celin lahaa qarannimadii Soomaaliya. Horumarinta dalka iyo ka bixidda burburka: Dhanka kale, madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in horumarinta dalka iyo ka bixitaanka burburkii gaaray uu ku xiran tahay sida loo ambaqaado barnaamijka soo socda oo ah dhameystirka geeddi-socodka nabadda, isagoo sheegay in inta ku-meel-gaar lagu jiro aan xor loo ahayn in la gaarsiiyo qaranka meeshii la rabay. "Dowladihii KMG ahaa ee dalka soo maray caqabadaha ugu badan ee ay wax ka qaban waayeen waxay ahaayeen KMG-ka, sidoo kalena waxaa ka mid ahaa sharciga lagu dhaqmayay oo ahaa kuwo aan la jaan-qaadi karin waxyaabihii lasoo maray," ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu xusay in maanta ay Soomaaliya u billaabatay dowladnimo iyo iftiin, horumarna laga gaaray siyaasadda, ammaanka iyo arrimaha bulshada, isagoo xusay in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay xilligan doonayaan in laga gudbo marxladda KMG ah loona gudbo marxalad caadi ah. Sidoo kale, Sheekh Shariif wuxuu u mahadceliyay dadkii iyo dowladihii gacanta ka geystay dhismaha dowladihii dalka soo maray, isagoo sheegay in dad badan ay is weydiinayaan in dowladihii hore lagu soo dhisi jiray dalka dibaddiisa, taasoo uu ku sheegay inay ahayd duruuf jirtay, haddase taas laga gudbay oo la haysto ka jirta dalka gudihiisa. Ugu dambeyn, wuxuu madaxweynuhu sheegay in DKMG ah ay soo dhaweynayso qof walba oo fikir fiican kusoo biirinaya, isagoo sheegay in dadka looga baahan yahay inay dhexda u xirtaan sidii dalka uu isbedel uga dhici lahaa.
  8. Who's been spreading that rumour ↲↲I can't chose between them.
  9. Che -Guevara;826957 wrote: Apparently, he's in Beantown today. What was the party he formed? Tayo! Tii tayadda laheyd! I like this man and his ideals.
  10. Somalia;826963 wrote: ^^ A true Somali promotes his qabiil. Dugsi maleh qabyaaladdu, wuxuu dumiya mooyaane
  11. We Somalis are pathetic from some angles. How often do you see a person promoting his qabiil as if they are the only force with any power. I sometimes wonder how many true Somalis there really are.
  12. Qabiil markuu kula tago halkaas ayaad ku dhacdaa. Allow qabiil yuunasan indha tirin.
  13. Somalia;826923 wrote: ^^ You are getting banned. So banned
  14. Carafaat;825391 wrote: Haatu, if the process was transparent and the final draft would be published. Then indeed one could voice all arguments coming constitutional meeting. But what if it's not made public? The traditional elders will be suprised with a new final draft for approval, which they cant consult with their constituency and public. Giving them no time to study and amend it. odayasha wa la afdubaniyaa. Sxb whatever the outcome of this conference, the constitution will one day go on a referendum. Then the people will have their choice. But right now is not the time for rabsho iyo dhib. Besides, us nationalists will have our day Carafaatow when national elections are held. Then we'll all vote for Tayo and federalism and Faroole's power grabbing will be abolished
  15. xiinfaniin;825388 wrote: Haatu, you got it. That is the whole point. If one has objections , he should bring it to the discussion table ...not take to the airwaves and misinform the innocent masses . Sadly after 20 years of this kind of behavior being tolerated, every Dick, Harry and Tom thinks it's acceptable.
  16. War xiinoow, although I don't agree with some parts of it, I already declared my support for it because danta guud baa ku jirtaa. Besides, waa la bedeli karaa; either in the upcoming conference or future governments. But what I don't support is certain administrations undermining dawladda dhexe iyo calan yaddan xun-xun oo faraha badan (including the Azania one too ). PS: There's a reason why I used reer Bu'aale as an example
  17. I don't see why those that oppose the constitution are causing khalkhal when there is a proper platform for these discussions to take place: the upcoming gathering on its ratification. All this rabsho only causes more and more confusion.
  18. Mario B;825375 wrote: Agreed, what regions need is power to raise taxes, policing and judicial powers. Elected governers for all 18 regions, regional assemby, elected mayors. This devolution of power will work better than this chaos we call federism now. If this is not wisdom then nothing is. I believe most Somalis won't reject this. If you are in say Bu'aale, would you want to be controlled by someone in Kismayo or in Bu'aale? This is the way forward for giving more powers to the local authorities without undermining the central government.
  19. ^ war me n abtigiis are mujahideen fighting in the hawd. Kenyaan iyo xabashi labaduba ma nihin. Besides, I renounced my kenyanness long ago (yacni kibaandhaheyga webiga Gaarissa mara baan ku tuurey) PS: My passport waxa iga xiga a trip to the embassy
  20. I too don't agree with the immigration clause. With there being 40 million Kenyans and 80 million Ethiopians across the border and only ~10 million of us, we could potentially become a minority in our own country. Also, we should forget about federalism and adopt a decentralized unitary state giving more powers to the 17+/- regions.
  21. Clan states are just another disaster. Take Somalia or our resident doctor here, they would probably take up arms to defend their clan states over and above defending soomaalinimo and gobannimo. This issue is currently confined to some areas of the country. However, if more clan states are made, then the more this mentality spreads, and the less soomaalinimo is worth. That is why Somalia's future should not be based upon clan federalism. Why should a homogeneous society have a federal country? After the transition is over and the first true elections are held insha allah, Somalia should move to being a decentralized unitary state. United we stand, divided we fall. PS: I hope Qaybdiid doesn't get the job. What good will a warlord bring?
  22. If this is true then Sharif has made a bad judgement. Why on earth make something like this public? It's just counterproductive. Like Che said, they have no alternative.