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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Kenyan security forces face US funding ban Capital FM Kenya Tuesday, June 05, 2012 The US Senate has banned any funding or training to units of the Kenyan military and police found to have been involved in human rights abuses in Mount Elgon in March 2008. The Senate has also directed US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to also consider similar bans for other units of security forces in Kenya which have violated human rights in operations carried out in Garissa, Wajir and Mandera between November 2011 and January 2012; and in Dadaab in December 2011. The directive is contained in the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill 2013 that has been seen by Capital FM News. “The Committee directs the Secretary of State to take steps to ensure that no United States training, equipment, or other assistance is provided to any Kenyan military or police personnel who have been credibly alleged to have violated human rights in Kenya,” the Committee on Appropriations wrote in the report dated May 24, 2012. The report tabled in the US Senate contains appropriations for the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013. The Secretary of State is now required to submit a report to the Committee on steps taken by the Government of Kenya to conduct thorough, credible investigations of such violations and the identification of military units responsible. The Kenyan military and some units of the police force were accused of having violated rights of innocent Kenyans during an operation to flush out members of the Sabaot Land Defence Force (SLDF) in Mt Elgon in 2008, resulting in the killings of an estimated 750 people and disappearance of hundreds more. Human Rights Watch (HRW) estimates that up to 300 people or more are still missing to date. In March 13, 2012, HRW wrote to Kenya’s Defence Minister Yusuf Haji seeking answers on letters it had written to the ministry previously over violations meted on innocent people in Mt Elgon and latest ones in Northern Kenya during the ongoing ‘Operation Linda Nchi.’ “I would also like to request further information pursuant to our letter of November 18. That letter raised concerns about possible violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by Kenyan armed forces during three incidents connected to Operation Linda Nchi,” HRW said in its letter dated March 13 addressed to Haji. The letter signed by Leslie Lefkow, HRW’s Deputy Director of Africa Division also states that it is in the process of documenting abuses by both the military and Al Shabaab members and their sympathisers both at the Northern part of Kenya and inside Somalia. It also has annexes of some of the documentations so far but to date, the Ministry of Defence has not replied to HRW’s letter. HRW has however, welcomed the latest development by the US Senate banning any further funding or support to units in the Kenya military and police found to have participated in the abuses on citizens. “The US Senate decision to ban funding and training to military and police personnel that took part in recent abuses in North Eastern Province is a step forward for accountability in Kenya,” said Neela Ghoshal, East Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “It will put pressure on the Kenyan military and police to uphold their promises to investigate abuses. For the women we interviewed who were raped or assaulted by police in Dadaab in December; for the elderly men forced to roll in the road in Wajir while being beaten by the KDF, for the children who were beaten by soldiers in Garissa and Mandera, this may provide a glimmer of hope,” she added. There was no immediate response from Department of Defence Spokesman Bogita Ongeri, Military spokesman Emmanuel Chirchir and Cyrus Oguna as their mobile phones went unanswered. Earlier this year, the Department of Defence formed a board of inquiry into abuses reported in Garissa, Wajir and Mandera but little has been heard of its outcome, if any.
  2. ^ Waa saad sheegeysid. They all need to decide on their leaders.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;838371 wrote: Yes Raskambooni is the armed faction of Azania Mahadsanid. Then magacaabistan waa guul ummadda usoo hooyatey. :D I kid. I kid. What is the government's stance on this development. I heard a while back that Shariifka was doing his utmost to undermine Azania (Alle un baa og xaqiiqda). But so as to not be branded a hypocrite, let me make it clear I am against this Azania thing and all maamuul qabiileed. Dan inooguma jirto. With that said, xaaladda Jubbooyinka needs caddaalad and for the inhabitants of the region to be given a chance to discuss what is the best way forward for them without interference from others. Haddii kale, we will witness the clan wars all over again.
  4. lol Oba, ma Aggah! bey sheekadda gaartey Waayahan kistoo waan ka gaabsaddey wararkii reerka. I bet even you know more. Tell me one thing Raas Kaambooni last time I knew, an old man oo reeraha ah baa u talin jirey ee, what happened to him and who is this new dude, ma reer Gedo baa? Ninka Afmadow xukunteedda loo dhiibay asna yaa waaye? All for imformation purposes only
  5. Is Raas Kaambooni aligned with Azania. Funny how I don't know and you do. Ibtilooy
  6. ^ I don't trust the Xabashis or the Kenyans. At least the Amxaar are leaving, these Kenyans will probably stay well into the near future unfortunately. The SNA needs to be rebuilt as soon as possible otherwise we're stuck with them for a long time.
  7. I wonder why Kenya is so keen on securing the Jubbooyin and Kismayo for itself. I bet it knows that whilst it controls that region Somalia would not be able to contest against their blatant looting of our seas.
  8. Jimco, June 01, 2012 (HOL) — D ay ciidamadu ka joogaan Soomaaliya ayaa laug wadaa inay maalinta berri ah uu shir uga furmo magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, kaasoo ay uga hadli doonaan wejiga labaad ee howgalka ay Soomaaliya ka wadaan. Waraka ayaa sheeagaya in kulankan lagu dejin doonaa qorshe ciidan oo ka dhan ah Xarakada Al-shabaab, kaasoo ujeeddadiisu tahay sidii afar aag looga billaabi lahaa dagaallo ka dhan ah Al-shabaab. Afhayeenka wasaarada arrimada dibedda Itoobiya, Dina Mufti ayaa sheegay in kulankan ay ka qayb-galayaan wasiirada difaaca iyo taliyeyaasha ciidamada dalalka Uganda, Burundi, Jabuuti, Kenya iyo Itoobiya oo ay ciidammo ka joogaan Soomaaliya. "Qorshaha ciidan ee la dajinayo waa mid lagu eegayo sidii afar aag looga weerari lahaa Al-shabaab, si looga saaro goobaha ay kaga sugan yihiin Soomaaliya," ayuu yiir Dina Mufti oo warrramayay wakaaladda wararka Itoobiya ee ENA. Kabtan Gilbert Nitunga oo ah ku xigeenka afhayeenka ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Soomaaliya ayaa isaguna sheegay in qorshahoodu yahay mid ay dalka oo dhan ugu baahinayaan ciidamadooda gaar ahaan magaalooyinka Balcad, Marka, Baraawe, deegaanada ka tirsan gobollada Bay iyo Bakool iyo gobolka. Ciidamada Burundi iyo Uganda ka socda ayaa waxaa qaarkood loo qoondeeyay inay ka howlgalaan gobollada Bay iyo Bakool oo galbeedka Soomaaliya ku yaalla iyadoo la filayo in ciidamada Jabuuti ay ka howlgalaan gobolka Hiiraan, halka kuwa ka socda Sierra Leone iyo Kenyana la filayo inay ka howlgalaan gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo. Saraakiisha ciidamada AMISOM ayaa qorsheynaya inay la wareegaan inta badan gobollada dalka Soomaaliya inta aan la gaarin bisha Ogoosto ee sannadkan, iyadoo Kenya ay sheegtay inay Kismaayo qabsanayso ka hor bisha Ogoosto oo ay uu ku eg-yahay xilliga dowladda KMG ah ay shaqeynayso. Maxmaed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online maxuseen@hiiraan.com Muqdisho, Soomaaliya http://www.hiiraan.com/news/2012/jun/wararka_maanta1-18160.htm
  9. ^ Take some pics sxb. Us folks who've never been to the city would appreciate it.
  10. Che, lol @molested by kacaan The guy has balls though. Straight into the thick of the fighting with his very first posts. Xittaa gabaygii dhibka badnaa wuu dhex galay
  11. Aadan Jugle;836836 wrote: che, I see you are losing it, never ever speak for another man kid , if Nogn is what u said , what are you the house maid?? House maid? What a funny description of Che I've never imagined him as such
  12. LANDER;836291 wrote: Mashallah, o talow Somaliland-na maxad u rajaynaysa? Hallaag, burbur iyo kala qeybsanaan (I kid) The people look professional which is good.
  13. If only he could become the next president.
  14. Abwaan;836254 wrote: Line inuu kanoo kale Xamar wax u dhimi karo...Haylaan haddii aad soo dhaaftid iska jir. You personally should be banned from Xamar. I second that. Nin waddaniyad aan jirkiisu ku jirin oo xitaa xarunta waddankiis aflagaadeeyo muxuu istaahila? It's good that Puntland is attending. It would have been foolish to not attend.
  15. Haatu


    I don't know. As soon as I saw 'Robots' my imagination began to flare. Wasn't expecting some Shabaab lookalikes
  16. Haatu


    Darn! Here I was expecting something cool Disappointed Che.
  17. Faroole is a fool. But the ones who are even more foolish are the ones that are opposing Turkey now when they were happy with them before. Talk about cheerleading. Shilling, don't even compare Prof Abdiweli with the fool you call president. Mid waa wadani, aqoonyahan xil kas ah, whereas the other is an ignorant, brainless qabiiliste of a dictator.
  18. Well if the rest continue to sulk then the South will end up with all the funds. It's a shame really that some people only see clan.
  19. Maryooleey, maryooleey, what you fail to understand is that Faroole/Caalin's decision will only hurt their people. It is the people of Puntland and Galmudug who will potentially miss out on development money due to the actions of their foolish leaders. Instead of being outraged like Dukey was, you prefer to engage in debates dating back to the warlord era failing to see that Somalia has entered a new dawn. Sacabka sii tuma baan idin idhi.
  20. Fiqi is seeing things through clan lenses. He doesn't understand that regenerating Mogadishu will help Somalia's economy as a whole. Puntland and Galmudug will just be missing out really. They might just be blowing their chance of getting a lot of needed investment. I'll be interested to know what Xiin has to say about this.
  21. Che, where do people get the idea that xamar will control everything? That's not what a decentralized unitary state is. There is no benefit in federalism for us as a nation. As for the negotiations, they are currently taking place in xamar. It's only that certain groups are not happy with the direction the talks are going in.
  22. This thread reminds me of the old saying 'Tol waa tolane'. So true.
  23. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;829980 wrote: Afmaayga 'guryaha' ayaa loogu hadlaa miyaa? Only Afmaxaatiriga ayaa 'xafiisyada' iyo 'goobaha shaqayooyinka' loogu hadlaa miyaa according to whoever proposed this? This proposal is the easiest amendment of waxa kor ku qoran above, though. Ma meesha muxuu mooday guri uu asaga dhistay maamulo. Meesha waa dal, kii midnimo rabana waa si midnimo in uu ku joogaa. Goosashadoon inside, bluffing unitary outside ma soconeyso. Soomaali dhan wada aragtay taas. Well said.