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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. mindhaa aa? What you saying anyway sxb, us Sujuus don't know Somali? Bal read this gabay: http://wardheernews.com/public_html/Articles%202012/August/31_Gabay_Ina_Cawsgurow.html nin reer Qabridahare ah ayaa yiri "Sijuu daman, oo af-Soomaaligiisuba qardadac yahay, miyaad hadda rabtaan in aad waa gabyaa iyo abwaan dhahdaan? War af-Soomaaliga kufsiga ha laga daayo?" baa loo jawaabey. Marka gabayga akhri, kolleey jawaabtaadda baad ka heli lahayd
  2. lol One point though, who writes the captions for Amin Amir? 20ka Sonno?
  3. lol Oba stop hating. The man recently helped out an unemployed relative of mine
  4. Two barking dogs scoffing at one another for behaving like animals. What was the saying, isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed? Illeey the tyrant who ruthlessly murders his own kin on behalf of his masters; Faarax the caasi who incites sub-clan hatred within his own clan. With that said, Illeey made some valid points, although he is nothing but a puppet, he's a puppet who can at least send a memo in his own language.
  5. ^ You spew gibberish like a fool. Before commenting upon this article and sweeping it under your over-generalized accusations, actually read the bloody thing and try to understand from what viewpoint they are looking from.
  6. GD, I agree with you they do tend to get a little carried away at times (e.g. this article), but let's be fair, they called it a litmus test so they are giving him a chance But the way, this site was the original whistle-blower on this issue so I trust them when it comes to these things.
  7. Apophis, who wouldn't? The mawqif of the Ethiopians never change but the Norwegians are a different story altogether.
  8. I personally don't think he's a foreign agent as this article hints at, but nevertheless this is fresh and interesting angle from which to view the election of the professor. Only time will tell but us nationalists have been excited by some of the stuff he's been saying lately, specifically this: “Dalka Dastuur ayuu yeeshay, waa hubaal, hase yeeshee dastuurka ma dhamaystirna, si kumeel gaar ah ayaa waxaa u soo ansixiyey gole dastuur ansixineed. Baarlamaanka arrimaha ugu waaweyn ee xilalka sugaya waxaa weeye in ay dastuurka dib u eeegis ku sameeyo, oo aftina u diro, ilaa inta afti dadweyne lagu ansixinayo inta ka horeysa waxa uu u furan yahay baarlamaanku in ay wax ka bedelaan qodobadiisa, oo wax ku kordhiyaan ama ka dhimaan, taasi baarlamaanka ayey u furan tahay, dastuurka xaaladiisuna waa midaas…” http://somalitalk.com/2012/08/29/prof-jawaar/ Only time will tell.
  9. Source: http://somalitalk.com/2012/08/31/jawaari-iyo-norway/
  10. Waxaa 28-kii Agoosto 2012 waxaa Gudoomiyaha Cusub ee Baaralamaanka ee Sooomaaliya loo doortay Maxamed Shiikh Cismaan Jawaari oo ah Siyaasi Muddo ku soo dhex jirey Siyaasada Soomaaliya islamarkana ka mid ahaa Khubaradii loo Xilsaarey Dasuurkii la Ansaxiyey. Maxamed Shiikh Cismaan Jawaari waxa uu labaatankii sanno uu degenaa Dalka Norway oo ah Dowlad Dano fara badan ka leh Soomaaliya islamarkaana Kharashkii ugu balaarnaa ku bixisey Dastuurka KMG ee loo sameeyey Soomaaliya. Waxaa ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegay in Gudoomiyaha Cusub Waqtiyadii ugu dambeeyey uu ka shaqeynayey dalka Kenya, kana shaqeynayey Hayadaha Daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya, waxaana la sheegey in Gudoomiyanimadiisa ay ka dambeyeen Xafiiska Siyaasada ee Soomaaliya oo uu Galaangal weyn ku lahaa Musharaxnimadiisa. Dawladda Norway ayaa si weyn ugu lug lahayd heshiiskii Dawladii hore ee KMG ahayd ay la gashay Kenya, kaas oo lagu damacsanaa in baaxad ballaaran oo dhul-badeedka Soomaaliya lagu wareejiyo Kenya. Heshiiskaas oo loogu yeeray Is-afgarad, inkasta oo baarlamaankii hore uu waxba kama jiraan ka dhigay, haddana Kenya ilaa hadda ay ku andacooto, muranna ku geliso dhul-badeedka Soomaaliyeed, ayadoo Is-afgaradkaas saldhig ka dhiganaysana waxaa Kenya heshiis shidaal sahamin ay shirkado kula gashay dhul-badeed si qayaxan gudaha ugu jira Dhulka Soomaaliyeed. Prof. Jawaari, markii la doortay waxa uu sheegay “Dalka Dastuur ayuu yeeshay, waa hubaal, hase yeeshee dastuurka ma dhamaystirna, si kumeel gaar ah ayaa waxaa u soo ansixiyey gole dastuur ansixineed. Baarlamaanka arrimaha ugu waaweyn ee xilalka sugaya waxaa weeye in ay dastuurka dib u eeegis ku sameeyo, oo aftina u diro, ilaa inta afti dadweyne lagu ansixinayo inta ka horeysa waxa uu u furan yahay baarlamaanku in ay wax ka bedelaan qodobadiisa, oo wax ku kordhiyaan ama ka dhimaan, taasi baarlamaanka ayey u furan tahay, dastuurka xaaladiisuna waa midaas…” Hadalkaasi prof. Jawaari waxa uu tijaabo (lakmustest) lagu ogaanayo u noqonayaa halka uu Jawaari u jiheeyo baarlamaanka cusub iyo in uu si degdeg ah dastuurka uga saaro qodobada ka hor imanaya diinta Islaamka iyo qodobka 7aad farqadihii lagaga soo siyaadiyey Kenya ee muranka gelin kara dhulka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya ee hore xorta u ahaa. Waxaa kale oo xiriirka Norway iyo guddoonka baarlamaanka cusub tijaabo (lakmustest) lagu ogaanayo u noqonaya in ay baarlamaanka ku hoggaamiyaan sidii dastuurka loogu dari lahaa Sharciga No. 37 ee Dhul-Badeedka Wadanka (Somalia Territorial Sea) ee soo baxay 10–kii September 1972, kaas oo lagu cusboonaysiinayo baaxadda dhul-badeedka dalalka xeebaha leh loo ogol yahay oo ah 350nmi (648.2 km): 1972 – 2009: Dhulbadeedka Soomaaliya (Somalia Territorial Sea) waxa uu 200 mayl-badeed oo u dhiganta 370.4 km – (FIIRO GAAR AH: waa 200 nmi oo ah Somalia Territorial Sea, ee arrinta laga hadlayaa MA AHA “EEZ”. Faraq weyn ayaana u dhexeeya EEZ iyo Territorial Waters.) wixii ka dambeeyey 2009: Dhulbadeedka Soomaaliya (Somalia Territorial Sea) waxa 350nmi (648.2 km) Waxaa kale oo baarlamaanka cusub iyo guddoonkiisa tijaabo (lakmustest) lagu ogaanayo u noqonaya sida ay u wajahaan ka hor-tagga damaca Kenya ee ku aadan dhul-badeedka Soomaaliyeed ee ay sida bareerka ah u cabiratay, isla markaasna shirkadaha heshiisyada shidaal sahaminta ugula gashay. Dhul-badeedka gudaha ugu jira badda Soomaaliya ee Kenya qandaraasyada ku bixisay waxaa ka mid ah: Block L5 (Anadarko) Block L22 (Total) Block L21, L23, L24 (ENI – Talyaani) Block L26 (Statoil Norway) Block L13 (Zarara Oil) Khariidaddan hoose waxaa Kenya samaysay bishii May 2012 xilliggaas oo Soomaalidu ku mashquul sanayd waxa loogu yeeray Roadmap.
  11. Heh! My dad subscribes to this magazine. Although I enjoy some of its reporting, I find it very annoying how they continuously ignore Africa. If we are lucky we might get one or two reports and usually its about South Africa or another big country.
  12. Apophis, I wish they were rumours but I'm afraid I'm not. This is what's happening today. It seems Somalis no matter where they live always act the same. Stoic, you're right they are the same clan. lol@original gangsta sub-clans Your folk are butchering each other like no tomorrow. What's happening to our province man. Burahadeer, what are you on about sxb? Don't know how to share. ? Forget other Somalis, we share land with Oromos and others very peacefully and you tell us we don't know how to share?
  13. Well to put it simply, the area is very volatile to say the least. Out of the Somalis, two major clans are teetering on the blink of conflict. It all started like this: Clan A (Faarax Macallin clan) and Clan B (Reer Wajeer clan) are two clans that have been living together for as long as Somalis have inhabited this land. They intermarry, live with each other and do business with one another. However, certain politicians have been trying to mess up this area, most blame Faarax Macallin the rat. Clan B and a coalition of other clans accuse Clan A of unfairness. They accuse Clan A of not letting them (Clan B coalition people) to settle in Clan A towns and areas. Clan B point out that Clan A people are allowed to reside in clan B lands so Clan A's refusal to let them reside in their land is unfair. Keep up, things get more confusing. Clan B also accuse clan A of encroaching on their lands and forming adjacent towns next to their towns. It is worthy to note that resources and job posts in Kenya are shared on a basis of towns. So if two towns are in one area, the posts and resources will have to be shared. Clan B say this is all fine if Clan A allow them to do the same which they won't due to meddling from surprise surprise, Mr Macallin and co. The Clan B coalition as you can expect if very upset with all this as you can imagine. Also, Clan A is accused by the Clan B coalition of putting restrictions on Clan B business interests in Clan A lands. This is a major issue as this makes the businessmen angry, adding fuel to the fire. A little while ago a little skirmish broke out between members of the two clans in an area called Wajir South. This was a minor affair involving sticks and tooreeys. However, some qas-wadeyaal killed a local elder who was trying to diffuse the tensions using government weapons. The elder was from Clan B and the killers Clan A. Now this made the Clan B people very angry. Clan B held a meeting in which they proclaimed haddii Clan A ey moodeen in hub ey haystaan wax bey arki doonaan. Clan B coalition is now in a frenzy mood accumulating weapons and men in the area. Clan B members from all over Kenya are pouring into the area along with money and men in an effort to "defend their lands". A major settlement programme is being implemented by the Clan B coalition to stop the "encroaching". The is pretty much where things are up to now. The sad thing is, all these people making threats to each other are all related and first cousins to each other. The elder who was killed was killed by his nephew (so I've heard). As mentioned before, people are blaming Faarax Macallin for all this (ninka sida reer NFD u habaarayaan ma u maleyn kartid. In other areas, our Oromo brothers are slaughtering each other as well in the Mandera area. In the south, two other groups are also at it. Abtigiis adaa Nairobi joogtaayee, any info?
  14. He was simply the oldest dee. And I detest us being called reer Azania. It makes us seem foreign
  15. oba hiloowlow;857976 wrote: salafiyiintaan in laga qabto diinta waaye War salafi ma ehee waa Khawaarij. Dadka waxaa kala saaraa camalkooda ciddeey doonaan ha sheegtaanee.
  16. Nothing new here. Sh Cukaashe has been warning about this guy for ages now.
  17. Kudos to Farmaajo, the most popular politician today
  18. LANDER;857086 wrote: Far as I know the first refference to an ethnic people known as somalis is found in Ethiopian writing dating back hundreds of years not 'thousands'. So Somalis have only been around for 'hundreds' of years?
  19. This is sad. Sometime is trying to silence the press.
  20. This is the treasonous coward who tried to sell our oceans in broad daylight. Who is he other than a rascal?
  21. Maaddeey;856900 wrote: Haatu, niyadaada kuma jiro lakin commentigaaga contextigiisa iyo waqtiga lagu jiro plus comment kale ood xabashida aad lesser evil ku tilmaantay, you really need to study caqeedat al walaa wal baraa!. lol at al walaa wal baraa. War if you're talking about who I prefer out of the Kenyans or your takfiiris, I prefer the Kenyans boqolkiiba boqol. Unlike most people here, I oppose Barbaarta not because of their politics, but because I believe they are deviants with a corrupt caqiidah and manhaj as I follow the manhaj of the salafus-saalih.
  22. Miskiin, people like those truly deserve all the wealth Allah has blessed them with. Those type of people are simply an inspiration. raula, we always had qabiil (remember we're Somalis ) it's just that due to the huge influx of foreigners (ehem ) some of the locals feel they no longer own the land and that it's being taken away from them. It's just another form of the protectionism you see all over the world where an area experiences mass immigration (both internal & external) like this. Hopefully people won't take it too far (we do after all have a fantastic lesson to learn from our neighbours ). With that said though, this isn't a big thing. As long as you're not buying acres of land all in one go, no one really will have that much of a problem.
  23. Sxb, if only you knew my stance towards the Kenyans. If I can't stand them in faraway Garissa, why would I want them all the way in Kismayo? I have been saying for ages now that these Kenyans are here to forward their own interests which is securing militarily the huge chunk of our oceans which they illegally claim. That's it. Quite frankly they don't give a rats @ss about Barbaarta. They didn't care all these years, why suddenly now? As for my earlier comments, I was talking about the overall demise of Barbaarta iyo qurunka ay wataan.
  24. No one likes xabashi iyo qurunkooda laakiinse waa lagu meel gaareyaa un. Sheekadda waxey gaarte heerka lesser of the two evils. Markaan khawaarijta iska ridno baanu xabashi caarsan doonnaa.