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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. War our destinies are interlinked and the longer you lot stay in limbo, the more and more people will realise just so. There was a reason aabayaasheen ey u midoobeen, the Somali people's destiny is one and the same.
  2. Oh, oh I've got it. You're the tribe that settles on one side of the river in Beledweyne. Not quite a HAG but close enough. Aadan Cadde was your uncle
  3. This is just strange. Maanshe la yiri Axmed Madoobe wuu waalan yahey. It turns out he is.
  4. You're reer Hiiraan, originally from Buulo Barde You're Oba's cousin, meaning you're HAG
  5. So you're calling me white? Abwaan taas waa sheeko kale. We all know you're a HAG member
  6. Apo, are you calling me a coconut? Abwaan, I think I know now, waa your ina adeeros, ina abtis and distant cousins Malika, I just did. Somalis are a sick people.
  7. Out of South and the North, the South has better economic prospects and that's undeniable. And wherever the money is people follow.
  8. The poem is very erroneous. It's at the brink of imitating the christians by over-praising our prophet.
  9. Juxa;806617 wrote: Am I imagining mise something about marriage baa qaras kugu kiciya? I don't know why but this made me laugh
  10. I have to agree with Che on this. Spot on sxb.
  11. HAG, what the hell is HAG. I think I need to add this to my Inconceivable Notions thread
  12. Oh my, I just realised I'm now a senior nomad. How long I've had to wait for that.
  13. He has some truths though. Although I doubt Siilaanyo's administration will be rolled over, I agree with him that as the South begins to pacify and the economy starts to lift, I believe more and more northern youngsters will give up on their unattainable "dream". I know he didn't use the same words as I, but he conveyed a similar message.
  14. Hiiraan online never mentioned Indho Cadde. And as far as I can remember neither did RBC. I only heard about him being sent there on here and through regionalist sites.
  15. xiinfaniin;886761 wrote: ^^Haatu, I support the roadmap, the framework on which Somalia came out of transition. I don't support individuals, I support approaches. Somalia is not strong enough, reconciliation not deep enough, and mistrust amongst communities not overcome yet, hence any centralist approach is not going to work. We have four years to prepare , and ratify the constitution. Kismayo is an interesting case, where clan dynamics and ideology overlap , he would be best advised to steer clear and not get in the way. As of you changing sides , that is not new ...vacillation has been the mark . War nothing has changed, I've always been a centralist. The only reason I supported this J/land business was because I couldn't stand the double standards when it came to Jubbooyinka (yacni haddii Hiiraan loo ogolaadey maxaa Jubbooyinka loogu diidi?). But I was disappointed with the trends so far and have decided that I no longer care about this principle. Simple as that.
  16. This is just disrespectful as Che said. Bad move by Madoobe.
  17. Xiin, the defender of the Grand Old Party of Tolka, what happened to your support for the government? I actually recant and support the president as of now. All other initiatives seem to be heading no where and his initiative of starting from the district level, working up to the regional level and then finally to the state level is more reasonable to me.
  18. Norf, you're welcome Wyre, ma mamayango baad rabtaa inaan lasoo shir tago? Ceeb waryaa
  19. Oh I forgot you're an casiir Subtle appeasing won't excuse you till you write a perfect sentence with the two said words
  20. Xiin is now cornered. How will he wiggle out of this one?
  21. Last time you said it was just tolka suffering from it, but now it seems nearly every Somali is afflicted, up to and including Ina Gheele in Jabuuti
  22. Aaliyah it was a joke.Sorry anyway.
  23. Apophis, now that I think about it I can safely say you're quite abnormal in most respects. Don't ask me to divulge because I won't wyre, what are you still doing here? Horta adiga are you a sijui? You come across as one