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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Nice video. What those NGOs need to understand is that the first thing those women need is economic empowerment. They need skills training so they can earn a living. Teaching them their legal rights is beneficial, but it doesn't pull them out of poverty.
  2. Haatu

    Somali Bantu

    It seems I went too far in my jokes (although I was serious in some parts).
  3. I didn't understand a word of that gibberish. How did you guys?
  4. Safferz;988312 wrote: Haha no, they're talking about subclans... Gadweyn is the nickname for HY's Muse Ismail branch, SY is Sacad Yonis I believe, another HY branch. So basically all the Landers on this site barring the Arap DOC and the Monkeys Alpha and Carafaat are Garxaajis?
  5. Nin-Yaaban;988341 wrote: Aakhiro Zaman in lagu jiro waxaad ku ogaaneeysaa, markii u mid yaroo Garrisa ama Jigga ku dhashay Af.Somaliga kuu saxayo. Wax walba hada waan arkay. Nothing surprises me anymore. Xarafka 'Z' Af Soomaaliga kuma jiro. Beddelkiisa waxaa la adeegsadaa xarafka 'S'. Dhowr gaf oo kale qoraalkan waan ku arkaa balse saxintiisa haddaan gudagalo adduun gaddoon baa la iski gaari.
  6. Cabdullaahi Suldaan Timacade: - Garbaduub haddii loo xidhood, gaadhna ka ahaato - Gacantii nin lihi goynayaa, waa gumudantaaye - Nin walaalkii geed ugu jiraa, geesi noqon waaye
  7. And now for a touch of wisdom from Cali Muxumed Gaas: - Nin saboola iyo awrba way, sahal dhaqaaqaane - Labadaba haddaan seeto celin, socod ma daayaane
  8. Nin-Yaaban;988331 wrote: One thing i noticed about Ethiopians (there is a very large Ethio community in the DC Metro area) is, waa dad iska masaakiin ah, khalad iyo saxba aan hadlin, oo marwalba iska aamusan. Xataa hadii aad ka gar darantahay, weey iska dulqaatan, oo dhinaca kaleey iska fiiriyaan. Bini'aadankana badankood, dulqaatka iyo maskiinimada ayeey waxeey moodaan 'Daciifnimo'. *Dulqaadka. In Somali, a word never ends with 't'.
  9. Jacpher;988333 wrote: ^Trying to sound like Cadaan. I don't get what you mean.
  10. And now for the most eloquent concession of defeat in history. The diradiraale, Cali Dhuux Aadan: - Gunbaan ahay ganbo-cad baygu xidhan, iyo gar naagoode - Gaashaantimaha sidoodoo kalaan, guur u sugayaaye - Aniga iyo hablaha loo galmoodo, waan gudboonahaye - Jeer oon ganboolka iska rido, guudka iga saaran - Ogaa.deenka noo soo gabyoow, waa gar xaajaduye Another funny one of his: - Aniguba gankaasaan ahoo, way gablamiyeene - Gadhcaddiyo Casayrow maxaa, reer la guban waayey - Giddigood Ogaa.deen maxaa loo, gondoli waayey - Gaar ahaan Abraahiin maxaa, loo ganbiyi waayey
  11. Another man with a famous poem who's also unfortunately another victim of maansabooli. Cali Oday: - Lix meeshaad ku joogtaan dagaal, laabta ka ogaada - Haddii luqunta kore laydin jaro, lugaha meermeersha - Luxdanaanta kama soo hadhee, laliya duulaanka - Lalabaha sidaad ugu waddaan, laba jibaar geeya
  12. Haatu

    Movie websites

    Saalax;988323 wrote: Lol I have one Russian website that airs Breaking Bad, Game of thrones and other television series online, couldn't find one for proper movies though. The best website for series is this one: http://watchseries.biz/
  13. NY, I don't know how many Somalis live abroad but there are loads and the numbers must be increasing fast. New arrivals aren't coming as fast as they used to but folks already here are reproducing like crazy. The average family has around 6-7 kids.
  14. Jacpher;987691 wrote: 3+ people in my neighbor. Blackflash;987847 wrote: That's disgusting. How can you stand living next to a sexual deviant? LOL
  15. And now for a famous stanza that has unfortunately been credited to the wrong man for over a 100 years. Maxamuud Axmed Cali Bidhiidh the victim of maansabooli of the worst kind. Anyways, here's his famous stanza: - Haddaan dhimano geeridu kolbay, nolosha dhaantaaye - Dhaqashiyo marbay kaa yihiin, dharagtu xaaraane - Rag dharbaaxo quudheed dugsaday, dhaqayadeed maalye - Dhashaadeey sugtaa xaajadaad, dhawrataa abide
  16. Haatu

    Movie websites

    Give this one a try. http://www.letmewatchthis.ru/
  17. One of the Sayids most famous stanzas. He laments at what he perceives as foreigners raising lowly men to high stations. - Allahayoow Ferenjigii muxuu, na.cas fariideeyey - Faa'iido laawiyo muxuu nin ragga, feyl ka wada yeedhshay - Nimaan aabihiis fuuli jirin, faras muxuu saaray
  18. This very funny verse comes from Maxamed Cumar Dage, I hope someone can shed light on the story behind it. Raas weyn Ilaahow ka yeel, raacday foolxumo e
  19. Wadani;988285 wrote: You're S.Y, gartay. Maanta si fiican baa laysku bartay. lol. You're telling me there's another Habar I don't know about?
  20. Safferz;988264 wrote: Naga aamus :mad: You get to name notable people, and I get liyuu boolis? You mean the clan of suugaanta Soomaalida... Sayyid Mohamed Abdullah Hassan, Nuruddin Farah, Safferz, etc Nurudiin Faarax and you? That's the best you could come up with? Kaluun;988253 wrote: I'm same as Warran Adde, Adan Baradho and Fowzia. Marka hore soo dhawoow. Tan xigta, no one outside of S/land knows who these people are let along their qabiil ee war cad la imaaw
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;988233 wrote: Welcome Kaluun , From Kaluun to Hawd wa wax aan is lahayn lol. Reminds me of the Somaliland fishery minister who's name was geeljire. :D
  22. ^^^My old posh form tutor used to love that song. He would play it every morning and dance to it Oh oh, oh, oh, oo-ohoh
  23. Nin-Yaaban;987945 wrote: Horta, Arabtu maxeey dumarka ama dadka daciifka oo aan dagaalami karin ugu Xoog badan yihiin? Now i understand why Israeli, a country of 7 million people could dominate them. The good old Sayid has your answer my friend "- Cudud ma leh col kula weerar gala, ciidan iyo xooge - Inkastey cid kuu soo diraan, waa cidloo kale - Caloosha iyo madaxay sidii, dumar cantuugaane - Maandhoow cayaayirka iga daa, Carabi waa naage"
  24. Haatu

    Somali Bantu

    It's funny how some are letting their emotions colour their judgement. Ridwaan, the Somali Bantus are a bantu group of people that live in Southern Somalia. Allthough they are Somali nationals they are not ethnically Somali hence why they look different.
  25. Saalax;987947 wrote: Haatu Wrong. Majority of southerners are farmers not nomadics. May May and Bantu groups heavily concentrated in the riverine areas, Bay and Bakool, Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabelle, Middle Jubba, Lower Jubba and parts of Hiiraan make up at least 25% of Somalia. Large parts of HAG such as the Unuka also practise agriculture, so it is false to say majority of southerners practise nomadism. If majority of Bay and Bakool groups who hold 61 mps , majority of 0.5 groups such as Bantus and majority of HAG groups who hold 61 mps in the Somalia parliament are farmers in their lands . That shows majority of southerners are indeed farmers not nomads. The South is from P/land all the way to the Somali border. Majority of the people who live there today are nomads.