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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Apophis;903987 wrote: :rolleyes: Something bugging you?
  2. Coofle, all the best old man. Malika, why the hell would you want to love Moi? Che, are you still hunting for a wife waryaa? I sincerely hope you find yours in 2013, I don't want to see you becoming a 40 yr old virgin As for the topic, 2012 was a year of academic achievement for me Al Hamdulillah. I only pray and make du'a that Allah replicates this success in 2013 and allows me to enter the course and university of my choice. Other than that, it was a depressing year in other frontiers which is why I envy you Coofle (even you wyre, at least you got lucky for 6 months ). I just hope this improves in 2013.
  3. Isn't it weird just to post a smiley for no reason?
  4. Taleexi;903887 wrote: Alright I've warned you before buddy and I'll warn you again. Stop this infernal nonsense this instant I say!
  5. Haatu

    Today I....

    Today I did absolutely nothing other than watch episode after episode of anime.
  6. Che -Guevara;903881 wrote: ^Never too late to start. I'm not an carablaay so I'll never be a legit Xamaraawi
  7. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/69195-Sheekaddii-Garaad-Wiilwaal-iyo-sheekooyin-kale
  8. A new way of saying I agree.
  9. Faarax-Brawn;903860 wrote: are there any online videos and stories? if not, who will be the first to do it? THIS
  10. Daqane;903837 wrote: typical somali reaction Hahahah Waa somali waxba ha uushegiin now since I helped my kikuyu brother that means I partake Loool hatuu we are all grown men and these things are available in mogadishu and saudia, I expect the same heads up when I am in garissa purely for research ofcourse . How am I supposed to know what to do in Gsa? I can barely make my way home from the town centre
  11. Che -Guevara;903841 wrote: It's in the Huad. Do you know what laan means horta? lol NOW I got it Damn :D
  12. Talking of new year resolutions, I need to have feelings again. I spent 2 years in an Indian filled sixth form not liking a single person!
  13. Khadafi;903530 wrote: Haatu Jambo sxb! Yaa diidaan Tawxiidka? 2: You said Tawxiid is in three parts? Where did you find this categorisation of tawheed in three parts? Imaamyada mujtahadiinta ahaay tawxiidka sadax mey u kula dhigeen? 3: Yaa diidan in wax oo alle ahayn in la caabudo? War Tawxiidka saddex qeybood sida trinity camal ma'ahan. It is a single thing with three different manifestations. Waxaana diidan kuwa qabriyadda soo siyaareysto. Waxaa diidan kuwa siyaaro awgeed u wan qalo. Waxaa diidan kuwa mawliidka u dabaal dego. All those are acts of worship that are directed to other than Allah. But, most people do this without knowing or lacking knowledge, simply following the way of aabayaashoodda, haseyeeshee imisaa qawn baa marmarsiinyo caynkaa oo kale loogu halaage?
  14. Che -Guevara;903831 wrote: I was passing through;) How did it feel to be the only...you know...short lineage guy in Laandheer? Where is it btw?
  15. Daqane;903829 wrote: alright I will treat apo,s question with respect and answer them to the best of my ability from what little I know... Somalis in mogadishu in general don't celebrate the new years and certainly not with fireworks, no goverment office is closed tommorow e.t.c There is no nigtlife per se, but depending on your needs and abilities you can get queit self contained rooms with a.c depending on your wallet for you and your freinds or girl, you can procure alcohol, weed and anything else you need and as long as you have an ipod what else do you need there are some nice kikuyu girls around and cds are under the counter available, hope that keeps you salvation till the new years bwana. Spoke like someone with years of experience in these kind of situations
  16. lol when the hell did I become a crazy sufi? You know we call the crazy/annoying kids in Gsa sufis you know ANd yes I like to live, go ahead and sue me. You'll fail just like AT's Ruqiya did
  17. Alpha Blondy;903794 wrote: LOL....the comma alone shows absolute contempt..... lol
  18. What were you doing in Laandheer waryaa? Isn't that an oxymoron or something
  19. Seeker and Alpha, please control your urges and stop this hentai business. This is an anime thread. Waryaa Apo, war if a simple cartoon causes you to have zina then you need help
  20. ehem...I think the phrase you're looking for is eternal cynic...ehem...ehem...
  21. Love Hina Very girlish, quite gay for a guy to be watching it but one of those anime quizzes on the net said this was the anime for me and I'm actually enjoying it. The guy is a complete nerd and a wimp and he's surrounded by beauties and he still struggles to score a gf Nonetheless, I still recommend it, particularly if you're watching it with someone else