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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Very nice Dhaqanow. But if you're in the city how comes you aren't posting more of your own pictures?
  2. Haatu

    Today I....

    wow wow easy there. Start with easy Somali so I can understand
  3. Selfish b@stard Nice thread sharma'arke. Very helpful.
  4. Xaaji, maybe because we're/were reer Guuraa that weren't interested in state building, nothing is left of our earlier existence? This is probably what it is. I can't believe that Somalis are only a 1000 years old.
  5. Listen here, I'm not here for dhul-balaadhsi like I believe the Oromos are. That's the difference. I will go home one day. I know that, the British know that.
  6. Why an elementary school called Yaasiin Cusmaan? I agree with Ngonge, why does it ask for Mother's Name?
  7. Sharma'arke, I don't hate the Oromos. They should just live in their own country. nuune, if they are coming to live their permanently then I find that to be a problem. If they are on their way out to elsewhere, then marxaba.
  8. ^That was at Ameena. Besides, that is pretty old.
  9. nuune;905246 wrote: Xaaji, why you are not living in Somaliland, why are you in another foreign country, is it for economic reason, if so, the Oromos are there for economic reasons, another word, the only way out for them out of that poverty is through Somaliland, their final destination lies ahead and not within Somaliland if you know what I mean. If we are merely a stop in the journey that's not a problem. But if we're a permanent home, THEN it's a problem.
  10. War I'm an economic migrant. In the end I will go back to my town. They on the other hand are on a conquest to get the Somali lands. What they want is irreversible change in the Somali Peninsula. Waa dhul-balaarsi cad.
  11. nuune I'm against them coming to all Somali lands, not just Somalia. They belong in Oromia. It's simple dhul-balaarsi what they're up to.
  12. Who said I'm from NFD? I was officially born in Somalia But what reason did they have to go to poor Somalis? Don't tell me they're economic migrants but I don't see how Somalia is economically any better than Ethiopia.
  13. ^Fiiri wuxuu ku hadlaayo? How do you know we only came about in the 11th or 12th century when Xamar itself is older than that forget about the other ancient towns? Ameena, then what was the A.juuraan Empire? Wasn't that an ancient Somali civilisation?
  14. Ambassador;905187 wrote: It's amalgam of fear and envy that made this fellow speak so low and vile. Let us not reciprocate the idiocy sxb. I was messing about with this troll.
  15. What books will it print? Educational books for schools or just general books?
  16. Isn't anyone worried about this? Send the Oromos back to Oromia I say. They have no place in Somali lands.
  17. http://www.raxanreeb.com/2013/01/waxgaradka-soomaaliland-oo-qulqulka-qaxootiga-itoobiyaanka-ku-sifeeyay-mid-laga-leeyahay-ujeedooyin-qarsoon/
  18. Hargeysa(RBC Radio)-Qaar kamid ah waxgaradka Soomaaliland ayaa walaac ka muujiyey joogitaanka mawaadiin Itoobiyaan ah kuwaas oo buuxdhaafiyey magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Soomaaliland waxgarad kasoo jeeda deegaanadaas ayaa kulan ka yeeshay dadka reer Itoobiya ee kusoo qulqulaya deegaanada maamulka Soomaaliland, waxayna sheegeen iney tahay arin aan la aqbali karin in Itoobiyaanku ay dhamaan la wareegaan shaqooyinkii hoose oo idil. Mid kamid ah waxgaradkii ka qeyb galay kulankaas ayaa sheegay in Itoobiyaanku ay dhibaato kasoo fool leedahay hadii aan si deg deg ah go’aan ka dhan ah looga qaadane laga dhaxli doono dhibaato aan laga soo waaqsan karin isagoona sheegay iney gacanta ku hayaan xiligan Shaqooyinkii yar yaraa oo ay xaqa u lahaayeen dadka deegaanka, Masuulkaas oo lagu magacaabo Nuuradiin Xasan ayaa *****lka ka qaaday in hadii aan laga hortagin waxa uu ku tilmaamay damaca dowlada Itoobiya ee qarsoon uu dalku ka bixi doono gacanta Soomaalida wuxuuna intaa ku daray in dadkan oo sheegtay iney yihiin qaxooti ah uu arinkaasi yahay waxba kama jiraan wax kama jiraan ah. Ruuradiin ayaa sheegay in ujeedka ay u yimaadeen deegaanada Soomaaliland uu yahay iney dalka la wareegaan mustaqbalka dhow isagoo sheegay iney deegaanadaas ka wadaan dhalan gedin iyo isku ballaarin dalka oo idil wxuuna sheegay in tobanka Sano ee soo socda ay dhici doonto iney sheegtaan dhulka Soomaaliyeed. Waxgaradka ayaa baaq u jeediyey dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan deegaanadaas iney hurdada ka kacaan inta uusan dalku farahooda ka bixin, waxayna ku eedeeyeen dowlada Itoobiya iney Soomaaliland usoo dirtay Basaasiin xiligan hawlo sirdoon ah ka wada Soomaaliland waxayna intaa ku dareen in maanta aysan jirin wax sir ah oo u qarsoon dadka ku dhaqan Soomaaliland. RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho