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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Pissed off. I can't believe I've become so disillusioned with Somalis I can't actually wait for their balkanization. Bloody i-selectors starting this mess. Balaayo idinla goosatay :mad:
  2. As for this current debate, haddii ay XX iyo xulafadiisa dhab ka tahay, then marxaba. Qabiil walbow goosa oo mooradaada atoorkeeda noqo. No need to make it complicated. Let each clan go it's separate way. We're tired of this nonsense.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;989419 wrote: It was called British Somaliland we remove the British and call it Somaliland makes sense to me , Somalia is called Somalia, former Italian Somalia Djibouti was called Djibouti Territoire français des Afars et des Issas, and Somaliland is called Somaliland. And then there is NFD northern frontier district or kenya's north eastern province., and than there is the Somali Kilil under Xabashi Bondage. Somaliland is not going to drop the Somali name ,for the Koonfurans Somali is part of the heritage and culture of the people of Somaliland. Somali makes sense in Somaliland 100% of the people of Somaliland are of pure ethnic Somali stock with Somali as the native language , in Somalia more than 25% of Somali population are assimilated Somalis. In Djibouti half of the population are of an Afar ethnic group. The Somaliland name makes sense in Somaliland. i am not necessarily against pan Somalism aslong as its done in the vision of the people of Somaliland separate nation states,and unity in the same form of the Europeans The Somalis in Somaliland and the Somalis in Djibouti and the Somalis in Kenya and the Somalis under Xabashis can all cooperate based on equality justice and partnership in maybe 50 years time. But the old days of Somaliland is part of Somalia and a union based on qiiro japan and hatred and jealousy and pseudo nationalism is not going to work. Which is why in my opinion the regional boundaries in the 60s should have been based upon the clan states at that time e.g. Maakhir-lot sultanate, Bari-lot sultanate, Joorre (where I'm from) etc. and have the power devolved to them and a unity government in Xamar. A sort of federation of the qabiils if you like. It would have been much fairer and no clan would have been able to oppress and massacre another clan.
  4. Apophis;989727 wrote: I've changed my view of this man. He is weak and a politically amateur. I no longer believe he will deliver anything significant to the county. A waste of opportunity. Any reason why?
  5. Alpha, give this a try abti if you haven't already:
  6. Wadani;989608 wrote: Faarax Idaaja's VOA program eh? lol. Yep. His politics might be iffy but the man has been blessed with cultural and linguistic knowledge. I enjoy his podcasts. Alpha Blondy;989609 wrote: this is very sad. a great man. Great for South Africans. To me he's just another man.
  7. Safferz;989601 wrote: I disagree completely Haatu, UK has a horrible economy for all degrees, at least as a linguist (or anthropologist, another area SOAS is great at and would allow you to study culture as well) you'd be doing something you love and contributing to knowledge about Somalia/Somalis, which is something we desperately need. A doctorate in particular (which are super short in the UK, 3 years I believe) would open up a number of other career opportunities, and chances are a job in academia will mean a better income than what you have in mind now. Plus there's always opportunities to be a basaas back home for your foreign government, like SP and Alpha I just think it's a shame to see a kid who is clearly passionate about a certain subject and has the intellectual curiosity to do it professionally worry about feeding his hypothetical family and end up studying something else! Trust me I would love to study it but circumstances dictate otherwise. Do you know my old man was once offered a job to teach spies Somali. No lie
  8. Apophis;989600 wrote: What's the kid count? Koox wiilal ah iyo dhowr gabdhood
  9. Safferz;989596 wrote: Why not study linguistics, Haatu? Martin Orwin is at SOAS, you know I've seen the courses they offer and I would love to study there but a degree in Somali won't feed a family
  10. Haatu


    ^^You're telling me that guy decided to take a picture instead of help that poor kid?!?
  11. Alpha Blondy;989579 wrote: i didn't know that, abti. thanks. here's a little interesting fact........koala bears never drink water. they get fluids from the eucalyptus leaves they eat. more interesting facts: http://uselessfacts.net/category/facts-of-the-day/ Anytime. One of my hobbies is researching all things Somali. I would love to do the same thing Safferz does but for Somali but alas we make do with what we have. Talking about quizes, did you know I know nearly every capital city by heart? I've forgotten a few now but when we were kids me and my siblings would entertain ourselves by playing geography games. PS: Another interesting fact, the fourth night/day is called Foocaar. The person who is born on that day is said to be handsome/beautiful and will have lots of offspring. Tallow which of us was born on the 4th of a month?
  12. Ilaahay baa ilehe, most of what he said flew right over my head. Mayba nool yihiin those that can still understand that Somali?
  13. I just came across this show today. Very beneficial. I must say though, this man's Af Soomaali is impeccable.
  14. "Summadii awoowgey iyo sinji waa ma guuraan"
  15. Mahiigaan;989520 wrote: Kuwan Tarzan u jaamaynaya waa dhashii looters Inc. Ee ha la yaabina. Qof xaaraan ku lagu canqiriyey maxaad ka sugaysaa? :D K.O
  16. Al, I just found out today that Somali songs have a meter which they adhere to like all other forms of poetry. I never knew that before.
  17. Haatu


    One of my friends from secondary school killed himself two months ago. But then again he was never the same after him mum died in year 7 (he was 13 when she died). Very sad. He wasn't Somali though.
  18. Faafan;981381 wrote: Governor Nadiif has prior links to many Muslim countries and a pioneer of shariah banking in Kenya, he is fit to lead Garissa out of the suffocating corruption and bring many development projects to the region, already some development is trickling and hes cleaning up the bureaucracy. Not bad so far. Not bad indeed. Slowly but surely he's beginning to deliver on some of his promises. IA we'll see though.
  19. GARISSA town will be connected to the national electric power grid by June next year. This was revealed during MP Aden Duale's a tour to the Garissa power station. The managing director and CEO of Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited Engineer Joel Kiilu said works to connect Garissa town to the national grid, which currently has its electricity supplied by generators, are at an advanced stage. “We hope to connect the residents of this rapidly advancing town to this grid, which will result in reliable and cheaper electricity for all,” he said. The Kenya Electricity Generating Company technical services manager Engineer Solomon Kariuki said power rationing in Garissa is "unfortunate but necessary". He said the two generators currently supplying power to the town are undergoing routine maintenance after being in service for more than 20,000 hours. “Either we carry out these maintenance works or risk losing the generators completely,” Kariuki said. “However, we hope to have completed these works by Friday next week." Duale visited the power station following numerous complaints over month long power blackouts in the town. “I am calling upon the residents of Garissa to remain patient as the maintenance works are being concluded and when this national grid is finally realised, then these power outages will be a thing of the past,” he said. http://www.the-star.co.ke/news/article-144882/garissa-be-part-electricity-grid
  20. Garissa County has launched a health sector strategic, investment plan which seeks to transform the health sector in the region. The plan, which will be implemented from 2013 to 2018, will see major changes in the sector. The plan seeks to reduce maternal mortality rate, increase the number of nurses and doctors in the area, open up health centers in remote areas as well as increase facilities in the hospitals. The county government has set aside 926 million shillings for planning. the project will cost an estimated 8 billion KShs. Health Care Plan Launched GARISSA county government has launched a five-year strategic and investment plan to transform its health sector. Governor Nadhif Jama said the plan will address challenges facing the health sector. He said said the county government is committed to overseeing an overhaul of the poor state of its health sector. Nadhif was speaking in Garissa town during the launch of the plan on Monday. "I want to assure all that this plan will be fully implemented. As a county, we fully understand that we cannot progress unless we sort out our health system," he said. Nadhif said the plan provides a road map and a strategic direction on key priorities in line with the national health sector strategic plan. "It articulates the agreed vision, mission and core values of the Garissa county health sector," he said. http://allafrica.com/stories/201312030982.html
  21. The Garissa county government will enact laws prohibiting the open sale and consumption of miraa. The law, which is expected to come into force early next year is due to be tabled in the County Assembly. It is being fronted by the Trade and Commerce executive Hajir Hassan. Speaking when opening a training workshop for 40 women miraa traders ,Hajir said the county is losing a lot of resources and manpower through the miraa trade hence the need to regulate the business. The workshop was organised by Hashas Weavers, an NGO for empowering women in Northern Kenya According to statistics from Nacada, residents of Garissa spend about Sh2 million on mirror daily. "We are not able to ban the sale and consumption of miraa but we can make it prohibitive in order to reduce its consumption in the county just like the Mututho laws did with alchohol," Hajir said. In the new laws, the open selling and consumption of miraa will be banned and vendors will be required to seek a license from the county government which will be pegged at a high fee and those found chewing miraa in public will face hefty fines. Also, transporters who ferry miraa into the County or pass through the County ferrying the leaf to neighbouring counties will be forced to pay special taxes. "In the meantime, we hope to do capacity building for the miraa vendors who are mostly women to enable them acquire alternative skills in micro business and industry so that they can continue to fend for their families through other means. Speaking at the same function, county executive member in charge of women, gender and children affairs Halima Mohamed said training of women engaged in the miraa business was crucial if the county was to be successful in implementing the proposed laws. http://allafrica.com/stories/201311080382.html
  22. The Garissa county government will soon unveil a multi-million shilling milk processing plant that will process, package and brand the product for market. County Executive member in charge of Industries, Commerce and co-operatives Hajir Mohamed Dahiye said the Sh40 million plant is at its final stage. The county will soon have its own brand of milk. Garissa livestock officer Benson Munyao said the plant will produce 1,500 litres of camel milk a day and will buy raw milk from farmers. Camel Milk Mini Dairy group member Haret Mashkok said the announcement will raise their hope and motivate them to produce more. He asked the county authorities to hasten the process. Dahiye said the county will create job opportunities for the youth when the factory become fully operational. The factory will produce yoghurt, fermented milk, fresh milk and others dairy products such as ghee. http://www.nation.co.ke/counties/Garissa-Camel-Milk-Processing-Plant/-/1107872/2067572/-/xladxs/-/index.html
  23. I have to agree with Dr. Kenny slightly here. Hanging around with Somalis is a lot of fun and comedy for free, something you won't get online. However that doesn't mean you spend every minute of your free time outside. For example, I rarely stay out past 9:30. AFter that is my relaxation time and being outside becomes a hassle.
  24. Wadani;989223 wrote: How about the C@gdheers favourite slogan 'Melez ayaynu wada nahay'. Waar ninyahow ur a smart guy, don't u realize by now that soomaalidu waa is ma dhaanto iyo dasheed? That's a man under the barrel of a gun, this is a man who is saying this of his free will. Not the same.