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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. What I don't understand is what purpose think tanks serve. What is the benefit in them? A bunch of men/women commentating on things - how does that solve anything?
  2. xabad;915860 wrote: 20 plus years of anarchy and keeping the nation hostage to mooryanism is patriotism ? i hope you are joking. Cheap. You clearly have missed the whole point by a margin. And to throw a question back at you, is threatening with secession patriotism to you?
  3. Gabbal;915751 wrote: Xiin- I take it you are a reluctant supporter of this President? The manner in which Puntland has acted under the designation of a federal state has never been sustainable. Similarly, the President is and has never been against Jubbaland formation on a policu level. I think his priority concern has been about due process which is adhered to by the entire political structure of the nation and is considered the universally agreed upon manner of forming a federal state. The Federal government is not a faction: it is formed by the representation of all Somalis of all regions. All those in favor of the stability of the nation should realize the Somali government should not be equated diplomatically to factions and partisan entities who are already represented in the Federal government. Weinstein is outdated, having invested his effort into explaining the transitional era and you are somewhat disappointing for not fully embracing thr full political opportunities before the nation. From now on I no longer associate myself with Xiin in politics. I am a follower of the Gabbal school of thought Xiin, yh I heard it too. Apparently Saacid should be going there soon. I hope the president makes it clear whilst there that separatism or alluding to it won't be tolerated. Faroole's treason is getting out of hand.
  4. Carafaat;915810 wrote: Why are all the Puntlanders so silent on these ridicolous ideas coming from Faroole and beesha members? I sometimes ask myself 'Does midnimo and Soomaalinimo only belong to southerners'. Why are we the only ones who speak against such treason?
  5. Gabbal;915760 wrote: You hit the nail Xaaji. Ironically his position is criticized by extremes on all sides: for example those who really want a central government ruling from Mogadishu as in the past and those who mistake federal states for autonomous states sometimes co-equal with the Federal government. This government has its work cut out for it. God speed. Once again Gabbal speaks sense. War ma waxyi baa kugu socdaa?
  6. Gabbal;915748 wrote: The President is alluding to rules, regulations, delineation of powers, checks and balances, etc in the relationship between Federal Government and federal states. The President is not saying and nor can say (I have watched him say this) that the federal states to be will be designed by the federal government. Ultimately, and he had said this a number of times, locals will form the federal states they desire but following agreed up and universal way of doing this through Parliament's enactions. Thank you Gabbal for speaking some sense. Some people here just want to twist words to cause controversy.
  7. Heavens. What has the President to do in a devilish desert outpost? Isku xishoo Xiinow
  8. Jacel iyo qadarin beenaadkan maad naga daysiina raggow? Ma been baan isku sheegnaa mise run?
  9. For heavens sake! Horta, what was that app that genius kid made that shortened down long articles into a paragraph?
  10. lol @in some cases towns. Allaha iimaanka ka qaad ma town idil :D
  11. First I was gay now I'm a female. Haye sheekada sii wada. Alpha, no it wasn't funny. It was a bit lame tbh and I doubt it actually did happen. And LOOOL at nigis-gate :D
  12. What is needed is education and a far-east style orderliness. Communal exercises first thing in the morning in all public places would work wonders IMO.
  13. Haatu

    Wearing white

    Apophis;915606 wrote: I used to support your view until a few weeks ago but I came to the realisation that deep down, I'm not liberal but rather conservative (of course not wholly, but significantly) therefore I agree with the traditional division of labour between man and wife. Of course some men, perhaps like yourself, can choose to be a hausfrau , and that's all well and good but at the same time others do not support such views. Good lad.
  14. I thought it was common practice for the GUY to text the girl when he's bored in class to ask that question, not for HIM to guess.
  15. Somalis are disorderly, loud, disrespect authority, very cunning and prone to fits of violence/anger.
  16. Qansax, I'll give you a clue. I have a blind spot and red irritates me
  17. Haatu

    Wearing white

    Reeyo, I love that naruto pic as your avatar.
  18. Samafal;915375 wrote: Somali national army needs weapons to defend it's territorial integrity and sovereignty. But first there has to be a Somali army that well trained in all military aspects and one all Somalis have confidence in it. One that is on the way and with a good chunk compromising of boys from P/land so what's with all the negativity?
  19. Haatu

    Wearing white

    Che, I don't go into the kitchen not because I'm a conformist but because truthfully I suck at cooking. I do the dishes from time to time but I don't cook. But let us know, what's the best dish you can make?
  20. "we mjinga sana" Bwana Haatu of Thika in support of Chai ni Kismayu.