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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Apophis;917827 wrote: What happened to the shirweyne? I was very much looking forward to it; even bought a new blue tie, signifying my conservative stance. I hope it wasn't cancelled because of me. Lawd! I brought out my black, red and green one. Someone's got to represent Harambee
  2. Wow you really are unsociable. You finally get someone else to troll with and you do that.
  3. Heh @Xiin. Just say you don't know how to reply without resorting to pathetic shenanigans. Kulaha violate house rules. What a joker.
  4. Excellent, excellent find sxb. Thank you very much. Our people just keep on amazing me. There was a time I used to think we were a backwards people but it seems I was wrong.
  5. Wakaa old Xiin at his tricks again. Its a shame the Old man of the North (Oodka) isn't here to knock some sense into you.
  6. Your skirting around the question. What about Baay/Bakool, Gedo, J/Hoose, Galgaduud, Mudug. Pray do tell, are these only one clan areas? Mooge, I would be honoured to be of the D-oodi. Such a nice and funny bunch.
  7. oba hiloowlow;917582 wrote: Your all,Ismo dhaanto iyo dhasheedu. Im outta here Ma aragtey. The cursed generation who destroyed Somalia and who now want to drag us all back. Balaayo qabiil wada dishey.
  8. Haatu

    Xasuuq 1991

    Apophis;917766 wrote: First you said "The retreating army was entirely Ds " now you're saying "it was largerly Ds" . You seem to be making it up as you type. All we can say for sure is that SNA elements retreated from North to South. We don't know their clan composition. Give up sxb. Che was there.
  9. Some people cannot even reason rationally when the "fits" (qabyaalad) return. Old Xiin is a periodical sufferer.
  10. xiinfaniin;917705 wrote: Tolow Nin-Yaaban maxaa qaniinay? Like NN said , this is a legitimate issue and Somali people will continue to weigh in. It is not about xiinfaniin, ya gushuush. It is about Somalia. As for Liqaye's new (new because he had a little more decorum than this before), open mo0ryaanism, and Irirsm nonsense that brought STOIC and co on board, that i say does nothing to change reality on the ground. Somalia needs to re institute its armed forces, it needs to build a cohesive national army. With Mogadishu as the current center of power, such all inclusive national army is not logistically, and politically possible. All the article suggested is the creation of bases and training centers with collaboration of current political stakeholders (i.e. Puntland, Somaliland, Khatumo, Galmadug, Jubba ...) . In other words, the wolf shouldn't be left to tend to the sheep again without safeguards and protection (and that is for my old friend Liqaye) So now even the military is to be devolved? So the clan states are to have their own personal armies as a "safeguard"?
  11. Cajiib. Mararka qaar odeygan (Xiin) wuu isku darsama. Even Somalia ayaa ka caqli badiye. Waayeelnimo ha lagu qoro. Xiinow, does the government represent one clan? Also, what is this rubbish insinuation that the writer seems to be pushing that the government is against Federalism? From what we've heard from the President himself is that Federalism is the way the country has adopted and his government will work within its frameworks. As for recruiting soldiers from Xamar only, what nonsense. Isn't the government in control of Jubbooyinka (some of it), Gedo, Galgaduud? Are all these areas one clan areas? As for P/land, if soldiers are not recruited from there then it has only itself to blame. If it happens then that is the result of its isolationism and its refusal to bow down to the central government of Somalia.
  12. Thanks for the responses so far. Hopefully others will contribute more.
  13. SomaliPhilosopher;917505 wrote: From my understanding the Somali new years is based on a solar calander as well as the Chinese new years, which may explain why it falls around the same time Care to explain more in the new topic I made in Dood Wadaag. Don't worry you can reply in English so don't be scared
  14. Shocking, absolutely shocking. At least Garissa is finally going to be connected to a powerstation as of next year so I won't complain so much.
  15. Haatu


    Khadafi;917396 wrote: Coofle, just do it and boardthe ship. Marriage viewed from the western perspective is seen as something great or a phase of life. I dont personally belive that it is like that. Marriage waa in rabbi nii xaaleelayay to have sex and live amongst each other. Just get married and start having fun, and if things dont work out, divorce is allways an option and then marry again. It´s not more complicated then that. That is a terrible, terrible advice.
  16. Haatu


    Apophis;917394 wrote: Run for the hills sxb and join Che. I think Che plays for the other side. His abstinence is abnormal
  17. Why is Dhaqane taking the issue of looted properties personally. Is he the spokesman of the looters or does he himself live in a looted property? Waryaa, if people want to get their properties back, dantaada maxaa ka dhigey? Soow arrin maxkamadaha u taal ma aho?
  18. Are you suggesting that Culusoow is a fat, feral yob?
  19. This show isn't that bad, the British version anyway. At least I'll have something to watch other than Suburgatory now
  20. He looks evil, the pope that is, not Culusoow
  21. What happened to good old fashioned Idil, Amal, Ayaan, Liibaan...wait a minute, they're still around
  22. Isn't the Chinese New Year around now as well?