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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Xawaaladda laankasaw Amal Amal ma qiyaanaato Beesadda udhiibid se u rooreyso qofkee anseeraas Balaayaddu ma af jin baa?
  2. Oba and Alpha have never posted their pic.
  3. I know what Alpha's new nickname is. We'll call him !door
  4. lol I'm sitting opposite my mum right now and she's 45. How then, can I have kids?
  5. oba hiloowlow;918916 wrote: LOL heedhe iftiin la'aan waa aqoon la'aan. Maandhow maxaad ula jeeda? Alpha, have you heard of walkofftheearth? I like this cover they sang of Gotye's song: Old I know but they have other nice songs. Also for a little fun, guess the song (no Google). It's newish and big time popular I wanna scream and shout and let it all out... you are now rocking with...and ...b!tch
  6. Hell no I aint posting no pic of me here You lot just can't take it that an 18 year is this smart
  7. ^lol How did I miss that. Abwaan, iga xishoo, adeer
  8. Yaabka yaabkiis. What brings a girl from Wajeer all the way to LC? Naga daa bahasha sxb
  9. Who cares sxb. I don't like half the songs on my playlist but for reasons unbeknownst they are simply there. But it's better than that rubbish "conscious music" filth you indulge in
  10. I most definitely don't. Heck I don't even have A-Levels yet
  11. Daddy has never been further North than Kismaayo sxb. Try again The funny thing is, ones an cagadheer, another a Siadist (), another a buglander, one is Oba's lot and one's a looma-ooyaan I wonder how they are capable of have sessions together without a fistfight breaking out
  12. Alpha Blondy;918883 wrote: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatuoow, ileen waxaad Dhagaysataa heesaha hobalada cadaanka...LOL! Haaheey. Heesaha cadaanka waan ka helaa sxb. Faa'ido weyna leeyihiin oo gabdhaha ayaa lagu soo jiitaa (taasi waa haddaad heesi kartid ). Adba soo ma dhageysatid heesahooda? Heestee ugu jeceshahey? Aniga iminka tan baan la dhacsanyahey (Shanta Gaduudan ):
  13. Alpha Blondy;918877 wrote: nah bro. what's offensive about it? i use it as a term of empowerment, actually.....i call my friends the i-word all the time....they call me a sell-out and doubt my claim to the man. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. now, had your dad used that word against a real i-word person, it's a different matter all together. its becomes derogatory all of a sudden. tell daddy to NOT to use it! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. That's the thing. Daddy's a big time qabiilist like most Somalis his age
  14. Alpha Blondy;918868 wrote: i'm not familiar with the philandering's of kenyans. but as you say, it must be pandemic . kenyans are uskuug creatures. their immorality knows no bounds. their attempts to emulate the social ills of the west has been noted. LOL! i take it you're not familiar with the famous gabay !idor sal fududaa wuxuu sugayo muu dhawro ?...... in the case of reer mohamud, they might as well wait for the bigger clan efforts. i think they're just pacemakers in our clan's efforts. lol I thought you lot find the i-word offensive. My dad uses it all the time
  15. Who's heard the song Betty's a Bombshell by grouplove? I just came across it today. Nice song.
  16. N.O.R.F;918780 wrote: The author’s immediate concern seems to be to try and prevent the equipping of the clan residing in the capital under the pretext that the Somali military is not representative. He also unnecessarily goes into the issues of a yet to mature political process. However, he fails to mention the years of military supplies acquired by the other regions. Naga daaya dee. Baashi’s points notwithstanding, I think that in order for the govnt to secure the region, it needs equipment. Thank you Norf. This is what we were trying to tell xiin all along.
  17. QansaxMeygaag;918762 wrote: Kkk you are so funny and no they are not Oba's lot. The only true HAGs in Kenya are the OOTS (One-Of-The-Sheikhs) and /Fruit-lovers in Mandera... are pure Somali and go straight to Gardheere Samaale (one of the 9 Samaale sons) for your edification and education...What you've heard is a loose association with HAG just like the Grave-peeps/... Oba don't kill me, am just following the genealogies/abtirsinyo as they are... If you say so sxb. I only heard recently they're Oba's lot.
  18. QansaxMeygaag;918714 wrote: abti I thought you were a mark-a-bull; what's this about a usc kenya clan i've never heard of? Don't pay attention to them and their malicious lies. The secessionist worm harbours a grudge against me after I publicly ridiculed and humiliated him. The crazy cousin is just that, crazy. You don't know the USC of Kenya? Think Wagalla. Yes, they're Oba's lot, crazy I know. I used to think they weren't even Somali when I was young
  19. QansaxMeygaag;918695 wrote: There was an excellent documentary by the grandson of Richard Burton retracing the steps of the old man from Seylac to Harar, can't seem to find it. You better find that. There's no way you're gonna tell me such a vid exists without posting it.
  20. Inna lillah, ma amxaar baad la socotaa Oba? Have you no shame?
  21. Alpha, word of advice, the maids are there for household chores and nothing else. Keep the relationship 100% professional Whilst I'm on this subject, have you heard about this Kenyan pandemic where the husband and wife both leave for work in the morning (kids chauffeur driven to school by driver) but the man returns after a while for a "session" with the housemaid Many husbands have been caught by their wives doing such lol@pathetic little clan. I wish I knew more about duriyadda to fully appreciate the joke. And create value by scarcity? lol
  22. Apophis;918681 wrote: You seem paranoid, like most Somalis. You're confusing the minor sea boundary issue between the republics and Kenya's legitimate expenses vis a vis it's navy. If you want to hate something, hate Ethiopia; the true enemy. While your masters steal the oil behind our backs.
  23. Well then you shouldn't give your number out to strangers