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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Good to have you back Apo. You've missed some juicy discussions during your hiatus. Alpha, you still don't know the song do you?
  2. metta;919184 wrote: No one can get tired of Somali food. It's delicious. I am sure you can support a Somali restaurant 50% of the time. I would go as far as only hiring Somali lawyers, eating at Somali places 100% of the time (which is what I have done for the past month now), buying only from Somalis (products and services). You know, copying the Chinese. But Somalis are lacking in businesses. But I still think you can end up only relying on Somali businesses if you were motivated enough. If you live in Toronto, London, Minneapolis, Ottawa, Columbus, Birmingham and the other cities with large Somali populations with many businesses, this is very do-able. A part from cable TV, rent/mortgage, phone line, utilities, insurance, etc etc, it's manageable. Or you could resettle back in the Somali lands where your help will be really useful.
  3. The election fever is in full swing and the spectators are all enthralled. Will the hapless and hopeless Gaandhi be able to clinch J/land Presidency, or will toll-less Axmed Madoobe be too tough to beat. Or will the the Dark Horse Cabdi Shakuul surprise us all and put a smile on the face of everyone in Wajeer? (let's not kid ourselves, the Pres will be one of these 3; sorry Xiin and Gabbal ) Will the clueless CEO Nadiif become the Kingmaker of Garissa or will Cali Qorane be successful this time round? Will ina Ducaale keep his MP seat and will Faarax Macallin continue to be Nairobi's favourite butler (thank you for this invention Oodka )? Will Oba's lot finally attain their dream and win the Wajir South seat or will the Bulls (Mark them ) continue their dominance? Will ina Aaden Afeey keep his political prestige and his lofty station or will he be unseated for another? Will Mandheera finally experience peace or will it continue to wallow in the darkness of petty clan rivalry? Who will win the Governorship of this divided Constituency and will he be accepted? Will the Oromos be kept at bay or will they continue to wreck havoc? And other than elections, will the current waanwaan to bring the ONLF and Ethiopia back to the negotiation table succeed or will the status quo remain? So much to play for and such little time but what is certain is that Hallow Kismaayo, Hallow Gaarisa, Hallow Wardheer will be a reality despite the wishes of some
  4. Maybe we're tired of eating somali food and want to eat something else for a change?
  5. Alpha Blondy;919143 wrote: actually, i wouldn't mind a Kleenex. its soft layers of triple ply are excellent for all occasions! LOOOOOOOOOL. Can you even get pocket tissue over there?
  6. Haatu;918924 wrote: Also for a little fun, guess the song (no Google). It's newish and big time popular I wanna scream and shout and let it all out... you are now rocking with...and ...b!tch No one know? I'm shocked.
  7. You got trolled by your own giff. How does it feel Me Sensitive Do you need a Kleenex?
  8. Alpha Blondy;919138 wrote: its interesting you say this Haatu. i was really eager to learn something beneficial from this thread. but, i guess, like you say, its ruined now. shame really. Don't hide behind me and my words you ...
  9. The Qur'an is generally easy to understand since the narrative is mostly easy to follow. This is a whole different ball game.
  10. There should have been a sign reading Atheists Need Not Enter. Would've saved this thread from spiraling downhill.
  11. Strange how someone can be called Cabdi Gorod. I know someone with that name.
  12. Alpha Blondy;919129 wrote: is this hadith about some guy collecting the prophet's hair and nails with the view of committing sixiir? it's mainly because of this hadith, i've always taken extra care to dispose off my nails. thanks for sharing Haatu. I don't know. And yeah, never leave about your nails or hair ama falfale baa lagugu akhrin.
  13. Haatu

    Ya Allah

    Oba, don't get dragged into this. There are khawaarij within those fighting. Just as people support the ICU without realising they had khawaarij elements within, the same thing is happening in Syria now. Learn the fundamentals of jihaad first before deciding whether a conflict is a jihad or not ama you'll find yourself in a big time fitnah. That said, this dagaal isn't jihaad but it's fitnah within the ummah. The Prophet's advise during times of fitnah was to not get involved at all. Otherwise, laga yaabaa in walaalkaa Muslim ah aad dishid with gardaro only to end up in Jaxiim.
  14. It does exist. I remember hearing a hadith about it a while ago.
  15. Alpha Blondy;918964 wrote: apologies NOW with your hurtful comments? my habaryar and abti's live there walahi. Oh yeah
  16. I hate it when Somali journalists speak english with a Kenyan accent. It sounds hideous.
  17. Heh talk big but the Big Boogey man called ina Iley is nosing around Gaashaamo I hear Horta, did you hear Garaad Wiilwaal was a Mark-a-bul :D
  18. Alpha, what's wrong with you sxb. We're still great friends. Plus, I like !doors, their accent deserves to be archived somehow
  19. I'm currently rethinking my membership in this troll section. With that said, the Cold War between Apophis and I is nearing an end. We hope relations begin to thaw as swiftly as possible. Certain actions have been taken due to changes in geopolitical strategy.
  20. lol I remember the times when people used to say yaad tahey, I'd reply OG and then they'd say 'haa ileen D-block ayaad tahey" for me to tell them them they're wrong I'm not D-block I'm OG First time I heard of D-block was on SOL no lie. I remember I googled it and lo and behold they were right