somali citizen
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Xarakada Al Islaax oo bayaan ay soo saareen maanta kula dar daarmay dowladda Cusub iyo waliba Shacbiga Soomaaliya. Posted: 2/24/2009 5:21:00 PM Shabelle: MUQDISHO Xarakada Al Islaax ayaa bayaan ay soo saareen maanta waxaa ay talooyin kala kidisan u soo jeediyeen dowladda Cusub iyo waliba Shacbiga Soomaaliya. Bayaanka ay soo saareen maanta Ururka Al Islaax ayaa waxaa ay ku sheegeen iyagoo ka turjumaya sida ay xuseen guushii ka soo hoyatay shirkii Jabuuti iyo Soomaaliya ugu socday wadankaasi jabuuti in ay u hambaliyaynayaan madaxweynaha Soomaaliya sheikh Shariif Sheekh Axmed,Barlamanka midnimada qaran iyo sidoo kale Ra’iiusl wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali iyo golisiisa Wasiirada. Bayaanka ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in Ururka Isgaoo isha ku haya dhibaatooyinka xooga laleh ee haysta Umadda Soomaaliyeed iyo waliba dagaanaanshe la’aanta siyaasadeed ayaa waxaa ay soo saareen qodobada hoos ku qoran. Ururka Waxa uu dowladda KMG Xasuusinayaa in umadda ay ka sugayso hergalinta Shareecada islaamka qeybaha kala duwan ee nolashada sida maamul,garsoor siyaasad,dhaqaale iyo waliba arimaha bulshada iyo hogaanka wanaagsan. Ururku sidoo kale waxaa uu walaac ka muujiyay tirade Barlamanka iyo tirade Xukuumadda,waxaana bayaanka lagu sheegay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay in la kabo lana kaashado wada shaqeyn iyo Hufnaan wadata maamul wanaagsan. Ururku waxaa uu ku boorinayaa dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ee heysata mudada KMG ee gaaban inay ku dadaasho fulinta waajibaadka dastuuriga ee ay ka sugeyso umadda Soomaaliyeed taasi oo ay ka mid tahay soo celinta Amniga iyo kala dambeynta,dhameystirka dib u heshiisiinta qaran,dib u dajinta iyo waliba miisaaniyadda qaran,dajinta dastuur qaran oo ku saleysan shareecada islaamka,dhisidda maamulada gobolada iyo degmooyinka,hergalinta tiro koobka dadweynaha,diyaarinta xeerarka Axsaabta iyo doorashooyinka. Ururka waxa uu ugu baaqayaa umadda Soomaaliyeed in ay taageeraan dowladda cusub siiyaana fursad ay wax ugu qaban karto una muujiyaan samir iyo dulqaad,iyadoo xiligaasi gudanaysa shaqadeeda. Sidoo kale bayaanka ay soo saareen Ururka Al islaax oo uu ku saxiixnaa Afhayeenka Ururkaasi oo lagu magacaabo C/ramaan Macalin C/laahi ayaa lagu sheegay in mahad balaaran ururka uu u soo jeedinayo intii ka qeyb qaadatay guushii dib u heshiisiinta qaran iyo dhisidda dowladda cusub oo ay ugu horeeyaan dowladda Jabuuti,madaxweynaheeda,Xukuumad iyo shacabka iyo sidoo kale wakiilka xoghaya guud ee QM Axmed Walad Cabdala. Aqriso oo la soco Shabelle.net Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. Dhageyso wararka 7:00-Fiidnimo Habeen walba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka. Bayaanka oo qoraal ahna Daawo. Daawo Sawirada Shabelle Media Network - Source of Somalia News
AWW. Dear readers , you can watch in thses clips the beautiful inaugration ceromony of mogadishu university in puntland regional state. I hope for puntland and for the rest of somalia to proper and develope thier capacity in all realm. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=c5JTPrG_H-c http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vEmKDuajUMI http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zrjBNSpTNZ0 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yDeX0dUEc6E http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=WXArO3mMyOQ http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gazVMYr803E http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=w3FFxLsOdEg http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=f5ec4Vuni74&feature= related
Assalamu alikum. I hope you all agree with me that our sisters needs empowerment in somalia , mogadishu university was spearheading women empowerment programmes in the last ten years. pleas watch these clips and listen the contents carfully . These are part of female studen fundraising that took place in Nairobi kenya, in these event more than two hundred somali girls were sponsered to study mogadishu university freely. i hope we will all support this kind of noble act. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IU4GSNpLBgs http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=GO-s6Q7iZuM http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jso_1-AkCuY http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=36bYNdKYvT4 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql1xZE2griQ http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql1xZE2griQ http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql1xZE2griQ http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uF25YJxODOU http://uk.youtube.com/watchv=uF25YJxODOU http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=B1UMMkJI6XM
A very intreasting read on the ISLAH movement in somalia.
somali citizen replied to Liqaye's topic in Politics
Brother B G the position of Al-slah in terms of music is that i t is permisssable with conditions 1. Not all sorts of singing are permissible. Rather, the permissible song should comply with the Islamic teachings and ethics. Therefore, the songs praising the tyrants and corrupt rulers collide with Islamic teachings. In fact, Islam stands against transgressors and their allies, and those who show indifference to their transgression. So, the same goes for those songs that imply giving praises to such attitude! 2. Also, the way the song is performed weighs so much. The theme of the song may be good, but the performance of the singer – through intending excitement and arousing others’ lusts and desires, along with trying to seduce them – may move it to the area of prohibition, suspicion or even detested things. The Glorious Qur’an addresses the wives of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, saying: O Consorts of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do fear (God), be not too complacent of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just. Surah 33 Verse 32 So, one has to show caution to music when there is softness of speech accompanied with rhyme, melody, and special effects! 3. Singing should not be accompanied with something that is prohibited such as alcohol, nakedness, mixing of men with women, like that is common in pubs and nightclubs. 4. Islam has declared excessiveness prohibited in everything, even in acts of worship. The same goes for excessiveness in leisure and recreation even though these things are permissible! This indicates that the emptiness of mind and heart has to be identified and tackled during man’s short-term life. One should know that Allah Almighty will ask every one of us about his life and his youth in particular, how he spends it. -
A very intreasting read on the ISLAH movement in somalia.
somali citizen replied to Liqaye's topic in Politics
my friend resistance it is not true that AL-ISLAH courted shekh shariif recently, al-islah has not been part of the islamic courts and it is not part of them now. Those who resorted to violence were expelled from the ranks of the organasation and they joined islamic courts of union. Al-islah dose not want please every one becouse that is not possible, how-ever they are trying to reconcile our somali identity with progressive thinking of islam.That doe not mean they want please every one but they tolerate and respect others that is islamic duty. By the way islah is the only organasation that did not seek any help from Ethiopia, it is the only organasation that did not took part the civil war in our country on the other side they were busy educating our children. Listening and being open to others is not same as pleasing all sides. we have to undersatnd our sarroundings and interprate our way of undersanding islam contextually. -
A very intreasting read on the ISLAH movement in somalia.
somali citizen replied to Liqaye's topic in Politics
saxiib xamza islaax fadhi ku diri ma aha ee shaqo ayay habeen iyo maalin ku jiraan oo ummada soomaliyeed ayay badbaadinteeda ku jiraan, mar waa macalimiin mar waa culimo mar waa dhakhaatiir mar waa siyaasiyiin dadka heshiisiiya bal wax yar dhagayso heestan ay qaadayaan dhalinta al-islaax waa haddi aad soomali tahay lakiin waxaad dhihi doontaa waa hees oo waa xaraan lakiin anaashiidka carabta raalibaad ka tahay.. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4U6d0Oof3HM&feature=related mar labaad eeg iyagoo u gurmanyaa dadka dhibaataysan halka inta kale xabad wax aan ahayn ayna garnaynin. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8HVNW1t6ecM -
saxiib in diinta iyo risaalada islaamka la qurxiyo waa waajib diini ah. in ummad walba waaqiceeda la fahamana waa daruuro. islaax waxa kaliya oo ay rabto waa in islaamka si sax ah oo aan ka badbadin ahayn loo fahmo. waxay rabtaa dadka in aqoonta casriga ah iyo diintaba la baro. waxay diiday in dadka bani'adamka ah dhiigooda si sharci darro ah loo daadiyo. waxay dadka u kala saartaa waxa diin ah waxa dhaqan carbeed ah, sida in gabdhaha la yiraahdo wax ma baran kartaan, ma shaqaysan kartaan, iyo wax mas'uliyad ah ma qaban karaan. Saxiib in dad la baro cilmi , loo kaalmeeyo ka miskiinka ah la heshisiiyo dadka dagaalami haddi ay faddiidnimo tahay , waxaad shaqo u taqaanaa dadka in magac diineed lagu laayo, in lagui daydo usaama oo afqaanistaan buurahooda ku dhuumanaya, soomaliya ha noolaato Al-islaax iyo inta soomalinimada aaminsana ha noolaadaan.
A very intreasting read on the ISLAH movement in somalia.
somali citizen replied to Liqaye's topic in Politics
their political statements are consistant, this interview took place last year and this reflects how thier policy is inherently nationalistic. The Somali scene is witnessing a serious escalation; like its fast ascension to rule, the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) collapsed within a few hours, leaving the Somali arena teeming and surging with many new incidents, including a new occupation by the Ethiopian forces while the only loser is the Somali people. Therefore, Ikhwanweb holds this interview with Mr. Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam Abdullah (Badew), the Vice-Chairman of Harakat Al-Islah (Reform Movement) in Somalia and the chairman of Al-Islah Committee for Reconciliation (Muslim Brotherhood) to understand the real situations there and the Muslim Brotherhood’s attitude towards them. Ikhwanweb:- What is the movement’s attitude towards the current incidents?; will it have a role in resisting the Ethiopian forces? Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam: in the name of Allah; prayer and peace be on the Master of Messengers, his family and companions. First: I offer my thanks to our brothers- the staff of Ikhwanweb- for their great concern in the issues of the Islamic Nation, particularly those of the Somali people who are considered a part of this nation which is currently facing many successive crises. On the Day of Arafa, the Day of Sacrifice, in 1427, corresponding to Dec. 30, 2006, the Ethiopian forces accompanied by units of Somali Army affiliated to the interim government, entered the Somali capital, Mogadishu; one day earlier, the UIC forces withdrew suddenly and unexpectedly from Mogadishu; this serious event took place as a direct result of the complete failure of all reconciliation efforts, leading to the eruption of battles in all fronts; the UIC forces were defeated by the Ethiopian army and the interim government, after a week of bloody confrontations between both parties; the defeat of the UIC wasn expected because the military force of both sides wasn’t the same. Al-Islah Movement called for sparing the bloodshed between the interim government and the UIC, supported the efforts of the national reconciliation and rejected seeking a foreign intervention in Somalia, on the basis of its Islamic principles and its moderate understanding and permanent policy of closing ranks among all sides of the Somali body on sound foundations; Al-Islah’s attitude towards last year’s successive incidents and developments was clear: we were against war and confrontation, with reconciliation and sitting to the negotiation table to hold dialogue and consultations and solving all problems through peaceful means without using force and violence to achieve political gains whatever the circumstances are. Ikhwanweb: - What is your evaluation to the short period in which the UIC assumed power? Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam: The period wasn’t enough to evaluate the UIC because it was less than a year and because the overall view did not become clear for the observer. However, the UIC has its achievements and its failures; As for its achievements, they are the following: -Defeating the warlords and disarming the militias in a very short period which raised the eye brows of observers. -Providing security in the UIC-controlled regions. -Opening Mogadishu port and the international airport. As for its failures: -Not presenting a clear political program and applicable stages to fill the vacuum. -Not forming administrative councils in the capital to run its affairs and carries out the necessary services for the society. Ikhwanweb:- What is your view to get out of the current crisis and solve the problem of security and stability in Somalia? Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam:- Since the Somali country collapsed in 1991 till today, Al-Islah Movement has had its targets aims and constants on which it has built its graded attitudes and policies; the national reconciliation among Somali sides was the center from which the movement’s initiatives and attitudes were starting, out of our conviction that all the current disputes and problems must be solved through negotiations and dialogue; this is due to the fact that, after 16 years of continuous wars and unjust deadly conflicts, we reaped nothing but regret, loss of money and lives, and destruction of what our ancestors built with hard work throughout ages; without a full and real reconciliation that leads to tolerance, forgiveness and self-denial, the Somalis can not rebuild or defend their homeland again; according to our principles, we call on our people in Somalia to close ranks and to immediately seek a reconciliation; this is the only way to salvation, because the current events created a new unprecedented situation in Somalia history that requires practical steps and a serious thinking from all sections of society. As for the security, it is tied to the political harmony and the success of the reconciliation and negotiations among the Somali national powers; only at this time, the weapon becomes in safe hands, the hands of the police and the national army; and people will feel security at that time and will find a material and spiritual stability amid atmospheres of mutual confidence; fear and tyranny will vanish while peace, justice and freedom come back; only at that time, the stage of construction and cooperation starts to end the tragic scenes that led us to the dark tunnel and the social and economic misery and disintegration of the Somali country. Ikhwanweb: - Do you support that UN forces stay in Somalia? Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam:- The Somali society lived for some two decades a state of violent chaos and an unprecedented lawlessness; these conditions created an environment which can easily explode for the following reasons: -There millions of weapons with the militias, individuals and tribes. -There is a society that has become familiar with using weapons for any reason. -There are generations of young who have been brought up amid chaos and lawlessness and need a rehabilitation. -There is a lack of trust among tribes and citizens because of wars and social injustices. For these reasons and others, the interim government can’t- alone and with personal efforts- control security and disarm the militias. Due to the fact that the Ethiopian troop withdrawal from the Somali territories is a popular and international demand and is, at the same time, necessary for the stability of Somalia and the region, and due to the fact that the interim government can not provide security in current stage, UN forces must be sent to Somalia to offer aid to Somali government, a necessity no an option. Ikhwanweb:- What is your evaluation to the role of Arab League and Arab countries in the current crisis? Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam:- The Arab League had an active role after the UIC emerged and tried to bring closer the viewpoints between the UIC and the government and it contributed to arranging meetings between both sides in Khartoum; however, those efforts faced a complete failure because the attitudes of the Somali sides were inflexible; in addition to this, a number of Arab countries tried to improve situations and spare the country the consequences of a possible destructive war; UIC officials visited a number of Arab countries, topped by Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Djibouti; it is widely believed in the Somali arenas that the Arab countries were very keen to help the reconciliation between both sides succeed; some countries tried to persuade the UIC of sitting with the Ethiopian government to avoid any possible confrontation; although all Arab initiatives failed, but the Arab countries that tried to solve the Somali conflict exerted great efforts; as for their failure in this stage, it is attributed to two reasons: 1-The absence of the Arab effective role in the political and economic perspectives in the Somali arenas since the collapse of the Somali state; their role was never a leading one, but it was marginalized. 2-There was no unified Arab strategy towards the Somali issue; so, the Arab role in solving the Somali problem does not differ so much from the Arab role in the Arab troubled regions; however, we hope that the Arab efforts continue in Somalia. Ikhwanweb:- What is the message that you want to send to the international organizations and civil society institutions? Abd Al-Rahman Ma’lam:- We want to tell the world that the war-torn Somali people is part of this world and it is facing sharp crises nowadays, including political disputes, serious economic collapse and natural catastrophes that threaten millions of lives of its people; the world should deal with this issue more seriously, because solving its problems is a humane service on the one hand and a service to the security of region on the other hand; also, giving blind eyes to its agonies and leaving it to face its fate may lead to disastrous consequences that may have a negative impact on all the African Horn. As for the Arab world, we tell it that Somalia is considered, with its strategic position, an economic and security belt for the south of the Arab World; its destruction is a strategic loss that can not be restored; we hope that the Arab peoples support their brothers to ease their ordeal; do not fail them under any circumstances. Latest Headlines 4Obama and my Grandmother... 4Police Officer Case Against Al ... 4500 Employees At Monufyia’s Inf... 4Postponing Case Of Selling Alex... 4Kafr el-Sheikh: Detaining Eight... 4Let Palestinians study campaign... 4Ministry of prisoners: Israel i... 4Hamas denies reports about its ... 4The Middle East’s Generation Fa... 4Sarah Palin and the Muslim Brot... 4Palling with dictators?... 4Europe’s Muslims Urge Obama "Ov... 4Egyptian Al-Ghad Tomorrow’s Par... 4Obama’s freedom agenda?... 4The Day After….... 4Welcome to Mideast Peace, Presi... Prisoners Of Conscience MB in Press Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Guide... Banned from Traveling... 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it seems they are really thinking, what looks like is they want find apolotical philosophy that can harmonise our sopmali and islamic identity. on the other side they appreciate and acknowledge the importance of understanding the concept of nation state, they want formulate aphilosophy which is compatible with all of these identities. They may not have the solution but the alternative is dark and clannish ghettos or radical and puritanic understanding of the religion, i think they can be stepping stone towords enlightment and govermant that can harmonise our identities.
it is intresting to read the short term startegy of al-islah in somali, please peruse this writing and comment on i think this guys are mature enough to lead our nation and they dserve our support as diaspora. Hawlaha guud ee Islaax ay qabanayso marxaladan , ee ku aaddan la falgalka xaaladda Soomaaliya, waxaa hagaya siyaasaadkan: 1) Wadahadal iyo dibuheshiin Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah ayaa xal u ah dhibaatada Soomaaliya. Soomaaliya dhibaato siyaasadeed ayaa ka taagan, waxaana halakeeyay dagaallo sokeeye oo sababay burbur guud. Waxaa la riday dowladdii dhexe ee kelitaliska ahayd Janaayo 1991. Gobollo badan oo dalka ah waxaa ka dhacay dagaallo culus, waxaana xoogaystay tafaraaruq bulshada dhexdeeda ah. Dagaaladan sokeeye, oo ah fitno dhexmartay dad walaalo ah oo Muslim ah, cidina kuma guulaysan inay guulo siyaasadeed oo la taaban karo ku gaarto; mana keenin dagaaladani xal guud ee dhibaatada Soomaaliya. Haddaba, Islaax waxay rumaysan tahay in wadahadal iyo dibuheshiin lagu gaari karo xallinta khilaafka siyaasadeed ee Soomaalida dhexyaal, isla markaasna dib loogu soo celin karo dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo awood u leh gudashada xilkeeda. Dibuheshiisiintu (إصلاح ذات البين) waa waajib diini ah oo inna wada saaran, dalka iyo dadkuna waxay u qabaan baahi xoog leh. Cid kasta oo is haysa wuxuu Ilaahay –SW- faray inay heshiiyaan قال تعالى: ((فاتقّوا الله وأصلحوا ذات بينكم ، وأطيعوا الله ورسوله إن كنتم مؤمنين)) الأنفال : 1 ((Alle ka cabsada, wanaajiyana xaalka dhexdiina ah, Alle iyo Rasuulkiisana adeeca haddaad kuwo rumeeeyay tihiin)) Al- Anfaal: 1. Dhinacyada is haya maahane, bulshada inteeda kale wuxuu Ilaahay –SW- faray inay ka shaqeeyaan siday dibuheshiin u dhex dhigi lahaayeen: قال تعالى: ((إنّما المؤمنون إخوة ، فأصلحوا بين أخويكم ، واتّقوا الله لعلّكم ترحمون)) الحجرات :10 ((Mu`miniintu waa walaalo, ee wanaajiya walaalihiin dhexdooda, Allena ka cabsada, waxaad u dhowdihiin inuu idiin naxariisto e )) Al- Xujuraat : 10 Sidaas darteed siyaasaadka Islaax ee marxaladan waxaa ka mid ah taabbagelinta dibuheshiin buuxda oo Soomaaliya ka hanaqaadda. Waayo dibuheshiisiintu waa meesha ugu danbaysa ee cid kasta oo dagaalantaa ay hawsheeda ku soo gebagebaynayso. Islaax waxay aragtaa in la baajiyo waqti iyo xoog badan, hawshana laga bilaabo dibuheshiisiinta, halka markii la soo daalo dibuheshiisiinta loo soo noqon lahaa. Xarakaduna waxay kaalinteeda ka qaadanaysaa ka shaqaynta hawlaha dibuheshiisiinta. 2) Taabbagelinta dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo awood leh. Dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya waxay burburtay Janaayo 1991, waxaa bilawday iskudayo sidii dawladdaas dhexe dib loogu soo dhisi lahaa, tiro shirar dibuheshiisiineed ayaa dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisaba lagu qabtay. Dawlad la`aan lama ilaalin karo danta guud ee dalka iyo dadka, waxaana halis gelaya qaranimada iyo madaxbanaanida Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya. Haddaba, iyadoo laga duulayo ahmiyada dawladnimada iyo dhibaatadii laga dhaxlay maqnaanshaheeda ayay xarakadu mudnaanta koowaad siinaysa wax kasta oo suuragelinaya taabbagelinta dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo awood leh, iyadoo lala kaashanayo dhammaan qaybaha bulshada iyo dawladaha saaxiibka ama walaalaha la ah Soomaaliya. 3) Xoojinta midnimada bulshada iyo ka hortegidda waxyaabaha kala qaybin kara Midnimadu bulshada waxay lama huraan u tahay wadanoolaanshaha iyo horumarka. Sidaas darteed waa in laga wada shaqeeyo ilaalinta midnimada ummadda iyo kobcinteeda. Waa in la abuuraa lana dhiirrigeliyaa waxyaabaha midnimada kobcinaya, sida: isjacaylka, iskaalmaynta, iskaashiga bulshada dhexdeeda ah. Dhanka kale waxaa jira waxyaabo kalaqaybinaya bulshada, burburinna kara midnimadeeda, sida qabyaaladda, eexda iwm. Waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in laga hortago lalana dagaallamo waxyaabahaas dhaawacaya midnimada iyo wadajirka bulshada. Haddaba Islaax waxay rumaysantahay, kana shaqaynaysaa ilaalinta iyo kobcinta midnimada iyo wadajirka bulshada, iyadoo la dhiirigelinayo waxyaabaha kor u qaadaya. Sidoo kale, waxay ka shaqeynaysaa in laga hortago waxyaabaha dhaawixi kara midnimada, wadajirka iyo wadanoolaanshaha bulshada. 4) Xoojinta bulshada Rayidka ah Xarakadu waxay u aragtaa hay`adaha bulshada rayidku in ay muhiim u yihiin horumarka bulshada iyo mashruucyadeeda kala duwan ee nolosha sida:– caafimaadka, waxbarashada, biyaha iyo korontada iwm. Ururada bulshada rayidku waxay qayb ka yihiin xoojinta iskaashiga iyo wax wadaqaybsiga bulshada dhexdeeda; iyo in bulshada ka qaybqaadato hawlaha danta guud. Waxaa kale oo ay bulshada rayidku asaas muhiim ah u tahay dhisidda iyo dhowridda xorriyadaha, iyo kahortagga kalitalisnimo xagga maamulka iyo siyaasadda ah. Sidaas darteed Islaax waxay aragtaa, kana shaqaynaysaa xoojinta bulshada rayidka ee Soomaaliya. 5) Ka fogaanshaha adeegsiga xoogga si loo gaaro ujeeddooyin siyaasadeed waxaa laga dhaxlay nidaamkii milateriga ahaa, dersi lama ilaawaan ah kolkii uu u adeegsaday awood iyo maquunin ka dhan ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed, Natiijadu waxay noqotay kacdoon shacbi oo ballaaran oo riday nidaamkii burburiyayna dawladdii iyo haybadeedii, waxaana la burburay ilbaxnimadii iyo soojireenkii shacabka soomaaliyeed . Dhinaca dagaaladii sokeeye ee bulshada dhexdeeda ahaa, waa la wada garanayaa khasaarooyinka iyo natiijooyinka foosha xun ee ka dhashay, iyo danbiyadii iyo dhibaatooyinkii argagaxa lahaa oo ay reebeen dagaaladaas. Haddaba annagoo ka faa’iidaysanayna waayo-aragnimadaas dalka soo martay iyo kuwa caalamiga ahba; kana ambaqaadayna fahamka saxda ah ee Islaamka, ayaannu waxaan u aragnaa dhinac kasta oo raba inuu adeegsado xoog si uu u xaqiijiyo ujeeddooyinkiisa siyaasadeed in uu sii dheeraynayo dhaawaca shacabka dhibaataysan, burbur maahane faa`iido waartana ka soo hoynayn. Waxaa inna soo maray muddo dheer oo aan dhadhaminay in nagu filan oo ah: xoog isu adeegsi, kalitalisnimo iyo ku dhaqanka hababka ku dhisan fogaynta, liididda & kugaboodfalka xuquuqda dadka kale ilaa aan ka waynay qaranimadeenii, dibna u dhacnay. Waa waayo-argnimo qaraar oo inna tusinaysa dhibaatada ay leedahay xoog isu-adeegsiga Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah. Waayo-aragnimadani waxay ina xasuusinaysaa sida xooggan ee Diinta Islaamku innooga digtay dagaalada fitnada ah ee bulshada dhexdeeda. Sidaas darteed, Islaax way diidan tahay, in xoog hubaysan Soomaalidu isu adeegsato si loo gaaro ujeeddooyin siyaasadeed. 6) Adeegsiga habka nabadda iyo isqancinta si loo gaaro isbedel waara Isbeddelka loo baahanyahay ee la tiigsanayo, waa isbeddel ka bilaabanaya dhisidda iyo barbaarinta qofka, kadibna u gudbaya bulshada iyadoo loo marayo dadaallo xoogan oo taxane ah si loo abuuro bulsho ku toosan manhajka Alle S.W. Isbeddelkani waa inuu gaaraa dawladda hay’adaheeda iyo waaxyaheeda kala duwan. Hawshani waxay u baahantahay in la isu geeyo dadaallo badan, la isuna duwo qaybaha kala duwan ee ummadda iyo awoodahooda si loo gaaro ujeeddooyinkaas gogolxaarka u noqonaya helidda nabadgelyo, xasilooni iyo baraare, daawaynana dhaawacyadii dagaaladii sokeeye iyo dhibaatooyinkii ay reebeen. Xarakada Islaax kolkii ay soo if baxday 1978 waxay ku saleysay barnaamijyadeeda, siyaasadaheeda iyo aragtiyadaheedaba hababka degan ee ku dhisan isqancinta iyo wadahadalka, haba kala f******** aragtiyada iyo afkaarta la kala qabo e. 7) Inaan la garabsan dawlado shisheeye oo faragelin Soomaaliya ku sameeya Laga bilaabo dabayaaqadii toddobaatameeyadii ee qarnigii tagay ayay samaysmeen jabhado Soomaaliyeed oo hubaysan oo mucaarad ah, waxayna gacan weydiisteen dawlado shisheeye oo qaarkood cadawga soomaaliyeed ahaayeen, si ay uga helaan kaalmo dhaqaale, hub & mid siyaasadeedba . Ridistii dowladda dhexe ka dib, waxay bilaabeen kooxaha Soomaaliyeed in koox kastaa garabsato awood shisheeye si ay uga adkaato dhinacyada kale ee Soomaaliyeed ee ay is hayaan. Waxaana tobaneeyo jeer isbadalay hadba dhinaca la safan cadawga, waxaad arkaysaa koox la safan cadawga, muddo yar dabadeedna ka so horjeeda. Mar labaad ama saddexaad, ama afaraadna ku noqonaysa meeshii hore. Habkanina waa mid ku soo noqnoqda hadba kolkii shucuubtu daciifto oo ay waydo awoodeeda dhabta ah. Cadaw la garabsadaana waa danbi aan la dhaafi karin, waana khiyaano & dayacaad la dayaco dalka, dhinacna libintu ku raaci mayso garabsigaas. Dhinacyadan Soomaaliyeed ee kaashanaya awoodda dalalka dibaddu marna guul ku gaari maayaan, dalkooda iyo dadkoodana dhibaato hor leh ayay u sii gaysanayaan, qaranimadii Soomaaliyana way sii wiiqmaysaa. Haddaba, waa in dhammaan laga waantoobaa in la kaashado awoodda dalalka shisheeye si looga adkaado dhinaca kale ee Soomaaliyeed, taas oo faragelin ku ah arrimaha dalka, isla markaasna aan ka qaybqaadanayn xallinta dhibaatadiisa.
In somalia there is no one polotical party or movement that is perfect, what we need is an organasation that can think and at least tolarate other people. Al-islah in my opinino is the only organasation in somalia that transcend clannish ideolagy and at the same time can adapt quickly in all circumstance. They are not perfect but they proofed that they want harmonise our islamic and somali identity while realising the importance of understanding the global system. Aclassic example is their sucees in educating somali children during this difficult time, they educated hundred of thousands of somalis across somalia and Djibouti. I soluted them becouse at least they didnt'nt kill any somali. if they do not have polotical solution at least they do not kill. while on the other side every one who participated in somali polotics killed thousand of somalia. This clip shows thier endevour in educating our daughters and sons while the rest are busy killing them under islamic or clannish banner. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LY3aylxtOUY&feature=related
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