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Posts posted by Taqwa

  1. I am speechless. Why is it that this sister spends her time on meaningless things such as this, and not acquire other knowledge through the means of going to a Sheikh. I don't think its her business to know this, but her future spouse, unless he is also an idiot. I don't know about you guys, but when people mention such things, I am disgusted. There are site's where she can get her answers, yet we have to go through her torment of unprofessional questions. I will give you an example of a sheikh that was asked the same question. Wallahi this happened.


    Sister: Assalamu Alaikum Sheikh.

    Sheikh: Wa alaikum Salam.

    Sister: I wanted to ask you if condoms are hallal for brothers to use.

    Sheikh: Are you a man, dear daughter (he's 65).

    Sister: of course not, why.

    Sheikh: Its something for your husband to know, because I could give you the answer, but how will it benefit a lady. Your husband should know, since its recommended to marry pious individuals.

    Sheikh, was blushing.


    By the way, that sheikh is so right. Its okay for a brother to ask a Sheikh on matters concerning his sexual life, but imagine having your wife going to someone and asking things for you. Leave male questions for males, and ask female questions.


    Now Lulla, what have you benefited from asking such a question walaal? In my sincere opinion, absolutely nothing. By the way, you could have answered this question if you had certain knowledge on other rulings, so go to a damn school and save us the embarrassement of answering such questions. No insults intended, but this site just keeps on getting disgusting day by day.


    P.S. Is this question sincere or what?


    Wa alaikum salam,


  2. Hey, Qabilist, Somalis, mujahids, hafids, and the rest of you, do something useful for once and Sponsor a Muslim Orphan for the sake of Allah, so that paradise shall be beneath your feet for eternal bliss.


    "And they feed, for the love of Allah, the poor, the orphan, and the captive..."

    [soorah al-Insaan, 8]


    When a little girl cries halfway around the world, are her tears any less real?


    Would you like to be like a mujaahid or like those who spend their days fasting and their nights praying?

    "One who cares for widows and the poor is like those who fight in the way of Allah or those who spend their days fasting and their nights praying." [Agreed upon, also in Adab al-Mufrad of Imaam Al-Bukhari in chapter The Virtue of Those Who Care for Orphans]


    Would you like your heart to soften and Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala to answer your prayers?


    A man once came to the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, and complained that he feels hardness in his heart. The Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, "Would you like that your heart becomes soft and that you acquire what you need? Be merciful with the orphan, pat his head and feed him from what you eat. This will soften your heart, and enable you to get what you need." [At-Tabarani & As-Silsilah as-Sahihah]


    Would you like Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala to remove one of your griefs on the Day of Judgment?


    "Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Judgment" [saheeh Muslim]


    Would you like forgiveness and bounty from Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala?


    "The Shaytan promises you poverty and enjoins you on lewdness. But Allah promises you forgiveness from Himself with bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower." [soorah al-Baqarah, 268]


    Would you like angels to make du`aa for you?


    "No day dawns upon [Allah's] servants without two angels descending [to Earth]. One of them says, 'O Allah, give recompense (khalaf) to those who give [charity]!'; the other says, 'O Allah give loss (talaf) to those who withhold [charity]!'" [Agreed upon]


    Would you like to be in the enternal Jannah with our beloved Prophet and the best of creation, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam?


    "I and the caretaker of the orphan will enter Paradise together like this, raising (by way of illustration) his forefinger and middle finger jointly, leaving no space in between." [saheeh al-Bukhaari]




    Your compassion and generosity can make a difference in the lives of thousands of Muslims around the world! Help bring a smile to your Muslim orphan brothers and sisters.


    Can one get a better deal for $1 a day?



    What do you need to do to sponsor an orphan?


    Contact one of the Muslim relief organizations that are doing hard work to help ease the suffering of our Muslim orphan brothers and sisters. Here are a few:


    Benevolence International Foundation

    Mercy International

    ICNA Orphan Sponsorship

    Al-Muntada Al-Islami (UK)


  3. Mujahid, I am glad that someone has had the energy to tell people that listening to Music of any kind is a tool for weakening the heart and HARAM. I'm sure that most of you have listened to Quranic recitation from great Sheikhs, and after hearing the ayahs your heart pleades with your conscious mind. You feel peaceful and grateful that your a muslim.


    NOw lets get back to Topic (music). When ever someone listens to his or her faviourte music, they tend to feel or remember certain individuals that they liked, or even a certain moment that was unlawful. This leads to forgetting the dhikr of Allah, and in return your Imaan weakens to the point where you preceive Music to be lawful.


    3 things that weaken the hearts of men today:



    -desire for fame/ honor

    3 things that weaken the hearts of women today:



    -Jealousy/competition for looks


    With these three things in hand, you can obviously see that music does have an affect on the rest of the list as it contribute's to their ill feelings. Its funny how blind we are today to the truth. Many are hafids, and yet don't understand what they memorized.


    P.S. Consider this an opinion.


    Wa Salam,


  4. Dear Kownyen,


    If humanity where given the gift of seeing with the eyes of our beloved Rasul (pbuh) then this world would be different, yet mankind has been drawn to argue with the simplest of questions. I for one hate to quarrel , especially on religious topics. Every Muslim has a incontestable believe in his heart, and it shall be seen in the day of Judgement. I truly respect Sufi's, and I respect anyone that advocates for the Quran and the teachings of Mohamed(pbuh). Why should I concern myself with Wahhabis or Sufism when this world could end in any minute. Follow the Quran and the Sunnah, then inshallah everything will fall in place for you. You seem to be passionate for Sufism, but you must remember that Rumi said, “ passion is the cause of confusion for the mind.” So lets use the faculty of reasoning when dealing with such delicate topics concerning great Sheikhs. I advice you to do what you like. Its up to you if you want to continue with this debate or not. The above paragraph is meant to show you what is logical in my views.


    Good Day Walaal.

  5. To Whom It May Concern!


    To say Ibn Taimiyah was pro-Sufism is either ignorance, or lack of knowledge about this great individual. Are we forgetting that one of the reasons he got arrested during his life time was his attack on Sufism. Most of the Sultans at that time where very sympathetic to Sufism and Ibn Taimiyah was the only individual who challenged their distorted believes.


    Let me remind your what a Sufi is:


    -It's a person who hates this dunya and spends his time/energy worshipping Allah.

    -Studying the Quran and Sunnah of the RAsul (pbuh).


    **That is what a Sufi Muslim does. He doesn't put on some super-man uniform and perform some sort of stupid dance. NO this is nonsense.


    NOW wahhabism is just a word, and the last name of a Sheikh so lets not use it, we'll let CNN do that.


    P.S. Another point I wanted to add is that Ibn Taiymiah and Imam Ahmed ibn hanbal where the inspiration for Sheikh Mohamed Ibn abd-al-Wahhab. One of the men that Sheikh Mohamed loved to study was Ibn taymiah and I remember that Sheikh abd al-wahhab considered Sufism as shirkh. So brother Kowneyn, your article discredits itself. Plus it was written by a Shia Sufi in the late 1990's, incase you didn't know that.


    I didn't want to reply to these arguments going on between Kowneyen, Yacquup, and Rahima, but I just want to say that it’s worthless and time consuming to discuss something that has no benefit but just discredits great Sheikhs. So next time you take the task of arguing be smart about it guys.


    ****My post isn't intended to argue but to make some issue's clear.




  6. I'll confess for a moment. I like discussing Islamic topics with people that have great knowledge and so that I can learn something from them. But when you discuss Islamic topics with people that have limited knowledge, then your in for an argument, rather then receiving knowledge. Thats why I don't contribute or bother to post anything useful. Thats me or else I'll get bored. If some of you have something to contribute, by all means, do so. There is no law that state's you can't have a say in this section of ISLAM.


    P.S. Its all a mattter of choice.

  7. WildCat,


    When in doubt...play the miskiin eh Taq Taq?...no need to resort to that...we know each other VERY well...I can see right through you mate.

    You talk as if we where introduced. Let me remind you that you don't know me, plus we have only exchanged 1 or 2 posts. Another thing is that I don't retaliate with insults or swearing, so take your seat some where else please. Your neither my friend nor adversary so please respect my wish's when I say "NO COMMENT".


    P.S. This whole vicinity is a joke to me, so why do you get easily offended. This is the cyber-world Nomad.

  8. lol@Brother Jibril,


    I swear am laughing my head off. Your surrounded by zoo animals and your responds was excellent. Don't bother replying to them, they are irrelevant as you said. This site is full of two faced individuals and feminist. You will be lucky if they don't annoy you. They can't seem to understand that this is cyber world, and nothing is personal.


    Wa Salam

  9. You Have My Vote 100%!

    But I was thinking, why don't you educate our youth through Islam. You will be getting great reward from Allah for changing lifes and at the same time doing a good thing for your people. Sorry but I always think with an Islamic mind I was raised that way.


    *Make a journal, and you e-mail it to all the Somali's we know and you have different sections from that Journal. Its should be a monthly journal.

  10. Dear X-playa,


    As a Somalilander I am disappointed to call you a fellow nationalist, as nomad I once admired you for arguing for what you believed in. Today you have insulted my religion, and its great prophet (pbuh). I'm usually harsh, but today I came from a funeral so I don't feel like discussing anything with you, since you have no respect for my religion. Regardless of your view about Islam, there is a one God, and he shall judge you.


    You have mentioned some Arab poets like:


    Abu alaa Al Maari, (I'm not familliar with his poetry) but Al-Mutanabi is considered the greatest Arab poet by all critics. I do agree that these arab poets you have mentioned have talent but for them to aspire to the level of prophet Mohamed is pathetic. Islam is a universal religion spread by prophet Mohamed , when Al-Mutanabi and Al-Maari are not even a house names that aren't mentioned. The only people that know of these names are the likes of you and me who admire them.


    X-playa, you are old enough to know what is right and wrong, so next time you want to debate on a topic don't insult the religion or practice's of a whole group. Your asking for trouble. I truly don't know what to say to you but I will leave with you a poem from the great Al-Mutanabi. It clearly says what I wanted to say to you.



    "if you were to risk your life in a quest for glory,


    you should not be contented with things beneath the stars


    for the taste of death in the quest of an ignoble goal,


    is like its taste in the quest of great aims


    Cowards think it is wise to be refraining,


    but this is only the trick of a mean nature


    Any courage shown by man is benefiting,


    but courage in a wise man is of special worth


    Many are those who find fault in a correct diction,


    But these really suffer from faulty understanding


    For ears can take from uttered words,


    what their minds and knowledge can absorb"


    ****This is one of my faviorate quotes from Al-Mutanabi I hope you gain something from it:


    "nothing make honorable men feel as if killed


    like forgiving them but few are those who do not


    forget favors when you deal generously with noble


    men you captivate them but generous dealing with


    the mean makes them revolt showing generosity


    where violence should be used is as harmful to


    prominence as using violence where generosity


    should be shown"


    ****This is what he said about his poetry so how could you say its comparable to the Quran:


    "Time is only a narrator of my verses


    for it will chant my poems when I compose them


    my verses can stimulate weak travelers to step-up


    their move and incite even stutters to sing them


    sweetly wherefore you ought to reward me when


    poets recite their verses for poetry recited by


    panegyrists is only a repetition of mine you


    ought to ignore all voices save mine voice since


    I am the imitated singing bird and the others are


    nothing more but echoes"



  11. Dear X-playa,


    I don't know if your acting stupid, or if its in your gene's. I hate to insult your character but your question is really dumb. Of course the food the prophet pbuh, ate isn't sunnah. He drank water, ate dates, meat and other stuff. So to consider this list as sunnah would be complete non-sense. The sunnah of the prophet is in Sahih Al-bukhari and Muslim, so your question becomes Void.


    Sine you hate the hijab because it was the invention of the arabs, then I would care less if the sisters wore a towel or even a bed sheet. As long as they cover themselves, I really dont' care what material they use. The hijab was the invention of the Arabs, and it was a great contribution. If some of you Somali's don't like wearing it, then invent your own clothing line, but make sure its sealed from male strangers.


    The greatest men of Islam and greatest man that Allah swt contributed to Islam is both Arabic and Muslim. So to insult Arabs is insulting Islam, since they have a connection. Isn't it strange that X-playa praise's ethiopians and hates the arab muslims. X-playa, its an insult to the sahabah's that you have called them names since they were Arab by blood. Wallahi if you spend your whole life trying to be like an inche of their index finger, you would not reach it. These were great men so don't be jealous, go and dream about politics.


    P.S. Last time I saw a video about Somaliland, most of the sisters looked like they where coverd from head to toe. Take a look at Hargeisa, berbera, and burco. ARe you pissed off yet. No one forced them, its their decision to fear Allah.

  12. "We should give Lulla, a Nobel Prize for saying such wonderful things." I smell sarcasm from my side. I don't think any competent somali male gives a damn what some halimo thinks of him, well at least thats what I believe.


    I don't know why some females and males suck-up to the opposite gender especially in this damn forum. Why is it rare to find people who speak their mind regardless of the situation in the threads, I'm just wondering wallahi. Everyone is influenced in one way or the other, and they hide behind the words "respect for one another". I think you could be respectful and speak your mind. Lulla try it sometimes. Come on, I know your dying to say Somali men suck. Say it, its the truth.

  13. X-Playa,


    I'm warning you to stop your critiscm of some Islamic practice's. Maybe your not familliar with the reasons behind the hijab or other things, but at least show some etiquettes when dealing with sensitive issues about Islam. This isn't a another somalilander post, its the religion of this site.


    P.S. Think before you attack muslims, or I will attack your ignorant personality/mind. I read one of your post in somalinet.com where you insulted our prophet mohamed pbuh, and I ignored that, but now I'm considering the cautious advice Macruuf gave me about you.

  14. When I see people that don't wear hijab, I just tell them that honour is in Islam. Allah asked you to honour yourself by following what he has ordained in his magnificent book. What Somali's don't understand is that the hijab is a command from Allah. It doesn't come from Somali Men or Muslim Men in general. So next time you sisters decide to say things like, "I will only wear for Allah" then you better start it soon because this life isn't eternal. Some of the Salaf said: "The pinnacle of knowledge is fear of Allah." How can Somali sisters say they fear Allah and at the same time, go against one of Allah's commands (hijab). I truly believe that contradiction is the bases of hypocrisy and a lot of sisters are doing a great job exemplifying these traits.


    Jamal, They say you can show a thirsty donkey where the water is, but you can't make it drink unless its convinced its water. They are only going to attack you for saying the truth. Let them be.


    Wa Salam

  15. Who ever discourages the wearing of Niqaab or makes fun of someone who wears it should fear ALLAH and take their SHAHADAH over. What is next; Insulting people who fast in the month of Ramadan for having a bad breath. I never thought I would hear this from a Somali sister, but then again this is their character ever since they jumped of from flight 13.


    It is enough that these sisters have to deal with ignorant kufaars who call them fanatics, and alien to the western custom. But for a Muslim women to join hands with the infidels against her own sister is pathetic. CONCERNED SISTER, I know you don't have the heart to tell these believing women because you are happy copying the kufaars but at least have the morals of using sound judgment before you post anything.




    Listen to me carefully because what I have to tell you might shock you. A muslim women who doesn't wear the HIJAB is classified in the category of being a munafiiq. If she calls herself a Muslim, and yet denies the orders of Allah to wear a hijab, what has she achieved not to be called a hypocrite. Plus, in the day of judgement a Munafiiq or a hypocrite is lower then a kufaar. He will be in the bottom of Hell, as Allah swt said. I think I will join that "AntiSomali Women Societ" hosted by brother Romantic after all what is left to say from these sisters. Pathetic, pathetic and pathetic.


    My somali brothers, your better off marrying those adoons who are muslims then somali women, right now. HOw dare they Laugh?

  16. Dr. Romantic,


    I will support your group from the side-lines only if you join mine, its deals with Airheads, and giving them advice on ways to be good muslims (the group is called TAQWA). So far the members are me, and Macruuf. As far as Lady Fatima goes, well your out of the line on calling her an airhead, because I would greatly be happy to list a few names of Airheads in the forums for you, but surely Lady Fatima meant it in a good way, Gay as in being happy I hope. :)I'm sure she can defend herself.


    So what do I get from supporting your group, since I have no problem with women in general as long as they stay away from where I walk. ;);)

  17. Narrated 'Aisha:


    We set out with the Prophet for Hajj and when we reached Sarif I got my menses. When the Prophet came to me, I was weeping. He asked, "Why are you weeping?" I said, "I wish if I had not performed Hajj this year." He asked, "May be that you got your menses?" I replied, "Yes." He then said, "This is the thing which Allah has ordained for all the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do except that you do not perform the Tawaf round the Ka'ba till you are clean." Volume 1, Book 6, Number 302:



    If this is the case in this authentic hadith then I dont think its a deficiency in there religion, since the prophet (pbuh) regarded the mense's as something ordained by Allah. The second thing is that a women can be as pious as a man and even more. I will not comment any further since I have no knowledge passed this point.


    P.S. The attitude is Taqwa, get used to it pal.


    Wa Salam



  18. Dear Saga,


    You have taken a hadith that was clear in its message and turned it to an insult to women. First, the hadith has been misinterpreted especially in the middle part. Get something that is well translated and don't bring some non-sense that a sheikh who isn't known has translated. Its pathetic to think that people can just bring something that there not sure of and say its sahih. You have many Islamic things in the internet that is suppose to be authentic yet lacks the mere formal context of the sayings' of the Rasul (pbuh).


    Wa Salam

  19. Salamu Alaikum,

    Dear Barwaaqo,


    I know that if I comment on your post towards me, I will be harsh, so I will not comment. I will leave an advice for you: Our paths in the forum have never crossed before, lets keep it that way please. You do your thing, and pretend I don't exist. I'm in no mood to exchange views with you at this time or in other time's. Please take this as an advice rather then critizing you.


    Wa Salam,

    Taqwa smile.gif