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Everything posted by uchi

  1. bookmarked, thanks warrior...I'm a big fan
  2. This might sound stup-id - but it would be my wish, as redicules as it might be. Something from hollywood a neuralyzer was used (Men in Black), Flash!, and all memory of tribal affilation removed, and peace shines over Somalia. It would go something like this: A neuralyzer. Flash! All Somali's freeze, as if hypnotized. 'Ok, there is no such thing as ancestral ties, all loyalty to century based tradition of clanship should sieze, your a Somali, a nationalist, you are proud of your single ethnic group and language, Somali'. Now go back to School and stop driving that taxi.
  3. uchi

    Tourism in Somalia

    I guess its best we post images, or perhapes some links to a photo gallery. Xafuun - North-east of Somalia (after the Tsunami). I will try and post recent photos of beaches, if i can find them.
  4. AbStraCt, I assume you know the two co-founders of google, Lawrence E. Page and Sergey Mihailovich Brin, both Jewish-Americans. I think its best you return to askjeeves.
  5. I sense you still have tribal issues Yoonis, when will you let it go -
  6. Maybe that was the idea... Well dressed military outfitted soldiers, well equipped with weapons, only then to hijack ships and what not, then all of the sudden all pirate hijacking seized. Was it all orcistrated for the purpose of obtaining these funds, could the President and his lobby groups in and outside Mogadishu have something fishy cooking up. A stretch? who knows. More research on TocCat is definitely needed.
  7. Not sure how relevent this is - This is Garowe's take. ----------- Xafladda lagu kala saxiixanayey heshiiskan oo ka dhacday magalada Nayrobi ayey waxyabihii heshiiskoda qorayay ka mid ahaa iney ilaaliyaan xeebaha Soomaaliya isla markaana il gaar ah ku eegayaan burcad badeedka ka qowleysata xeebaha Soomaaliya iyo Mraakiibta shisheeye ee qashinka haraaga sunta ku soo shuba. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Somaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo heshiiskas kadib saxaafadda ugu waramay ayaa sheegay in uu yahay heshiiskan mid soo afjaraya dhibaatada ba'an ee ka taagan xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya iyo xadgudubyada loo geysto xeebaha Soomaaliya, wuxuuna rajo ka muujiyay in ay keeneyso isbadel ku yimaada Xeebaha Soomaaliya. Shirkaddan oo howlaha ay ka qabaneyso xeebaha Soomaaliya ugu baxayaan qarash lacageed oo dhan 50 Milyan oo Dollarka Mareykanka ah. Shirkadahaan kharashka kaga baxa ilaalinta badaha ayaa badanaa waxay ka qataan maraakiibta sida sharci darada wadanka uga Kaluumaysata kuwaas oo ay heshiis labaad la galaan isla markaana dakhliga ay helaan ayaan soo dhaafin jeebka dadka Mukhalasiinta ka ah shirkadahaan iyo siyaasiyiinta sixiixday. Dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa heshiis midkaan la mid ah horay ula gashay shirkad ilaalisa badaha hoos yimaada Puntland, shirkadaas ayaa waxa lagu magacaabi jiray Hart-Group, taas oo aysan shacabka reer Puntland ka faa'idin waxtarkeeda madaama ay isu badashay shirkad ilaalisa ganacsato si sharci daro ah badda uga Kalumaysta. Hadaba heshiiskaan ayaan filaynaa un uusan la mid noqon kuwii hore shacabka iyo saxafada Somaliyed aysan maqlin marka uun la sixiixay balse nafciga ka soo baxa uu noqdo mid la horkeeno golyasha dowlada isla markaana waxtarkiisa wadanka dib ugu noqda. Garoweonline.com
  8. Lobby Groups Uma - Its all about money...someone has to fund thier campaigns. Maybe you might be interested in this. Mideast Matters
  9. Confession one: * I was the one that set fire to our old house Confession two: * I cry myself to sleep every thursday night
  10. uchi

    Tourism in Somalia

    What book would that be Lui...Do tell. Regarding the Somali words - Dirrah = Female dress. Id = Either an Islamic fesitival or Somali word for Sand - Not sure what halaleiso means, but its something to do with cursing I believe
  11. uchi

    Tourism in Somalia

    lol..., I love your english Liu, reminds of some character from a movie i can't remember right now - But, in all honesty you're better of visiting like MR ORGILAQE mentioned, northern Somalia, not that its perfectly save, but, you wont be kidnapped thats for sure . However it will be best you befriend some Somali's from that area, or perhaps the locals before heading there.
  12. uchi

    Tourism in Somalia

    Try visiting Garowe around central Somalia- Its relatively save there
  13. Sigma, I think your 3 years too late on this topic, don't you think
  14. I must say it was a fun night at federation square, a great night indeed...we were jumping all night. Oh man when Viduka missed that penalty, the crowd were, lets just say not pleased. By the way Rokko, where were you standing?
  15. you can visit the forum for Aussie Muslims ( http://www.aussiemuslims.com/ ) if you are interested in the arrested individuals.
  16. Before Rule 15 - Isreali Team has unlimited contracts with top brands of the world. All are to wear Air Jordans, were as Palastinians are expected to wear sandals, made out of wood/concrete.
  17. Before i finish reading, i must say this will defently be funny
  18. Great news, i wonder what she will do with the $500. For a minute there, with this heat, i thought, I was reading 'Somali girl wins Korean recitation'.
  19. ****PLEASE NO ADVERTISEMENT FOR OTHER WEBSITES****** Thank You Admin Somalia Online [ November 03, 2005, 07:59: Message edited by: Admin ]
  20. Well said wind talker, we all know the oil is in the nugal region, so lets not play around the bush. Blah blah blah deal going ahead blah. Anyways, today i will be heading to Range resources office in Melbourne to take some photos. Aparently the building is empty and has a 'For sale' sign on it, from what i have been told.
  21. An interesting story has emerged from Australia recently, apparently the men from Consort Private Ltd and Range Resources Ltd, Lawyer Anthony Black, RS Executive Director Jim Marines and Kids in Need Terry Donnelly, have held a meeting with some of the Somali locals in a flat at a housing commision here in Melbourne. You can speculate all you want, but surely if you wanted to rely some support from this community, you wouldn't invite a past self styled community leader and his associates, with a record for mismanaging funds aswell as accountability issues, and subsequently when an election was due in a past position refused to step down. I'm not really sure but this does sound quite ambiguous, and tribal affiliation with our dear Finance Minister Dr.Maxamed Cali Yusuf (Gagaab), also shouldn't matter I guess. A full report from HoorseedNet:Artical Trevork My dear Trevork, the government did not approve of such a thing, I think Geddi's written letter to the Australian Stock Exchange should say otherwise. A link to a pdf file from RR's website should not replace a written and approved (signed) letter from the TFG.