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Everything posted by -Lily-

  1. I'm not entirely sure that large coporations DO have family friendly policies. It seems that these are more readily on offer in the public sector rather than the private. When I used to work in the city I saw many struggling mothers, let alone women on maternity break. Sure you might get some months off but your long term prospects of being promoted are limited, simply because many of the positions require long working hours and super committment, which is why mostly men, single people or ruthless women succeed in such fields. It is easy to assume careers will be flexible but the reality is slightly differnt. A lot of women DO actually change career paths after motherhood. Sure no one can fire you for being a mother but how many employers are willing to give you a day off every few weeks when your child is ill or has a school play or needs to be picked up from football practice (unless of course you rely on a third party then all your problems are solved.) Traditionally mother friendly jobs have been in the fields of teaching, healthcare etc. but not limited to. Good luck Hiba but you shouldn't plan your life around a man and children that may or may not materialize.
  2. I suggest a well tailored suit. Perhaps a 3 quarter length skirt with matching jacket and nice knee length leather boots. There are many sophisticated ones out there for the autumn season, try Wallis or Principles. Good luck and congrats. P.S. Is it just me or does anyone wear a dress for their graduation unless it is in summer?
  3. I cant be bothered to read all of the responses but there is no denying that some of these Imaams seriously hate women. I'm shocked that he is allowed to preach at all. Would you want such a person giving lectures and lessons to your children or siblings?
  4. especially the possessed little girl [big Grin] . Cute. That is not funny, I couldn't get her face out of my mind for a week after i saw that, and it was the last horror movie I saw. I have an overactive imagination that is enough to terrify me. I used to go round days after a horror movie all jumpy. Thanks for that info about Saw 3 Val, I haven't seen the first two but was invited to see the 3rd one this weekend. I heard people are taking plastic bags in with them. I don't think I 'll go now. i mean why waste money and precious time on seeing horrific things like that? No wonder people are used to voilence, nothing scares them anymore.
  5. What kind of a country is it when half the population is not protected? I'm sure if they arrested these 100s of youths then it would not be repeated. This is truly shocking.
  6. I think its a cultural thing, back home if you were too friendly you would have been thought to be loose. The point is, just because you are Somali does NOT grant you an automatic right to a particular familiarity. Having said that, it's bad manners not to return a greeting. It depends on the manner in which the greeting is delivered, an up-and -down 'Slama Aleykum' that starts at your feet to your head and then back down and up to your face will most certainly not get a response back.
  7. I mean I have only been out of the cyber world for a few weeks and you pull this ZU? Absolutley shocking. P.S. Tuujiye, if I was you I would better have written consent for the use of that picture on the web.
  8. Funny how everybody feels threatend. How can you take a man who wears silk and dimonds seriosuly?
  9. ^LoL, sure it is. Just wouldn't do it myself. Imagine never knowing if he would have asked you ever or not?
  10. As long as there is no wadad cermony involved with Farax no1, I dont see any problem getting to know Frax no 2. Life's too short you dont want to be wondering forever.
  11. Oh spare me the crap. I really didn't know men liked their women to look good inside the house too, what a discovery. :mad:
  12. I suspect it's LazyGirl and Second_badne (although I ll get an earful from Lazy for this ). They are always on each others case.
  13. ^^^ Yes I have heard of him. He gets invited a lot on Newsnight too.
  14. I'm suprised she let him go on for that long, makes me almost think she agreed with him, most of them would have left it there and gone to advertising. I'm glad Al Jezeera is going international with big names. We as well as the rest of the world might see some more truths. I was shocked by this video I came across on the Islam pages provided by Lieutenant Xalane but I think everyon should see it: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7828123714384920696
  15. I think out of all the labels, 'Terrorist, Fundementalists, Extremists, Islamists' etc the worst one and the most offending one I have recently heard of being used by Israeli government officials, as well as US and Fox News etc. (basically the anti-Islam brigade) is the term 'JIHADISTS'. To try and make the sacred principle of Jihad (inner as well as outer) a dirty word is just really...I can't even explain it. Unfortunatley, most Media outles (and thus the real venues of power) are owned by Jews. so their point of view will be dominant as they continue to brainwas people. I just watched the video. I can't believe how disgustingly mislead ppl are.
  16. ^^^ I agree with Nur completely. I find it very confusing to have labels within labels and the only purpose of lables in this case is to divide people and exclude them.
  17. The same can be said for men, to behave accourdingly. The sad truth is most Somalis respect culture more than deen, this includes parents. I see family members referring to others as 'extreme' because they opt to apply the Sunna in their life.
  18. Khayr, there is nothing wrong with any of those destinations and not too far depending what part of the world you live in. Yes big weddings have somewhat become over the top circus shows, people forget it's for family and friends and they tend to overplan their weddind rather than the marriage itself. Some of the women in these articles also have serious self esteem issues. Don't be fooled though, just because women don't want to have a huge wedding doesn't mean there isn't something alternative and as expensive that they would rather spend their money on
  19. Jack Straw was demoted because his opinions were not pro-american enough and he has a tendencay to criticise Israel.
  20. ^^^ You sound experienced. I don't thik these women look happy, at least not happy about taking the picture. I wonder how much they got paid to do it? I agree with Rahma.
  21. -Lily-


    About three years ago a Somali lady who lived in our town found out her son was being molested by his teacher. She went to school with a baseball bat and broke at least half of his bones before the police arrived. He was found guilty and she escaped with minor charges and became somewhat of a local hero. Nonetheless, the damage was done and it was too late for her child. Children should know your parents can hurt anyone who tries to threaten you and which body parts if any at all are appropriate for people to touch.
  22. -Lily-

    Dubai Nomads

    Well i dont live there but what's the city like? Is it meeting your expectations?