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Everything posted by -Lily-

  1. What was the 'chap' doing there? As for Somali Euro Trash, it takes one to know one. I agree with Cano Geel, it sounds like the 'chap' was too old for the event, (and most likely didn't get any of the skinny-jeans & glittery tops clad Halimos to look his way). I was under the impression it was going to be a rave party. Young men trying their hardest to out do one another— competing who can fit into more skinner jeans LoL.
  2. Xalimopatra, very elegant choices, love them.
  3. -Lily-


    I agree bada cas, why couldnt they jus invite her round for tea and cupcakes and have a nice little debate...
  4. It's not shocking anymore, every once and a while they loose it and this is what happens.
  5. OMG, the dress frm Primark is amazing. I got a similar one from H&M last year, if you wear a little cardi with it it will look nice. How do i post pics in here? I forgot how to do it
  6. LooooL Shesh, that skirt does make you shiver. I haven't seen many skirts in the shops, just those horrendous maternity wear looking 60s tops and lots of skinny jeans. He is a big designer, you would really expect more than that from him.
  7. -Lily-


    ^^^If that is true its a new low for Faraxs indeed. What she said and what was done to her are equally disturbing.
  8. He does have a lot of intelligent views, but you have to understand this is his personal take on Islam & how one should practice it. As if all 1.4-6 billion Muslims will have one version of what being a Muslim is essentially about. Taliban, he may well hold that view but perhaps there are other ways of getting the message across. If he condems them publically he will be banned, as well as his work, in effect will have no voice in those countries. Sometimes you have to take the long route.
  9. I've heard of dhaanto, but not Jandheer, the old men certainly can move fast and jump high, I'm seriously impressed. Looks like fun!
  10. Typical bada cas :rolleyes: Read the article, it’s about characteristics not biological fact. So gay men are manly too then?
  11. North, I think its more about attitude and behaviour...so you might be off the hook this time.
  12. Praise the Lord someone has said it out loud! The point is, men shouldn't be looking to women to advice them of what being a man is about, and the same can be said for women. Being manly isn’t about being violent, moody and muscular. How does this relate to Faraxs though? Some of whom still think the ideal man is one who doesn’t let his woman get a word in?
  13. Yvonne Ridley is quiet unexpected, I remember the British press saying she was a waste of newspaper space after she converted to Islam & that she shold have stayed with the Taliban. She gives regular speeches at the Global Peace & Unity event in London (not sure if she will be there this year?) & events organised by Islamic groups at universities. I think she is more about political Islam, or focuses on issues affecting Muslims, rather than Islamic knowledge per se. Glad to hear it was success. To those who went, what were the main things they talked about?
  14. 317 posts? Have you guys ever heard of MSN?
  15. They look great of course, minus the fitted abayas, but Hijab isn't just clothes but an attitude. All the bling bling reeks of materialism when the Hijab is about focusing on the inner self rather than outer appearances. I don't think these girls realize the significance of being photgraphed gourging on McD's, it certainly isn't because they were hungry or McD's is cool. Anyways, nice accessories.
  16. Alle Ubahane, wadaad fiican ma tihid. Marka gabdhaha ugu duceyneysid miisan in oo u khordho ma wiilisha in ee tiibisha qabaan loo maleyo caato daraadeeda u duceysid? Masa adiga ku wa caloosha horsocoto aa ku jirta? The more you speak the more I begin to be comvinced of you ability for comedy. And I will be the first man to run-away from you, indeed. Allxamdullilah, sii orod!
  17. oo anigana markaan arko shaarbaha ayaan iska tidcadaa kibir dartiis! LooL, I have the solution for you, have you ever considered comedy? You would be so successful and rich and then all 3 would want you (diving from their cyber dacas).
  18. ^^^^ LoL. Try the somali version, deathly indha kuul bes with a whiff of unsi Cara. Anyway, everything is dangerous these days, soon a manual on the 'healthy' way to breathe so as to not inhale dangerous invisible parts will be published.
  19. Lily and Puuja, It is dhaqan xumo iyo ixtiraam daro,in hooyodii oo joogta oo waliba ay martiyi joogo in ay saygeeda hawshaa u dirto.uff! bilaa dhaqanimada badatey baa keentay, iyo ilbaxnimo iska yeel yeel! Dhaqan ama diin, mid dooro :rolleyes:
  20. And why on earth shouldn't he change his own child's nappie? Obviously she is on the phone and even if she wasnt and was just launging around doing nothing it would still be part of the job description of being a father, which by the way, has nothing to do with appearances. I can see how to some of you this is rocket science.
  21. LOL Magool, life's a b*tch, one must admire brave Faraxs. At least he tried. I wonder though, has anyone ever proposed to someone not really knowing the answer? I mean come on, most guys know the woman they are proposing to are likely to say 'Yes'. Yabka Yabkiis, I cannot believe your friend was unaware of his gf's intentions? The problem is every Farax thinks he can change Xalimos mind :rolleyes: .
  22. particularly those spoiled, controlling types who believe women have been created to serve them and their egos only (cue all the calaacal about 911/bac madow etc etc). Preach on sister. Capt said on the other side,we have the new wadaado.Waxkasto waa wada aqi iyo uqti,very formal mana umaleesid labo qof oo isqabo in ee yihin leave them alone, they are probably freaks in private. The way I see it, qof hada jeceshahay waxkasto aad u qabatid qofkaas waxey ka mid tahey jaceelkas. Hadi laakin duty bas mesha imaato waxa dhan waxey isku badalaayan resentment iyo xanaaq. Marka horaba meesha hadii waxba oolin, furinka wa iska fudud yahay. Kimiya & Che, I tried with the Somali
  23. Actually, doesn’t wearing white in Somali culture traditionally reflect the death of a husband? Or am I wrong? I don't see why women can't wear green, red, gold or any other bright and celebrating colour? White is just so bland. Or do you still buy into that whole white=purity thing?
  24. AU, one has to applaud you for your efforts, no matter how misplaced they are