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Everything posted by Hunguri

  1. EDITORIAL Thursday, March 22, 2007 THE brutal fighting that took place yesterday in their capital, Mogadishu, no doubt sent cold shivers through Somalis who long only for the return of peace. The fighting is a wake-up call to rival faction leaders that the country once again finds itself on the threshold of another decade of violence and terror. The barbaric mutilation and burning of two dead uniformed soldiers — it is still not clear if they were Somali or Ethiopian — was horrifically reminiscent of the treatment meted out to the dead crew of the US Blackhawk helicopter in 1993 when Washington sought to intervene decisively in the bitter battles between the warlords. Such savagery is unacceptable. It is, however, the consequence of years of anarchy in which the rule of gun and drug-crazed thugs have triumphed over the values of a poor but civilized society. The ouster of the short-lived Islamic Courts government by the interim Somali government backed by the Ethiopian military offered the country a new start. It was always inevitable that Islamist fighters, once they had recovered from their overthrow, would begin a guerrilla campaign. This need not, however, have been a serious challenge to the interim government. While the Islamic Courts had brought peace at last, for which every Somali was grateful, their disorganization and their increasingly proscriptive measures rapidly led to their loss of popularity. So how in such a short period of time has the hope of a new beginning become so degraded? In part, it is because of the suspicion with which Somalia has become infected. Nobody doubts that the Ethiopians intervened at the behest of the Americans. The long-standing rivalry between Mogadishu and Addis Ababa over the ownership of the ****** region meant that the presence of the Ethiopian military on their capital’s streets would inevitably be unwelcome to most Somalis. Ethiopian promises that their troops would go home “within two weeks” were not believed and, as it turns out, the troops did not go home in two weeks. The African Union force that is only now deploying in its peacekeeping role has yet to inspire local confidence. Somalia’s own military, such as it is, has not received the whole-hearted backing of the warlords. Had it done so, the best men from their private armies would be joining the Somali ranks now. They are not. Put bluntly, the warlords do not trust each other and are therefore not yet prepared to give whole-hearted support to the interim government which they themselves agreed is only way forward. So long as the Somali government remains weak, the Ethiopians will have reason to remain and popular unrest will continue to grow. Such anger will see a return to factionalism and the reappearance of warlordism and anarchy. There are alarming parallels with Iraq and America’s direct intervention. Somalia’s suspicious rivals need to have the vision to appreciate that their own interests, to say nothing of that of all Somali citizens, will be best served by peace and stability. They must renew their commitment to work together in the interim government and give the Ethiopians no further reason or excuse to remain. Source: Arab News, Mar 22, 2007
  2. Jabhad, I dont carry for a Xabashi guy, and Xabasha proofs to have an ethic, and norms that you already lost its grip. Somalis travel from Mogadisho to Addis-Ababa with no harm. They welcome more than any nation in the world. In 40 out of 100 Somalis have Ethiopians Passports with residentiall Visas stamped here in Middle East Diasporta after cetain guys who dont value law and order forge and uset the Green passport as Toilet tissues. The prosperity and peace which you are telling me came from the hearts and minds of Mogadisho inhabitants. And, they supported the ICU for it was 100% from a certain clan. Despite of all mentioned above, you are in support of a barbarian mob, that set a fire on a dead body known. One of the guys who were set fire was a Somali Citizen from ************ subclan boy*. So, roast the dead bodies and eat like a canibal. I've no solution for you! [ March 23, 2007, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  3. Dowladda Federaalka oo sheegtay in aysan waxba ka jirin in ay dagaal kula jirto Beesha *Hawiyye* Khamiis, March 22, 2007(HOL): Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxba kama jiraan ku tilmaantay war ay shalay sii daayeen Oday dhaqameedyo iyo Siyaasiyiin ka soo jeeda Beesha *HHawiyye*, kuwaasi oo sheegay in dagaalka Muqdisho ka bilowday uu u dhaxeeyo Dowladda Federaalka iyo Beesha *HHawwiyye*. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed Gacma-dheere ayaa sheegay in dagaalka Muqdisho ka qarxay uu u dhaxeeyo Dowladda Federaalka iyo kooxo yar oo shacabka madaafiic ka dhex tuura. Wasiirka waxaa uu beeniyay in Odayaal iyo Waxgarad ka soo jeeda Beesha *Ha*wwiye* ay shir ku yeesheen Magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana ay eedeyn u jeediyay Dowladda Federaalka, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in dadka shirka isugu yimid ay yihiin kuwo aan kalsooni ka heysan Beesha *HHawwiyye*, “HHawiyyye Meydadka jidka kuma jiido, Masjidyadana dadka kuma dilo ee waa dad taageersan Dowladda Federaalka”ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha oo sheegay in haddii ay beesha *HHawiyyee* ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Federaalka aysan maalin joogteen magaalada Muqdisho. Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed Gacma-dheere waxa uu sheegay in Dowladda Federaalk ay si rasmi ah u bilowday howlgallo ay ammanka ku sugeyso, wuxuuna dadka ugu baaqay in ay ka dhex baxaan kooxaha gabaadka ka dhiganaya ee nabadgelyo darrada wada. Wuxuu difaacay Wasiirka Madaafiicda ay Dowaldda ugu jawaabeyso kooxaha ku soo qaada weerarrada madaafiicda ah, wuxuuna caddeyay in ay Dowladda xaq u leedahay in ay is-difaacdo, isla markaana ay magaalada ka sifeyso kooxaha falalka nabadgelyo darrada ah ka wada.
  4. Abwaan, No body will post a dead burning body. I think, you and your likes are eager to see such horrific,barbarian posts. But, ethics !!! that will not happen.
  5. Hunguri

    hug me

    You 2 should be brough to justice. PS:- CL Cajuuso wlcome
  6. Sxb, Its a peace loving averter . The Captain of Ugandha AU peace keeping forces sent me this averter . So, dont worry I can host your gogol and in the mean time would protect u any possible attack from those who are always in denial of peace and harmony .
  7. lool you 2 guys need reconciliation. May I plz host your gogol ???? Acuudu lol
  8. lool@ movers and shakers. So, JB is the one play their music miyaa??
  9. loool@ the Buraanbur. Cambaro, dont u know both these guys compose Buraanburs Captain Xalane and Jbro. LoooL They both do Buraanbur in long threads .
  10. looool@ Buraanbur . Cambaro, the Captain was looking for you. But, we kept ur where abouts under cover. Since, the Captain came up with a conventional militery exercise lately. We were scared of ur life Welcome
  11. Proof !!! Mmmmm she told me so dee lol
  12. Waaryaa JB, sxb leave CL alone. She is a reall Queen by blood . She inherited the reign from Queen Arraweelo .....
  13. JB, Somali land can host. They deserve the credit of having them as a good example.
  14. Originally posted by Kashafa: To all the mourning TFG hacks in this thread, Where were those tears when Suuban Maalin Ali Hassan, 37 year old mother of 8, was raped? Kashafa, Im a true TFG supporter, who wants a goverment and system. However, answering your question about the rape of of Suuban. Im absolutely against that, and did already show my sympathy not by posting a mere text on a thread but through some other means. However, weather its true or not, the pics that I saw, were totally inhumen. PS:- Northner and Kashafa. Allahu Akbar yeah!. And, I do say Allahu Akbar. But, I will never associate the precious,mighty name of my God with an incident of a naked humen soul that beign set on fire. Allah created humens and titled them the best creature. Im sure, you guys are losing the point. Come up with something. Allahu Akbar on a battle feild that thousands of Amhara died against a true Muslim beleiver, not men under cover like you guys!! . Allahu Akbar on a jihad battle Feild. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. We would say it in the right direction not the wrong direction!
  15. I dont care about dead Xabashi. And, I dont care a soldier on a battle feild to die, for he dressed to fight and fire another brother. Well, what Im saying is, in our relegion there r ethics,and values. So, where are your ethics and values if you were a man of relegion whose posts were more humen and relegious?? Let me put it in this way, The Prophet's uncle Hamza was mutilated and his liver was eaten by Hinda. However, the prophet SCW having shocked and bursted into tears. He urged Muslims, not to disfigure or mutilate a humen soul. Kill,shoot,even slaugher on the neck. But, what on earth are you justifying???? Sxb, let those emotions and anger in you overwhelm you and dicredit your merit!!! PS:- forget about disfigure,and mutilation. Here, we r seeing clear pictures of humens beign set on fire. A dead humen beign set on fire. A dead Somali man no matter what his idiology is, but yet beign set on fire. Acuudu billaahi! Ethiopians are after all humens.... Give me the light in the holy Quran a proof, that wld support such an action!!
  16. Originally posted by Northerner: Are they indians/chinese in some of those pics??? The flames look like a digital alteration in the second pic and i dont see 'fighters' in sight. Xabashi come Xabashi go,,,,,,,,,,,, Northner, I thought you were more humen and educated. Its very sad to see your posts reflecting ignorance and jaahilnimo based on a particular clear venom. PS:- Xabashi is Xabashi, Gaal is Gaal. Yet, setting aside the Soldiers of the Somali TFG. Its really very horrific to see the soul of a precious humen beign beign set on fire, or mutilate or disfigure. What relegion would support this, when you say is this Chinese or Indian or in denial of a fire on a humen soul. Some guys here in SOL use relegion as cover up. Had it been reall in their blood and hearts, the Tribal nerve wld n't have affected or clicked their reflecion in debating. Somalia Allaw xal ukeen. Xumahana ka qabo......
  17. Respect to Cambaro. Respect to the Madam! PS:- She already has a buttered bread.....
  18. Hunguri

    hug me

    Im sure, this was meant for men . However, girls hijacked !!! Hugs Hugs Hugs Woman V Man (very productive)
  19. Im sure, those flags which are on top of your roofs, will soon be downed. When Rayale Steps down or leaves the office . PS:- Lama Huraan waa Caws Jiilaal
  20. CL, wht was the face with the glasses. Are you the Bush secret service ?