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Everything posted by Qurac&qansax

  1. Firdhiye showed he is not ready to lead. dabin loo dhigay, oo XSM iyo kooxdiisa u dhigeen buu ku dhacay isagoon si fiican uga fiirsan. SSC, the time to stand alone is not there yet. He is now alienating Karaash, Deni and all those who supported him, and create unnecessary division. The question is not SSC will become a federal state, the question is, is it ready and does it has all the land its claiming under its admiration, the answer is not yet, and until that time arrives, Karaash community do not want to loose their share in Puntland,
  2. Waxaan maqlayaa Boosaaso iyo Baydhabo baa shabaab airporkooda lagu qabtay, Xamar wax laguma qabto miyaa!!!!, cajiib, war nimankaas dowladnimo ma rabaa, ee ha ku daalinina
  3. reer Garoowe waxaa caawiyay "Home Support", waa in koopka meelo kala duwan lagu qabtaa..Sanadka danbe Boosaaso, Sanadkale Mudug and So on
  4. thanks Ilyyria for sharing the positive development such as football. Somali tend to focus only the negative.
  5. Wixii la ogaa, ilaa iyo dowladii abdulahi yusuf, ee aheed in *** aysan dhab ka aheen la dagaalanka shabaab baa u cadaanaysa dadka aan horey u ogeen, well done waare your intellect is a very rear commodity in Mogadishu
  6. Thanks Maakhiri, ....i agree with you Yusur would have been good candidate but we should keep it current, to keep it relevant, whatever SOL agree is ok with me.
  7. Xasan Sheikk Maxamuud, Award, the three most corrupted individuals of that year. So far, list are 1. Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud (himself). 2. Khadiija Aadan Daahir, gudoomiyaha xiriirka cayaaraha fudud ee Soomaaliya, oo gabar ay habiyar u tahay oo weligeed ordin, oo uur leh tiri matal somaliya 3.Wasiirka Ganacsiga Dowlada Fadaraalka Jibril Cabdirashiid, oo ku faanay in 10 reerkiisa uu wasaarada shaqo ka siiyay, becuae that is what everyone does and he will do it again given the chance..... Salim Macow Xaji Award, the three most honourable people of that year. Salim . So far list are 1. Salim Macow Xaji (himself), waa safiirkii sacuudiga ee iska casilay markii gabadhii madaxweeynaha oo aan shaqaale aheen ay u diiday in uu shirkii iyo booskiisii qaato 2. Abdisamad Nur Hassan, Osman Salad Gabeyre, and Sakhawadin Mustafe Mohamed, Board members of the Somali Central Bank who resigned becuase of corrupted practice of Governor of Central Bank who was again reappointed by Hasan sheikh maxamuud 3.
  8. also, i don't have their names, but i heard recently there was a mass resignation from the Central Bank, because of the level of corruption that is happening there....if anyone can get their names so we can add them to the list of Honourable people will be good.... you can encourage good governance by acknowledging their sacrifice
  9. MMA we need to update this list every time some thing corrupted in nature or honourable things happened..... SOL can be a force for good....
  10. Somali Online Community, i am suggesting each year, end of the year, in aan laba award bixino. Xasan Sheikk Maxamuud, Award, the three most corrupted indivituals of that year. So far, list are 1. Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud (himself) 2. Khadiija Aadan Daahir, gudoomiyaha xiriirka cayaaraha fudud ee Soomaaliya, oo gabar ay habiyar u tahay oo weligeed ordin, oo uur leh tiri matal somaliya Salim Macow Xaji Award, the three most honorble people of that year. Salim waa safiirkii sacuudiga ee iska casilay markii gabadhii madaxweeynaha oo aan shaqaale aheen ay u diiday in uu shirkii iyo booskiisii qaato. So far list are 1. Salim Macow Xaji (himself)
  11. exactly... if they stealing day light like this girl...imagine all the positions in every field they filling in people who have no idea what they doing...how this country is going to get any where
  12. dowladaan, waa meed qabuurihii ka soo baxsanaya iyo abeeso tartan galaysa......alow sahal amuuraha
  13. Wasiirka laftiisa iyo dhamaan ururka olypikada somaliya in la casilo bay aheed. gabadha habiyarteed eex ha sameeyso, ayaguna waxay ku eedaysan yihiin, waxaa muuqata in wax qaab iyo system ay dajiyeen aysan jirin. gabadhaan iyo habiyarteed maxay sharci ah oo jabiyeen, hadii aysan jirin wax policy ah ee lagu xulayo cayaar yahanka
  14. Fadeexad kale oo yaab leh oo kusoo baxday xiriirkii Shiinaha u diray gabadha fashilantay WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) - Tan iyo markii ay fashilantahay gabadhii ciyaaraha ororada ee ka dhacay dalka Shiinaha ku meteleysay Soomaaliya waxaa isisoo tarayey fadeexadda ka jirta gudaha xiriirka...
  15. qaarabadu xaq bay leeyihiin. ha lasyka daayo Naciimo Culusow, madaxweenahaa adeer u ah. 28 Augst na yurub bay uga qeeb galin, kadibna way is dhiibin. webpageyadii Unuku oo dhan mid ka hadlaya ma jiro.....Hiiraan Online, Caasimada Online IWM
  16. i don't even think you are somali....you just using a somali name to mix with Somalis.
  17. you don't know anything about science, curiosity and you don't know anything about Islam. Adoo kale waa lagy yaqaan. Small knowledge is very dangerous. I have done more science or so called curios thing than you will do in your entire life and yet I am Muslim and proud of to be Muslim.
  18. war kanu ma ayaan Xirsi Magan baa. War miyaadan Muslim aheen
  19. I 100% agree with you. Somalis are very naïve. It is like a girl never shown a care, and any man who pretend is caring, she gives in. The same goes, Somalis never seen a true nationalism leader, but fell into any one who pretends is one. From Afwayne to current HSM. Need to read between the lines.
  20. MMA, you have a point, but i think habartii international community is driving the agenda this time, time will tell how far she can go, but so far HSM is keen. meel kasta dab baa u ga furan, in uu qaar iska damiyo buu rabaa....you saw today article in caasimada, in one Ministery 21milion is missing, not only conflict but corruption is every where and international community are fed-up with HSM and his administration,
  21. HSM waa ogolaaday in uu Deni ku qanciyo in uu keensado raisal wasaare, Deni wuxuu wataa Cabdirisaaq khaliif
  22. MMA, la jiifiyaana badan, xaalad dagaal baa lagu jiraa,.kkkkk Somali's in everywhere, parlimkenku is just by name. How on earth more than half is missing when an important vote is taken place. It only happens in Somalia
  23. MMA, i agree with you, nothing is worse than HSM, but to make Farmaajo an angle is my problem, not to support HSM.
  24. Without Federalism and 4.5 somali would not have existed. The issue of Federalism and 4.5 is suppose to be "a means to the end not the end itself" . It suppose to be temporary not permanent and therefore we over used. That is the main problem. The federal system will always be here, and if not here, definitely Puntland and Somaliland will be federal state and the rest centerlised. The 4.5, all Somalis agree it pass its expire date and 1q1c will get rid off it, just bee patient. Somalis always blame the tool not the person using it. They blame qabiil and now Federal and 4.5. Our problem is the men who utilised those tools for their own gain, the tool has done nothing wrong to us.