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Everything posted by Qurac&qansax

  1. this is what is wrong with somalia. 9 xukuumad, 6 parliment, and she has nothing to show it off. No legacy. It is just by Name and Filling up Pockets
  2. Waa nasiib daro. Apparently, he owns a lot of privet schools and universities and hence why was given minster of education, si lagu naas nuujiyo
  3. Ra’iisul wasaare Xamse oo khudbad kooban jeediyay magacaabista kahor ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda cusub uu ugu magac daray DAN QARAN, isagoo golaha shacabka ka codsaday iney ansixiyaan wasiiradan, si howlaha ay dalka u hayaan u guda gasho. Halkan ka akhriso magacyada wasiiradda cusub Saalax Jaamac ra’iisul wasaare Kuxigeen Mukhtaar Rooboow Abuu Mansuur Wasiirka Diinta iyo Awqaafta Xasan Macalin Wasiirka Cadaaladda iyo Dastuirka Axmed Macalin Fiqi Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha. Dr.Cilmi Maxamuud Nuur Wasiirka Maaliyadda. C/aaair Jaamac Wasiirka Gaashnaadhiga Abhir Huruuse Wasiirka arrimaha Dibada iyo iskaashiga Caalamiga Faarax Sheekh C/qaadir Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare Maxamuud C/raxmaan Beena Beene Wasiirka qorsheynta iyo maalgashiga Jaamac ilkaa Jiir Wasiirka Dekedaha iyo Gaadiid Fardowsa cismaan Dhoore Wasiirka Gaadiidka cirka iyo dhulka Jaamac Xasan Khaliif Wasiirka Boosatada iyo Isgaatsiinta Xasan Xuseen Eelaay Wasiirka Xananaada Xoolaha Jibriil Cabdi rashiid Wasiirka Ganacsiga warshadaha Ismaaciil sheekh Bashiir Wasiirka Howlaha guud iyo gureyenta Khadiija Maxamed Diiriye Wasiirka Haweenka. Dr Crisaaq Cumar Maxamed Wasiirka Batroolka Macdanta Maxamed Doodishe Wasiirka Amniga gudaha Axmed Madoobe Nuunoow Wasiirka beeraha waraabka Cali Xaaji Aadan Wasiirka Caafimaadka Axmed Xasan aadan Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga kheyeaadka badda Daauud Aelweys Wasiirka warfaafinta Biixi Iimaan Cige Wasiirka Shaqada iyo shaqalaaha Jaamac Taqal Wasiirka Korontada iyo Biyaha Maxamed Barre Maxamuud Wasiirka Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaraaha Khadiija Al Makhzuumi Wasiirka Bay’adda iyo isbdelka Cimiladda.
  4. it is offically now...MMA can you belive wadaadkii viladuu ku jiraa as we speak
  5. Samafal weli dabaaldegii buu ku jiraa...lol Mid 80 mar aan tagay carigaa Hoodka iyo meesha hada Killka loo yaqaan, ceelashaa oo badan baan ku arki jiray....ma aqaan goortaan khair kaas la soo bixi doono
  6. Masrixii waa diyaarsan yahay...any time weeye hada
  7. Garoowe City Planning, (Naqshadeen, Cagaarin, Wadooyin)
  8. meel ay wasiiro ka yihiin Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye, Axmed Macalin Fiqi, Faarax Sheekh Cabduqaadir, sanbalooshi allow noo gargaar.
  9. mukhtaar Rooblow may be in the cabinet. that will be interesting in. laftagireen will be relived.
  10. Puntland oo horumar ka gaadhay dhisida buundooyinkeeda, somalida kale in ay uga daydaan
  11. Xasan, waxyaabo badan buu ka copinayaa farmaajo. Wuxuu is yiri, wuxuu farmaajo, qabliyada parlimenka ku helay waxay aheed in wasiiradii oo dhan ay Parlimanka ka yimaadeen. Siduu buu rabaa in uu sameeyo, oo ay u sii dheertahay waa in ay Damuljadiid na yihiin. 4.5 baa qeeyliaya oo yiri, anagu qofkaan rabnaa keeensanaynaa, xasana waa ku adeegay. Hamsana nin wax kala furi kara ma ahoo, weli raysal wasaaradnimadii buu qaadan la yahay. this will be his down fall. it is do or die
  12. Cajiib. 81+, xageey kala geeynayaan, wasaarado ma loo hayaa
  13. it will be announced in the next 24 hours.
  14. It is something to be proud of it. Any development in any where in Somalia, especially our brothers in Sool and Sanaag, i am happy for it. Duufaan thanks for sharing. Maakhiri also, should upload what is happening there. we should encourage the positive, as we disagree with the political maters.
  15. nin yahoow cuqdada iska daa. Somalia have to move out from this Zero Sum mentality, if i dont get what i want i will destroy it. could say the same thing, for UK, which i think you live there, the entire history of Britain, the leader comes from Protestant Anglo Sexan and White, how many other people live there, where is the Catholic and Celtic, let alone all those immigrant and Blacks. Do you think if Sunak looses, there will be demonstration on the road dhahaya LOOMA DHAMA. No, there would not be, they will be discussing his political failure, his part of the LOCKDOWN Gate, his destruction of Boris Government and So on, no one will be discussing his race. The US, is the same, all of their 45 presidents, they were all Protestant, Anglo Sexan, White, except Kennedy and Obama, where is the rest. is these people destroying and working with the enemy. As you and your community always does. Do you know why Obama and Kennedy won. Obama unlike, his processors (Black Coccus Presidential Candidates), such Jackson and Alshabero come from the Church services, they were angary, Duriyada, dont want to choose some one sinking the boat, some one who is angary. Obama came with hope, with inclusion, with mixed race, then all their fear went away. They knew they were safe. The boar is not going to sink. It is the same of Kennedy, read his biography, your community will learn a lot from these two gentlemen. You can even say, the same in our own religion, Abubakar, Omar, Othman, Ali (the four Khulafaa) were all Quraysh, Also, those empire after that, the Mucaawiyeen, Cabaasiyeen and Othmaaniyeen. How many other people live there, where is the rest, where is the Ansaar, who welcomed them to their houses and wife's and so on. You can say the same even our own federal System, all of Somali Presidents come from H and D block, and deep down, come from, Mareexxxx and MJ and ABGA11L, HABRD1g, Where is the rest. What you don't see, community are not in the blot paper, but two individual and the people are voting for those two people, depending the situation we are in at that time and despite corruptions, they choose the best person from that cohort. Also majority dictates where things are going or should go, since they have the biggest stake, that is Human nature, i am not necessarily agree with that. Any puntlandher ah or in that matter from the rest of Somalia, if they subscripted the issue of Sholongo, sadexda CCC baa isku dhiibaya, that person lost me, it shows they are not mature enough to discuss a complicated issue and i don't waste my time with that person. That is my test, and you failed that test. On the record, i my be against Faroole, Gaas, and Deni political failure but not they from CCC and that is mature discussion we can have it. inferior complex sindarome is a big issue with your comunity. Look HSM, every where he goes Madaxda kale u sujuudaya, that is in his DNA, he can not change. He grew up thinking he is inferior and now acts as i child who found a jar of a lolly does not know how to re-act, the inner of him took over.
  16. maxaa la sameeyaa, hadii canaasiir wax ilaahay noogu daray. waa far kugu taalo oo bugta, see yeelin.
  17. Despite our gloomy and despair, there is Hope, there is some tangible progress by Somali community every where in Somalia, particularly the two major states Puntland and Somaliland, who always lead by example. Xadaaradu waa cajiib. only if we had good leaders, who are visionaries.
  18. Garoowe City Planning
  19. GARACAD PORT The first major infrastructure built by community (iskaa wax u qabso) in AFRICA
  20. BOOSAASO Airport Expansion