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Everything posted by Qurac&qansax

  1. https://x.com/CirkaNews/status/1901674355903377600
  2. Nepotism Controversy Erupts in Somalia as PM Barre Appoints Son-in-Law as Minister – Idil News WWW.IDILNEWS.COM Mogadishu, (Idil News) – A wave of criticism has swept across Somalia following a controversial cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre. The appointment of Mohamed Abdikadir Ali as the…
  3. https://x.com/JibrilQoobey/status/1897433574392922186
  4. Mareykanka oo sheegay in uu tageerayo Puntland kadib markii uu jaray kaalmadii DF WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Washington (Caasimada Online) - Ciidanka Mareykanka waxay u muuqdaan inay sii joogi doonaan gobolka Puntland ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo ay diyaarinayaan inay kordhiyaan dadaalkooda dagaalka ka... Xasan, loo joojin mayo, isagay ku dhacday oo la yiri laguu joojin mayo, Puntland fundkeedii waa u sii socon, kii **********taadii danab waa laga jaray. last week buu ahaa, markii dowladiisu ku faanaysay, duqeenta maraykanka anagaa la soo wacaa, oo fasaxa siina maraykanka. wax aan dowlad aqoon.
  5. Intelligence report: Mogadishu is at risk to fall hand of Al Shabaab militant group – Idil News WWW.IDILNEWS.COM Al-Shabaab is gearing up to seize Mogadishu and establish its own government within the next two weeks, capitalizing on the ongoing political tensions within the Federal Government and the capital …
  6. waxaa la yiri diyaarad ingeer ah baa u fadhida airporka, paid by somalia 24hours. allways on the move probably benefiting his family
  7. https://x.com/JibrilQoobey/status/1894293748944650369
  8. Imaaraadka oo Cirro kusoo dhaweeyay maqaam hoose – Idil News WWW.IDILNEWS.COM Safarka ugu horeeya kama soo haro maqaamka Dibada ee Madaxweynahaas markaa saaxada ku cusub. Cirro ilaa iyo hada in aan la helin, Sawiradiisii soo dhaweynta ee Imaaraadka,waxay...
  9. Faallo:-Uyeerida Muuse Ee Imaaraadka,waxay bahdil ku tahay Cirro – Idil News WWW.IDILNEWS.COM Muuse oo wata Ciidan Hubaysan,ayaa Garoonka Diyaaradaha Hargaysa ka dhoofay. Safarkiisa,waxay Dadka ku dhow dhow ku sheegeen mid gaar ah oo ku salaysan soo daweynta Gabar uu dhalay. Balse xogaha...
  10. MMA, Why aad adeerkaa iyo seedigaa uga reebtay. lafta green iyo qoorqoor.
  11. Safirkiisa Swisser land, waa kan dadka uu la kulmayo. he thinks he is an NGO leader. no respect for the office,
  12. xasan baahane, xatooyo ma daayo, ma dhargo https://x.com/FrauSchwarz3/status/1881611784156500446
  13. aaway MMA odaygii waad ku daashay. ku dhaaf
  14. https://x.com/SamiAlArian/status/1879611663520780744 and look the hypocracy, Twitter not allowing any coments on this professors twitt, that is freedom of speach for your
  15. https://x.com/AdameMedia/status/1879963061769084933 https://x.com/AdameMedia/status/1879963061769084933
  16. hadeey run tahay, i wil never support it. Waa halagaa sheego. Gurigaadii baa Amason kuu ilaalinaysaa, markaas baa lee dahay, Guri nin kale leeyahay ku mashquulaysaa.
  17. ma jirana, he is one dimentional. all he sees is one thing, how to isolate Jubaland. He thinks, by being subservient to Xabashi and give all they want, they going to throw Madoobe under the bus so he can do his Selection (so called 1c1q) they humilate him infront of the world, and every one to see. he will cry soon
  18. reerkee baa soomali nimadu daacad ka aheen. sayidku intuu ugaaskoodii dilay buu foot solder ka dhigtay, si uu ula dagaalamo saldanada kale ee jirtay. I dont see daacad nimo.
  19. reer khaatimo, calan bay iska la ordayaan, from ceerigaabo to xamar, i am sure there is no occations, that is their hapits recently
  20. so there is no road link between xamar to baydhabo yet, the only method of link is by plane could you post some photos of this park, and do you recall who this person is, is he business man from the area.
  21. it is using the descredeted MAP of HAG, where, Galkacyo, Jariiban, Goldogob, Even burtible is part of Galmudug. Dhul aadan laheen saas ku heli maysid.
  22. HAGa xamar joogtana, intay 26 tractor soo tuugsadeen, bay dhaheen 2 Puntland ha la siiyo, inta kalena uun anagaa leh
  23. Somalia's Bari farmers reap financial rewards from date farming WWW.HIIRAAN.COM Mogadishu (HOL) — Farmers in Somalia’s drought-prone Bari region are celebrating a financial turnaround after years of hardship, thanks to the successful cultivation and sale of dates. Over 300 farmers in Karin... It is sad tough, the initiative has to come from donors, Red Cross, rather than the Puntland government. it takes10 years for date to be produced
  24. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo lagu eedeeyay in uu ganacsade Ajnabi ah u xiray Dhoofka Xoolaha Soomaaliya – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET 97 xildhibaan oo ka tirsan Labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka ayaa si adag u cambaareeyay tallaabo ay sheegeen in dowladda… Sii akhri I am sure, these MPs will go silent soon once they got their golden handshake, but this HSM has no moral and hishood,
  25. Somali Agriculture Minister Clarifies Tractor Distribution Policy – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — The Agriculture Ministry of Somalia claimed that Puntland State would receive two tractors, unlike other… Sii akhri Who can explain, why Galmudug ay u heshay 5 tractor, halka Puntland ay u heshay 2 tractor. HAG, iyo dagaalka qabiilaysan