baala xoofto

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Everything posted by baala xoofto

  1. Intense fighting taking place inside Garowe between opposing sides..
  2. Far from it, the Garaads turned down Djibouti and Ethiopia's efforts. This was a time they thought they could use propaganda and cheap rhetoric i.e. so called xaasuuq card, to force SL to withdraw under the pressure. Now that has passed and nothing has changed has changed on the ground, the Garaads are in a tough position. They fed their followers of a quick victory which is unattainable. Like I predicted at the start of the conflict, the so called Hiil-H*rti clan melitia will return to their home locations as the political and economical forces will dictate. And the so called Garaads will run out of the small $$$ as the expense of running an active war is very high. Every bullet costs money, every wounded person costs money to keep them alive, every vehicle costs money to move from Point A to Point B. In the next few weeks, the SL Army will carry out the long awaited clean up operations.
  3. I don't think SL is taking into account what is happening inside Garowe. All avenues for peaceful settlement has been exhausted. It was a futile expectation from Hargeisa side all along but glad that the decisions have been reached to settle the issue militarily. We don't really give a flying fig about it, it is just a current news item.
  4. Dad badan ayaa ka qaxaaya Garowe as the two sides bring more heavy weapons near residential houses.
  5. Somalia: Tension mounts in Puntland capital after rival force deploys WWW.GAROWEONLINE.COM
  6. Howdy you all. Did you all missed my daily Karbaash? Like I predicted couple of months back, this whole charade will be out of gas within 5 to 6 months. Cash is king in War. And without any regular source of income the anti-Somaliland groups will just fade away as quickly as they came. Yaa allah wax siiyay, ayay maanta maraysaa. From Qalas to Beggars, it is a long fall from grace.
  7. @maakhiri1 I thought you were going to remove Somaliland Army from Goojacade? Reality has sunk in. After two months of attacks, Somaliland has not even felt any. In fact, ciyaalka Shaqo-Qaran are getting live training lessons with the ragtag melitia Mr. Andre is being pressured by Ilhan Omar. Nothing more and nothing less. President Biihi doesn't take orders from anyone.
  8. Anticipating an Attack, the terror cells build sand barriers in the urban and residential areas of Laascaanood. A lot of folks on this forum bought the dream that the ragtag melitia had the ability to go into Gooja Cadde. Googarada hoosteeda inay ragga ka soo toogtaan ayay doonayan. Kolka islaanta iyo caruurta iyo terroriska madfac lagu dilo bari ku ooyaan "Laascaanood Genocide".
  9. Ciidamada Qaranka ayaa hada isu diyaarinaya dagaalkii lagu soo afjaraayay anti-Somaliland groups that are hiding inside houses.
  10. The following edible oil brands all be Made in Somaliland. These brands are probably the most popular in East Africa and specially among Somali people.
  11. DP World will build the largest edible Oil Terminal in Africa at Berbera Port DP World has started developing a new edible oil terminal at the Port of Berbera in Somaliland, reducing supply chain costs and creating vital local jobs. It has already agreed to a long-term lease for the facility. The edible oil terminal will be the latest addition to Berbera’s growing trade ecosystem, following the recent opening of the Berbera Economic Zone (BEZ), 15 km from the port along the Berbera to Wajaale road (Berbera Corridor) that connects to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. DP World Expands Offering At Berbera Port With New Edible Oil Terminal - Construction Business News Middle East WWW.CBNME.COM DP World has started developing a new edible oil terminal at the Port of Berbera in Somaliland, which will reduce supply chain costs and create vital local jobs. It has already agreed to a long-term lease for the...
  12. First of all these are no elders from Xamar, these are Caydh elders with some cheap Abgaal pay-as-you-go Ugaas. Secondly, the Garaads have said they accepted unconditional ceasefire. I think for that to be effective, there must first be two rounds of the same scale engagement as 18th of March and 26 of March. After these two engagements, the Garaads will come to terms with their reality. The report is putting an emphasis on the fact that Somaliland never received any support. The request is more of diplomatic/political rather than material.
  13. 26th of March. Of course, they were telling the unsuspecting mums in the West who sustain them from their Social Security benefits, that they were at the gates of Gooja Cadde, when they were indeed at the Gates of residential buildings.
  14. Why they would run away? kkkk That is all they know. These could win Somaliland Olympic medals. They could have been Gold medalist Somaliland National Heroes in any other time. Too bad, they are paying for the Garaad's wrong decisions.
  15. You need Google Earth, here is the direct link. Laascaanood Google Earth zoomed capture Here is a closer still frame of the same building much closer angle Here is the video:
  16. It is true that passengers destined for PL are now utilising the Fly Dubai flights to Mogadishu. But at what expense? Flying to Hargeisa is 30% cheaper than flying from DBX to Mogadishu Airport, and not only that, Hargeisa 2 hours closer. Essentially they are paying very high price, both time and money. But overall, the passengers who go via Hargeisa to PL are not that much anyway, probably < 2%. It is a very negligible lost. Not even worth an article written about it.
  17. Indho-adayg, ma fataatiir/marbles ayaa laga sameeyay? Even after video evidence of your ragtag melitia running like their uncle Cabdi Bille Cabdi - a SL Army officer commented "We were never told that we are in an running competition here"... sidii loo baacsanayay ayay googaradii dumarka hoosta ka galeen. Just in case you didn't watch video I posted earlier here is a snapshot. At the bottom of the picture you see an APC (Armed Personale Carrier), that is Somaliland Army, at the top where the fingers are pointing at is your ragtag militia running for their lives. I geo-located the concrete block building (Orange circle) next to the SL Army vehicle, also I have shown Hotel Xamdi location (Yellow circle). Does that look like Gooja Cade to you?
  18. A Puntland source covering the Garaads calling for cease fire now.
  19. @Duufaanlike I said previously keep close some blood pressure tablets, because all the fake news and lies will sum up to zero very soon.
  20. No AI here. A postcard grade sunset in the background, Berbera is a city on the cusp of major transformation.
  21. The Somaliland Army went as far as Hamdi Hotel, but returned back to their original line as their orders at the time was to not leave their existing front lines even if they gained ground. It is not the first time that Somaliland Army made incursions into Eastern suburbs of Laascaanood after the attacking militia were defeated in the battle. The new orders give the Army option to stay and consolidate newly gained ground.
  22. What exactly is being photo-shopped? Here is the former Ambassador to the UN under Col. Yey's Gov't showing pictures he took of the venue, he mentions Somalia and Djibouti, but knowingly ignores that beautiful flag behind Djibouti's.
  23. Like I mentioned earlier, there is a lot to this issue than meets the eye. Most of the 40 you mentioned are not even what they were accused of, they took part in activities that promoted such thing, which was paid activity by foreign interest groups. The majority of them are free, only 4 or 5 are the organizers are still being held. Funny though, the anti-Somaliland groups were using the detention of these people as way to get support for their cause. They even paid the Nigerian Con-artist in Washington to write tweets about how Somaliland is not safe for Gays. Go figure.