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Posts posted by OG_Girl

  1. Salaam Alaikom all:


    my nomads i need some advice if u can help.


    what u would do if ur family refused to marry one u want and tell u they will disown u if u marry him.




  2. Will Ramadan change ur daily life, habit?


    Let me start with my self, I will start school at 10 instead of 8 Am and will be at school from 10 AM -1:00 PM.

    What about u please share with us how Ramadan will change ur life?




  3. Now i ask u this


    is Somaliland a Somali's Land - YES or NO

    absuletly YES Somaliland means , Somali's Land or in Arabic "Artho al somal"

    is from NFD TO Djibouri to somali british to somali italian plus Ogadenia .I am not sure if there is camels in Djibouti thou :confused:



  4. Originally posted by nuune :

    lol, i don't even know if there is anything called ignore list does exist here,i only know about favorite list(buddy list)!!

    liar liar , u put me in ur ignore list once u understood me wrong remember or i have to remind u ...........lol just joking ;)


    that is all good ,


    rudy clean ur in box thou, i have message from ur favored one ....... icon_razz.gif



  5. Originally posted by Zakareye:

    Ok let's stop right there,plz what is your name OG i am hoping very much that you will fight what is right for you,and UH,plz do fight also what is right for you, if every little meat you want is being taken awayfrom you,by some one who happens to be just as womanly as you can be,

    sweetheart, i am way too good to fight over a man sorry but men fight over me not the opposite ok ???



  6. Originally posted by Zakareye:

    Ok let's stop right there,plz what is your name OG i am hoping very much that you will fight what is right for you,and UH,plz do fight also what is right for you, if every little meat you want is being taken awayfrom you,by some one who happens to be just as womanly as you can be,

    sweetheart, i am way too good to fight over a man sorry but men fight over me not the opposite ok ???



  7. Originally posted by Zakareye:

    Ok let's stop right there,plz what is your name OG i am hoping very much that you will fight what is right for you,and UH,plz do fight also what is right for you, if every little meat you want is being taken awayfrom you,by some one who happens to be just as womanly as you can be,

    sweetheart, i am way too good to fight over a man sorry but men fight over me not the opposite ok ???



  8. Originally posted by Zakareye:

    Ok let's stop right there,plz what is your name OG i am hoping very much that you will fight what is right for you,and UH,plz do fight also what is right for you, if every little meat you want is being taken awayfrom you,by some one who happens to be just as womanly as you can be,

    sweetheart, i am way too good to fight over a man sorry but men fight over me not the opposite ok ???



  9. Originally posted by mizz unique

    tell me where in sural luuq its says to kill homo's and honestly am asking this cuz i heard of surat luuq but i dont know the translation and i want the ayat that says they should be stonned to death please show me the verse

    sister there is no Ayah says they should stoned to be clear with u in the beginning.


    can u show me any Aayah says we have to pray 5 times a day and 4 "rak'ah" in zuhur prayers and so on....?


    my point is there is alot in "sunnatel Rasool"(saw)not in Quraan .

    and accually they stonned one guy who was homosexual in "khalifah Omar "time .

    when omar asked "sahabah" what he will do i remember i read Ali ben khatab suggested to burn him till death . but they stoned him .



  10. Salaam Alaikom :

    sister let me explain to u some thing , there is Ayyah ordering us to stop "monker" .


    the other thing doesn't mean i am bad so every one can be bad and that is freedom !! where is "Al amr bel ma'a roof wa nahyi an monker "

    do u know there is "Qaa'edah" saying if u don't pray that doesn't mean u r "kaafer" but if u deny "being salat part of Islam make "kaafer"


    i am not pointing my finger to any one here but as "Share'a " student i think i have right to clearfy the mistakes about islam .



  11. originally posted by Mizz unique

    yes homosexual have the right to exist in society..y because its their life and its between them and allah , show me one ayat that says kill or harm a homo-sexual,

    sister there is a whole surrah talking how Allah destryied "qoom lood" what prove u want ?


    yes there is homo sexual in western and eastern and since there is no "khalefah Islam "or what we can call "hokom Islami " NOTHING we can do about it as a individually but is Haraam and we can't give them rifghts God did not give them ...Allah create us women and men to fill full the earth to have kids , do u know even christanity r against it ? coz is against Allah

