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Posts posted by OG_Girl

  1. He used to make me laugh every post he posts and still his posts r my favored wallahi.


    read this :

    Originally posted by Mindstate:

    you should care about how your wife would feel about having to share you with other women .




    "Most women understand it, and the reason for it. The reason why we marry more than 1 wife. Its all to do with DHAQAN iyo DIIN".


    loooooooooooooooooool wallahi he was damn funny :D

  2. Salaam ,

    Boy, this presentation almost made me drop the whole course . Seriously , were my night mares in my first year or so but now i got used since I have to make speech front of judges in the court . as a senior in university i got use to it.


    By the way , Opinionated how ur prestation went , today was monday ? :D


  3. Salaam :

    I was reading very old topics (that is shows how bored I am ) :confused: .


    But I am wondring where is Nin-Yaan hidding? I never agreed with this guy and his CULTURE THINGS, BUT I ADMIT HE WAS VERY FUNNY GUY.


  4. Somali Leaders Agree on Contentious Issues

    I am really envying u being optimistic. Do u really think those in Nairobi ( whom r the accually warlords ) can build our nation again ?!

    and who gave them rights to talk behalf of us ?


    Finally, I really don't know how some one call him/her self somali can support one of those in Nairobi!!, Whatever their names they r WARLORDS and can't lead us now or in the future.


    PS: by the way who made them somali leaders ? I don't remember some one elected them .



  5. Thanx Libaax-Sankataabte wallalo I was looking to translate that "Hateeth" in English but u already did.


    Sister Opinionated , prophet Mohammed was frist one said people r equel in this world and after ...whatever they r moslims or not white or black , man or woman.



  6. Salaam Alaikom ;

    Ameenah thanxx sweetheart I missed reading ur posts seriously .


    Hibo thanxx .


    Alla MJ and miss moon r here ...damn did they close paltalktalk...lol joking icon_razz.gif


    Miss moon Big Big welcome sweetheart I we all (behalf of SOL Members) welcoming u sweetyy feel like home . By the way this forum much better than somali/arab room in paltalk ;)

