Asalamu aleikum.
Crystal_Clear sista iga aamus waad iga qoslisee! Markey soomaaliya nabad noqoto inshallah waxaanu kuu dooran wasiirka qooyska soomaalida, gurl dadbaad soomaalida ka soo saari lahayd. waan kugu raacsanahay erayadaada.
By the way u can't promise to be 100% of what u discribed in yr last post but i think you can try atleast and thats what al somalis should do.
Soomaaliyey nabad iyo isjaceyl
Why in this day and age are we still worrying about qabil? I'll tell you why because no matter how much we say it's the yr 2002 our parents were,are, and will be stuck in a time warp.Sistah it would be the easy answer if i were to say forget qabil and marry him, loves all that counts, but it doesn't. Tip:consider what your family will say and do.Also forget your friends they ain't blood.
My qabil is islam, ya heard