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Everything posted by burahadeer

  1. somaliland is powerful.Look how everyone else going real crazy:D
  2. Qaranki;794332 wrote: Clutching at straws by the anti SL mob. They were drunk on delusion last night thinking the president was refused to speak only to be heartbroken by the UK Foreign Office itself posting the audio. they always looking a beam of light at the end of dark tunnel.They realized their impotence and living on triviality!
  3. what Freedom? why don't you stay with your buttered bread...guess dry bread is chasing.
  4. and who cares mogadishu? recognition or not.What if they don't get recognition & neva come back?
  5. Freedom;794552 wrote: Somaliland hate syndrome lool luv it Sums up
  6. ^^^^" door has been closed" really!? haha, calaacal.com
  7. Mario B;794532 wrote: " triangles towns" and KS will be sending it's federal MP's to Mogadishu to be part of the Interim gov/Federal gov :rolleyes:" heard that before..too much calaacal!
  8. provided a somalia gov't that won't chase somaliland around but confident enough to stand by itself:D
  9. The Hermet;793778 wrote: somalidan konfurta saxib, ma ka dab ba mise biyohooda aya wax ku jira...:cool: mayee waxa weeye "falaadhi gilgilasho kaagama go'do".Resisting truth is what shows where they r today. All what's left with thm is to irritate.Give thm a platform & the nonesense is endless.
  10. odaygu wuu afgaranwaayay ....af reer konfureedka ma yaqaano.I wonder if they communicating in turkish!
  11. why somalia didn't study 1/4 of the mechanics of somaliland politics:D
  12. ^^^ I know awdalites ain't into that mess but others lump thmslvs together as if they have leash on thm.
  13. actually I adore him,very moderate but seems Islam will neva be comfortable with the fast changing world.they want the benefit of it all but yet under close scrutiny of each & everyone.
  14. It shows the restlessness of oligarchy.Technology made thm obsolete.Luv it...
  15. Ictraaf heli maysaan bay ku waasheen...murtidiibaa ka dhamaatay.Go look for new vocabulary...SL succeeded without so called recognition & will continue to succeed you bandits:D
  16. faarah22;793173 wrote: what destiny do you have ? faanka beenta cidaan ku nacay horta. ur probably collecting welfare **** somewhere in the west your moocher, while pretending to be someone important. khatumo and awdal are gonna clip ur ambitions even before anyone else comes for you. ictiraaf as far ever. Katumo & Awdal with 2 nukes hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is deji saxib.
  17. one man has destiny & the otha has deception. The Beaver and the Bandit somaliland is gone baby...recognition? has it come last 20yrs? and still flying high...come or no come but it will definitely come & who cares? people are you better off prior 1990?....ooooo yeeeeeeee no going back.
  18. unity,federalism,whateva you call it has long passed.It's for those who want more bloodshed or prove to some they can't go their way..nothing about nationalism or brotherhood.The best way is each to implement how he sees fit.People will cross,trade and intermarry each otha regardless.