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Everything posted by burahadeer

  1. ye but Q is only the correct somali.Most of the arabic words you can't start with Q.some you can do,like: Khamro=Qamro Khususi=Qusuusi Kharash=Qarash Kasaaro=Qasaaro Khatar=Qatar Khalad=Qalad etc
  2. Showqi;812055 wrote: Khaanad Khasaaro Khajilaad Khusayn Khaniis kharash Ereyada kh-da ka bilaabma badankoodu waxay inaga soo galeen luqada Carabiga. Bal kuwan aan xaga sare ku qoray ha la iga hubiyo. Kalmado badan ayaan doonayey in aan halkan ku soo qoro laakiin markii aan ka eegay Google Translate dhamaantood waxay noqdeen Af Carabi,,,:mad: you right all these are arabic.
  3. @XX ... think that is arabic too but not sure.In somali we used q .Older people would say qamri buu cabay. KH is not part of the somali language.
  4. so far this is the most interesting part since they lost so much ground & certainly descend into oblivion soon.Will they keep going with their suicide missions or have some sense to see the end of light.
  5. Anyone know somali word that starts with KH.All the words we use with KH are arabic. Only one word "khuuro" is somali,and that I'm not even sure.
  6. ^^ none of thes 2 words r somali! muraayad=arabic ukiyaalo=italian.
  7. http://towardfreedom.com/africa/2118-the-real-pirates-in-somalia-washington-paris-and-oslo
  8. BBC one minute world news Somali piracy 'reduces tuna haul' The coast of Somalia is rich source of tuna from August to November Piracy off Somalia's coast is a cause of falls in tuna catches in the Indian Ocean - one of the world's richest sources of the fish, experts say. The head of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, Alejandro Anganuzzi, said catches fell by about 30% last year, seriously affecting the industry. The Seychelles economy has been badly hit as many foreign fishing fleets are based there. The reduced supply because of piracy has also driven up the price of tuna. Ship seizures The Indian Ocean tuna industry is said to be worth up to $6bn. Last year Somali pirates took 42 commercial ships with crews hostage, according to the International Maritime Bureau, including the biggest oil supertanker ever captured. A number of countries began naval patrols off East Africa and in the Gulf of Aden to try to combat the attacks. With the threat still present, fishing fleets have had to move further east from the Somali coast, Mr Anganuzzi told Reuters news agency. About 40% of Seychelles's foreign earnings come from tuna and related industries, the IOTC said. French and Spanish fleets based in Seychelles caught only 50% of their expected catch. The fleets usually catch nearly two-thirds of the year's haul off Somalia between August and November, he said. Seychelles is paid per tonne of fish landed for port facilities and reduced catches mean fewer calls to port. "The pirates' biggest impact, however, is reduced supply, driving prices up," the head of the Seychelles Fisheries Authority, Rondolph Payet, told Reuters. Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version ADVERTISEMENT
  9. am not claiming for myself just protecting from pirates.
  10. Che -Guevara;811422 wrote: ^You are kid sitting in front of computer somewhere in the diastole, nothing belongs to you! you back with your colors old man in basement.
  11. siyad tried to settle you in hargeisa,burao etc..that's what the whole war was about and you still dreaming.You couldn't take back then with the strongest force in africa & you can't try now....you be lucky if you hold on to the little that's yours.Look at the whole site ,everywhere belong to me,I only have oil blaablaa...isku xishooda!
  12. AsadSL;811396 wrote: Wa north of Ceerigaabo wa tulo SNM:D they caim hargeisa,burao,kismayo everywhere....these people r more than funny wallahi they always looking a greener pasture,that' what siyad barre told thm....take every tuulo..and destroyed a whole country...cajiib...
  13. ^ huh...here we go again.."la cosa nostra ",my thing
  14. The Sage;811354 wrote: The real purpose of the negotiations is for the TFG to assist Somaliland to access formal international institutions (i.e. loans and insurance) and to create a clear/open channel between the governments should any future conflicts between them arise. now that statement gives thm loophole to argue about...for thm every little bit is home run:D
  15. you guys messing things up.All the following same on both sides. cadceed=qorax buul= aqal ( bool is used in miyiga in north..small aqal somali) dibnaha=bishmaha lumay=halaabay hooyo=hooyo iminka=hadeer shafka=xabadka haraad=oon baqasho=cabsi
  16. when you go back home check who sends more money,men V women.Close to 2/3 are women who sustain families and it's not money,big money indeed.average: $300 per woman to $100 per man.Fact.
  17. the biggest headache is really money comes & leaves fast.We need to produce food in every part of the country since rigs r everywhere nowadays.There is no lack of water for atleast 80%.
  18. no doubt our children will have the best of life.