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Everything posted by burahadeer

  1. man time for her to put on the pants..need a brake.
  2. ^^ XX note my earlier post I edited on how these people will do everything to undermine even to their detrimental.
  3. Desperate fake unionists can keep dreaming................only thing left with them is argue for what they know deep down their hearts is not attainable.....really can see tears coming down these posts. they even went on deadly rampage everytime talk starts so they can prove to the world that SL is not peaceful. 1-buhoodle few weeks before london conference 2-Lascanod few days before Istanbul conference 3-Today near Ainabo innocents working for DRC killed cos of London conference. Chicken will come home to roast.
  4. remember things that ignited kalshaale incident,they caught 7 camel herders,tie onto a tree & cut them in pieces with a knife. how that help whateva nonesenical cause they envision? this routine agenda anytime there's meeting,so they can argue SL is war zone...chicken will come home to roast,it seems a vengeful catalyst againest khatumites .Look at following 1-Buhoodle few weeks before london conference. 2-Lascanod a week before Istanbul 3-this one same day at start of london talks
  5. ^^^ maybe you beat ghosts.If you talking about buuhoodle,the gov't & your elders agreed army evacuate the village & relocated 2 miles out of town on 3 fronts.What uniformed army do inside little village of maximum 1000 people ,,,so you can cry genocide! The army sits one to 2 mile ,so go & take on thm. yee & what about Lascanod,the biggest city? And why don't defend Tuka Raq when you even outnumber thm. Give me anotha story:D
  6. ^^ this is just formality insisted by west.Nothing gona change .Infact it's known secret that no western country will eva pressure SL into anotha disastrous union,they want these negotiations to be a way out for somaliland in a civil manner.The last anybody need is war between thm.
  7. GaadhHaye;843971 wrote: viii) and Re-iterated their support for ending the transition in Somalia.. kkkkkkkkkk, disaster for the seemingly runaway seccessionist ship;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . what helping you stand & be somebody has to do with somaliland secession....you can neva swallow,eh...I know!
  8. Aadan Jugle;843964 wrote: majority rules..... you are not even 15% of somaliland . not even 1%. the whole thing put together is not even 30,000.You have to go,drive thru & see what they call towns(2 huts).
  9. didn't get the thread before...ma caydiid baa soo fuuray:confused:
  10. OdaySomali;843918 wrote: ^ The war was a mistake, if you have even the slightest clue about international law and diplomacy. WSLF, TPLF, EPLF etc. should have been armed and bolstered and when Eritrea got their independence the Somali region could also have fought for their independence. However, hastily made and uninformed decisions denied us that opportunity... that's arrogant but incompetent and bad leadership for you. The DERG would/could have fallen and the USSR most certainly would have. In fact, had The Somali Republic not invaded Ethiopia, the USSR would not have armed the DERG to the teeth, supply 600 tanks & $4bn in military hardware, 1,500 USSR advisors, 15,000 Cuban troops and trained & armed the 250,000 troops that they did. The USSR would not have abandoned Berbera & stopped supplying The Somali Republic. But Somalia's government, in its arrogance, completely miscalculated & misunderstook the real political and diplomatic situation; did they really think that they could get away with invading another sovereign nation, whether justly so or not, and annex a 1/3 of its landmass without repercussions. There are ways to do things and they went about it completely the wrong way. They made The Somali Republic look like the agressor and invader, rather than the liberator & saviour of the oppressed that she was. the war was greatest misadventure, the begining of the end for somalis.Infact Eriteria almost controlled ova 90% of their territory and was about to declare unilateral independence in a year or so but cos of somali invasion the tables were turned againest thm by the massive armament the soviets supplied to ethiopia. The Derge was about to collapse & ethnic groups like oromo & somali had better chance had it not been the reckless somali fiasco. *WSLF pressure of the somali gov't sown it's own demise.
  11. abtigiis I thought kismayo safe heaven for,why worry about Mogadishu?
  12. [if you ask a person from Somalia what will you lose if Somaliland is recognized he will say well i don't like the shape of Somalia changing]* XX and little bit more,you know:D
  13. xaji you know it's messy neighborhood and don't think there eva be peaceful coexistance unless determined by the inevitable...
  14. both sides are arming themselves as they aware nothing coming out of these talks...so stay tuned.
  15. bought some land ova there,you mean faroole con me out of my inheritance.
  16. wiil;843279 wrote: You could'nt find something interesting to post?? you must be too bored if that's not news..
  17. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=latest%20articles%20about%20somalia(june%202012).&source=web&cd=11&ved=0CFcQFjAAOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Funjobs.org%2Fduty_stations%2Fsomalia&ei=aG7hT_ugD6rh0QGywInZAw&usg=AFQjCNG8n0pp5UzHAz388vha6leM7-d_hw S O M A L I A
  18. Man arrested for having sex with teddy bear in public TO Cincinnati, where Charles Marshall, 28, has been arrested for masturbating with the aid of a teddy bear. He was shagging the teddy in public. Marshall has previous, having been convicted on three occassion of having sex with a teddy in public. We do not know the name of the teddy, but would wager it was mot likely one of the Care Bear family of bears, blessed as they are with sweet smiles and bedroom eyes. It was most certainly not the vulnerable runaway Paddington Bear nor Rupert The Bear, so beloved of cub-scout leaders and softies. http://www.anorak.co.uk/325357/strange-but-true/man-arrested-for-having-sex-with-teddy-bear-in-public.html/
  19. pirate land is troll land now...look at the forum,troll synonmous with puntland:D
  20. yes but frankly I don't see any chance of reconstituting somalia,and as far as almost the great majority is concerned they be separate.So r you prepared to have brotherly relations or you going to war?
  21. @Tillmook....what if that don't come & SL goes it's way.For one time I'm trying to discuss with you or anyone else without all the emotions.
  22. @ Tillamook.... honestly what else can they do? No caadifad or foul language.