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Everything posted by burahadeer

  1. Mintid Farayar;957272 wrote: Insha'Allah Kheyr! The most dangerous thing about the Indian business class in Africa is their lack of any blood, social, or emotional ties with the local populations they're living with! Very True...
  2. but they safe, have you eva heard one that crashed, they also filled a big gap when needed most...thanks God, will take it again.
  3. Carafaat;956115 wrote: Even in a thread about Somali Reconstruction and Investment they manage to turn in to a thread to fuel bitterness about Jubbaland. Even in dance halls! this lady ask me last nite if I'm juba nationalist.I said NO, then she walked away.
  4. Duufaan;957187 wrote: The British are protecting their homeland and landers are doing what they custom to do and as always they happy doing the service job. this is not different the cooking and PC jobs they used done for the colonial officers way better than carrying bombs....
  5. Look at how gorgeous ladies turned in less than year of peace time...
  6. ElPunto;956500 wrote: Not sure it's good longterm for Somalis. Next they may damn the Juba and Shabelle - they already have a small dam on the latter. And unlike Egypt/Sudan - there is no agreement with Somalia. Kismayo will cease to exist:D
  7. It's coming,there r some flame throwers who will literally wake thm fight back.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;956375 wrote: Burahdeer our friend from Garisa is playing fear tactics its not working he wants us to believe there are unified Koonfurians on a mission.He should know that Somalilanders know those in the south the best and their mentality. It won't change an iota even if all konfurians attack....they lose big, said that,no one is gona trust or come along with the Siyadists....they firing all sides out of desperation:D
  9. @Apophis=== you won't let Somalis be at peace together in the first place:D.......puntland,jubaland,khatumo....all the hot spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ^^ firing on all sides:D and we were talking about Somalis in general!
  11. WOW he took the gloves off, but standing upto two stronger neighbors might actually derail him.He should have taken out one by one,kenya being the first. Is it real:D
  12. ^^ who else will??African criminal court where tribe loyalty outweighs everything else! XX Robert Mugabe protects Mengistu.
  13. its good to fight back but now have to move out the gettos lest they be slaughtered like sheep.
  14. QUOTE=burahadeer;955856]Remember more than too often of Xiin, Abtigiis, working tirelessly for the formation of Somalia's FG,vowing not to succumb to regional squabbles and readying thmslvs the final blow against the arch enemy,Somaliland.What a missed opportunity:D:D:D and they always have to come up with anotha tale that excuses their beholden stand. What a difference few months make.All what we have to do is sit back & see the whole rotten clannish agenda coming crashing down.....[/
  15. Daqane;955919 wrote: How does this qualify for politics section? Time has changed & so is the shifting alliances & clan interests of the jigsaw puzzle that's Somalia.A year ago puntlanders/ jubalanders and fake nationalists would have chased such videos,ululating how Mogadishu have risen above the ashes....and now you see deserted,no comments and no desire:D
  16. Remember more than too often of Xiin, Abtigiis, working tirelessly for the formation of Somalia's FG,vowing not to succumb to regional squabbles and readying thmslvs the final blow against the arch enemy,Somaliland.What a missed opportunity:D:D:D and they always have to come up with anotha tale that excuses their beholden stand. What a difference few months make.All what we have to do is sit back & see the whole rotten clannish agenda coming crashing down.....
  17. and they been accusing Somaliland of desertion:D except that kismayo's is illegal.
  18. Juxa;955800 wrote: Degree ma quraanki ilaah baa! Attack the ideas not the man the man not from Kismayo & must be crucified:D
  19. If Qatar is involved it needs disbanded quickly.Qatar fighting hard that Somali natural gas neva eva come to production(it produces gas & want no competition or at least have a hand in setting quota on how many barrels exported and at what prize).It also share holder of shell.Have you been wondering why they keep coming back to Mogadishu lately!