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Everything posted by burahadeer

  1. https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQCTp3rqdGe2Ac5t&w=470&h=246&url=http%3A%2F%2Fstream.aljazeera.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2Ffb_og_image%2Fpublic%2F032414-Brussels-Belgium.jpg%3Fitok%3DSYtM_h8X&cfs=1&upscale&sx=0&sy=151&sw=1500&sh=785
  2. certain sectors see gov't as means to be rich and grab others land.They often talk too much about nationalism in disguise, we saw that too often. First solution is anyone busy himself with nationalist ideas should be dragged to jail.Secondly let go anyone chose to be separate and that includes all those below Mogadishu as you certainly focus only on Somaliland.Only when we truthful to our selves & shelf what didn't work can we aspire to reach certain goals.
  3. <cite><a href=" http://www.somaliaonline.com/me * Attract back the old principled members. . Wondering who are these principled ones.Very very few indeed and most r women.We all on the same boat! Think best idea is honest,fair moderater that selects which topics worth putting forward but then again they thmslvs might and will be inclined toward certain posts. or maybe selective principled ones be given special page that no one else could post and see how that works & if indeed they can attract wider readers.
  4. these Konfurians getting too much calaacal, really emotional wreck. It more than often shows Somaliland has succeeded & there's no iota chest beating history deniers and land grabbers can do about it.Talking about Sanaag ,cayn as thou they more than 2%.They could be at most half even in sool.Siyad tried to kill everybody in Somaliland & give the land to you...It miserably failed,but this time you might lose the little that's yours if you insist on some that don't belong to you.Propagating false maps around the world won't be of any help when reality hits hard.
  5. Mr Cidan these loser lot r barking into the 24th year with nothing to show for.No amount of truth will go into their sick skulls,They deny and distort history,too argumentative,too much lies to the point they believe in their distorted view on the ground..All they know & be happy with is bravados..we do this,that...they live on emotional rescue,blinded by hatred.Siadists who wish exterminate somalilanders are now at the bottom of the filthy barrel,their frustrations understandable:D!! a case of the hunters hunted down.
  6. <cite>@SomaliaRising said:</cite> In the case of Somali dictator, the SNM terrorists were funded by Ethiopia. He had every right to crush them. But he was crushed & you bitter since
  7. Pirates desperately entertaining:D Puntland army!? what a joke.
  8. so tell us about the 200 person Buhoodle village somaliland army stationed on all corners and drive in at will,business between it & Burao all time high..It is encircled by otha beesha villages except on the boundary road where widhwidh is next,Buhoodle is remote and geographically cut from Lasanoud except on that narrow boundary road,thus making it helpless if God forbid things turn sour,so dont create problems for thm.Silanyo been to Lasanoud while back and now Laskorey.You come up next with why he dont go to widhwidh when & if he chose to visit buhoodle. Show me some beef buddy! well easier for you floating in emotional rescue scenarios.
  9. <cite>@LANDER said:</cite> I think the collapse of the regime in the south came too swiftly for southerners and when inter-tribal fighthing started, there was no common past struggle, suffering and solidarity to really look back on in order to really appreciate the cost of peace (unlike in Somaliland) True to the bone. and Silanyo goes to Guinness book as the first Somali president dare punch the waves:D
  10. <cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> booqashada madaxwayne siilaanyo waxa ay u ahayd jawaab caad - Puntland must refrain from Claiming SSC sheekada waa iska cadaahay ee ... Next Day Laasqorey welcomes Puntland delegates ? Dhinaca kale Wararka ka imaanaya laasqorey ayaa shegaya in Wafdi wasiira ah oo Puntland kasocda ay Saaka Tageen Lasqorey ,isla markana Boqolaal dadweynaha ah ay kula hadleen Magaalada Laasqorey. Puntland has no power to claim anything, just buuq & I arkaay.
  11. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> ^^ Why national he doesn't deserve a national burial in Somaliland a normal burial probably misunderstood.Just heard gov't was taking care of burial.
  12. Somalia is Joke,they cry river anytime some positive written about Somaliland. Being bitter about one of your least problems is what put you down under.
  13. he be buried in Berbera and be national one.Official.
  14. ^^^Whateva each of us achieved is known to whoeva engaged in the horn.Trying to equate problems in Somalia with those of Somaliland or belittle what progress Somaliland has attained is no help to you.Wiser you acknowledge the good and work toward it.
  15. and such bravado from Somalia keeps being disaster for all southerners.You would think people who went thru the greatest human suffering modern world had seen the last 25 yrs and still true today could brag pretense of bravery!? Instead they should have sat back,reasses what went wrong and in subdue as they owe so much to rest of the world politely keep moving
  16. ^^^ XX let them keep wailing,,,they still talking about wana fight, hopeless bunch.
  17. People inside Somaliland with exception of few so called opposition know what this gov't has done and so far doing great.Lies and desperate propaganda will only strength Kulmiye.
  18. ^^ is apparent '' the I'm somaliweyn'' mean different clannish treachery to different clans.Some wana rule no matter what,others for revenge or outright banditary,still others looking for tribal hegemony.All in all each for his stinking clan interest at heart.So the HAG know that galaydh who stole millions from madheedhley is no Somali nationalist and is here to destroy those I clans in the Somaliland...same apply to samater. Chicken Game!!
  19. <cite>@Mahiigaan said:</cite> dad dhul aanay shaqa kulahayn sheegnayaa Somali loogu daw galay. Yaab badanaa. Dhulku ma cidlaa dee miyaan dadka deggan waxba laga weydiineyn?. Waxaaseu waa sababta Somalia u tahay failed State in the 21st century. Exactly, Kismayo taken from its rightful owners with help of Kenyan forces. Middle shabelle was in flames cos new residents from Mudug wana take ova. In Hiran entire communities uprooted so their land could be taken. Now what Is SSC: SOOl they could probably be around 50%. SANAG..............................2% Cayn...............................2% that's why they couldn't succeed,It would have been different story if they had majority on all 3 regions.They dreamed selling to the world. Did any one of you saw the clan map created by Siyad Barre? this land grabbing by the pen and the barrel together is what Siyaad tried in then the North & ignited the civil war.
  20. He was the darling & great messiah for somalia year ago and now no more that he switched to otha side.Very predictable for union dreamers.one only has to dig SOL threads about him to see how opportunistic they are
  21. Somalia rising blowing itself up in the air everyday. whatelse moryaans in Mogadishu could do except wildly entertain thmslvs with ahasbeen, huh, battles could have been won or the next earthquake coming on their enemies. They turn childish out of desperation.
  22. Southerners perfected the policy of Iskawaal or stonewalling .Millions either perished, in refugee camps or unaccounted for the last 24 yrs and still going on today.Couldn't come up anything close to administrative village when been getting billions and constantly helped with foreign troops; only last couple days,their highest office,that of the president attacked and dozens died,couple of otha bombs blew up in all corners of the city and today the NSS HQ attacked,more dozens lost their life.No control outside Mogadishu either with exception of few villages taken and guarded by African troops....well and in here have the audacity to make headline of one police killed in Somaliland...what you call that!!? No self worth.