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Everything posted by burahadeer

  1. Its good they keep acting til the west give up on thm again.Bravados order of the day once they have 2 day's peace instead of working quietly in subdue.
  2. Too many lies! dream on.Some Somali elders working temporarily as community engagement for the company were there,they themselves were from the same community in the area.How the incident occurred was a shot heard from a distance,they were not even fired upon.The company is here. BTW when puntland is coming for a fight? easier with the pen
  3. shrinking puntland but they keep running their mouth no matter what!
  4. with the huge obstacles at hand every Somali leader is bound to come short of expectations.Sheikh sharif and president Hassan did great under insurmountable difficulties.Somalis as being who they are, always running away from the truth due to clannish reasons can only be led by the devil and into the abyss... He had a great welcome.
  5. Nice comments! Galbeedi no one cares if Jubouti border closed,fact is most people don't even know if it sealed,there r so many small ports in SL beside Berbera that actually nothing of significance comes from jubouti.Ethiopian border is NOT closed and when it does is usually acceptable to both sides for security reasons.As for Xabsade its his 4TH run....Jubilation in puntland hahaaaa:D !!!!!!
  6. too many bandits in Somalia,it neva be cohesive.Clannish mind,clannish agenda and clannish everything that surpasses any otha Somali region.Just get by til by the year 3000.
  7. I don't wanna be political but have the urge to enlighten you. many roads are built in Somaliland last 3yrs,the longest,392km between Burao and Erigavo underway,universities built in every major town,some cities could have more than five,electricity run and owned by local firms and most distant villages have power for the first time,many small industries mostly beverages and distilled water but also furniture,mattresses etc.Small businesses mushrooming,actually much much better than eva before.......to remind you that only one technical school in Burao built by Germans in 1964 was the only thing built in Somaliland between 1960 and 1991.And this school was made possible by the Somali ambassador in Germany at the time who was from Burao. There is absolutely nothing done by Siyad Barre or the ones before him ,nil,nada,except misery. SO YOU CAN SEE GREAT PROGRESS NOW without the billions Siyaad had from donor countries. Yes there r many poor people but live goes on as long as there is peace.
  8. ^^ and the southerners emotional wreck in total. hahaa if one legged bird flies ova hargeisa,it some how of help to bosaso and Mogadishu.
  9. D is minority in Somalia yet they succeeded in robbing Kismayo & have the nerve to try block the central state.Too bad there no Kenyan forces here.
  10. <cite>@Dhagax-Tuur said:</cite> People whose interests lie in having the capital in their backyard would spin the relocation of the capital as a thefty from their tribesmen. And I do believe that many who are pushing this agenda aren't driven by 'the nation's interest ' but Stealing the limelight from reer hebel. Well said. they want it in one sq mile garowe!
  11. Somalia: Not What You’d Think! By Kelly Diamond on April 6, 2014 15 Comments April 7, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher somaliaI’m sure by now, if you’ve so much as questioned the righteousness of the American government, foreign or domestic, you are immediately chastised and told any combination of the following: If you don’t like it, leave! No one is making you stay here! Why don’t you just go to Somalia! SIGH… My very first installment for GWP was “If You Don’t Like It, Leave”. In it, I addressed one snag in the “logic” of those who tell me, and people like me, to just go: they are also telling my wealth to leave. So, while these large corporations or rich people aren’t “paying their fair share”, they were at some point paying something. Now, they won’t pay anything. Whereas, my whiny ass was paying taxes, if I’m gone, I don’t pay anything. But here’s what else is happening, by entreating people like me to leave, they lose a peaceful constituent. Bitchy as I can be, I have never violated anyone’s rights. Never advocated to steal from anyone for the sakes of others. Never fought a war. Never wore a uniform for the government. So, in that statement and that sentiment, what is actually being said is, “We don’t need your wealth or your peace! Go away!” If you send away enough wealth and peace, what will you be left with? I think I’ve been told to go to Somalia enough to where it warrants a little attention. With that said, I’d like to offer up a different take on this Libertarian Paradise. No functioning central government for over 20 years, still has more economic prosperity than the US who’s supposedly been the title holder for the liberty experiment for over 230 years.Do they have everything we do here in the US? No. But they have a hell of a lot more than what their counterparts throughout the rest of the continent have, despite their lack of central governments!Their telcom industry took off almost three years after the collapse of their government, now they have the best mobile and internet service on the entire continent.Their shilling has gotten stronger, their exports are growing, and even their herding industry has advanced. Look at what else has taken a positive turn in their lives:somalia They have no protection… unless you count the voluntary guards and the private security services.Sadly this is proving to be insufficient against the likes of the United States and the Eurozone. You would think that of all the regions, the West would be the one to lead the charge in keeping the environment clean and respecting the environments of all sovereign nations. Not even a little bit.The moment the Somali government collapsed, Western ships suddenly started to show up within the sovereign territory of Somalia. (Anything within 12 nautical miles of a coastline is considered sovereign territory of the respective country’s coast line.)This brings up the rather serious subject of piracy. It might be of interest to you to know that most recorded acts of Somali piracy has taken place within their sovereign water space. That’s right. The US and EU merchant ships that were supposedly attacked by Somali pirates were also unauthorized to be in the sovereign water space of Somalia.Added to this, which I found particularly astounding, these “pirates” were in fact nothing more than volunteer coast guards whose real trade is fishing! That’s right. These pirates were just fishermen who are protecting their own sovereign territory.Protecting them from what? Remember the mysterious showings of EU and US ships? They came for two major reasons: dumping toxic waste and taking the seafood from their waters… whereby poisoning the Somali population AND stealing a large portion of their livelihood. This probably explains the higher death rate and the lower access to clean water in the index chart above. I might be a little irritated too if someone did that to me… Fast forward a bit to today, and you have an economy that was once largely funded off its natural resources being funded off acts of aggression. 20 years ago, we had fishermen fending off intruders. Now that they lost their industry to these thieves, what else is left? Ironically, since the argument for dumping into and pillaging Somali waters was that they had no centrally recognized government, then we cannot even rightly attribute the piracy to Somalia Proper. We have no choice but to blame private individuals acting as independent contractors. Is all this attributable to the lack of central government? Not if you consider what the rest of the world looks like in terms of piracy hot spots. Somalia is comparatively light… and what’s more, it would be improper to consider attacks within their sovereign space as “piracy” considering other countries have no business being that close to the Somali shore. Still, once we arrive on the shore of Somalia, we don’t find the chaos portrayed by the media when they cover the acts of piracy. Nor do we find turmoil and economic stagnation. We find prosperity. We find order. We find a general society of unregulated people and businesses who tend to do alright for themselves. Certainly it is safe to say that they are no worse for wear without a government. If a society like Somalia can, on their worst day, fair just as well as they did with a government, and on their best day exceed the production levels of their neighbors who have central governments, what does that mean for the US or any of the other more developed countries? In all honesty, could we do WORSE for ourselves without government than with it? What exactly is our government protecting us from? What could we possibly do that the government hasn’t already done, swept under the rug, and mortgaged future generations for one-hundred fold? The reality is, every terrible thing that is happening there and has been happening there for the past 20 years is attributable not to private citizens going nuts, but with governments and would-be governments. Warlords playing tug-of-war with that country; the UN interfering; the US and EU dumping toxins and stealing hundreds of millions of dollars in seafood from their shores… none of that is a normal attribute of being government free… it’s a result of how governments inherently have NO regard and NO respect for sovereignty, property right, or liberty! You probably won’t see much publicity on how to expatriate to Somalia here, but it’s time to think about branching out to places that have been pegged as “inferior” to the United States. When people start suggesting that you don’t know how good you have it, and how terrible it is everywhere else, the response you give might very well be: Thou dost protest too much. GET OUT! LIVE FREE! Comments G says: April 7, 2014 at 6:51 pm I find the readers commentary very interesting. However, I have always held comments without corroboration do not merit credence. We see one source quoted at the bottom of his statistics page but where does the rest of this information come from? Give me some substance. Anyone can say anything. Are we to just believe this or is there a way to document the author’s comments? Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 7, 2014 at 10:57 pm It’s a bit of a vortex, because one source leads to another… but here are a few of the sources I used for this article. The documentary mentioned in the second link down sounds particularly interesting… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mohamed-abdulkadir-ali/the-backstory-of-somali-p_b_4339940.html http://africasacountry.com/tom-hanks-captain-phillips-and-the-true-story-of-somali-piracy/ http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2013/10/new-film-captain-phillips http://www.icc-ccs.org/piracy-reporting-centre/live-piracy-map http://atlantablackstar.com/2014/04/02/you-been-lied-to-7-things-you-may-not-know-about-somali-pirates/7/ Reply G says: April 8, 2014 at 7:09 pm Your article has gained credence. Thanks for the verification of sources for your work. So if the Somalis are not the bad guys who is?? The question is rhetorical of course. Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 9, 2014 at 11:08 pm Indeed. I tend to see things through the lens of cause and effect… truth and lies. Why is X happening? What caused it? What is the truth behind Y? Reply Jack Worthington says: April 7, 2014 at 11:00 pm You hit the nail on the head. I have this discussion with Retsquid on another thread and he cannot answer Marc Stevens question: What factualy evidence do you have that the “laws” or codes apply to me because I am physically in some place. I pointed out that if he has the proof, then trot it out and win the 5000 US f.r.a.u.ds reward that Marc has offered. Retsquid has failed to win the prize, i.e. he cannot produce the proof. Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 8, 2014 at 9:16 am If physical presence somewhere is tacit consent, that has some pretty heinous implications. If you happen to be standing in an isle at the grocery, and I throw a can of corn at you and hit you, you can’t get mad because your presence there was consent to whatever would happen to you while you maintained that location, right? I see the “social contract” much like that of the mafia descending upon my neighborhood. If I am living in a house, and someone shows up saying I owe them money and must abide by their rules. If I don’t, it won’t go well for me. And if I balk they can respond with, “Well, then don’t live here!” Reply Jack Worthington says: April 8, 2014 at 2:22 pm Thank you for your reasoned response. I’ll pass this along to Retsquid the next time he tries to defend the use of government force via the IRS so as to implement its vile loot A to satisfy B criminal activities. Ya done good, girl! Reply Perriy says: April 7, 2014 at 7:42 am The whites came from Europe the blacks were the ones who built america thru sweat practically sweat under sweat, slavery ‘n whips. The whites like to push their aristocracies under the rug They pushed Indians in reserves forcefully sexed females and killed natives. They took over their land by unethical means. They discriminate people of color. They are evil and lures of the world. Their genes are very bad. It’s ingrained in them.just bad people. They beat the drums of what others did to them. But never tell about their own astrocies Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 7, 2014 at 10:14 am Well, this isn’t so much a white or black issue. This is tyranny vs freedom issue. Whites subjugated other whites (c.f. England and Scotland, the Divine Right of Kings and The Right of First Night). Blacks subjugated blacks… and STILL do in many parts of Africa. It was the black aristocracy that sold their fellow country men into slavery and to the whites. It’s a state of mind, not a race thing. It manifests itself as a race issue, but in actuality, the issue is when anyone feels superior to another. And when anyone conversely believes they are inferior to another. Slavery and imperialism isn’t a strictly white thing. China and Japan were also perpetrating this nonsense. It’s a global issue, and woven into WORLD history for all races… Reply Jamie says: April 7, 2014 at 1:16 am Love this article! It has certainly covered some things about Somalia that I didn’t know, and it’s clear now who most of the real pirates are. I’ll admit it, I was expecting a little write up about how to escape to Somalia. Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 7, 2014 at 10:11 am HA! Yeah, I was rather shocked by some of the info I found as I started digging around further. Amazing what we’re fed here in the US… with our “free press” and all that jazz… Reply Jack Worthington says: April 7, 2014 at 1:00 am Thanks Kelly. I too have been so advised to leave for Somalia by obvious commie/socialist, loot A to satisfy B, obummanistas. It would be nice to be able to leave for Argentina or Chile and remove myself from supporting these slop-at-the-trougher and suckers-at-the-golden-teat of government largess. It is amazing the level of ingratitude is spewed by these criminals. Keep up the logical analyses. Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 7, 2014 at 10:09 am It’s amazing how that actually registers as a “solution” to anything! LOL “Hey, I disagree with you, we can resolve this simply by you moving to Africa. By the way, I win the argument for coming up with such a profound solution.” hahahahahaha… I shake my head every time… Reply Jack Worthington says: April 7, 2014 at 10:46 pm Right arm! Farm out! Keep on doin’ your fine reasoning and publishing it. Thanks. Reply Kelly Diamond says: April 8, 2014 at 9:11 am Thank you! Reply Speak Your Mind
  12. These arab families were brought by Syrian doctors(mostly dentists) who were here for around 20 yrs,some of thm married to Somali women.They not only brought their immediate families but extended and friends.These doctors make good money plus its cheaper here.
  13. think its about time they either put their act together or virtually colonized by the UN. Dhinacuun wax haka yimaadeen. But I don't think they will leave.Bluffing
  14. I don't think neither the U.S ,UN or any otha power would discuss important issues like that with faisal unless ofc they wana use him one way or anotha or calm him down.If they wana install Mobutu like regime then maybe or your sources could be wrong.
  15. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> Doctor, there is no doubt qoslaye has had a hand in this murder. this will bring an end to his rule. he overplayed his hand niyoow. he made a big mistake. <cite> @Deeq said:</cite> Is there any proof to this? To me what you inciting is qabyaalad sxb. I tell you this, Im currently residing in Mogadishu and 90% of the city felt really angry. This is a fact. There are elements here who killed this innocent woman to justify that Mogadishu is unsafe, fact! Just who they are, it will be a matter of time until their exposed. Enough is enough. We are pissed off as Residents of Banadir that this is happening in our backyard. If we turned this region like you did with garowe or hargiesa, I am sure 100% this city will be safer. But of course, truth be told, we Resident are sleeping but when we do get up, we will have no mercy in expelling a lot of people, mark my words. (((((((But of course, truth be told, we Resident are sleeping but when we do get up, we will have no mercy in expelling a lot of people, mark my words.)))))) and this how you pissing off the people of Mogadishu with your neva ending tribalistic attitude that really pasted into your bones.
  16. you'r off course as usual blinded by hate,demagogery and clannish agenda...I don't see your point where Hassan sheikh is beneficial to Somaliland and is just anotha of puntland's never ceasing campaign to keep any HAG president off balance.You neva came across where I stood for shabab and it has become the trend for the failing puntites to call shabab on anyone they disagree with,first it was president Hassan who was shabab,then silanyo,then Somaliland and now down to personal level.Shame on you if you can't debate honestly atleast for once.Your level of low intelligence keeps everyone draining. You and your lot don't believe and neva believed greater Somalia so long you'r not in the driver's seat.Remember 3 yrs ago how you all were talking loud and clear day in day out about uniting Somalia but when it came to Kismayo back stabbed the locals there,the administration in Mogadishu and all Somalis.Thats when greater majority of your clan in this site fled and abandoned SOL upto now because they couldn't face otha Somalis with their treachery.Absolutely no one believe you MR barking.And remember when puntland start drilling that failed oil project, how you hurriedly put your own constitution into place and that only puntites will have a say on how wealth is run,how puntlanders be granted special IDs and that it will sooner secede!!! all that talk died with the failure of the mission...talk about opportunistic Garowe.Now you came back to the fold as you can't stand on your own 2 feet like Somaliland and cry too much about Somali unity to live off what meager resources Mogadishu has to offer. Its you who see power in Mogadishu as their greatest threat.You see that city is coming back slowly but surely and see as your duty to disrupt by changing guard at this crucial time or maybe power hungry puntites claim the presidency this time. As I mentioned earlier there was no time in the last 24 yrs than now that Mogadishu has some semblance of peace even when there still is some assasinations. and why are you so out of your mind calling names on everyone,Sado is not the first and won't be the last where 100s of thousands perished and didn't I read on your multiple threads that its HAG that kill her...maybe you have some inside information !! Answer these questions?? were Siyaad Barre who destroyed your beloved Somalia led by somalilanders? Were the warlords who destroyed Mogadishu after him led by landers? Were the Islamic courts led by your favorite sharif led by landers.? Were the subsequent invasion by Ethiopians led by landers ? Were the shabab leaders before godane led by landers?
  17. It's true Barre persecuted MJ's but later a deal was made that D block was one and they were compensated with cash,top positions and incentives among thm was the road to Bosaso and an international port be built there which ofc neva get off the ground as the then northern fight intensified and cash straped Siyad couldn't fulfill.Siyad succeeded in unifying his clan against otha Somalis.
  18. there was neva a nationalistic gov't, the Somali army was murderous to its people ,that's if you care about Somali people and not hung up with Siyaad Barre's tribalistic dynasty.The Somali army run by Barre ,Samater,Morgan etc bombed Hargeisa and Burao, his 2nd and 3rd largest cities from the air and the ground.They massacred the best & bravest somali officers and soldiers inside Ethiopia and ofc these helpless patriots were from certain clans.It was a mafia run state since from 60s and was meant to fail by the all mighty.Those who grew up in the king's palace think the grass was greener everywhere.
  19. Why Somalis love opportunistic talk!? when was Mogadishu saver since 91? and when there was more competent & cleaner president since 91? whats this trend of praising the last one even when he was the most corrupt.I'm not saying Hassan is good but don't see change of guard will help,and things will remain blurred atleast into the nxt decade.No one could eva evict shabab from Mogadishu without foreign forces & money ,,,its just that it coincided what shariff's term.Shabab lost lot of territory from afgoye to kismayo during this president's stay in office and is customary for Somalis will be praised after he leave office or when the nxt president commits his first blunder.
  20. some of my relatives came back from Syria, they emigrated in 1975.There's also couple hundred arab Syrians in hargeisa and specially in Burao.Never thought a foreign will currently take refuge in the Somali Peninsula.As Strange it seems, it reminds no one is immune from disaster & dislocation. I pray for mankind.
  21. Doono what to make of it as I have read so many fancy editorials about nation building last 20 yrs and that none has worked, seems no one knows and only time will laugh last.