Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. What do you mean "black American"??????? Aren't you Somaliyes blacks? Whats wrong with us marrying each others? I am confused now
  2. I am probably the first African American to post here. Excuse me Somaliyes. LeftC, Let's do a quick bodycount through history, and I think you'll find that Christians have a LOT more blood on their hands than Muslims. Nowhere in the Koran does God hold back the sun to allow a massacre to continue as he does in the bible. Also, Not to mention the fact that it was CHRISTIANS who first sacked Constantinople, the great Christian bulwark that protected Europe from the middle east for so long, all to pay off those "great" Christians, the Venetians. "Kill them all, God will know his own" Was the response given during one of the European (Albeginsian I think?) Crusades when a knight asked priest how to tell the "good" christians from the "bad" christians. LeftC, Any religion can be hijacked if the hater is charismatic enough.
  3. Deeq A.


    I think the ANON sahra was trying to "REPLY" to the old thread "qabdhuhu ma nin qurux badan bay jecelyihiin mise nin caqli badan". She clicked the "ADD TOPIC" icon instead of the "REPLY" button. She will eventually get it.
  4. Thanks Leamante, ya know we always love ya rudeboy. Shout/outs to all of ya real nomads out there doing their thing ...evey nomad ...every junior nomad ... every visitor ... every real head out there. One love hommies Somalia Online Giving the nomads their piece of the net!
  5. Thanks Leamante, ya know we always love ya rudeboy. Shout/outs to all of ya real nomads out there doing their thing ...evey nomad ...every junior nomad ... every visitor ... every real head out there. One love hommies Somalia Online Giving the nomads their piece of the net!
  6. Thanks Leamante, ya know we always love ya rudeboy. Shout/outs to all of ya real nomads out there doing their thing ...evey nomad ...every junior nomad ... every visitor ... every real head out there. One love hommies Somalia Online Giving the nomads their piece of the net!
  7. Thanks Leamante, ya know we always love ya rudeboy. Shout/outs to all of ya real nomads out there doing their thing ...evey nomad ...every junior nomad ... every visitor ... every real head out there. One love hommies Somalia Online Giving the nomads their piece of the net!
  8. The GEELJIRE thread is closed on this forum and a copy is moved to the Poetry section. We hope you like our new restructuring. Note that we renamed the least popular forum ... PUNTLAND to Poetry. Now that the most popular thread is moved to the POETRY section, we hope you all keep this TEENS forum going with interesting posts.
  9. The GEELJIRE thread is closed on this forum and a copy is moved to the Poetry section. We hope you like our new restructuring. Note that we renamed the least popular forum ... PUNTLAND to Poetry. Now that the most popular thread is moved to the POETRY section, we hope you all keep this TEENS forum going with interesting posts.
  10. The GEELJIRE thread is closed on this forum and a copy is moved to the Poetry section. We hope you like our new restructuring. Note that we renamed the least popular forum ... PUNTLAND to Poetry. Now that the most popular thread is moved to the POETRY section, we hope you all keep this TEENS forum going with interesting posts.
  11. We plan to rename the least popular forum on Camel Milk Threads to Poetry. When we do that, we will also move the LONGEST RUNNING THREAD on this forum (the geeljire thread) to the poetry section. The Teens forum will stay the same but the GeelJire thread will be moved to that section as soon as possible. Thank You Somalia Online Team
  12. We plan to rename the least popular forum on Camel Milk Threads to Poetry. When we do that, we will also move the LONGEST RUNNING THREAD on this forum (the geeljire thread) to the poetry section. The Teens forum will stay the same but the GeelJire thread will be moved to that section as soon as possible. Thank You Somalia Online Team
  13. Chatroom won't be ready till next week.
  14. have done the right thing by asking the nomads here about HOBIO or OBBIO...we are Somalis after all, and that is a nomad town. I would gladly ask LadyFatima or Jaber to help this nomad on this topic. Nomads, let us be nice to each other... Thank You! Somalia Online Giving the nomads their piece of the net!
  15. Maroodi Jeex: A Somaliland Alternative Journal ISSN 1097-3850.Issue number 10 (Fall 1998) MEMOIRS: THE UPROOTED NOMAD OF THE EARTH By Abdilahi Haji Mohamed* Ottawa, Canada "I was a typical Somali nomad who modestly in winter time when there was no rain and arrogantly in spring time when there was rain perceived himself - of course along with our beloved camels - as a species part of nature, in harmony with nature, but never a master of nature" "Life has its ups and downs" "The very nature of a nomad is mobility with survival skills but the survival skills one needs in the jungle world of New York are a lot different than those for the jungles of Africa" Our definition of a nomad ain't no different from that mentioned by the author. Play with your definition of a nomad, but we all(atleast most of us) must agree on couple of things Mobility (act of moving around). Survival skills. Love for our beloved camels. Arrogant (Think positive here!!!) What does it take to have the nomad title here? Well, when you reach a stage in your life where you have posted enough, we will recognize you a nomad. You have atleast shown some of the qualities needed...for example....SURVIVAL SKILLS. What we mean is that, if you can go against JABER, LF, HIBO, LS, NOWAAL, UNIXGURU and the rest of the nomads here before you give up on Somalia Online, then you are a nomad.... Love you all!!! In the mean time, I will move this topic to the CAMEL MILK DEBATE section because it is best suited there.
  16. Since most of you here are poets, do you think that we should rename this forum to POETRY. Give me some feedback on this.
  17. Since most of you here are poets, do you think that we should rename this forum to POETRY. Give me some feedback on this.
  18. Since most of you here are poets, do you think that we should rename this forum to POETRY. Give me some feedback on this.
  19. Sorry that we don't have a POETRY category of its own. You can always make a POETRY thread though. If we get enough votes on this issue, we might rename some of the less popular forums like the PUNTLAND to something else. Here is what we are thinking of... 1. POETRY 2. ROMANCE Thank You Somalia Online Team
  20. Sorry that we don't have a POETRY category of its own. You can always make a POETRY thread though. If we get enough votes on this issue, we might rename some of the less popular forums like the PUNTLAND to something else. Here is what we are thinking of... 1. POETRY 2. ROMANCE Thank You Somalia Online Team
  21. Sorry that we don't have a POETRY category of its own. You can always make a POETRY thread though. If we get enough votes on this issue, we might rename some of the less popular forums like the PUNTLAND to something else. Here is what we are thinking of... 1. POETRY 2. ROMANCE Thank You Somalia Online Team