Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. If the name callings and personal attacks continue, we will block the individuals responsible from our site. Please respect our rules and stop the personal attacks. Debate the issues with civility. No need to insult each other.
  2. Originally posted by SamiGyrl: did you see when I put that picture up last time how they administration deleted it? And why aren't "they" deleting it now? What has changed? Sami, I think nomads would appreciate if you stopped engaging in these pernicious lies about the staff here and started debating issues in less derogatory ways. If your post was ever deleted it is because you have a tendacy to attack others or make baleful qabiil remarks like "faqash" here -- remember Mooryaan, Iidoor and Faqash are terms used by hardcore tribalist to describe others and we banned such derogatory terms from our website along with the referencing of any qabiil names. The rules are always the same. Please respect others and debate issue with civility.
  3. Maroodi Jeex: A Somaliland Alternative Journal ISSN 1097-3850.Issue number 10 (Fall 1998) MEMOIRS: THE UPROOTED NOMAD OF THE EARTH By Abdilahi Haji Mohamed* Ottawa, Canada [*] "I was a typical Somali nomad who modestly in winter time when there was no rain and arrogantly in spring time when there was rain perceived himself - of course along with our beloved camels - as a species part of nature, in harmony with nature, but never a master of nature" [*] "Life has its ups and downs" [*] "The very nature of a nomad is mobility with survival skills but the survival skills one needs in the jungle world of New York are a lot different than those for the jungles of Africa" Our definition of a nomad ain't no different from that mentioned by the author. Play with your definition of a nomad, but we all(atleast most of us) must agree on couple of things Mobility (act of moving around). Survival skills. Love for our beloved camels (probably true for majority of Somalis if not all) Arrogant (Think positive here!!! We are Somalis) Nomad is a Somalia Online term used for the Somali internet users who belong to this site. Soon, all Somali internet user will simply be called a "nomads" Insha Allah. It is an idea that we are trying to popularize and put into the upcomming Somali computer textbooks. The "internet citizens" of many nations have nicknames so why not give the Somali net users a common nickname. This term also unifies the Somali people whether they are from NFD, the OGADEN, Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia or from any other nation. What does it take to have the nomad title here? Well, when you reach a stage "in your life" where you have posted enough, we will recognize you a nomad. As for your title being changed for you, Sorry bro. We can't do that. That is just the way things are here.
  4. I don't know what this post is doing in this forum. Lovely me has been here long enough to select the right forum. :confused:
  5. Tagane, why would we pick on you. What makes you different from other nomads here? What would we have against you to make such claims? Brother, do you remember what you wrote under the thread "THE RECRUIT" posted by Mr. Millenium in which he was trying to get feedback for the movie he saw. I didn't see why you personally attacked the nomad and made those obscene sexual remarks. Many nomads have seen it and complained about your post. If you have a tendacy to forget things right after you write them, then I would advice you to avoid negetivity that might get you in trouble here. Please respect the rules of the site. Your message here didn't offend anyone or else it would have been edited or deleted. I just chose this thread right after you posted your message just to warn you and others who might think it is alright to break the rules.
  6. Tagane, you have been attacking other nomads for the last couple of posts, sometimes using vulgarity. Next time we catch you do that again, we will have no choice but to suspend your posting rights. Admin
  7. Lazie, posts are only deleted if the poster is not following our strick posting rules. There is always the chance that your thread is moved to the appropriate forum by one of the moderators, so I would advice you to check other forums first. In general, here are some of our posting rules ... No personal attacks on another nomad No vulgarity or inappropriate language No qabiil talk No "double posting" on multiple forums(you are already guilty of this by posting two similiar threads on different forums ) Also, if a nomad keeps posting on the wrong forum after we have tried to educate him/her about the rules of posting on the appropriate forum, we will not move any more of his/her threads. Instead, we will simply delete them. Jokes are posted on the JOKES FORUM Politcs/somalia/somaliland/world issues are posted on the POLITICS FORUM Important non-political social debates are posted on the CAMEL MILK DEBATE FORUM Relationships, dating, women issue are posted on the WOMEN FORUM Technology, science, school talk, or anything relating to education are posted on TECH TALK FORUM ... etc ... etc
  8. Deeq A.


    Mr. Mill, Please post on the appropriate forum next time. I believe I have already informed you about this issue in private. There is no need for us to keep moving your threads to the appropriate forum everyday. It is really a very simple process of knowing what forum category would be best suited for your post. Thank you brother. Admin Somalia Online Team
  9. Report any bug or problems here. Please tell us if you have seen any wierd errors or encountered any other problems, and we would be happy to find solutions.
  10. Averix, it is not MinneapolisKID who is keeping an eye on you. It is couple of moderators because you have started to disrespect moderators when they tell you to calm down. This is our website and we pay the bills saxib. All we ask of you is to acknowledge if you make mistakes and try your best in keeping the site clean. That is all. You can battle and bring out your creative best but please keep the extreme profanity out of here because we have a clean standard and we would like it to keep it that way.
  11. Averix, it is not MinneapolisKID who is keeping an eye on you. It is couple of moderators because you have started to disrespect moderators when they tell you to calm down. This is our website and we pay the bills saxib. All we ask of you is to acknowledge if you make mistakes and try your best in keeping the site clean. That is all. You can battle and bring out your creative best but please keep the extreme profanity out of here because we have a clean standard and we would like it to keep it that way.
  12. Averix, it is not MinneapolisKID who is keeping an eye on you. It is couple of moderators because you have started to disrespect moderators when they tell you to calm down. This is our website and we pay the bills saxib. All we ask of you is to acknowledge if you make mistakes and try your best in keeping the site clean. That is all. You can battle and bring out your creative best but please keep the extreme profanity out of here because we have a clean standard and we would like it to keep it that way.
  13. Averix, it is not MinneapolisKID who is keeping an eye on you. It is couple of moderators because you have started to disrespect moderators when they tell you to calm down. This is our website and we pay the bills saxib. All we ask of you is to acknowledge if you make mistakes and try your best in keeping the site clean. That is all. You can battle and bring out your creative best but please keep the extreme profanity out of here because we have a clean standard and we would like it to keep it that way.
  14. Ballerz and TIGRENOIR , I don't know if you have read the rules of this site, but there seems to be some kind of a misunderstanding here. I have been following your topics lately and you seem to always resort back to NAMECALLING and VULGARITY when replying to other nomads. I have just deleted some of your posts((why somali guys are ugly ....) with all kinds of personal attacks. Let me make this clear to you brothers, ANY PERSONAL ATTACK or FOUL LANGUAGE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The Adminstrator will have no option but to ban any individual who keeps disrespecting nomads here. Let us be respectful to one and other guys. Let us stop the foul language and the personal attacks. Administrator
  15. File sharing is intalled in the CHAT ... look for the button that says "FILE TRANSFER" on the private conversation window.
  16. File sharing is intalled in the CHAT ... look for the button that says "FILE TRANSFER" on the private conversation window.
  17. You are using the new version now ... but the skin is an older skin ... the new skin was slowing down the chat because of its heavy graphics so we replaced it with an older, faster one. Please bare with us till we find a fix for the new skin.
  18. We have recently installed version 4.0 of our chat software. We have added FILE TRANSFER OPTION(you can actually ask your mysterious chatmate for his/her picture right there, you can share music, files, videos, etc) This new version also has a new look and many other features. The problem is that this version is resource intensive and it slows down your computer unless you have a top computer. Do you think we should stick with our old version? How many of you are having problems with it?
  19. It seems like we go through this with someone every now and then, but anyways ... LazyG, you are still calling people names. Please respect our site and stop attacking other nomads. I have seen you attack not only Mujahid but BUUBTO and KOOL KAT. Sister, just remeber that you don't have to be banned, edited or be subjected to posting on a "BORING" forum if you don't appreciate what other nomads post here. We have strict RULES that we follow and we will not change them for you only. We respect you and everyone else here. Please tone down your rhetoric and reply calmly without calling anyone a name. Administrator Somalia Online Team
  20. Last time I knew, Yussufaddie was talking about travelling to the Middle East to further his Islamic education and work on some developement projects in Africa. I am not sure if he is gone yet. I hope his studies and his projects are going well for him.
  21. Deeq A.


    JamaaL-11, this is an interesting topic. I moved it to POETRY section from the general area. Maybe the peots here can get this literature going. Thanks
  22. This was a very educational topic. I don't know why it was closed. Sorry about that guys.
  23. Good question mujahid. We have tried our best to encourage others but it didn't work out. Kowneyn and Yussufaddie used to contribute alot, but I think Yussufaddie is gone to Asia and Kowneyn gave up. The thing with the Islamic forum is that most nomads don't want to give opinions on issues relating to Islam because it is not the Islamic ADAAB to do so if you aren't CAALIM (muslim scholar). One way of by-passing this obstacle is to have nomads posting interesting, educational articles from other Islamic sites for reading/educational purposes only. Nomads will start asking question about these articles and that usually starts the discussion.