Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Private messages (pm) and the search function should be working fine. We had few issues of nomads complaining about a bug in the system which tells them that their inbox is full. Send your friends a pm and please confirm everything is working fine for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  2. We are planning to upgrade our hosting service. We plan to start the upgrade next week Insha Allah. Please bare with us. Thank You.
  3. Naa soco waa edab darantahay. Listen Miss Kutub weyn, xijaab dheer. Didi Kong, please respect other nomads and stop the childish attacks and the namecalling. We will not tolerate your insults against other nomads. This is a warning.
  4. Please stop the namecalling. We will not tolerate any childish insults on this forum. Please respect other nomads. This is a warning.
  5. This topic is being discussed here;f=9;t=005763
  6. Some nomads complained that they couldn't select the avatars. The bug is now removed. Avatars should now work in the chatroom. The link is: Action --> avatars
  7. Please respect the rules of the website. This is a warning to the individuals trading childish insults on this thread. SOL Is not a forum for useless vulgarity and ciyaalnimo talk. If you don't respect the rules of the site, we would have no choice but to block your usernames.. No open insults will be tolerated. Period. We made that very clear. Please respect the rules of the site.
  8. Firefox users should now see a cleaner face. "melted font" issue solved.
  9. ^^ Thanks Castro for the firefox alert. fixed.
  10. We set the standards 4 years ago. It is time we do it again. Nomads, thanks for your suggestions. Caano, you actually have been redirected to the browser specific webpage for firefox browser because you are a firefox user. The "dense font" issue with firefox is something we are aware of and will be taken care of soon Insha Allah. Explorer users (88% of SOLers) don't see the "melted font" look you see. We still appreciate your suggestion my man. In general, we actually have 3 or 4 images. No flash. No complicated colors. Background color is something we can still play with but gray is pretty much what we we have for now. As for the simplicity of the overall site, the forum will stay the same format. Just the logo will be updated and that would be it. It has just started ... PS: for those of you who have "" as the Somalia Online homepage, please update your bookmark with the proper link ---
  11. Nomads, please bare with us while we make changes to Somalia Online's front page and all the sub sections. In the next couple of weeks, we plan to complete all the missing sub-sections and get out of the "construction mode". 1. Immediate phase Upload pictures Send SMS text Play games New chat History section enuri project Podcasting section Uploader - Upload ringtones, pics to Phone Articles section Photos Shop - Sell quality photos from back home Photohosting - Create photo albums Pictures - Photo forum 2. Second phase Online store Blogging network more stuff Thank you.
  12. Khayr, please respect others and stop the namecalling and the insults against the nomads on this site.
  13. Nomads, please be civil to one another. Avoid the insults and the blantant or insuniating attacks against one antther. You can debate and discuss issues without loosing your cool. What I have seen on this thread is a clear violation of the forum civility rules and we will not tolerate senior nomads exchanging insults on this forum. All posts in violation of the forum rules will be deleted without a question. This is an important topic and it should be discussed without all the garbage I have seen.
  14. Mungu akupe eman na akuongeze maisha marefu,uzidi kuwafundisha luga yetu ya TAIFA.
  15. Nimefurahi sana kuona umeandika kiswahili kama kabisaa cha nyumbani,Mungu akubariki
  16. Nimefurahi sana kuona umeandika kiswahili kama kabisaa cha nyumbani,Mungu akubariki
  17. Nomads, the site was down because of an overwhelming traffic issue. SOL has been experiencing a larger than normal traffic lately and yesterday our server just gave up. It just had enough. We hope to solve this issue by upgrading our system.
  18. After a long consultation with the moderator of this section, we made the decision that Jumatatu is best to leave this forum and can only come back if the nomad admits that he broke the golden rules of the forum and will not do so in the future. No "FAWDO", "hebel did it also" or "I can say whatever I want" sort of talk flies well with SOL. The rules are the same. Everyone must obey. No one is above the rules. We will never allow such detestable, sadistic insult become the norm in this section of the forum. “Attacking” personalities, warlords, rebel groups or any other hebel-created organization is legitimate and within the rules of SOL as long as the “vulgarity” rule is not broken. In our judgment, such an attack is not synonymous with a tribal attack. This rule has always been here and it will stay that way. Control your words. We don't care about your intentions. We leave that to Allah.” – that has been the slogan for the politics section. MMA has been doing a good job and it is very clear to us that the quality of this section has dramatically improved since he became a moderator. The usual fights are less frequent now, the insults are down, and for the first time the nomads who were only active in the politics section are becoming active in other sections of SOL. That is a positive change. Insha Allah things will even get better and the politics section will become a forum for high quality political debates. We are seeing the trend already.
  19. To all the nomads specially those who sent the "angry" personal emails complaining about the downtime, we truly regret the inconvenience. This was a datacenter networking problem beyond our control.
  20. This is MMA's investigation. I know he will be fair and the many individuals who are hiding in this forum with the "multiple clan/multiple nicknames" will be caught and banned from this forum.
  21. I have brought the issue of HornAfrique/Wind.Talker double identity to the attention of the moderator of this section MMA. Him and I will make a complete investigation into the identity of HornAfrique and Wind.Talker which on our preliminary data shows to be of the same person. There are some individuals who have double identity on this politics forum and that is a clear violation of SOL rules. Anyone caught with such violation will be banned from SOL. We have to get rid of all those who abuse the site with garbage tribal talk, insults, multiple clan identity, etc. On the same token, any active defiance of our civility rules will not be tolerated.