Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Dibad-baxyo looga soo horjeeday natiijada doorashada Kenya ayaa maanta ka dhacay magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya. Dibad-baxayaasha ayaa sii xoogeystay kadib markii ciidamada Booliska ay isku dayeen inay kala eryaan dibad-baxayaasha, waxaana halkaa ka dhacay isku dhac dhexmaray ciidamada iyo dadkii isku soo baxay. Dibad-baxayaasha ayaa la sheegay in ujeedkooda uu ahaa inay soo dhaweeyaan Hogaamiyaha Mucaaradka Kenya, Raila Odinga, xilli uu ka soo laabtay safar uu ugu maqnaa dalka dibadiisa. Raila Odinga, ayaa xiligii uu soo gaaray magaalada waxaa Garoonka Jomo Kenyatta looga soo galbiyay tobaneeyo gaadiid ah, waxaana soo dhawayntiisa ka qayb qaatay siyaasiyiinta ay NASA ka wada tirsan yihiin. Ciidamada Booliska oo wadada kusii diyaarsanaa ayaa gaadiidkii lagu gelbinaayay Raila Odinga ooda uga qaaday sunta dadka kaga ilmeysiisa, iyadoo taageera yaashii soo dhaweynayayna ay u adeegsadeen biyaha lagu kala eryo dibadbaxayaasha, halka taageera yaasha Raila Odinga ay dhegxaan ku tuurayeen ciidanka, iyagoona gubay tiro gaadiid ah.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Hay’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Somalia ayaa loogu deeqay Dooni dheereysa oo loogu tallo galay inay ka howlgasho Badda Somalia. Hay’adda ayaa Doonidaani ka gudoontay Hay’adda Socdaalka Aduunka ee marka magaceeda la soo gaabiyo loo yaqaano “IOM”. Doontan oo ay isticmaali doonaan saraakiisha laanta Hay’adda u qaabilsan xuduudaha Badda ayaa lagu fulin doonaa howlgalada raadinta ah ee looga hortagayo socdaalada sharci darada ah ee ka baxaya ama ka soo galaya dalka dhinaca Badda, waxayna laantaani la shaqeyn doontaa ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Dalka. Sarkaal ka tirsan Hay’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Somalia oo la hadlay warbaahinta Dowladda ayaa sheegay in Doontan muhiim u tahay shaqada Hay’adda, islamarkaana lagu ilaalinayo socdaalka xuduudaha Badda, waxayna sidoo kale la shaqeyn doonaan ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya. Waa doontii ugu horeysay oo lagu ilaaliyo Xeebaha Soomaaliya oo la sii Hay’adda Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadda Soomaaliya oo sanadihii dambe ay ka muuqatay soo kabasho xoog leh oo ku socoto si dar dar leh.
  3. Waxaa 13-kii bisha magaalada Muqdisho ku geeriyooday aqoonyahan isku darsaday cilmi diini, maadi, qoraa ay usii dheereyd hal abuurnimada iyo hab dhaqan kan ugu wanaagsan ee bulsho jeclaado, Allaha u raxmadee Abuukar Sheekh Nuur Jimcaale, ma dhiman ee waa dhuuntay, sababtuna waxay tahay waxaa muuqda abuurkiisa haddey ahaan laheyd kuwa dhabarkiisa ka soo go’ay, kuwo uu soo maskax iyo maanba koriyey iyo kuwii aqoontiisa ka faa’iidey. Taariikh:- Eebbe ha u raxmadee 1947-dii ayuu ku dhashay Abuukar baadiyaha Ceeldheer, halkaas oo uu ku soo barbaaray, kuna soo diin bartay, Iyadoo loo gacangeliyey 1953-dii Macallin Cabdi Sheikh Walaal oo ahaa Qowsaar-diimeedkii deegaankaas, kuma daahin dugsiga oo kutaab fariida uyuu ahaaye isla sanaddii 1955-tii ayuu horjeedkii iyo naqtiinkiiba ku leefay, loogana duco iyo qaalinba bixiyey Madal ay u dhammaayeen madaxweyntii iyo maqaawiirtii deegaanka oo Culumo iyo Cuqaalba lahaa. Bartamihi 1957-dii ayaa la keenay marxuumka magaalada Ceeldheer oo aheyd Ceel cilmi oo ma-gure ah iyo rug Culimo, oo ayba dhif iyo naadir aheyd in xernimadeeda laga xero-taraaro, iyadoo lagu anqariyey, loona aqriyey kitaabadii xuddunta u ahaa Culuumta Carabiga, Fiqhiga, tasawwufka, ….Markii uu ku indha-bukaaacsaday danbar- aqooneedkii deegaanka, kuna laab iyo maskax furtay labeentii iyo burcadkeedii ayuu u soo jidaalay, una soo jiscin qaatay Xamar sanaddii 1961-dii si uu ugu hammuun gooyo tacliinta, halkaas oo ay uga billaabatay waxbarashadii nidaamiga aheyd ilaa uu sanaddii 1973-dii ka qalin jebiyo dugsigii loo yiqiinay berigaas” Allaahi” ee masaaridu gacanta ku heysay. Sanaddii 1973 ayuu nasiib u helayey in uu ka mid noqdo ardaydii Jaamacadda Ummada, gaar ahaan kulliyadii waxbarashada ee Lafoole taqassuskiisuna noqday Chemistry& Math,isagoo ka qalin jebiyey 1976-dii. Masterkiisa waxa uu ka qaatay Jaamacadda Ummu-durmaan ee dalka Suudaan sanaddii 2010-kii, isagoo diiradda saaray saameynta gumeystuhu ku lahaa tacliinta Soomaaliya. PHD-dana waxa u qorsha ahaa, miiskana u saarnaa mawduuc cinwaankiisu ahaa (Falsafadda tacliinta Somaliya) Lkn falsafaddii geerida ayaa diiday idleyntiisa. Abukar Sheikh Nuur waxa uu ahaa nin ku firfircoon waxbarashada , wehelkiisa dhabta ahna ka dhigtay buugaagta suugaanta, taariiqda, cilmiga bulshada, falsafadda • Halgankiisii Nolosha:- Waxyaabaha lagu xasuusto waxa ka mid ah ku biiriddiisii bahdii wargeyskii Xiddigta Oktoobar 1976-dii oo uu muddo 16 sano ah ka shaqeynayey isagoo noqday sanadihii siddeetimeeyadii qoraagii loogu jeclaa, aqriskana badnaa, sababtuna aheyd sheekadii Xididdo (Roots: The Saga of an American Family) ee uu u tarjumay si xariir ah, loona qiray qoraagii ugu horreeyey ee sheekadaa afsoomaaliyeeyey, iyo bogagiisii nolosha iyo cilmiga iyo shaqsiyadda todabaadka ee qamiislaha iyo sabtilaha kala ahaa. Sidoo kale waxa lagu xasuustaa Macallinimadiisii mugga laheyd ee dugsiyadii sare ee Sakhaawadiin, Janaral Daud iyo weliba kulliyadii Nova Somalia, gaar ahaan qeybtii Iftin ee uu macallimiintii Biibii-dii XALANE maadada xisaabta ugu dhigi jiray. Burburkii kadib Abukar Sheikh Nuur ma dumin dareenkiisii iyo damiirkiisii ummadeed ee waxa uu ahaay shuclad ifeysa, xubin firfircoon oo ka shaqeysa nabadeynta, wacyigelinta bulshada ee arrimaha dhaqanka nabadda iyo aqoonta, isagoo maamule u noqday xarun dib-uheshiin tii ugu horreysay ee Muqdisho laga furo sanaddii 1995-tii. Sidoo kale waxa uu laba mar hoggaanka u qabtay dalladii ay ku mideysnaayeen ururradii bulshada rayidka( INXA). Abukar Sheikh Nuur waxa uu ahaa shaqsi xishood badan, jecleyn in la sheegsheego, amaba isdheereeyo si loo arko, Lkn marnaba ma qarsooneen oo raadkiisii ayaa meel waliba yill, ha ahaado mid uu tacliin geeyey, mid uu macallin u ahaa, mid uu gacan taageero u fidiyey, mid uu ku anqariyey hanqaastii iyo qalinkii qoraalka. Dhaxalkii uu nooga tegay:- In kastoo uu ahaa geed -mirood macaan badan, laan-qoyan oo harqabow, raadkiisa ugu weynna uu ahaa raggii uu soo saaray si toos ah iyo si dadbanba, haddana waxa uu nooga tegay buugaag qaarkood aan la daabicin iyo kuwa la daabacay oo ay ka mid yihiin 1- Xididdo: Qiso Qoos ameerikaan ah 2- socdaalkii nabadeed ee Hadraawi 3- Taariikhda tacliinta Somalia iyo saameyntii gumeystaha (1885-1969). 4- barbaarinta aadanaha ee sooyaalka fog . Sagootin:- Ma aheyn nin xoolo iyo xilba hammigiisu ahaa, balse sidii uu u sameyn lahaa shaqsiyad nolosha wax ku soo biirisa. Eebbe ha u raxmadee Abukar Sheikh isagoo ka calool meran adduunyada ayuu ka rartay, una rartay ruun roonoo Rabbigii raali uga yahay idam Alle. W/qoray: Abdullaahi Khadar
  4. 17th November 2017 November 17 – The draw for the Council for East and Central Africa Football Associations (CECAFA) Senior Challenge Cup was held on Thursday whilst the tournament, to be held in Kenya, has lost two of the original participants (Somalia and Sudan) and been put back until December 3-17. The ten teams left to compete in the trophy were divided into two groups with Libya, one of the two guest teams in the tournament, drawn together with Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zanzibar in the ‘Group of Death’ – Group A. The other tournament guest Zimbabwe will play in Group B against current holders Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan. Organisers said Somalia had withdrawn due to ongoing internal conflict and Sudan had withdrawn as the tournament would interfere with their domestic league programme. The tournament will provide an opportunity for Kenya to restore some of its tattered reputation after the country was stripped of the CHAN 2018 tournament hosting due to failure to prepare stadiums on time. The tournament, which has now been delayed for the second time, will be played in Kisumu, Kakamega and Nakuru Counties in the Moi, Bukhungu and Afraha stadia and will be broadcast by pay-TV channel Kwese Free Sport.
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa lagu wadaa inuu u dhoofo dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Haddaba arrintaas ayaa walaac ku abuurtay kooxo iyo Shakhsiyaad badan oo mashaariic kasoo qaatay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta, waxaana warbixintaan ku eegi doonaa Safarka Madaxweynaha, Waxyaabaha looga hadli doono, natiijada laga filan karo iyo Saameynta ay kooxaha dowladda ku kacsan ku yeelan doonto safarkaan. Safarka Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo ujeedkiisa: Madaxweynaha ayaa la filayaa inuu maalinta Axadda ka dhoofo magaalada Muqdisho, isaga oo Isniinta si rasmi ah ula kulmi doono Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in casuumadda Imaaraadka Carabta ay astaan u tahay isku soo dhowaansho dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraadka. Si kastaba, mowqifka dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ku saleysnaa siyaasad ku dhisan ilaalinta madax banaanida Soomaaliya, iyo in dowladda Soomaaliya aysan abuuran cadaawadda dalal kale, xilli cadaadis siyaasadeed uu markii horeba ka haystay gudaha dalka iyo gobolka. Wixii markaa ka dambeeyey, madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa hab diblomaasiyeed ugu guuleystay inuu dowladaha Masar iyo Sacuudiga ka dhaadhiciyo in danta Soomaaliya ay ku jirto in xilligan aysan dhinac ka raacin dalalka carbeed ah ee is-haya, waxaana taas caddeyn u ahaa markii Sacuudiga ay dowladda ugu deeqeen 50 milyan oo dollar, ayaga oo garowsaday in mowqifka ay qaadatay uu ahaa mid lagama maarmaan ah. Warar ku dhow Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa sheegaya in markooda ay garwosadeen in mowqifkii dowladda ay qaadatay uu danteeda ku jiray, ayna hadda diyaar u tahay inay xiriir wanaagsan la yeelato, islamarkaana taageerto. Yaa codsado Safarka Farmaajo ee Imaaraadka? Shabakadda Caasimadda Online ayaa heshay xog rasmi ah oo ku saabsan cidda dalbatay kulanka deg deg ah oo ay yeelan doonaan Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, waxaana naloo xaqiijiyey inuu Casuumaadaas lahaa Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan ayaa Madaxweyne Farmaajo ka dalbaday inuu booqasho ku imaado dalka Imaaraadka Carabta si looga heshiiyo waxyaabihii la isku heystay, gaar ahaan in dowladda Soomaaliya loo dhaafo go’aanka dhex dhexaadka ah oo ay ka qaadatay Khilaafka Dowladaha Walaalaha ah ee Khaliijka. Maxaa ku qasbay Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan inuu Casuumadaan u fidiyo Farmaajo? Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa dhawaan Magaalada Muqdisho isugu keentay dhammaan madaxda maamul Goboleedyada Soomaaliya oo ka hor imaaday mowqifkii dowladda ee Khilaafka Dowladaha Khaliijka. Sida aan xogta rasmiga ah ku helnay dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa madaxda maamul Goboleedyada ku qancisay inay dowladda Soomaaliya kaga dambeeyaan go’aanada Arrimaha Debadda maadaama uu sidaas Dastuurka qabo. Inkastoo aan War Saxaafadeedkii kasoo baxay Shirkii Dowladda iyo Maamul Goboleedyada ee Muqdisho lagu sheegin go’aanka laga qaatay Khilaafka dowladaha Khaliijka, haddana waxaa muuqato inay arrintaas ku guuleystay dowladda Soomaaliya maadaama aysan go’aankeedii ka noqon, waxayna arrintaas caddeyn u tahay in Maamul Goboleedyada lagu qanciyey inay dowladda kaga dambeeyaan Arrimaha Debadda. Markii ay sidaas dhacday, dowladda Imaaraadka Caranta ayaa dareentay culeys weyn, waxayna go’aan ku gaartay inay heshiis la gaarto dowladda dhexe, maadaama ay tahay awoodda kaliya ee leh go’aanada Arrimaha Debadda. Rajada laga leeyahay Kulanka Farmaajo iyo Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Kulankaan oo ah mid xasaasi ah ayaa la filayaa inay labada dowladood isku raacaan inay Muqaddas tahay madax banaanida Soomaaliya isla markaasna dowladda Soomaaliya loo daayo go’aankeeda ku aadan Khilaafka Dowladaha Khaliijka sida ay sameeyeen Dowladaha Sacuudiga iyo Masar oo xiriir fiican la leh dowladda Soomaaliya iyadoo og inay dhex dhexaad ka tahay Khilaafka dowladaha Khaliijka. Illo wareedyo rasmi ah oo ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Caasimadda Online u xaqiijiyey inay jirto rajo weyn oo laga leeyahay inay labada dowladood heshisi rasmi ah gaaraan, isla markaasna ay Imaraadka Joojiso Mashaariicda ay siineyso kooxaha dowladda dhibaatada ku hayo ee Muqdisho ku sugan. Saameynta Safarka Farmaajo ee Kooxaha Mucaaradka: Waxaa jiro Walaac weyn oo usoo horday kooxaha ku kacsan dowladda Soomaaliya ee mashaariicda kasoo qaatay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta oo uu ugu horreeyo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur oo Muqdisho ka wado olole aad u weyn oo dowladda Soomaaliya looga soo horjeedo. Waxay u muuqataa in Safarka madaxweyne Farmaajo uu soo xiri doono Suuqii ugu dambeeyay ee kooxda Muqdisho looga yaqaan Danleey, maadaama uu Imaaraadku ahaa wadanka kaliya ee arrintaas ku garab siinayey. Kooxdan oo horey lacago uga heli jirtay Dowladda UAE ayaa ka welwelsan heshiis laga gaari mugdiga ku kala dhex jira dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo UAE. Kooxdan oo dooneysa in ay dadaal dheeri ah ku bixiso sidii loo tuuri Ra’isulwasaare Khayre si ay u helaan xilal wasiir ayaa u arka Safarka Madaxweynaha mid halis ku ah mashruucooda. Kooxaha Mucaaradka oo Bilaabay Olole ay ku carqaladeenayaan Safarka Farmaajo: Kooxda Mucaaradka ku ah dowladda Soomaaliya ee cabsida ka qabta in maalmaha soo socdo lasoo xiro mashruucii Imaaraadka Carabta ee lagu dhibaateenayey dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Muqdisho ka bilaabay olole cusub oo lagu doonayo in lagu carqaladeeyo Safarka Farmaajo ama looga bixiyo muuqaal qaldan. Xogta aan Muqdisho ka heleyno ayaa muujineysa inuu Cabdiraxmaan Cabshakuu Muqdisho ka bilaabay qorista dhallinyaro gaareyso ilaa 50, kuwaas oo la doonayo inay barahooda Bulshada ku faafinayaan in Safarka Imaaraadka Carabta uu yahay mid uu dalbaday Madaxweyne Farmaajo, iyagoo sheegi doono inuu Farmaajo halkaas u tagayo sidii uu isaga soo sir siri lahaa dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta. Mashruucaan ayaa waxaa 20 Kun oo Dollar ku bixinayo Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur oo doonayo inuusan soo xirmin mashruuca Imaaraadka Carabta ee ah in la carqaladeeyo geedi socodka dowladda Soomaaliya oo aan jirin hal sano. Miisaaniyad dhan $20 kun ayaa loo qoondeeyay, waxaana maamuli doona horjooge loo asteeyay inuu hawsha Fududeeyo, waxaana xusid mudan inay kamid yihiin Shaqaale ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya kuwaas oo garab siinayo kooxaha Mucaaradka ah. W/Q: Cabdi Axmed Xuseen Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan Caasimada Online. Caasimada Online, waa mareeg u furan qof kasta inuu ku gudbiyo ra’yigiisa saliimka ah. Kusoo dir qoraaladaada Mahadsanid
  6. HARGEISA–Two people were killed and several others sustained injuries after demonstrations over alleged poll irregularities turned chaotic in Burao and Hargeisa towns of the breakaway Somaliland on Thursday night, officials and witnesses confirmed. On friday Somali Press Online Reports. Violent protests erupted in different parts of Marodi-Jeh and Togdher regions following the announcement by the main opposition party to cut off cooperation with Somaliland National Election Commission (NEC). Togdher deputy governor, Mohamed Diriye Haydh who spoke to BBC Somali Service said one person was killed and several others including police officer wounded when violent protests started in Burao town. “ I can confirmed the death of person and several other were injured in the protests. Among the injured is a police officer who was shot by unknown protester,” said Haydn. The police dispersed the demonstrators by lobbing teargas canisters at them but the protesters were regrouping themselves till mid night. Elsewhere in Hargeisa town, a woman was killed as hundreds of irate Wadani supporters who took the streets clashed with the law enforcement agencies. According reliable sources, the demonstrators engaged police forces in running battle on Thursday night. “The police shot a woman protester following clashes between the officers and the angry Wadani supporters,” said the source. Meanwhile, Wadani presidential candidate Abdirahman Mohamed Irro called on his supporters to maintain peace. “ I call upon the supporters of Wadani to keep calm and maintain peace. We keep watching on what the election commission is going to do,” said Irro. The spokesperson of Somaliland National Election Commission (NEC), Said Ali Muse in response to Wadani’s accusations over fake ballot papers said the papers used during the just concluded elections had security features which cannot be altered. “The ballot papers we used for this election have security features and were imported from abroad therefore there is no way they be printed internally,” said Muse during an interview with BBC Somali Service. On Thursday evening, Wadani Party cut off cooperation with NEC, citing irregularities during voting last Monday. HOL
  7. The country became the first country in Africa and the first in the world to use the iris recognition-based biometric voting system IEBC Chairman, Wafula Chebukati announcing the Presidential results. (the star) Kenya could learn a few lessons about how to conduct a free, fair and credible elections from Somalia. Elections in Somalia were way better and more credible than Kenya’s elections, according to a British Member of Parliament. Richmond Park MP, Zac Goldsmith has described the Kenya’s election standoff as “total chaos” and suggested that the recent elections in Somaliland, a former British protectorate, were better than Kenyan ones by far. “With recent events in Zimbabwe and total electoral chaos now in Kenya, will the prime minister join me in celebrating the hugely successful election this week in Somaliland?” he said. Richmond Park MP, Zac Goldsmith. (newstatesman.) The Self Proclaimed state of Somaliland went to the polls on Monday to vote for their fifth president in a process declared as peaceful and credible by election monitors. Despite its challenges, the country became the first country in Africa and the first in the world to use the iris recognition-based biometric voting system which eliminated the problem of double voting. “… with direct help from this country, from our government, the national election commission in that country has conducted a template election described by the international observer mission as peaceful, transparent, fair and totally uncontested.’’ Mr. Goldsmith said. Somaliland Despite holding regular elections, Kenya’s election has been dogged with malpractices, violence and rigging accusations in almost every election it has held since 1992. The Supreme Court even nullified the Presidential Elections held on August citing irregularities and illegalities and the repeat one held in October has been challenged as well. Speaking at the House of Parliament on Wednesday during the prime minister’s question time, the conservative MP asked Prime Minister Theresa May to join him in congratulating Somalilandfor holding a “free, fair and credible election” in a politically volatile region. British Prime Minister Theresa May (KTRS) The Prime Minister however dodged the thorny Kenyan election issue in her response and instead hailed the efforts her government had taken to ensure stability in Somaliland. “My honourable friend raises an important issue. This government is pleased with the work that we have done to support the government in Somalia to ensure that we can see those elections take place in the way that my honourable friend has said’’ she said. Pulselive
  8. Madaxweynaha wali xilka ka raaraca ee Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe ayaa markii ugu horeysay kasoo muuqday meel fagaaro ah tan iyo intii maalmo ka hor ay ciidanka la wareegeen awoodda dalkaas. Mugabe ayaa ka qeybgalay xaflad qalinjabin ah oo lagu qabanayay jaamacadda Zimbabwe oo uu ka midyahay madaxda jaamacadda, wuxuuna halkaas ka jeediyay khudbad dheer. Sacad badan ayaa u dhacay Mugabe markii uu soo muuqday, balse lama aysan socon xaaskiisa Grace iyo waliba wasiirkii waxbarashada Jonathan Moyo oo Grace isbahaysi la leh. Madaxda ciidanka ayaa sheegay in ay waxoogaa horumar ah ka sameeyeen wadahadala ay la leeyihiin Mugabe oo xabsi guri ku jiray. Mugabe ayaa shahaado guddoonsiiyay Marry Chiwenge oo ah xaaska taliyaha ciidammada ee isaga awoodda kala wareegay, sida ay tabisay warbaahinta dowladda. Askarta ayaa talaabo qaaday kadib markii Mugabe uu shaqadii ka eryay madaxweyne ku xigeenkiisii Emmerson Mnangagwa, kaas oo loo arkay in uu yahay ninka ay suurtogalka tahay in uu badali doono Mugabe. Balse Mugabe ayaa xaaskiisa u waday in ay isaga badasho. Grace Mugabe oo loo malaynayay in ay dalka ka baxday ayaa waxaa la ogaaday in ay wali guriga la joogto Mugabe. Wadahadalada Mugabe lala leeyahay ayaa waxaa qeyb ka ahaa wasiiro dalka Koonfur Afrika ka yimid oo dhexdhexaadin ka wada Zimbabwe. Sida uu ku waramayo Joseph Winter oo ka mid ah tifaftirayaasha BBC-da ee Afrika, inkasta oo militariga ay majaraha u hayaan Zimbabwe, haddane wali waxa ay Mugabe ugu yeeraan “Madaxweynaha sharafta leh”. Waxa uu intaas ku daray in sababta loogu ogolaaday in uu xafladda jaamacadda uga qeybgalo ay tahay in ay run u ekeeysiiyaan sheegashadooda ah in ay waxa dhacay uusan ahayn afgambi. Dhaqanka Zimbabwe dadka da’da ah lama ogola in wax xushmad darro ah lagula dhaqmo, manaba kusii jiro Mugabe oo xitaa madaxda mucaaradka ay ugu yeeraan “aabaha qaranka”. Madaxda ciidanka iyo Mugabe waxaa ka dhaxeeya xiriir aad u qoto dheer, waxayna u hayaan xushmad aad u tiro badan, mana sahlana in kalsoonidaas ay si sahlan ku burburto. Ciidammadda ayaa waxa ay waligood ahaayeen garabka hubeysan ee xisbiga ZANU-PF. BBC
  9. Harare (PP) ─ Madaxweynaha Zimbabwe dalka Robert G. Mugabe ayaa markii ugu horreysay lagu arkay meel fagaare ah tan iyo markii ciidamadu ay maalmo ka hor xukunka la wareegeen, isla markaana lagu soo rogay inuu gurigiisa xabsi ku ahaado. Robert Mugabe ayaa ka Qayb-galay xaflad qalin-jabin ah oo lagu Qabanayay Jaamacadda Zimbabwe oo uu ka mid yahay madaxda Jaamacadda, Wuxuuna halkaas ka jeediyay khudbad dheer. Mugabe, ayaa markii uu Jaamacadda gaaray aad ayaa loogu shacabo tumay, iyadoo loo fidiyay roog guduusan, waxayna tani u muuqataa in weli uusan ka tagin xilka, tallaabadii millateriga aan la aqoon weli inuu afgambi ahaa iyo in kale. Sidoo kale, Madaxwenaha Zimbabwe ayaan waxaa la socon xaaskiisa Grace iyo waliba Wasiirkii Waxbarashada Jonathan Moyo oo Grace isbahaysi la leh, kuwaasoo inta badan la socon jiray marka uu xafladan oo kale tagayo. Hoggaanka Ciidamada dalkaas ayaa sheegay inay wax-xoogaa horumar ah ka sameeyeen Wadahadallada ay la leeyihiin Mugabe oo xabsi guri ku jiray, inkastoo warar kala duwan ay soo baxayaan, lana sheegay inuu Mogabe ku gacan-sayray inuu xilka ka dago. Robert Mugabe ayaa shahaado Guddoonsiiyay Marry Chiwenge oo ah xaaska taliyaha ciidamada ee awoodda kala wareegay, sida ay tabisay Warbaahinta Dowladda Zimbabwe. Dhanka kale, Ciidamada Millateriga dalkaas ayaa tallaabo qaaday markii uu madaxweynuhu shaqada ka eryay ku xigeenkiisii Emmerson Mnangagwa oo loo yaqaan Yaxaas, kaasoo loo arkay inuu yahay ninka ay suuro-galka tahay inuu badali doono Mugabe. Balse Mugabe ayaa xaaskiisa u waday in ay isaga badasho. Xaaska Madaxweynaha Grace Mugabe ayaa waxaa malaynayay in ay dalka ka baxday, ayaa waxaa la ogaaday inay wali guriga la joogto Mugabe, balse ma aysan hadlin tan iyo xilligaas, waxaana la sheegay in dhibaatada taagan ay ka dhalatay markii madaxweynuhu uu damcay inuu xilka ku wareejiyo. Madaxweynaha Zimbabwe ayaa waxaa la sheegay inuu muuqdo mas’uul sharaf weyn leh, iyadoo dhaqanka dadka Zimbabwe aanu ogoleyn in dadka gaboobay aan lagula dhaqmin wax xushmad darro ah, iyadoo aanu ku jirin Mugabe oo loogu yeerayo Aabbaha Qaranka Ugu dambeyn, Saraakiisha Ciidamada iyo Mugabe waxaa ka dhaxeeya xiriir aad u qoto-dheer, waxayna u hayaan xushmad aad u weyn, mana sahlana in kalsoonidaas ay si sahlan ku burburto. PUNTLAND POST The post Robert Mugabe oo markii ugu horreysay lagu arkay Fagaare ah Tan iyo Markii Ciidamadu… appeared first on Puntland Post.
  10. Stockholm (Caasimadda Online) – Waxaa Magaalada Stockholm ee dalka Swedan ka dhici doonto xaflad lagu soo bandhigayo Buugga HILAADIN ee uu qoray Abwaan Bashiir M. Xersi. Qaban Qaabada Xafladdaas ayaa si weyn looga dareemayaa wadamo badan oo ka tirsan Midowga Yurub iyo Qaaradaha kale ee Adduunka, waxaana la filayaa inay xafladaas noqon doonto mid si weyn looga soo qeybgalo. Haddaba Hakaan hoose ka akhriso Ogeysiis ku saabsan ka qeybgalka Xafladdaas, Meesha iyo Taariikhda ay dhici doonto. WARGELIN Waxaa maamuus noo ah, in aad naga la soo qaybgasho, madasha lagu daahfurayo dhiganaha “HILAADIN”. Qoraha buugga Bashiir M. Xersi ka sokow, waxaa kale oo ka qaybgeli doona bandhiggan buugeed abwaanno, qorayaal iyo aqoonyahanno kale. Goobta: Rinkeby Folkets Hus Jidsooc: Skårbygränd 1, 163 72 Spånga, Stockholm, Sweden Maalinta: jimco Goorta: 24/11/2017 Amminka: 16:00 Wixii intaas dheer, oo faahfaahin ah ka la xiriir: – Cabdirisaaq Xaadir iyo Cali Siciid Cilmi: 070-189 21 02 – Bashiir M. Xersi; Marka adiga oo mahadan ka soo qaybgalkaagu waa noo muhim, ee soo dhawaaw. Waa noo jimcaha dambe. Tixgelin.
  11. Hargeysa (PP) ─ Kaddib rashado ka dhashay muran ka taagan doorashadii ka dhacday Somaliland ayaa xalay ka dhacay deegaano ka tirsan maamulka iskiis-isku-magacabaay, iyadoo lasoo sheegayo maanta in xaaladda goobihii ay rabshaduhu ka dhaceen ee Hargeysa iyo Burco ay deggen yihiin maanta. Inkastoo ay xaaladdu daggan tahay, haddana waxaa jira muran xoog leh oo weli ka taagan doorashadii ay ku tartameen xisbiyada Somailland ka jira oo qaarkood ay sheegeayaan in codadka doorashada lagu shubtay. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer, Maxamed Diiriye Xayd ayaa u sheegay BBC-da inay daggan tahay xaaladda xaafadihii ay Rabshadaha ka dhaceen xalay ee Burco. Waxay arrintani ka dambeysay markii mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan xisbiga Waddani ee mucaaradka ah ay dhaliil u soo jeediyeen hanaanka doorashada. Waxay sheegeen inay hakiyeen wada-shaqeyntii ay la lahaayeen gudiga doorashada kaddib markii la dhagaysan waayay cabashadooda ku aadan doorashadii la qabtay Isniintii. Afhayeen u hadlay Xisbiga Waddani oo lagu magacaabo, Cusmaan Af-gaab ayaa sheegay inuu jiro musuq-maasuq uu ka mid yahay in meelaha qaar lagu codeeyay warqado been-abuur ah, caruur codeysay iyo in wakiilladooda laga saaray xarumaha qaar ee codeynta”. Sidoo kale, Guddiga Doorashooyiinka Somaliland, ayaa codsaday in ciddii cabasho qabta ay u gudbiyaan guddiga, sidoo kale wuxuu ku baaqay in aan laga hordhicin natiijada. Gudoomiyaha guddiga, Cabduqadir Imaan Warsame oo xalay warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay “wixii cabasho sharci ah, diyaar baan u nahay in aan xallino”. Laakiin, dadka ku nool xaafadaha dhanka galbeed ee Burco waxay sheegeen in ciidamo booliis iyo military isugu jira la geeyay halkaas. Musharraxa xisbiga mucaaradka ee Waddani, Cabdiraxmaan Cirro ayaa taageerayaashiisa ugu baaqay in ay nabadgelyada ilaaliyaan. Dhanka Booliska wuxuu ka dalbaday in ay shacabka si wanaagsan ula dhaqmaan. Rabshada ka dhacay xaafado ka tirsan Burco waxaa “ku dhintay hal qof, tiro kalena way ku dhaawacmeen”, sida uu BBC-da u sheegay gudoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer. Dadka dhaawaca ah waxaa ka mid ah askeri boolis ah, oo ka mid ahaa kuwii ka hortagayay rabshadaha. Ugu dabmeyn, Xaafadda New Hargeysa oo ka tirsan Hargeysa waxaa Iyana ku dhimatay gabar ka dib markii booliska iyo dibadbaxayaasha ay isku dheceen. Dad badan ayaa la xirxiray ka dib isu soo baxyadaas ka dhacay xaafado ka tirsan Hargeysa iyo Burco. PUNTLAND POST The post Xaaladaha Magaalooyinkii Somaliland ee Rabashaduhu ay ka dhaceen oo Maanta Deggan appeared first on Puntland Post.
  12. Former BP director Tony Hayward is chairman of Genel Oil Company on Oslo Stock Exchange, which is involved in Somaliland. Photo: Sean Gardner (Reuters) Possible billion values ​​have tempted Kjell Inge Røkke and a series of Norwegian investors to Somaliland. Today, the election results in Somaliland – a breakaway province in Somalia, with 3.5 million inhabitants and possible giant reserves of oil and gas offshore. Central to the race is what remains of a series of Norwegian investors – among them Kjell Inge Røkke. But the oil spill on the Horn of Africa also has threads to Oslo Børs. DNB and Pareto The main interest is in Genel Energy Finance plc, an oil company with bonds worth NOK 3.5 billion listed on Oslo Børs . The loan was issued by DNB and Pareto , and Genel is in both the Kurdish region of Iraq and Somaliland. UNIQUE AREA: Somaliland is a victorian province, surrounded by armed conflicts. Google Maps Genel’s chairman is former BP director Tony Hayward – who was fired in the oil company after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, which cost 11 people’s lives and caused the biggest oil spill in history. Now Genel has investigated 2,000 kilometers of seismic in two fields, where the company owns 50 and 75 percent, respectively, and is an operator. The results are so promising that Genel has picked out more areas to be investigated closer to the end of 2017 and into next year. Genel has 24 employees in Somaliland. NORWAY INTERESTS: Genel is in blocks SL 6, 9 and 10. DNO is in block 18, while now Asante Oil has block 13 and 14. Huge oil currents Geological findings indicate that Somaliland can have huge oil resources, and Genel says straightforwardly that they are looking for over two billion barrels of oil in their blocks. TREKKER SEG: Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud steps down as president of Somaliland. The result of the election of the descendant is expected Friday. Wikipedia The risk is high – both because there is no oil, but also because the excruder is not internationally approved as an independent state, and uncertainty about what is happening now that President Ahmed Mohamoud Silanyo retires after seven years. It’s only a month since Somalia experienced the country’s worst terrorist attack, when more than 300 people were killed in a truck bomb in the capital Mogadishu. Somaliland declared independence in 1991, but no country has recognized the province as an independent country. It is unclear whether the election that is being implemented these days will change. Norwegian investors in line A number of Norwegian investors have been in Somaliland. The oil company DNO entered the country in 2013 , and the seismic company TGS has been working to shoot seismic and investigate possible instances for over 10 years under an exclusive license with Somaliland’s Department of Water and Mineral Resources. The oil company Ansan Wikfs , where Norwegian Colin Kramer in Dubai is Technical Director, has bought rights to some blocks for around 15 million. Kramer worked previously for DNO in Yemen . Røkke i trøbbel The most famous Norwegian investor on oil hunting in Somaliland is nevertheless Kjell Inge Røkke. Through Aker Capital he entered more than 50 percent in the oil company Asante – among other things, with another well-known financier, Riulf Rustad, and oil expert Jarand Rystad. Asante Oil eventually fell together, partly because Kjell Inge Røkke threw the cards. It caused irritation – and merit – when local media in Somaliland searched the internet and linked Røkke to the so-called boat certificate case, where Røkke was sentenced and imprisoned for lubricating a public official. Lost 30 million Asante Oil brought in 30 million kroner and carried out a seismic survey. The company burned 28 of the millions already in its first operating year. “It does not look like the company,” Riulf Rustad told Dagens Næringsliv when he left. “For our part, this is a closed chapter,” said Aker Executive Vice President Geir Arne Drangseid. But now new investors are on the go.
  13. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Wasiirka Amniga Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Abuukar Islow [Ducaale] ayaa u digay dadka xukuumadda ka faafiya wararka been-abuurka ah, kuwaasoo uu sheegay in shacabka lagu jah-wareerinayo, isla markaana ay lid ku yihiin ammaanka dalka. Ducaale oo ka hor-hadlayay kulanka Golaha Wasiirada ayaa sheegay inaan marna la aqbali doonin in la qalqal-geliyo amniga, isla markaana ay jiraan dad faafiya wararka aan sal iyo raad lahayn. “Marna lama aqbali doono shaqsiyaad bulshada ka mid ah ay wararka been-abuur ah oo amniga liddi ku ah ay faafiyaan, waxaana laga qaadayaa ciddii lagu helo tallaabo sharci ah,” ayuu yiri Wasiir Ducaale. Sidoo kale, Wasiirka ayaa ku nuux-nuuxsaday in wararka beetan ah ee lagu faafinayo bulshada dhexdeeda ay khatar weyn ku yihiin sugidda ammaanka. Isla markaana aysan jirin cid ay ka ogolaan doonaan inay ammaanka dalka u geysato dhibaato. Hadalka wasiirka ayaa imaanaya iyadoo dhawaanahan baraha bulshada lagu baahinayay warar liddi ku ah amniga iyo qoraalo been abuur ah oo shacabka lagu jah-wareerinayo, kuwaasoo leh astaamaha xafiisyada Dowladda. Ugu dambeyn, Dowladda Somalia ayaa waxay sheegtay inay jiraan xubno ka soo horjeeda dowladda, isla markaana doona inay lugaha qabtaan, waxayna sheegeen in xubnaha qorshayaashan ay ku jiraan siyaasiyiin xilal ka waayay Dowladda Somalia, inkastoo aan magacyadooda la sheegin. PUNTLAND POST The post Wasiirka Amnga oo sheegay in Tallaabo adag ay ka Qaadayaan Dadka beenta ka faafiya DF appeared first on Puntland Post.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Onlie) – Waxaa deggan xaaladda xaafadaha ay xalay rabshado ka dheceen xalay ee ka tirsan Hargeysa iyo Burco, sida ay dad deegaanka u sheegeen warbaahinta. Jamhuuriyadda iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbannaanida ee Somaliland waxaa Isniintii ka dhacay doorashada madaxtinimada oo weli la sugayo natiijadeeda. Inta la og yahay, ugu yaraan laba qof ayaa la sheegay in ay ku dhinteen rabshadahaasi ka dib markii ay isu soo bexeen taageerayaasha xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Waddani. Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobolka Togdheer, Maxamed Diiriye Xayd ayaa sheegay in ay daggan tahay xaaladda xaafadihii ay rabshadaha ka dhaceen xalay ee Burco. Waxay arrintani ka dambeysay markii mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan xisbiga mucaaradka ee Waddani ay dhaliil u soo jeediyeen hanaanka doorashada. Waxay sheegeen in ay hakiyeen wadashaqeyntii ay la lahaayeen guddiga doorashooyiinka ka dib markii “la dhagaysan waayay cabashadooda” ku aadan doorashadii la qabtay Isniintii. Cusman Afgaab oo ka tirsan xisbiga Waddani ayaa sheegay “in uu jiro musuqmaasuq uu ka mid yahay in meelaha qaar lagu codeeyay warqado la been abuuray, caruur codeysay iyo in wakiilladooda laga saaray xarrumaha qaar ee codeynta”. Guddiga doorashooyiinka Jamhuuriyadda iskeed madaxbannaanida ugu dhawaaqday ee Somaliland, ayaa codsaday in ciddii cabasho qabta ay u gudbiyaan guddiga, sidoo kale wuxuu ku baaqay in aan laga hordhicin natiijada. Gudoomiyaha guddiga, Cabduqadir Imaan Warsame oo xalay warbaahinta la hadlay ayaa sheegay “wixii cabasho sharci ah, diyaar baan u nahay in aan xallino”. Balse, dadka ku nool xaafadaha dhanka galbeed ee Burco waxay sheegeen in ciidamo boolis iyo military isugu jira la geeyay halkaas. Musharraxa xisbiga mucaaradka ee Waddani, Cabdiraxmaan Cirro ayaa taageerayaashiisa ugu baaqay in ay nabadgelyada ilaaliyaan. Dhanka Booliska wuxuu ka dalbaday in ay shacabka si wanaagsan ula dhaqmaan. Rabshada ka dhacay xaafado ka tirsan Burco waxaa “ku dhintay hal qof, tiro kalena way ku dhaawacmeen”, sida uu sheegay gudoomiye ku xigeenka gobolka Togdheer. Dadka dhaawaca ah waxaa ka mid ah askeri boolis ah, oo ka mid ahaa kuwii ka hortagayay rabshadaha. Xaafadda New Hargeysa oo ka tirsan Hargeysa waxaa Iyana ku dhimatay gabar ka dib markii booliska iyo dibadbaxayaasha ay isku dheceen. Dad badan ayaa la xirxiray ka dib isu soo baxyadaas ka dhacay xaafado ka tirsan Hargeysa iyo Burco. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. One evening in October, the three presidential candidates in Somaliland’s elections sat backstage in one of Hargeisa’s best hotels, listening to a briefing about the televised debate they were about to take part in. No talk of clan or personality, they were admonished, and no personal attacks. Instead, the candidates were to focus strictly on foreign policy, domestic policy and socioeconomic plans. This landmark event was organised not by top-tier politicians, but by a group of very young Somalis, who, dissatisfied with the level of political discourse, came together to draw attention to some of the issues affecting the country’s youngest citizens. An estimated 70 percent of the population is under 30. “There are lots of national issues of significant importance that are not discussed,” says Adnan Hagoog, one of the founders of Inspire Group, the think-tank that organised the debate. Young people don’t want to be associated with clan politics anymore and the apathy shows their discontent. GULEID AHMED JAMA, CHAIRPERSON OF SOMALILAND’S RIGHTS CENTRE “The perception here is that youth cannot deliver,” agrees his colleague, Abdirashid Ibrahim, “but when we organised the debate we rose to the challenge, and we were able [to make the candidates] focus on the bigger picture and forget about the clan.” Although Somaliland’s political system incorporates both traditional elements and modern, political structures, it is mostly divided and fought over clan lines, and the two, main political parties represent a specific clan, or a coalition of clans and sub-clans. “One of the reasons youth are excluded from politics is the clan system,” explains Mohamed Farah, director of the Academy for Peace and Development. “The traditional system was led by old men, so youth and women are still excluded.” Not registered Many young people have not registered to vote in presidential elections on Monday, and many feel like they are not being properly represented in the political system. “Young people don’t want to be associated with clan politics anymore,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, chairperson of Somaliland’s Rights Centre, “and the apathy shows their discontent.” Yet, several young activists who connect largely via social media are fighting to increase young people’s political participation in Somaliland, in a bid to have their voices heard and improve their life prospects in the country. Some reports say the formal unemployment rate for youth under 35 is 75 percent, and the rate of literacy is low, at around 44 percent, and even lower for women, at 20 percent. “The last generation has failed us,” agrees Khadar Mariano, himself a youth activist and founder of YEEL Volunteers, an organisation working to improve Somaliland’s education system. “But not voting is not an option here.” “Young people need to have serious discussions, we need to network and increase our [political] activity so that we don’t have to face this problem again in the next elections,” says Mariano. “Whoever gets elected will become the constitutional president of this country, whether we like it or not. The question is what do we do in those five years to change things.” Young people are not completely absent from politics. “There was a lot of hope for the youth joining the political system, but those running in the past have not been the right candidates,” explains Hagoog. “The clan system does not give a chance to smart, educated youth to get elected and actually improve things.” But Hagoog, Mariano and Ibrahim do all agree that the clan system and its elders have had a seminal role in Somaliland’s development, and the self-declared republic would not be where it is today without it. Clan elders are widely credited for making – and maintaining – the peace in the critical post-war years, following the civil war to overthrow Siad Barre in the 1980s, and their traditional conflict resolution mechanisms are what enabled the country to reconcile. “It is elders who bring Somaliland together and keep the peace, but one point here needs to be very clear: clan leaders should not be involved in decision making,” argues Hagoog. “Involving clan and elders in the mainstream politics is corrupt, it’s rotten, and it’s the old way of doing things. Somaliland as at a crossroads now, we want the political interest to be directed and led by political ambition, by political objectives, not by clan affiliation.” Promises to the young Confronted with the pressure put on them by organisations like Inspire Group and activists like Mariano, political officials have had to take notice, and the issues of education, youth unemployment and political participation have been central to the discourse in the run-up to the presidential election. “The country cannot progress if young people don’t participate in the decision-making process,” agrees Hussein Badhani, a representative of the ruling Kulmiye party, which vows to empower young people and increase their political participation. “We intend to reform our curriculum to focus on technical skills and increase employment, and many positions in our government will be for youth,” Badhani told Al Jazeera Abdirashid Jeeni, a representative of the main opposition party, Waddani, told Al Jazeera that, in case of victory next week, the party would reserve 40 percent of jobs in public institutions for young people, adding that theirs is the first party in Somaliland to create a youth wing. Whether the political parties will act on their promises after election remains to be seen, but Somaliland’s youth are already taking the necessary steps to ensure they won’t be bystanders in the future, or the present, of their country. “These old men tell us we are the leaders of the future,” laughs Mariano. “But we have to say: ‘No, we are the leaders of now. Now is the time.’” SOURCE: AL JAZEERA NEWS
  16. On Monday, Chinese energy consortium POLY-GCL Petroleum Group signed an MoU to invest $4 billion in a natural gas pipeline, an LNG plant and a loading terminal at Damerjog, Djibouti. The preliminary agreement will be finalized within six months and the groundbreaking should be sometime next year, energy minister Yonis Ali Guedi told Reuters. POLY-GCL is a joint venture between state-owned China POLY Group and Hong Kong’s Golden Concord Group for the development of oil and gas in landlocked Ethiopia. The JV has entered into lease agreements with Ethiopia for exploration and development of the Ogaden Basin formations, where it expects to find up to 5 tcf of gas and 14 mboe of associated liquids. POLY-GCL expects that production will be high enough in Phase 1 of the development for up to 3 mpta of LNG, eventually rising to 10 mtpa, all of it destined for export at the Damerjog terminal. Ethiopia’s Ministry of Mines and POLY-GCL celebrate the commencement of gas development work, 2014 (POLY-GCL) China is investing heavily in the tiny, strategic country of Djibouti. In the past few years, it has announced or completed a new 19 square mile free trade zone, a $600 million multipurpose port terminal, a $4 billion railroad and two new airports worth another $600 million. Djibouti is located at the southern side of the Strait of Bab al-Mandeb, one of the world’s most important maritime chokepoints: four million barrels of oil and half of the world’s containerized cargo traffic pass through every day. This traffic – along with ready access to the Red Sea, Mediterranean and Arabian Sea – has made Djibouti a logical site for China’s first overseas naval base. The conflict zones in Yemen, Somalia, Central African Republic and South Sudan are also within reach of military assets based in Djibouti, which has led multiple western nations to lease space nearby. Camp Lemonnier at Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport is the primary U.S. special forces base for the Horn of Africa, and Saudi Arabia is building its own facility to support its involvement in the Yemeni civil war. Maritime
  17. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wasiirka amniga Xukuumada Somalia Maxamed Abuukar Isloow ”Ducaale”, ayaa ka hadlay amni darida ka jirta qeybo kamid ah magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia. Wasiir Ducaale, ayaa sheegay in amni darada jirta ay ku lug leeyihiin shaqsiyaad faa’iido u arka dhibaatooyin ka dhaca magaalada Muqdisho. Ducaale, ayaa sheegay in shaqsiyaadkaasi ay uga digayaan inay ku fogaadan faragalinta ay ku hayaan amniga, waxa uuna sidoo kale, tilmaamay inaysan aqbali doonin qalqal amni. Waxa uu ballan ku qaaday inay talaabo ka qaadi doonaan dadka ku howlan ajaafeynta Hay’adaha amniga iyo dhammaan howlaha dowladu qabato. Sidoo kale, wasiirka ayaa xusay in ay ka shaqeynayaan xasilinta degaanada laga saaro al-Shabaab ee gobolada dalka, si ay dowlada Federaalka gacanteeda ugu soo celiso deegaanada ka maqan. Dowlada Federaalka ayaa wada qorsho ay uga hortageyso amni darida ka jirta dalka iyo Shaqsiyaadka u tafaxeeta fashilinta howlaha ay hayaan Hay’adaha amniga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  18. The African Union will allow Zimbabwe’s southern neighbours in the SADC regional bloc to mediate in the political crisis there, a senior official told reporters after talks in Washington. Smail Chergui, the AU commissioner for peace and security, said the union hopes the Zimbabwean military’s seizure of control represents “law enforcement efforts” rather than a coup. MILITARY ACTION He noted that envoys from the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) had been able to meet with President Robert Mugabe and said Africa was putting faith in their efforts. “I think as we speak the parliament is still in force, is still working, the government is still working, and there is no sign of violence whatsoever in the country,” Chergui said. “We see that is rather maybe law enforcement efforts maybe going on, but indeed we remain vigilant, as you know we have our own rules and regulations and our own instruments.” The Zimbabwean officers behind the military action in Harare insist they have not stolen power but are merely acting to purge “criminals” from Mugabe’s political entourage. But others, including AU chairman President Alpha Conde of Guinea have warned the operation has all the hallmarks of a coup d’etat, which could see Zimbabwe kicked out of the body. Chergui said the AU would remain “vigilant” but “for the time being we hope Sadc will succeed in defusing the tensions and promote … a peaceful solution to what is happening there.” The senior African Union commissioner was speaking after talks in Washington with the State Department on closer cooperation between the African Union and the United States. His host, US acting assistant secretary for African affairs Don Yamamoto said that on Zimbabwe “we agree totally and completely with our African Union colleagues.” But he also cautioned that whatever government emerges from the crisis must pursue “political, economic, constitutional reform” if it ever hopes to be taken off “numerous sanctions lists.” Source: Daily Nation
  19. The Pentagon announced in a statement Thursday there are now “more than” 500 US troops on the ground in Somalia. A significant increase from early 2014 when roughly two dozen troops arrived for the first time since 1993 and the Black Hawk Down incident. US Africa Command says there have been 28 airstrikes this year, mostly from drones against al-Shabaab, long considered the greatest terror threat in Africa. At a press conference Thursday at the Pentagon, a top defense official denied any “ramp-up.” “I do not believe necessarily there’s a ramp-up,” said Lt. Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., director of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff when asked about the spike in airstrikes in Somalia. “It’s the density of targets is such that now there’s some of opportunities to do those strikes.” The US military recently conducted six straight days of airstrikes in Somalia from last Thursday to Tuesday. Last month, al-Shabaab was blamed for a truck bombing in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu which killed over 300 people. The head of the Pentagon’s joint staff said there’s no link between the fall of the ISIS capital Raqqa last month, and the first airstrikes against ISIS in Yemen and Somalia. Earlier this month, the US conducted the first airstrikes against ISIS in Somalia. McKenzie also denied the increase of hundreds of additional troops in Somalia as a “build up,” but just a “flow of forces in and out” of the country. In May, a Navy SEAL was killed fighting al-Shabaab, the first combat death in Somalia since 1993. In addition to Somalia, the US military has conducted over 100 airstrikes against Al Qaeda in Yemen, including the first strikes against ISIS in Yemen last month. Source Foxnews
  20. Van Persie salutes the Emirates Stadium after scoring his 100th Arsenal goal. Reuters WorldRemit becomes the first Official Online Money Transfer Partner of the Premier League club, Arsenal. The burgeoning digital money transfer business, formed by Dr Ismail Ahmed, a UK-based entrepreneur from Somaliland, has joined forces with Arsenal to accelerate the company’s growth and help more people save money on international transfers. The global partnership will provide WorldRemit with a range of rights and player access to support its expansion plans. The partnership agreement includes match day LED branding for every Premier League, League Cup and FA Cup match along with TV interview backdrop presence for every home Premier League match along with global digital and social media rights across Arsenal’s online and mobile platforms. WorldRemit will work closely with Arsenal’s first-team players to create unique content that will support new and existing community engagement initiatives around the world. The partnership will also reward WorldRemit’s customers and Arsenal supporters through exclusive events and experiences using the power of football to inspire people. The company will launch the partnership with the first in a number of competitions to win travel to London and tickets to watch the team play at Emirates Stadium. WorldRemit was founded by Chief Executive Officer Ismail Ahmed, to offer a better way to send small sums of money more frequently, bringing family and friends closer together – wherever they are. WorldRemit’s service is available to senders in 50 countries and the company offers money transfers to more than 140 destinations across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. The company is a global leader in international transfers paid out as mobile money – where funds can be held on mobile telephone accounts. WorldRemit connects to over 130 million mobile money accounts, enabling money to be sent safely to friends and family even if the recipient doesn’t have access to a bank account. The partnership will support WorldRemit’s growth ambitions by helping them reach Arsenal’s 74 million followers on their official social media channels and 185 supporters’ clubs worldwide. Vinai Venkatesham, Arsenal’s Chief Commercial Officer, said: “This is an exciting new partnership with WorldRemit who under their inspirational CEO are looking to transform the way people can transfer money to family and friends around the world. We share mutual values and look forward to working together to build their global presence through our broadcast, social and digital channels which reach millions around the world. We look forward to a long and successful partnership.” Ismail Ahmed, WorldRemit Chief Executive Officer, said: “Football is a language that everyone understands. Growing up in Somaliland, you would always see kids playing football – even during the war. It’s a passion which connects people all over the world and we are proud to sponsor a club whose values are so closely aligned to our own and those of our customers. This partnership with Arsenal creates opportunities for us to thank and reward our loyal customers and to connect with new audiences around the world.We look forward to using the power of football to support and inspire young people to fulfil their potential and to the opportunities which we can create to together.” IBTimes
  21. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay dowlada Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa casuumaad gaara u sameysay Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Somalia Maxamed C/llahi Farmaajo. Casuumaada Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa salka ku heysa Siyaasado hoose oo la xiriirta maslaxada labada dal, waxaana lagu wadaa in heshiisyo ay ka gaaran tuhun Siyaasadeed aan la shaacin. Casuumaada loo fidiyay Farmaajo, ayaa waxaa la xaqiijiyay inay barbar socto casuumaad kale oo dowlada Imaaraadka ay u fidisay Hogaamiyayaasha maamul goboleedyada ka jira dalka. Hogaamiyayaasha ayaa la xaqiijiyay in todobaadka soo socda ay Imaaraadka aadi doonaan, halka Madaxweynaha Somalia Farmaajo uu ka safri doono maalinta Axada ee fooda nagu soo heysa. Hogaamiyayaasha ay marti galisay dowlada Imaaraadka ayaa waxaa kamid ah Hogaamiye Shariif Xasan iyo C/wali Gaas. Qorshaha ay dowlada Imaaraadka ugu yeertay Hogaamiyayaasha ayaan cadeyn, inkastoo socdaalkoodii ugu danbeeyay ee Imaaraadka uu ahaa mid ku xeeranaa arrimo dhaqaale. Dowlada Somalia ayaa horay u diiday inay garab istaagto dowladaha Khaliijka oo iyagu kasoo horjeeda siyaasada dowlada Qadar. Si rasmi ah uma cadda casuumaada kulmisay Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo Hogaamiyayaasha maamul Goboleedyada ka jira dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Madaxwayniha muddada dheer ka talinayay Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe ayaa la sheegay in uu diidan yahay in uu xilka ka dago ,iyada oo ay jiraan baaqyada ku saabsan in uu iscasilo. Mugabe oo 93 ah ayaa xabsi guri laga dhigay ka dib markii militariga Zimbabwe ay awoodda dalkaasi la wareegeen Arbacadii. Ma jirto wax faahfaahin ah oo ka soo baxay wadaxaajoodka ergada ka socota gobolka iyo madaxa ciidammada. Waxaa la soo saaray sawirro muujinaya madaxwaynaha Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe oo la kulmaya madaxa ciidammada iyo ergo ka socota dalka Koonfur Afrika, xilli uu xabsi guri ku jiro. Sawiradan ayaa muujinaya Mugabe oo dhoola cadaynaya, weriyaha BBC ee Afrika wuxuu sheegayaa in Mugabi uu u muuqdo mid xaalad daganaan ah ku jira, iyada oo ay jirto in militariga ay awoodda la wareegeen. Hasa yeeshee warar la isla dhexmarayo ayaa sheegaya in wadahadallada hormar laga sameeyay taasi oo ku saabsan in la gaaro heshiis horseedi kara in Mugabe uu xilka banneeyo. Ururka Midowga Afrika ayaa waxay sheegeen in ay ku kalsoon yihiin in wadaxaajoodyada ay noqon doonaan kuwa mira dhal ah. Waxaa jira hindise dhigaya in Mugabi lagu baddalo madaxweyne ku xigeenkiisii hore ee uu shaqada ka cayriyay, Emmerson Mnangagwa islamarkaana hogaamiyaha mucaaradka, Morgan Tsvangirai uu u noqdo raii’sulwasaare. Hogaamiyayaasha gobolka ayaa sii xoojiyay dadaalka dhaxdhaxaadinta iyo wadaxaajoodka si xaaladda loo soo afjaro. bbc Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  23. Taliayaha ciidanka booliska Somaliland Jeneral Cabdillaahi Fadal Iimaan ayaa sheegay in magaalooyinka Hargeysa, Burco iyo Ceerigaabo ay ka dhaceen rabshado isla markaana ciddii nabad-galyada wax u dhinta ay gacan adag marin doonnaan Jeneral Fadal ayaa yidhi; “Waxaan bayaaminayaa ciddii Nabad-galaya wax u dhinta in ciidamadu ay gacan adag oo sharci ah ay marin doonnaan cidduu doonno ha ahaado. Hal ruux ayaa geeriyooday lix kalena way dhaacwmay kaddib markii rabshado dhex maray dad shacab ah iyo ciidanka boolisku ay ka dhaceen magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolka Togdheer – sida waxaa Goobjoog News u sheegay agaasimaha cisbitaalka Burco Cabdikariim Hayaan Muxumed. Goobjoog News Source
  24. Hal ruux ayaa geeriyooday lix kalena way dhaacwmay kaddib markii rabshado dhex maray dad shacab ah iyo ciidanka boolisku ay ka dhaceen magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolka Togdheer – sida waxaa Goobjoog News u sheegay agaasimaha cisbitaalka Burco Cabdikariim Hayaan Muxumed. Dad dhaawaca ah ayaa waxa ku jira laba askari oo ka tirsan ciidanka Somaliland. Qofka geeriyooday ayuu sheegay agaasimuhu in uu dhaawac dhintay halka lixda ruux ee dhaawaca ah laba kamid ah ay yihiin askar. Xaaladda dadka dhaawacyada ah ayaa ah mid hadda ladan isla markaana waxa deggan guud ahaan xaaladda magaalada Burco – sida uu sheegay agaasime Cabdikariim Hayaan Muxumed Rabshadaha ayaa dhacaya kadib markii doorashadii Isniintii la sheegay in lagu shubtay, Xisbiga Mucaaradka Waddani ayaa ka mid aha asxaabta sheegtay in aaney aqoonsan-doonin natiijo xaaraan ah iyaga oo sidoo kale joojiyay wada shaqeyntii kala dhaxeysay guddiga doorashada. Shirkadda Imaaraadka laga leeyahaya ee daabacday warqadaha doorashada ayaa sidoo kale ka mid ah meelaha la eedeeyay. Wararka Doorashada Somaliland, Kala Soco, Goobjoog News Source
  25. People wait in a line to cast their votes in the presidential election at a polling station in Hargeisa, Somaliland, Nov. 13 The UAE and its allies have a very dangerous agenda for Somalia, as they plan to take advantage of the ongoing instability in the country like imperialists Somalia suffered two big terrorist bombings in October. The carnage caused by the car blasts on Oct. 28 was immense, although nowhere close to the death and destruction following the Oct. 14 attacks that killed 358 people. Western news reports regularly blame terrorist acts in Somalia on the shadowy al-Shabaab group. Such media coverage ignores the fact that Somalia is a victim of ugly geopolitics that seeks control of the nation, while seeking to annihilate its population through wars, terrorism and man-made disasters. The United States and its Western crime partners have tried to destroy and subjugate Somalia for many years. Whether the U.S. bombs Somalia in the name of fighting the al-Shabaab terrorist group or Britain tries to cause misery to its people through curbs on remittances, their goals are sinister in seeking extermination of a part of the human race. They are trying to achieve what Europe’s colonialism failed to accomplish. Countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia also have geopolitical goals in trying to control Somalia. There is an element of power madness in the Saudi bloc these days, as abhorrent as it may seem, but their egos get satisfaction from serving Western bloc leaders be they American, British, French, Israeli or German. They are salivating at the prospect of grabbing more than 3,300 kilometers of coastline, energy and marine resources. They are willing to spill Somali blood as long as there is the slightest chance of even partially achieving their goals. A clear message must be sent to these saboteurs to cease their destructive acts forthwith. The UAE and Saudi Arabia can be accused of such behavior as they are unable to explain what benefits their military and foreign policy adventures bring to their own populations or to the wider region. Prima facie, their actions advance the West’s colonial and imperial interests. The conduct of these countries is hostile toward Somalia. Their arrogance requires them to try to overpower a country that is struggling economically and politically. The UAE and those who control its leaders appear to have suddenly woken up to Somalia’s significance as a nation. One of their goals is to destroy Somali-Turkish friendship and alliance. If Somalia was so important to them, they could have used their resources to help it recover from war and famine. But that is not how the UAE operates. To cause suffering and misery to the maximum number of people is always a deliberate act of any U.S.-led war. American actions in Somalia are in line with this policy. When Saudi Arabia and the UAE use their resources for apparent charitable causes, they do so as per the wishes of their Western masters. It should not surprise anyone that these two countries showed neither Islamic nor regional solidarity with Somalia when it was reeling under severe famine. Islamic concepts of welfare and justice are anathema to them. Joining “jahiliyyah” and Zionist causes has become fashionable in the Gulf region. The geopolitical calculations of the UAE and Saudi Arabia along with the Western gang seem to have changed following Turkey’s determination to help Somalia. They understand that in Turkey they are dealing with a serious nation that is capable of helping Somalia defeat international terrorism. Since President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Mogadishu in 2011, Turkey has become involved in numerous projects in Somalia to help it become a stable, strong nation in every way. But this relationship works against the interest of those who seek to exploit and rob both Somalia and the wider African region. The international alliance of neocons and Zionists knows how to manipulate Emirati and Saudi officials. The recent Qatar crisis was another episode in the wider geopolitical game being played in the Middle East and Africa. According to reports, Saudi Arabia and the UAE offered tens of millions of dollars in bribes to get the government in Mogadishu on their side against Qatar. They failed, but that did not discourage these countries from trying to find new ways to put pressure on Somalia. The UAE exploited instability in parts of Somalia to secure logistics projects. These include a concession from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland for Dubai-based DP World to develop the port of Bosaso. In Somaliland, DP World has a 30-year concession to develop a port at Berbera and plans to develop a so-called economic free zone. After the terrorist attacks, influential Somali commentators mentioned the UAE as an agent of destruction against Somalia. They pointed out its dubious deals and unwarranted interference in Somali affairs. There have been calls to shut down its diplomatic mission in Somalia. The UAE and its allies and masters see Turkey as a threat to their hegemonic plans for Africa. The ongoing war in Yemen is part of the same calculations, as the Arabian Peninsula nation is located near key maritime routes. Destabilizing Yemen was a Western plan being carried out through the UAE and Saudi Arabia. It is widely believed that Abu Dhabi’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Zayed, is influencing Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to join his dead-end schemes. Somalia’s enemies would like to find an excuse to launch an open war, but have opted for naked terrorism instead. Another type of terrorism is carried out by the U.S. through drone attacks, ensuring no Somali feels secure from America’s destructive power. The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is also seen as playing a role in fomenting trouble in the country instead of carrying out its mandate of peace. The newly established Turkish military facility will help Somalia develop strong defense capabilities, which in turn would work against Western excuses for creating the kind of military presence they have in neighboring Djibouti. Intelligence reports suggest the intended target of the massive bombing on Oct. 14 was this facility. These reports may or may not be accurate. After all, terrorists and their sponsors would have to take into account inevitable Turkish retaliation. It must be noted that terrorism directed at Somalia has deliberately targeted civilian facilities. Mosques, government buildings, hotels, restaurants and markets have been bombed to ensure Somalia is kept destabilized for the vultures to invade it at a suitable opportunity. However, it would be a miscalculation on the part of the Western sabotage brigade and their Gulf minions to harbor such hopes. Somalia will grow stronger. Somalia will be victorious. The UAE, which is getting increasingly ambitious in its foreign activities, should try not to bite off more than they can chew. SHAKIR HUSAIN India-based journalist