Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa si si rasmi ah uga furmay oo ka socda shir u dhaxeeya dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo madaxda Maamul Goboleedyada dalka. Read More
  2. Shir u dhaxeeya Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Maamul Goboleedyada dalka ayaa xalay ka furmay magaalada Muqdisho. Read More
  3. Wasaaradda Batroolka iyo Macdanta Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa shalay u gudbisay baarlmaanka Somaliya nuqulka hindiso sharciyeedka Khayraadka dalka. Read More
  4. Guddoomiyaha maxkamadda sare ee maamulka Koonfur Galbeed Sheekh Axmed Cabdullaahi (Fanax) ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta qabtay ku sheegay inuu la kulmay handadaad iyo is hortaag, taasina ay ku qasabtay inuu xiro xafiiska. Read More
  5. Labo wareegta oo mamnuucaya gaadiidka waaweyn ee xamuulka qaado in ay maraan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo waliba xadka culeyska rarka ee ay qaadi karaan ayaa ka soo baxey xafiiska gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir, ahna duqa Muqdisho Taabit Cabdi Maxamed. Read More
  6. Wararka ka imanaya gobolka Hiiraan ayaa sheegaya in kooxda al-Shabaab ay degaanka Buq-Aqable ee gobolkaasi ku toogatay nin la sheegay inay ku eedeyeen in uu basaas u ahaa ciidamada Amisom, qeybta saldhiga ku leh degmada Jalalaqsi. Read More
  7. Maalmihii ugu dambeeyey waxaa xirnayd dekedda magalada Boosaaso, oo dhowaan lagu wareejiyey shrikadda P&O oo laga leeyahay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta, sida ay sheegayaan wararka ka imanaya magaalada Boosaaso. Read More
  8. Hoggaamiyayaasha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa maamul goboleed-yada ayaa la sheegay inay guda galeen ajandayaasha shirkooda ka socda magaalada Muqdisho. Read More
  9. Digniin: Wareysigani waxa uu si qayaxan uga hadlayaa sidii dilalku u dhaceen, kuwaas oo uu ku jiray ilmo yar oo lix bilood jiray, markaa qofkii uu ku adag yahay dhageysiga wareysigani ha ka digtoonaado Read More
  10. Golaha wasiirrada Soomaaliya ay sheegeen inay xilkii ka qaadeen taliyihii booliiska Cabdixakiim Daahir Saacid iyo Agaaismihii Nabadsugidda Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe kadib qaraxyadii iyo weerarkii shalay ka dhacay badhtamaha Muqdishu oo lala beegsaday huteelka Naasa Hablood. Read More
  11. Hassan, Somalia4Somalis, AbdiJohnson are banned from SOL for personally attacking one another, and lowering the quality of the forum. Warning to others. Please respect the rules of the website. If you are not familiar with SOL rules, click the following link. Admin Somalia Online
  12. @AbdiJohnson said: But you are from the terror faith AbdiJOhnson, please respect the rules of the website and stop insulting other nomads and their religion. This is your last warning. If you are new to the website, please read the Golden Rules. Admin Somalia Online
  13. AbdiJOhnson, please respect the rules of the website and stop insulting other nomads and their religion. This is your last warning. If you are new to the website, please read the Golden Rules. Admin Somalia Online
  14. CiidanSuldan is banned from Somalia Online for posting filth on the forum. Admin
  15. Nomads, please stop the insults against one another. There is no need for that. We are also in the middle of the blessed month of Ramadan.
  16. We are having server issues where nomads can't access the site or it is very slow. We are working to remedy this problem. Please bare with us.
  17. We've had access issues in the last 24 hours as our server was down. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  18. You don't need to do anything. You just paste the youtube link and it turns into a video.
  19. Isbarmuuto, please respect the rules of the website and don't mention clan names. Thank You Admin
  20. SOL was down since last night due to a maintenance work that had to be done. Please let us know if you run into a problem or can't login.
  21. Axmed, no name-calling or insults please. Kindly, let us respect the rules of the website and elevate the debate. Admin Somalia Online
  22. @galbeedi said: I have a beef with administrators. They are policing my comments. I never write any thing hostile or abuse. the other day I wrote " madax Faluuq" referring to a real " madax Faluuq",and it did disappear quickly. Galbeedi, when was that? Was the post completely deleted? Did the MODs edit out a particular word? Was that comment the initiator of an insult against you? It is hard for Moderators to edit someone's insult without going back to the exchange which may have triggered the name-calling.
  23. @SamatarowRooble said: Gabadhan caadi maaha she looks like ***********************************WARNING ************************************* @SamatarowRooble, Welcome to Somalia Online. Please respect the rules of Somalia Online and stop these vulgar comments. If you aren't able to engage in a civilized debate with other nomads on this website, then maybe you should not be here. No one on this website will find such childish insults appealing or remotely funny. You can easily Google and find other Somali forums out there that don't have strict guidelines on insults and personal attacks. This is your last warning Admin Somalia Online ***********************************WARNING *************************************
  24. AbdiJohnson and others who may not be familiar with the rules of the website, no personal attacks please. Debate issues without focusing on the personality of the nomad. There should be no insults in adult conversation. Let us respect the rules of the website. Admin Somalia Online