Deeq A.

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  1. Wararka ka imaanaya wadada xiriirisa degmooyinka Balcad iyo Afgooye ayaa sheegaya in weerar dhabagal ah loo dhigay ciidamo Mareykan ah iyo Askar katirsan Ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. Xoogag katirsan Xarakatu Shabaab ayaa wadada ugalay ciidamada huwanta ah oo kasoo amba baxay deegaanka Basra kuna sii jeeday degmada Balcad, halkaasina waxaa ka dhacay dagaal qaraar oo la isku adeegsaday Hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan. Xiriiro aan la sameen ay dadka deegaanka ayaa u sheegay inuu weerarkan ahaa mid culus hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan la isku adeegsaday ayna maqlayeen Jug culus oo ay u maleynayaan iney tahay Qaraxyo dhulka lagu aasay. Al-shabaab ayaa sheegtay in ciidamadoodu ay weerrar ku qaadeen Ciidamo Soomaali iyo kuwo Mareykan ah oo marayay deegaanka Basra kuna sii jeeday degmada Balcad, halkaasina ay ku gubeen gaadiid dagaal uuna jiro dhimasho iyo dhaawac soo gaaray Ciidamada weerarka Daba galka ah la kulmay. Ciidamada Dowlada oo garab ka helaya Ciidamada AMISOM ayaa maal mahan ka waday inta u dhaxeysa Gobalada Shabeelada hoose iyo Gobalka shabeelada dhaxe Howlgal ka dhan Xarakada Al-shabaab. PUNTLAND POST The post Faah Faahin: Al-Shabaab oo weeraray Ciidamo Mareykan ah oo ku sugan Soomaaliya appeared first on Puntland Post.
  2. Two Somali youths have been selected as winners of the #Blog4Dev competition launched earlier this year by the World Bank. Along with two runner-ups and over 100 submissions, the blog contestants addressed job creation for youth in Somalia. Abdishakur Ahmed and Awil Osman, the two winners of the competition, will travel to Washington D.C. to participate in the Spring Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in April 2018, along with other #Blog4Dev winners from across Africa. Abdishakur wrote about clean energy as a strong means for job creation, whereas Awil emphasized digital innovation and access to information. “Blog4Dev is a great opportunity to present homegrown solutions that affect my peers and I on a daily basis,” said Awil Osman, the co-founder of iRise, the only digital hub in Somalia. “The path for digital economic growth lies in collaboration, and I am grateful to the World Bank for providing that platform”. “Youth employment needs to be addressed holistically,” said Abdishakur Ahmed, founder of SomLite, a renewable energy company in Somaliland. “We should be able to tackle both youth unemployment and climate change reduce rural poverty, increase productivity and curb unsafe migration”. Many submissions placed great emphasis on clean energy, IT, innovation, education and improvements in the supply-chain as methods of boosting youth employment in Somalia. “There were hundreds of strong submissions from men and women across Somalia,” said Hugh Riddell, World Bank Country Representative for Somalia. “The competition is a testament to the drive and vast potential Somali youth have. The World Bank is happy to provide a platform to inspire more youth to get involved in job creation and economic growth.” The blog contest, which ran from June 15 to July 31, 2017, targeted Somalis aged between 18 and 28 years who live in the country. Participants were required to send 500-word original essays in either Somali or English on how to boost opportunities for youth in the country. The two runner-ups will receive a smartphone and an internet dongle. They are Mowliid Ahmed Hassan, a financial journalist, and Mohamed Maqadin, an educator. All four participants will have their winning blogs published and promoted on World Bank Group online platforms. Source: – World Bank
  3. Self-declared independent state of Somaliland has announced its decision to shut down social media networks on election day November 13, until the results are released. The National Electoral Commission (NEC) said on Friday that the move is to avoid the spread of fake news in the country. NEC declared Social media will be shutting down on the voting day, until the result comes out for fake news avoiding #somaliland. News link — SLNEC (@NEC2017) 10 November 2017 The decision will also affect the flow of information to observers outside the country of the election touted to be the first incident-free polls to be held in the Horn of Africa. Somaliland’s decision follows those of Uganda, Congo, Chad, Gabon, Niger, and Gambia where internet connection was blocked during their elections last year. The blockade did not reduce controversies during those elections. Countries such as Ghana, Zambia, and recently Rwanda, Angola, Kenya and Liberia kept their internet active and were not threatened by fake news. Three candidates are vying to replace the Somaliland’s fourth president Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo who withdrew from running for a second seven-year term. The country will be the first in Africa to use the iris-recognition biometric voter registration system. Out of the about 4 million Somaliland population, 704, 089 registered voters are expected to elect the new president. There are 1,642 polling stations in the 21 constituencies across the six regions of the country. A team of 60 international election observers from 24 countries have been deployed to the country by the international election observation mission (EOM) funded by the British government. Somaliland has held successful presidential elections in 2003 and 2010 including a parliamentary election in 2005. They declared unilateral independence from Somalia on May 18, 1991. It has been under pressure to hold talks with Somalia which have so far been futile. Described as the most peaceful state in the Horn of Africa region, Somaliland can boast of an army, its own currency and legal system. The territory has been experiencing stability and economic prosperity. It has been influential in the fight against piracy and terrorism in the Horn of Africa. 26 years of diplomatic isolation has made it difficult for Somaliland to have access to loans from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is regarded as the autonomous region of Somalia and not a sovereign state. Source: AfricanNews
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Iyadoo maalmahaani ay soo ifbaxayeen shaqsiyaad ku caanbaxay ka hor imaanshiyaha Siyaasada dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia, ayaa waxaa arrintaasi markii ugu horeysay ka hadlay Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa sheegay inaanu jirin saameyn ay shaqsiyaadkaasi mucaaradka ah ku yeelan doonin Siyaasada iyo horumarada ay sameyneyso dowladiisa, bacdamaa ay shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ay yihiin kuwo garwaaqsaday Xasiloonida iyo ahmiyada ay leedahay Horumarka. Farmaajo waxaa uu sheegay in dadkaasi ay doonayaan in ay dib u dhigaan dowladnimada Soomaaliya, hase ahaatee aysan dhici doonin taa. Waxaa uu sheegay in xubnaha dowladda kasoo horjeedda ay doonayaan in tafaha ku dhaggaan dowladda, taasina aan la aqbali doonin maadaama ay Umadda Soomaaliyeed doonayaan inay hiigsadaan Horumar, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa ku tilmaamay dadka mucaaradka ku ah dowladda in xilliggii Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ay soo waceen ayna ka codsadeen in uu noqdo Mucaarad, hase ahaatee uu si bareera u diiday isagoo fiirinaaya dhibta ay ku jirto Somalia. Waxa uu hoosta ka xariiqay in musiibadii 14-kii dhacday ay keentay in dowladdu ay marti geliso shirkii ay ka qeyb galeen Madaxda dowlad goboleedyada, kaasi oo la isku afgartay in si wada jir ah dalka looga xoreeyo cadowga dhibaateynaya Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. ”Waxaan u mahadcelinayaa doorkii dhallinyaradu ay ka qaateen musabadii dalka ka dhacday oo ay sameeyeen gurmad Qaran, oo ay isugu soo baxeen inay dalkooda ka xoreeyaan cadowga Ummadda Soomaaliyeed” ”Waxaa noo balan ah inaad dalkaan xoreysaan, inaad qalinka dhigtaan oo aad gacmaha isqabsataan oo aad doorkiina ka xoreynta cadowga ah qaadataan” Sidoo kale, dadka Shacabka ayuu ugu baaqay in ay la shaqeeyaan dowladda, islamarkaana ay ka qeyb qaataan xaaladda dagaal ee dalka ku jiro. Bilihii lasoo dhaafay ayaa waxaa xoogeystay Siyaasiyiinta iyo Xildhibaanada kasoo horjeedda dowladda uu hoggaamiyo Madaxweyne Farmaajo. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  5. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Duqeymo diyaaradeed ayaa mar kale habeennimadii xalay ka dhacay qeybo kamid ah Gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe. Diyaaradahan oo ah nooca qumaatiga u kaca ayaa duqeeyay deegaan aan ka fogeyn degmada Balcad ee Shabeelaha Dhexe. Deegaanka la duqeeyay ayaa la sheegay in 7KM uu u jiro degmada Balcad, waxaana halkaa isku uruursanaayay maleeshiyaad ka tirsan Alshabaab. Ilaa Afar gantaal ayaa la xaqiijiyay in diyaaradahaasi ay ku dhufteen laba goob oo ay ku sugnaayen Alshabaab. Degaanka ay duqeynto ka dhacay ayaa ka mid ah degaanada maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ay ku dagaalamaayeen ciidamada dowladda iyo maleeshiyada Al-Shabaab. Khasaaro dhimasho iyo mid dhaawac ayaa sidoo kale ka dhashay duqeynta oo aheyd mid xoogan isla markaana qalqal galisay dadka deegaanka. Sidoo kale, gaadiid dagaal ayaa la sheegay in lagu gubay duqeynta inkastoo aan la heyn tirada saxda ah ee gaadiidkaas. Dhinaca kale, waxaan jirin war weli kasoo baxay maleeshiyaadka Alshabaab ee lala beegsaday duqeynta ka dhacday Shabeelaha Dhexe gaar ahaan Agagaarka degmada Balcad. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  6. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Baarlamaanka Somalia ayaa maanta oo sabti ah lagu wadaa inay isugu yimaadan mid kamid ah kulamadooda caadiga ah. Kulanka Xildhibaanada ayaa Ajendihiisa maanta lagu sheegay cod u qaadista ansixinta Hindise Sharciyeedka Biyaha kaas oo maray dhammaan akhriskii loogu talagay. Sharcigan oo isbadal ku sameeyeen guddiga u qaabilsanaa golaha shacabka, waxaa isbadal lagu sameeyay qodobo badan oo ku jiray sida heerka tayada biyaha. Xubnaha kheyraadka qaranka, guddiga qaranka ee kheyraadka biyaha, mas’uuliyadda iyo waajibaadka wasaaradda, khimada biyaha, heerka tayada biyaha iyo qodobo kale. Dhinaca kale, Aqalka hoose waxaa kalfadhigan la keenay ku dhawaad 20 sharci, kuwaas oo sida la sheegay ay tahay in meel-mariyaan kalfadhigan iyo midka xiga. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Maamulka Somaliland ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in la hakin doono isticmaalka Social Media 13 ka Bishan wixii ka dambeeya. Guddida doorashooyinka maamulka ayaa waxay sheegeen in baraha bulshada ku wada xiriirto ee internet-ka laga xiri doono guud ahaanba deegaanada maamulka Somaliland laga bilaabo lixda fiidnimo ee 13 bisha November oo ah maalinta loo dareerayo doorashada Somaliland. Afhayeenka Guddiga Doorashooyinka maamulka Somaliland, Saciid Cali Muuse, ayaa sheegay in dhibaatooyin badan ay ka dhalankarto isticmaalka baraha bulshada. Waxa uu sheegay in Interneed-ka uu hawada ka maqnaan doono muddo afar illaa lix cisho oo xiriir ah, inta laga soo saaro natiijada doorashada. Saciid Cali Muuse, waxa uu intaa ku daray in shirkadaha bixiya adeegga Internet-ka ay ka dalbadeen inay mudadaasi hakad geliyaan isticmaalka baraha bulshada oo keliya, adeega kale ee Internet-kuna uu sidiisii hore u sii shaqeeyo. Waxyaabaha la isku raacay ee la xiri doono ayaa waxaa ka mid ah : Facebook, Twitter, Snapchatka, flickr, instgram, whatsappka, Viberka, Linkedin, Tango, Google iyo Lemone. Go’aankan lagu hakinaayo isticmaalka baraha bulshada ayaa waxa ay saameyn ba’an ku yeelan doontaa dhammaan dadka sida aadka ah u isticmaala Interneed-ka. Sidoo kale, dadka isticmaala baraha ayaa durba qeyla dhaan ka keenay go’aankan waxaana is weydiin mudan, sida uu xaalku noqon doono. Dhinaca kale, waa markii ugu horraysay ee Somaliland hawada laga saari doono baraha bulshada tan iyo intii la bilaabay isticmaalka baraha Bulashada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  8. HARGEISA, SOMALILAND — Somaliland’s three presidential candidates have concluded their campaigns ahead of Monday’s poll to elect the next leader of the breakaway region. Muse Bihi of the ruling Kulmiye party, Faisal Ali Waraabe of the For Justice and Development party (UCID) and Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi of the Wadani party held their final rallies this week in the capital, Hargeisa. A central issue, as always, is how to win international recognition for Somaliland. Somalia, which was once governed by Italy, wants Somaliland to be part of a single Somali state. But Somaliland, which used to be a British colony and broke away from the rest of Somalia in 1991, wants to be a separate country. All three candidates favor a fully independent Somaliland but have different visions of how to achieve it. “Previous talks were not fruitful and they were heading to the wrong direction,” Bihi told VOA. He proposes bringing in “proper and genuine mediators” to replace officials from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. Waraabe wants the negotiations to come after what he terms as a genuine reconciliation among Somali tribes. “Somalis have never reconciled among themselves; therefore, we want to hold a bottom-up approach reconciliation meeting here,” he said. “Once they agree and come up with a shape of a government similar to that of 1960, when we united, we can talk and debate on the possibility of two parallel brotherly states, which I think is the interest for the future of our people.” Abdillahi of the Wadani party wants new rounds of talks with Somalia, but at a bigger venue and with international mediation. “Principally, we want to solve our differences with Somalia through peaceful negations, review the previous talks and challenges, and finally come up with new rounds of talks, with our final vision being getting a result that makes us two neighbor states,” he said. Social media ban Preparations for election day are under way. Public and private schools across Somaliland have been closed for eight days because most of them will serve as polling places. Also, Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission said social media networks would be shut down on Monday to avoid the spread of misinformation on the election results. “To avoid social media users who propagate hate speeches and fake news during the election or about the results, we have decided to ban the use of social media platforms for the betterment of Somaliland security,” said electoral commission spokesman Sa’id Ali Muse. Muse said 705,000 Somalilanders are eligible to cast ballots. History of elections A 176,000-square-kilometer, semidesert territory on the coast of the Gulf of Aden with an estimated 4 million people, Somaliland has a long history of peaceful elections and executive turnover, made possible by a blend of traditional and modern state institutions and a relative peace it has been enjoying since 1991. In contrast, Somalia has been racked by decades of protracted lawlessness, poor governance and deadly terror attacks. In 2010, Somaliland saw a peaceful transfer of power when then-President Dahir Rayale Kahin conceded defeat to Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, nicknamed Silanyo. He opted not to seek re-election in the current contest. Unlike the previous elections, this election has suffered several delays. It was scheduled at one time for last March, but drought coupled with political disagreement among the parties caused the vote to be rescheduled. Isma’il Mohamud and Bakhad Kariye contributed to this report from Hargeisa. VOA
  9. Dubai (Caasimada Online) – Dokumenti sir ah oo la helay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday qorshe halis ah oo Imaaraadka ay diyaariyeen oo ka dhan ah habka maaliyadda dalka Qatar, oo xiisad xooggan ay kala dhaxeyso. Dokumentiyadan ayaa waxaa laga helay email-ka safiirka Imaaraadka Carabta ee Mareykanka Yousef al-Otaiba. Website-ka sirta baara ee Mareykanka laga leeyahay ee the Intercept ayaa helay warqadahan, waxaana ku cad qorshe la diyaariyey oo lagu wiiqayo lacagta dalka Qadar. Waxaa sidoo kale qorshaha Imaaraadka ka mid ah in dalka Qadar deyn badan uu galo, kadib marka la qiimo tiro lacagta dalkaas iyo hantida dibadaha ka yaalla. Qorshahan ayaa waxaa loo xil saaray shirkadda Banque Havilland ee dalka Luxemburg oo uu leeyahay maal-galiyaha British ee David Rowland, kaasi oo diyaariyey barnaamijkan lagu wiiqayo Qatar. Hadafka fog ayaa ah in la burburyo dhaqaalaah Qatar, la yareeyo qiimaha lacagta dalkaas, la kordhiyo daymaha lagu leeyahay, kadibna la abuuro xasarad lacageed oo baabi’isa keydka dalkaas. Arrintan ayaa kadib la doonayaa in lagu qasbo dalka Qatar in marti-gelinta koobka adduunka ee 2022 lala qeybsado, ayada oo FIFA loo muujinayo in dhaqaalaha dalkaas uusan saamaxayn inay diyaariyaan dhammaan garoomada loo baahan yahay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira
  10. Tel Aviv (Caasimada Online) – Israel ayaa ku amartay dhammaan safaaradaha ay dunida ku leedahay in dalalka ay martida u yihiin taageeraan Sacuudiga iyo qorshaha ay xasilooni darro uga abuurayaan dalka Lebanon, sida ku cad waraaqo sir ah oo la helay. Warqadahan ayaa xaqiijin ramsi u ah warar xan ah oo sheegayey in Sacuudiga iyo Israel ay ka wada shaqeynayaan in xiisad laga abuuro gobolka. Warqadahan oo ay dirtay wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Israel, uuna helay taleefishinka Channel 10 ee Israel ayaa diblomaasiyiinta Israel ka dalbanaya in ay muujiyaan in Iran iyo Xizbullah ay dhibaato ka abuurayaan gobolka. Siyaasadda isarel ayaa u muuqata mid shabahda wararkii Sacuudiga ay baahinayeen dhowaanahan ee ka dhanka ahaa Lebanon. Kadib markii, isaga oo jooga dalka Sacuudiga uu is-casilay ra’iisul wasaarihii Lebanon Saad al-Hiriir, waxay Sacuudiga eedeeyeen Iran iyo Xisbullah. Diblomaasiyiin ayaa sheegay in faro-gelinta cusub ee Israel ay ku sameyneyso arrimaha carabta ay u muuqdaan kuwa naadir ah. Yossi Alpher oo lataliye u ahaan jiray ra’iisul wasaarihii hore ee Isarel Ehud Barak ayaa sheegay in sirta la helay ay tahay mid yaab leh. “Sacuudiga ma waxay hadda u baahdeen in Israel ay wararkooda ugu baahiso dunida” ayuu u sheegay taleefishinka Aljazeera. Si kastaba, diblomaasiyiin kale ayaa rumeysan in ra’iisul wasaaraha Israel Benjamin Netanyahu uu tani u arko fursad uu kaga faa’iideysto xiisadda ka dhex oogan dalalka Carabta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira
  11. Jamhuuriyadda iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbannaanida ee Somaliland waa meel nabad ay ka jirto, waxayna qabaneysaa doorashada xilka madaxweynaha, maalinta Isniinta. Hadaba shan arrimood oo ku saabsan Somaliland halkan ka aqriso. Ka hortagga isdaba marinta Somaliland waxay noqoneysaa meesha ugu horeysay caalamka ee doorashadeeda lagu qabto qalab electronic ah oo wejiga iyo indhaha aqoonsanaya oo lagu magacaabo iris, sida uu sheegay afhayeenka guddiga doorashada, Saciid Cali Muse. Waxay gacan ka geysaneysaa in lala dagaallamo wax isdaba marinta, iyo in Somaliland ay xaqiijiso in ay qabato doorashadii ugu daahfurnayd qaaradda Afrika. Qiyaastii 704,000 oo codbixiye ayaa u diiwaan gashan Somaliland. Xiriirka Finland Labo ka mid ah seddaxda musharrax ee tartamaya, oo kala ah Cabdiraxman Maxamed Cirro iyo Faysal Cali Waraabe waxay haystaan dhalashada dalka Finland. Waxay dalkaasi degeen ka dib markuu bilowday dagaalkii sokeeye ee Soomaaliya, kaas oo sababay in Somaliland ay ku dhawaaqdo in ay Soomaaliya ka “xurowday”. Musharraxa seddaxaad, Musee Biixi Cabdi wuxuu ahaan jiray sarkaal military oo ku soo tababartay Ruushka iyo Mareykanka. Seddaxdaba waxay u loolamayaan in ay bedelaan madaxweynaha xilka ka sii degaya, Axmed Maxamed Maxamud (Siilaanyo). Wuxuu xilka bannaynayaa ka dib markii uu dhammeystay hal xilli oo dhowr goor la kordhiyay. Waxay ahayd in doorasho la qabto, 2015-kii, balse baarlamaanka Somaliland ayaa laba sano oo dheeraad ah ugu daray ka dib abaar daba dheeraatay. Doodda Dalai Lama Dhammaan shacabka Somaliland waa Muslimiin, balse Dalai Lama iyo diinta Buddhism-ka ayaa soo baxay xilligii uu socday ololaha doorashada. Faysal Cali Waraabe oo xisbiga UCID hoggaaminaya ayaa sheegay “in taageerayaasha xisbiga Waddani iyo midabkooda Huruudka u eg in uu shabahayo dharka ay xirtaan wadaadaha Buddhaha iyo in hoggaamiyahooda [Cabdiraxman Cirro] uu u egyahay Dalia Lama”. Hadalkaa wuxuu kala kulmay weerar xoog badan oo dhanka baraha bulshada ah, ayadoo dadka qaar ay ku eedeeyeen in uu jeediyay hadal “gaalaysiin ah”. Taageerayaasha xisbiga Waddani ayaa si xanaaq leh uga jawaabay, waxayna isu soo bexeen ayagoo xayeysiinaya midabkooda liinta u eg, qaarna jirka ayey midab huruud ah marsadeen. Dood toos loo baahiyay Markii ugu horeysay, musharrixiinta ayaa ka qeybgalay doodo toos loo baahiyay ooay kala qabteen koox dhallinyaro ah, iyo BBC Somali. Dad badan ayayna soo jiidatay doodad BBC Somali, kuwaas oo baraha bulshada uga doodayay waxa ay ka hadleen musharrixiinta. Mid ka mid ah arrimaha sida wayn ay uga doodeen musharrixiinta waa heshiiskii lala saxiixday Imaaraatka Carabta ee “saldhigga military ay uga dhisaneyso Berbera”. Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo Muse Biixi Cabdi way taageersan yihiin heshiiska, waxayna sheegayaan in “aqoonsi caalami ah ay ku helayaan”. Laakiin Cabdiraxman Cirro ayaa ka soo horjeestay, wuxuuna ku doodayaa in heshiiska uusan ahayn mid loo maray waddo sax ah. Wuxuu ragga ay is hayaan ku eedeeyay “in ay laaluush ka qaateen Imaaraatka”, eedaas oo labaduba si adag ay u beeniyeen. Maalgelin caalamiga ah, haddii aan la aqoonsan xitaa Kor joogto caalami ah oo ka kala socota illaa 20 dal ayaa indha indheynaya doorashada, inkastoo Somaliland aysan haysan aqoonsi caalami ah. Howlgalka kor joogtada waxaa hoggaaminaya Michael Walls oo ka socda jaamacad ku taalla London, waxaana maalgelineysa dowladda Britain. Dalalka kale waxay bixiyeen maalgashi lagu qiyaasay illaa $20m oo dollar oo lagu bixinayo doorashada, waxaana bixiyay dalal ay ka mid yihiin, Mareykanka, Denmark, Norway iyo Midowga Yurub. Ma jiro dal Afrikaan ah oo toos ugu lug leh. Isha: BBC
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa aad loo adkeeyay amniga Madaxtooyada Somalia, kadib markii Hay’adaha amaanka DFS iyo kuwa shisheeye ee ka howlgala Somalia ay heleen macluumaadyo muujinaaya in maleeshiyaadka Alshabaab ay maleegayaan weeraro ka dhan ah Xarumaha waaweyn ee dowlada. Ciidamada ka howlgala Villa Somalia ayaa lagu sameeyay tirro kordhin waxaana sidoo kale la adkeeyay galitaanka Madaxtooyada sababo la xiriira macluumaadyada soo baxaayo. Goobaha la adkeeyay amniga Villa Somalia ayaa waxaa kamid ah Iridka hore ee saaran wadada Makka Al-mukarama, Iridka saaran wadada forolonsa ee Wardhiigley iyo Iridka laga galo dhismaha rasmiga ah ee Villa Somalia. Ciidamada lagu biiriyay sugida amniga Villa Somalia ayaa waxaa ku jira kuwa AMISOM, waxaana jira cabsi laga qabo in maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ay weeraro ka geystaan Xarumaha muhiimka ah. Taliska Ciidamada AMISOM ayaa 9-13 bishan fasax u kala diray dhammaan Howlwadeenada ka shaqeeya Xarunta Xalane ee magaalada Muqdisho sababo la xiriira amni darro iyo weeraro ay maleegayaan Alshabaabka. Dhinaca kale, DFS ayaan qudheeda weli ka hadal wararka sheegaya amni darida ka jirta magaalada Muqdisho iyo warbixinta ay soo saartay AMISOM ee shakiga abuuray. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa si xooli ah magaalada Muqdisho uga dhoofayo muwaadiniinta heysta dhalashada Mareykanka kadib digniino dhawaan kasoo baxay waaxda arrimaha dibadda Mareykanka. Dhoofka muwaadiniintan ayaa saxmad galiyay duulimaadyada ka baxa Garoonka Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana tani ay ka dambeysay digniin Mareykanka kasoo saaray dhowaan Muqdisho, oo ku saabsaneyd weeraro la qorsheeyey. Diyaaradaha ka kictama Garoonka ayaa waxaa dadka ugu badan ay yihiin kuwo heysta dhalashada Mareykanka oo dib ugu laabanaayo dalkooda, waxaana xusid mudan in qaarkood ay kusii hakanayaan wadamada Imaaraadka, Qadar iyo Masar oo amni ahaan ka duwan Somalia iyo Kenya. Wadamada dhawaan laga mamnuucay muwaadiniintan ayaa waxaa kamid ah Kenya oo aan ku taagneyn cago wanaagsan, maadaama ay isku hayaan muxaafid iyo mucaarad. Muwaadiniinta dhoofka ka ah magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa barbar socda dhoof kale oo ay wadaan muwaadiniinta heysta dhalashada UK, Swedan iyo kuwo kale oo dareen cabsi ka qaba xaalada amni ee ka jirta Somalia. Sidoo kale, cabsida lasoo daristay dadkan qurba joogta ah ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xili ay soo baxayaan warar sheegaya in magaalada Muqdisho ay ku jiraan gaadiid noocyo waaweyn ah oo laga soo buuxiyay walxaha Qarxa oo la doonaayo in lagu haligo dad masaakiin ah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa sii kordhaaya weerarada ay maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab ku qabsanayaan Saldhigyada ay ciidamada dowlada ku leeyihiin Gobolada dalka. Weerarada ayaa noqonaaya kuwa soo laalaabta oo maleeshiyaadka ay ku qabsadaan Saldhigyada ay ciidamada ku leeyihiin Gobolada Shabeellaha Hoose iyo Dhexe oo ay ka dhacaan weerarada ugu badan. Weerarada soo laalaabta ayaa lagu sheegay inay sabab u yihiin 3 qodob oo kala ah:- 1-Ciidamada ka howlgala Saldhigyada Gobolada qaarkood oo aan mushaar qaadan muddo ku dhow laba sano. 2-Oraahdii aheyd askari baahan cadow kaama celsho oo dhaqan gashay. 3-Xiriirka ka dhexeeya Talisyada iyo ciidamada ka howlgala Saldhigyada oo aad u hooseeya, taa oo sababtay mooraal jabka ciidamada. Waxyaabaha fududeeya soo laalaabashada weerarada ay maleeshiyaadka ku qabsadaan Saldhigyada ayaa waxaa kamid ah:- 1-Ciidamada oo u badan kuwa kasoo goostay al-Shabaab oo wada shaqeyn ay weli kala dhexeyso maleeshiyada. 2-Xuquuq la’aanta heysa ciidamada oo sabab u noqoneysa inay xiriir hoosaad la sameeyan maleeshiyaadka iyagoo inta uu weerarka socdo u baneeya Saldhigyada. Saldhigyada ugu badan ee lagala wareego ciidamada dowlada ayaa ku yaala Gobolada Shabellaha Hoose iyo Dhexe oo lagala baxo Hub iyo Gaadiid. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dowlada Somalia ayaan xooga saarin xuquuqda ciidamada ee ka howlgala Gobolada dalka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. The Somaliland Diaspora community has played a remarkably historical role in the reconstruction and development of the country. The Diaspora communities have been one of the primary contributory sources for the economic growth in the private development sector since regaining Somaliland independence. There are no accurate data currently on remittances however it is estimated to be $500-$900 million per year. It is also estimated that the remittance from the Diaspora communities accounts for over 50% of the per capita income. There has been a highly noticeable increase in respect of the Diaspora-invested businesses/SMEs that have proliferated in the Republic of Somaliland since the last decade recent years mainly in the capital city, Hargeisa, but also many in the other major cities Many Somalilandes, mostly returnees from the United Kingdom, but also the Scandinavian countries, Canada, the Gulf Countries, Australia and the United States have invested in small to medium scale businesses in different economic sectors not limited to but include tourism, real estate, numerous in the service sector – catering, accommodations, attractions, lodging, health and education, recreational services, also the manufacturing sector. They have extensively invested assorted sectors in the real estate industry. They built nice-looking, beautifully-structured houses, hotels, and brought innovative trade services which best contributes to the city landscape, tourism attractions, and many essential for the public needs facilities both in the capital city, and in the other six major cities including Borama, Burao, and Las’anod. The reality is that the Somaliland Diaspora communities have played a significant part in reestablishing peace and stability coupled with the confidence for a progressive democracy which enhances their ability to repatriate and invest in their country of origin should they wish to do so. The Somaliland Diaspora Agency (SLDA) roughly estimates that over a thousand Somaliland entrepreneurs from the Diaspora community are already investing in the country also in major multiple investments in Somaliland. The benefits of the Diaspora communities’ contribution to the economic growth through the increase of the labor industry as well as essential government tax revenues cannot be understated. The Somaliland Diaspora Agency at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation has been engaged in developing Somaliland National Diaspora Policy and long term strategic planning through a consultative process since 2016 and has launched the initiative of the “Somaliland Diaspora Business Investment Survey” in October 2017. The first phase of the survey currently goes in Hargeisa, and is planned to extend to the other major cities and towns including Borama, Berbera, Burao, Las’anod, and Erigavo of the Republic of Somaliland. The overall purpose of the Survey is to extract an effective evaluation and ascertain the extent and level of the Somaliland Diaspora investment in the private sector. Specific objectives of the Survey are not limited to but also include identifying the varieties of the Diaspora-invested businesses and the sectors involved, the values and extent of the investments, the extent of the contributions through job creation in conjunction with the diversities of the host countries of the Diaspora communities. Registration Campaign of the Diaspora-invested businesses in Somaliland: Regrettably, we currently have less than half of the estimated Diaspora-invested businesses in the Diaspora Business Investment Database for our Agency. As a result we have initiated an in-house independent assessment to further bolster our database for interested entrepreneurs. For this reason, the Somaliland Diaspora Agency is taking this opportunity to help these businesses get registered with SLDA in order to create a working relationship and networking and the sharing of information. There are teams currently from SLDA who are conducting the survey moving round the markets and the different parts of Hargeisa visiting both those businesses already in our database and those who were not including the ones opened by the Diaspora only in the recent years. Online Registration System of the Diaspora-invested Businesses: In order to facilitate the registration process, and the survey as well, we have created online registration form in the SLDA website which all the esteemed Diaspora entrepreneurs throughout the regions of the country can have access and fill in the form to answer only the very basic questions regarding the business details, and so get connected. Therefore, we kindly call for you to click the link and complete the form. This is not only cooperative step for the registration but is obliging for survey mission as well. For further information, please contact Tel 063 6487552/063 3215146, Ms Sahra Mohamed Hashi, Director of the Planning & Research Dept of SLDA, and the official in charge of this project, or email to / Finally, we are very thankful to all the Diaspora entrepreneurs/investors for their cooperation and giving time to provide time for interviews and information to the Survey Team, as well as those who are contacting us on the phone telling us their business physical addresses/location, or completing the online form in the SLDA Our special thanks also go the Diaspora entrepreneurs in Hargeisa or elsewhere, and who by themselves visiting us in the SLDA Head Office inside the Compound of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of the Republic of Somaliland, just coming to bring us their business details, and making registration as well to support successful implementation of the Survey. END Published by the Somaliland Diaspora Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland Tel: 063 6487552, Nov 10, 2017
  16. Booliiska magaalada Toulouse Koonfurta dalka France ayaa sheegay in ugu yaraan saddex arday ay dhaawacmeen,kadib markii nin si ula kac ah gaari u jiirsiiyey meel u dhow iskuulkooda jimcihii maanta. Ninka loo xiray falkaan oo da’diisa lagu shegay 28 sano jir,ayaa Booliisku horay u ogaayeen denbiyo yar yar oo uu geystay,laakiin kuma jirin liiska dadka looga shakisanyahay argagixisada,sida ay soo werisay Wakaaladda Wararka Reuters. Dhammaan ardayda wax ku noqday falkaan waxay ka soo jeedaan Waddanka Shiinaha,waxaana mid kamid ah laga daweynayaa dhaawac culus oo ka soo gaaray madaxa,sida laga soo xigtay xarumaha caafimaadka. Xeer ilaaliyaha magaalada Toulouse, ayaa qoraal uu soo saaray ku sheegay “in xilligaan uusan dhacdada u arkayn mid argagixiso,inkastoo uusan ka fogayneyn haddana“,wuxuu tilmaamay in ninka weerarka geystay uu in muddo ahba la’noolaa dhimir xanuun,islamarkaana isbitaal la dhigay sannadkii 2016. In ka badan 240 ruux ayaa ku naf waayey dalka France ,tan iyo bilowgii sannadkii 2015,weerarro ay qaadeen dad taageersan Daacish,,waxaana Isniinta soo socota ku beegantahay sannad-guuradii labaad ee weerarkii Paris ee ay ku dhinteen ugu yaraan 130 ruux. Horraantii todobaadkaan,Booliiska France ayaa hawl gal ay fuliyeen ku xiray sagaal qof oo looga shakisanyahay argagixiso,halka mid kale laga qabtay waddanka Switzerland. PUNTLANDPOST The post Deg deg:khasaare ka dhashay gaari dad lagu jiirsiiyey dalka France. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Kampala (PP) ─ Warbixin uu baahiyay taliska millateriga Uganda, ayaa lagu taageeray hawl-galka Somalia looga dul-qaadayo Al-shabaab, kaasoo ay dhawaan ku dhawaaqay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo. Xukuumadda Uganda ayaa sheegtay in Somalia ay ka taageerayso hawl-galka ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab, isla markaana ay ku caawin doonto wax kasta oo lagu helayo nabadda iyo deggenaanshaha Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, Dowaldda Uganda ayaa xustay inay Somalia u dirayso ciidamo gaaraya 5,000 oo askari, kuwaaasoo ka madax-bannaan hawlgalka Midowga Afrika iyo Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia. Dowladda Uganda waxay warbixinteeda ku sheegtay in cidiamadan ay yihiin kuwo gaar ah oo ay ugu talo-gashay inay ka qayb-qaatana hawlgalka lagula dagaalamayo Al-shabaab ee dhawaan ka billaaban doona Somalia oo dhan. Afhayeenka millateriga Uganda, Brig. Richard Karemire oo la hadlay Xinhua ayaa sheegay in Xukuumadda Uganda oo matalaysa dalalka Pan-Africans-ka ay diyaar u tahay inay ciidammo u dirto Soomaaliya. “Waxaan mar walbo diyaar u nahay inaan tiro kasto oo ciidammo ah aanu u dirno Somalia, Xukuumadda Uganda iyo Pan-Africans – Waxaannu u baahan nahay xooggaa taageero ahm” ayuu yiri Brig. Karemire. Ugu dambeyn, Hadalkan ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli Madaxda Uganda ay ka dhawaajiyeen maalin ka hor in ciidamada ugu horreeya ee AMISOM ee dalka Somalia ka bixi doona ay noqon doonaan kuweeda. Source: PUNTLAND POST
  18. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online)-Maamulka Jubbaland ayaa soo bandhigay Askarigii dhawaan rasaasta iyo faraxumeynta isugu daray Gabar 16 Jir ah oo kamid aheyd gabdhaha magaalada Boosaaso. Askarigan ayaa waxaa gacanta ku dhigay ciidamada Sirdoonka Jubbaland, kuwaa oo danbiyada ku helay Askariga. Askarigan oo lagu magacaabo Cabduqaadir Warsame ayaa ka tirsan ciidamada Badda Puntland, waxa uuna qirtay inuu ku kacay falka kufsiga ah. Gabadha lagula kacay falkan oo lagu magacaabo Faa’izo, ayaa la sheegay in iminka ay tahay mid la liidata xanuunkii kasoo gaaray faraxumeynta. Maamulka Jubbaland ayaa askarigan ku wareejinaaya maamulka Puntland, waxa uuna Hogaamiyaha maamulka dhawaan iclaamiyay in la horgeyn doono cadaalada.
  19. The incumbent president, His Excellency Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo wrapped up his one-day official visit to Ethiopia by paying a courtesy call on Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn later on Friday. Somaliland president leading a high level delegation met with Ethiopia’s Prime minister and foreign minister, Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu. The essence of the talks were aimed at bolstering cooperation and a farewell to SL outgoing president who is about to transfer power once new president is elected. Somaliland FM who accompanied President Silanyo one day official working visit to Ethiopia has said that in a press briefing.The FM of SL Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire has said that Ethiopian government gave a warm and cordial welcome upon arriving in Addiss Ababa, Ethiopian capital. The red carpet has been rolled out for Somaliland delegation. First, President Silanyo met with Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, Ethiopia’s foreign minister where the two discussed ways of enhancing the bilateral ties between the two countries. Later, the president met with Ethiopia’s premiere, Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn. The two leaders discussed on the cooperation, SL election and president Silanyo thanked Ethiopian PM for his cooperation during Silanyo’s tenure as president which is about to finish. Source:
  20. Now that we have listened to all the political augments, rhetoric and even fake news, it is time we sit back and ponder what the three candidates mean for the future of Somaliland. It is time that despite the outward expression of solidarity with those from our clan background, we reflect inwardly on the decisions we have to make. We need to ask ourselves, is our vote decided by others or by ourselves? Are we going to vote for no other factor other than the candidates’ clan identity? Political Realism Before I ask you to think about your decision, I would like to make some confession on our individual and collective state of affairs. Yes I appreciate the simple fact that clans are aligned with different formations and that it is socially not clever to be seen to go against the grain. Most of us are supporting candidates not because we are convinced of their abilities and realistic agenda as contained in their manifestoes but rather because a preponderant number of our visible clan leaders have declared our wholesale support for a particular candidate without any consultation with us. We seem to be bond to these declarations that we did not partake in their drafting. Yes we have been forced to accept the idea of merry go round – hagbaad where the top seat is rotated around the ‘clans’ for them to have a chance to ‘eat’. We have accepted this despite the fact that we are as far away from the feasting table as one can be. It seems that we derive a sort of weird psychotic slaking if we see one of our own feasting on ill-gotten public resource at our own collective expense. This hallucinating concept of ‘we’ clouds our vision of the poverty that is debilitating us. We sing and shout hoarse in support of a small click that squander our taxes with impunity and grieve to the point of surrendering our precious lives if the same click that live in gated mansions complain of exclusion. Yes the political elites have their hordes that spread fake sense of grievance calculated against the competing political grouping. These campaign loudmouths know us very well. They don’t bother to pretend to work or do good, all the they need is to arouse our passion – tolaaaaahii, anago reer beheel ……and like poodles we rush to their defence even at the risk of our limbs and lives. They ask us to hate and we hate without question and in the blink of an eye, if their interest changes, they unashamedly ask us to love the very same individuals they made us writhe with consuming hate. In short they have our switches and they can turn it on or off with the full expectation of our unqualified rallying to them. Audacity of mental Independent I appreciate that we have been knotted, entangled and leashed and we have little room to manoeuvre and regain our free will and freedom of thought. It is hard to keep afloat above the deluge of fakery, populism, and clannish politics. Regaining physical independence for those who have suffered physical injuries normally requires, at time painful exercises and a tough will to persevere the discomfort and pain. Mental independence is even harder for those who have been socialized to group subservience. Amorphous clans or its never ending subdivision have a total control of our outlook, our thinking, our action and our identity. Wrestling ourselves off these powerful cultural shackles will take time and pain. It is sad that despite suffering the painful ramification of politics of clans we are yet to accept them as such. Economic woes, illiteracy, poor health, corruption, insecurity, malfunctioning public institutions, municipalities in disarray, famine, to name a few are not seen as the results of this mental slavery but effects of some flimsy factors listed by the beneficiaries of the current system. We are never able to see that these politicians never suffer these ills. They water their gardens while the rest of us use pebbles to clean ourselves in the toilets. Their kids are in foreign universities while those of us who dare move are awaited by the torturing magafeey, the cooking sun of the Libyan Desert and sharp cold arrows of the freezing Mediterranean Sea waters and its hungry sharks. Their waste bins were full of pasta and minced meat while the rest of the country withered in the unrelenting droughts. They wear $200 macaawiis while our thin second hand hudeey shirts are tearing on our backs. In short these politicians are immune from our sufferings. Their world sustained by our collective imbecility and taxes is far away and we can only dream off. Small Steps of Recovery As all recoveries from injury, sickness or addiction take small steps, our quest for mental independence needs such small steps. We can take these steps by looking at key issues that are on the table in this election. Key Issues I am not suggesting here drastic and or revolutionary disentanglement from mental slavery that I have painted in the preceding paragraphs but rather some very basic steps that will help us achieve this freedom of thought and will. The mundane list is: Somaliland National Security and Somaliland’s Economy. All other factors are icing on the cake and can never be achieved in the absence of security and economic wherewithal. I will ask you and especially those of you who claim to have receive some education to take time and ponder on these two factors. I preferably will beg your indulgence to think about them when you are alone on your bed, when all the histrionics are off and there are no clan honchos to reprimand, cajole or command you to toe the line. National Security Remember we are surrounded by a sea of violence, insecurity and threats of terrorism. These are factors that call for a man with a steel backbone, one who will not dither, delegate or whimper. Now that you know the personalities of the three candidates and their key supporting actors, who do you trust to ensure the security of your families, properties and country? Ask yourself who amongst the three pretenders to the throne can ensure sustainable security. Who has the ability, the will to take tough unpopular decision on matters of security? National Economy Any economy requires resources, security and probity to prosper. Natural resources are plenty in the country – livestock, marine, extractive resource such as coal, limestone, precious minerals, and even oil; a young ambitious and fairly educated manpower and a growing market. In terms of probity there are two fundamental factors – institutions and individuals. Our institutions are still very small, weak and fragile to enforce trust in our public finance management. The legal environment is still at its cradles, and despite the existence of a National Plan and Vision, we are yet to get the administration that will operationalize them. What we are grossly lacking is the existence of individuals of impeccable character who can be entrusted with the management of our economy. All the three parties have made their economic case or rather dreams and they sound great on paper but we know that the key enemies of any economy are corruption and insecurity. Hence the question I want to ask you is very simple – can you entrust your shop to individuals whom you have heard mentioned in corruption? If the answer is no, then you have to look around and see where the notorious characters are hibernating. Does defection from one party to the other absolves a politician’s economic sins? Once you have properly analysed these, try to ask those close to you and reason with them. This is risky but worth the effort as it will help us get independence of mind and will and make Somaliland a great democracy. Whatever your decision, be the vanguard of peace and unity. Vote sensibly and let us all pray for our young Fatherland. VIVA SOMALILAND Faisal Kenadid Hargeisa, Somaliland
  21. People work in a printing studio as they prepare materials to mark the break-away of Somaliland from Somalia in Hargeysa, May 16, 2015. © 2015 Reuters On November 13, the self-declared autonomous state of Somaliland will be holding presidential elections, the third since declaring independence from Somalia in 1991. The incumbent is stepping down and the elections are pitting the ruling party’s candidate against two opponents, in what commentators describe as a close race. Today, the national electoral commission announced at a press conference that it will be imposing a shutdown of social media from November 13 until the election results come out. While governments have sought to justify such bans on the grounds that election commentary may spark violence or the proliferation of “fake news,” the public’s access to information is key to free and fair elections. A May 2015 joint declaration by inter-governmental experts on freedom of expression states that shutting down entire parts of communications systems, “can never be justified under human rights law.” Government restrictions should be law-based and a necessary and proportionate response to a specific security concern, not simply to curtail the flow of information. The proposed Internet shutdown would be a first in Somaliland, but not in the region. In several countries, including Sudan, South Sudan, and Ethiopia, telecommunications authorities have deliberately blocked the Internet for days or longer during periods of social unrest and elections. In November 2016, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights raised concerns over, “the emerging practice of State Parties of interrupting or limiting access to telecommunications services such as the Internet, social media, and messaging services, increasingly during elections,” and called on governments to guarantee, respect, and protect citizens’ rights to freedom of information and expression through access to Internet services. Somaliland officials should acknowledge the critical role the Internet plays in its development and democratization process. And, if they are concerned about the spread of “fake news” and social unrest, they can disseminate accurate information and discourage violence. Somaliland has the chance to conduct elections in a manner that promotes genuine participation. It should step back from taking measures that would thwart this. HRW
  22. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Dowlada Jabuuti ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Somalia ay usoo direyso ciidamo xoogan oo ka garab dagaalama kuwa dowlada Somalia. Jabuuti ayaa sheegtay in ciidamadaasi ay ka qeybqaadan doonaan dagaalka ka dhanka ah Alshabaab oo ay qaadeyso dowlada Somalia. General Zakariye Sheekh Ibraahim oo ah Taliyaha Ciidamada xoogga dalka Jabuuti, ayaa sheegay in Somalia ay u dirayaan ciidamo hor leh. Taliyaha ayaa sheegay Ciidamadan ay u soo dirayaan Somalia in ay codsatay Xukuumadda Federaalka Somalia, wuxuuna tilmaamay Ciidamadan in ay si gaar ah uga howlgeli doonaan magaalooyin ay kamid tahay Cadaado. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay in qeybta 5aad ee Ciidamada Hiil walaal ay soo dhameysteen tababar muddo ay ku soo jireen, waxaana dhowaan ay soo gaari doonaan magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Somalia. Sidoo kale, dalabka lagu keenaayo Somalia ciidamadan ayaa waxaa horay u jeediyay Madaxweynaha Somalia Maxamed C/laahi Maxamed ”Farmaajo” oo dhawaan booqasho ku tagay wadamo ay ka mid yihiin Jabuuti, Uganda iyo Ethiopia. Dhinaca kale, dalalka uu Farmaajo weydiistay ciidamada ayaa kamid ah wadamada ay ciidamada ka joogan Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  23. Ahead of the meeting with Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn a delegation led by Somaliland President Mohamed Silanyo meets with Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh this morning (November 10). Mentioning the warm welcome accorded to him and his delegation, President Mohamed commended the government of Ethiopia for its unwavering commitment in being accessible to the requests of the people and the government of Somaliland more than any other country. President Mohamed noted with satisfaction the success of cooperation between the two governments and urged the need to scale up collective efforts in widening and deepening the ties in arrays untapped before. Given the shared aspiration, language, culture and history between the people of Somaliland and Ethiopia, Dr. Workneh emphasized the need to lift up the people to people relationship to a high gear. Naming Somaliland an “Oasis of Peace”, the Foreign Minister expressed his hope that the country will witness another free, fair and peaceful election as the country is gearing towards its third presidential election on November 13 in which 704, 089 registered voters are expected to elect a new president. Dr. Workneh noted his Government’s readiness to hold up the exemplary democratic and economic developments in Somaliland. The election is expected to mark a milestone in Somaliland’s electoral development as it will be the first time that the incumbent, President Silyano, has not challenged for the top job. MOFA Ethiopia
  24. ABDISHAKUR AHMED The dramatic decrease in the cost of renewable energy technologies seen in recent years presents an unprecedented opportunity to improve our access to energy—and create employment in the process. This is especially true in Somaliland, where more than 80% of the local population of 3.5 million does not have access to modern electricity. Somaliland’s small economy cannot afford large investments in the infrastructure needed for generating energy in the more traditional, 20th century sense. Running electricity lines over long distances to reach a geographically dispersed, off-grid population is simply uneconomical. Moreover, at US$0.85 per kilowatt, the cost of electricity in Somaliland is among the highest in the world. The alternative is to promote renewable energy innovations, such as pico-solar products, off-grid and on-grid small-scale solar systems, and solar-powered irrigation systems. This will create considerable employment opportunities for the large number of Somali youth (comprising 67% of the population), particularly in distribution, sales, installation, and maintenance. Affordable and reliable electricity is an indispensable prerequisite for economic development: if families can get affordable and reliable electricity, economic activities will increase, incomes will rise, and more money can be invested in local businesses and education. This fosters hope in locally sourced energy solutions as a means of employment, and deters youths from migrating to urban areas or fleeing to Europe along dangerous routes purely for the sake of social and economic advancement. Personal Experience I was raised in a rural village and the lack of access to modern electricity has affected me personally. This later inspired me to start my own renewable energy company, which I did in December 2014. SomLite is a solar product, distribution and financing social enterprise that focuses on bringing economic advancement to rural and peri-urban communities through access to renewable energy. We provide good quality solar lanterns, sourced from proven manufacturers, and make these units affordable for rural customers through daily payment instalment plans, made via local mobile money services. Most importantly, our market entry strategy includes recruiting sales agents local to the communities in which we operate. As of today, SomLite has directly created 29 jobs (5 managers and 24 sales agents), of which 15 have gone to women. Somlite is also currently piloting solar-powered water pumps for irrigation that will reduce the cost of energy for rural farmers and increase agricultural productivity. This will lead to domestic agricultural growth and create jobs in the agricultural industry. Although most of Somlite’s jobs have been created in rural areas, we plan to roll out this successful model in urban areas by commercializing on-grid, rooftop solar. Our five-year plan is to continue to expand, in order to generate both energy and jobs for all Somalis in surrounding regions. Overall, promoting access to energy, and channelling investment to off-grid and on-grid renewable energy technologies, will catalyse the economy and create jobs for Somali youth. Investing in local and innovative solutions can reduce rural poverty, increase productivity, and curb unsafe migration to urban areas in Somaliland and beyond.
  25. Balcad (Caasimada Online) – Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa dagaal kula wareegay degaaanka Basra oo ka tirsan Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe iyo deegaano kale, kadib dagaal ay la galeen ciidamada Dowladda Soomaaliya, oo ay maalmahan isku hayeen halkaas.. Dagaalkan oo bilowday duhurnimadii maanta ayaa labada dhinac waxa ay isku adeegsadeen hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan, waxaana ka dhashay khasaare nafeed xooggan, sida ay wararka sheegayaan. Ilaa hadda si dhab ah looma oga khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay dagaalka, balse waxaaa jira khasaare kala duwan oo labada dhinac soo gaaray. Warar kale oo madax banaan ayaa sheegaya Shabaabka sidoo kale in ay la wareegeen degaanka Alifoow. Xaalada degaanka Basra ayaaa kacsan, waxaaana mar kale la filan karaa, sida ay sheegeen dadka degaaanka. Al-Shabaab ayaa sidoo kale baraha ay ku leeyihiin Internet-ka waxa ay ku soo qoreen in ay la wareegeen deegaanadii lagu dagaalamay gaar ahaan deegaanada Basro iyo Daniga Baalow oo hoostaga degmada Balcad. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho