Deeq A.

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  1. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka dalka Jabuuti Maxamed Cali Xaamud ayaa lagu wadaa in maanta oo Sabti ah uu khudbad ka jeediyo xarunta golaha shacabka ee magaalada Muqdisho. Kulanka xildhibaannada shacabka ay leeyihiin ayuu hadl dheer oo uu kaga hadlayo xiriirka Soomaaliya iyo Jabuuti ka jeedin doonaa, waxaana sidoo kale uu soo hadal qaadi doonaa guddoomiye Xaamud taageerada ay dowladda Jabuuti la garab taagan tahay Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Jabuuti ayaa khamiistii soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna Jimcihii shalay booqday magaalada B/weyne oo ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamo ka socda dalkiisa . Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Insha Allah. Goobjoog News Source
  2. Siyaasi Cabdi Xaashi C/salaam oo la hadlay Goobjoog News, ayaa sheegay in carqalad siyaasadeed ay ka dhalan karto dalabkii 23-kii bishan ay maamul goboleedyada u jeediyeen aqalka sare ee baarlamaanka, kaasi oo ku aadan in la hakiyo dhammaan hindise sharciyeedyada la meelmarinayo. Waxa uu tilmaamay in xukuumadda uu hoggaamiyo Ra’iisul wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre laga doonayo iney fuliso balamihii ay la galeen madaxda maamul goboleedyada. “Wixii lagu heshiin haddii aan la fulin hadde waxaa imaaneysa carqalad siyaasadeed oo ka dhex bilaabanta dowladdii dhexe iyo dowlad goboleedyada” ayuu yiri Cabdi Xaashi. Maamul goboleedyada ayaa dalbanaya in dowladda Federaalka ay fuliso heshiiskii ahaa in golahooda lasoo marsiiyo hindise sharciyeedyada ay soo gudbiso xukuumadda kahor inta aan loo gudbin baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya. Halkaan hoose ka dhageyso: News Source
  3. Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa howlgal ballaaran oo amniga lagu xaqiijinayo waxay ka sameeyeen deegaanno dhowr ah oo hoostaga degmada Baraawe ee gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Guddoomiyaha degmadaasi Aadan Cumar Madoobe oo la hadlay Goobjoog News, ayaa sheegay in howlgalkaan uu ahaa mid qorsheysan, islamarkaana deegaannada ay tageen aysan la kulmin wax dagaal ah oo dhanka Al-shabaab kaga yimaada. Wuxuu sheegay iney soo qabteen dad lagu tuhmayo iney falal amni darri maleegayeen, haatanna baaritaan ay ku wadaan. Guddoomiye Aadan ayaa ulajeedka howlgalkaan wuxuu ku sheegay iney tahay oo kaliya sidii loo xaqiijin lahaa amniga dhammaan deegaannada ku dhow degmada Baraawe. Ugu dambeyn, guddoomiye Aadan Cumar Madoobe ayaa ka gaabsaday inuu faah faahin dheeraad ah ka bixiyo tirada dadka lagu soo qabtay howlgalkaan. Goobjoog News Source
  4. Madaxweynaha maamulka Hirshabelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda Federaalka iyo xafiiska madaxweyne Farmaajo ay hareer mareen heshiis ay 5-tii bishan ku gaareen magaalada Muqdisho dowladda Federaalka iyo maamuyl goboleedyada. Wuxuu sheegay in dowladda ay ka baxday heshiiskii ahaa in lagala tashto maamul goboleedyada Hindise sharciyeedyada kahor inta aan loo gudbin baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya. “Waxaan ballan ka lahayn in Hindise sharciyeedyada la horkeenayo Baarlamaanka wadatashi laga sameeyo, iyadoo la is tusay muhiimad ay leedahay, wixii shirkeenii ka dambeeyay waxaa baarlamaanka la horkeenay hidise sharciyeedyo, waxaan rajeyneynaa in sidii ballanta ahayd nalagala tashado sharciyadaasi, la tashigaasina aan fikradeenna iyo dareenkeenna ku biirinno” Sidoo kale madaxweyne Waare ayaa sheegay in dowladda dhexe laga doonayo in wadatashi lagala sameeyo maamullada hindise sharciyeedyada, kahor meelmarinta baarlamaanka. “Annaga waxaan dalbaneyno waa wadatasho oo kaliya oo fikradeenna lagu daro sharciyadan, waxaana saldhig u ah waxaa soo dhan in la hirgeliyo barnaamijka federaalka, runtii inaan federal qaadanno oo wuxuu qabo aan ku dhaqanno ama intaan iska deyno oo dhahno naga daaya ayaa la rabaa, laakiinse inaan dhahdo federal ayaan nahay hadana aan u dhaqanno in waxa oo dhan isku meel wax ku jiraan waa nasiib darro” ayuu yiri Waare. 23-kii bishan, qoraal kasoo baxay golaha iskaashiga dowlad goboleedyada ayaa aqalka sare ee baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ka dalbaday iney hakiyaan ka doodista iyo meelmarinta hindise sharciyeedyada aan iyaga lagala tashan. Goobjoog News Source
  5. Madaxweynaha dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed Farmaajo ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyay qarax Jimcihii shalay ka dhacay masjid ku yaalla dalka Masar, kaasi oo ay ku dhinteen 235 qof. Madaxweyne Farmaajo, ayaa sheegay in xanuunka uu la qeybsanayo dowladda masar iyo ehelada dadkii qaraxaasi ku waxyeeloobay, waxuuna dadka dhintay uu alle uga baryey in Janadiisa uu ugu Bishaareeyo, kuwa dhaawaca ahna uu deg deg ku bogsiiyo. . “Aniggoo ku hadlaya magaceyga iyo kan Shacabka Jamhuuriyadda federaalka Soomaaliya waxaan xanuunka la qeybsanayaa dowladda Masar iyo shacabkeeda xanuunka iyo murugada ka dhalatay dadka sida arxan darrada ah loogu xasuuqay Masjidul Rowdah ee dalka masar ku yaalla, waxaan garab taaagan nahay masar, waxaana ku garab siineynaa siddii argagixisada qeybo kamid aduunka dhibaatada ka wado uga adkaan laheyd, qaraxa maanta salaadda khudbada kadib ka dhacay Masjidul Rowdah waxay muujineysaa ficilada xun ee kooxaha Argaggixisada waana wax ka hor imaanayo diinta Islaamka ” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Farmaajo Rag looga shakiyay iney maleeshiyo yihiin ayaa weerar Bam iyo sidoo kale rasaas toos ah waxay ku qaadeen Masjidka Rowda ee ku yaalla waqooyiga magaalada Siinaay ee dalka Masar. Goobjoog News Source
  6. Ambassador Kaysar A. Mohamed is a young politician in the government of the self-proclaimed independent region of Somaliland. He is currently serving as vice minister of foreign affairs where presenting Somaliland’s case for recognition is the mainstay. Recently, Somaliland is preparing to hold presidential elections which were pushed from its original schedule in 2015. Hence, while on business in Addis, Ambassador A. Mohamed took a moment to sit down with Asrat Seyoum of The Report for a brief interview. Excerpts: The Reporter: In the 2001 constitutional referendum conducted in Somaliland, the country installed a new multiparty democratic system where the number of the legal political parties was limited to three. So, can you walk me through the justification for this arrangement? Kaysar A. Mohamed: As you have indicated it was in 2001 that we held our first constitutional referendum, which was passed with 87 percent support. This constitution was also a testament to the unwavering support that the majority of Somalilanders have for continued independence of their country. In this constitution we have also decided to limit the number of legally registered parties to three because we have had a bad experience with unlimited number of political parties. As you know, in the 1960s that is before the Siad Barre coup d’état of October 1969, we have had a democratic system. This was the time after Somaliland’s independence and its subsequent willful unification with Somalia in the interest of forming the Greater Somalia. In that brief democratic period we had experienced great problems with the clans forming their own political parties. So now, based on our experience, although anyone is entitled to form a political party, we have decided that legally registered national parties should be limited to three. This will be decided based on democratic votes; the three parties which have managed to get the most votes in the local election will secure a place to become a national party. However, the number of political organizations which will be entitled to take part in the local election is not limited. I think, the last local election was conducted in 2012 and in that election some 14 political organizations contested in the election to secure a spot at the national level. The rest of the political organizations will then be forced to join the three to have meaningful role at the national level. Currently, we have three national parties namely UCID a.k.a. For Justice and Development Party, Kulmiye and Wadani. The three parties have fielded their candidates for the upcoming presidential election. What happens to the three national parties during local elections? Do they have to fight for their spot at the national level every time? Yes, including the incumbent, all parties will have to take part in the local election to gain position as a national political actor. The incumbent will have to ensure its continued survival at local elections if the party is to remain as a national party. The other issue with Somaliland elections is the campaign financing. As you may know, the combined budget of individual election campaigns in the local elections of 2012 was as high as 50 million dollars. This covers considerable portion of the country’s national budget. What legal control mechanisms have you enacted to correct this issue? By principle, there is no limitation on the political parties to seek financial backing from its members, the Somaliland community or the diaspora. With the exception of soliciting financial backing from foreign country, there is no restriction. It is really up to the parties/organizations on how they mobilize their support and members. As far as financial backing is concerned, it is believed that the bulk of the support would come from Somaliland communities. So as long as they mobilize it from Somaliland communities they are free to mobilize as much as they can. But there are concerns of financial means influencing election outcomes and some commentators are even going to the extent of alluding that votes are being sold. Is it not worrisome? I don’t think that is a real concern at this point; not to that extent anyways. We also know that the business community always supports political candidates whether openly or behind the scene. That is common. It is more like elections in democratic systems like the United States. As you know, in the US, if you have money you can stand for elections. Regardless, it is a concern for the government. But, you have to understand that as a government, it is really difficult to deal with this concern. First of all, you need to have specific laws to limit campaign financing and it will definitely be something that we will work out. You also have to understand that we have come a very long way when you see out history. Somaliland started out in 1991 and so far we have managed to mold a democratic state. So, it will take time to straighten out everything this early in our history. In regards to the upcoming elections, it is understood that the original timeline for the November 13 elections was back in 2015. And that has been postponed. Can tell us what promoted the postponement and walk us through the preparation thus far? The main reason why we had to postpone the elections was because of the drought in 2015 which affected most of the six Somaliland administrative regions. It was in fact the commitment of the government to keep up with the original schedule. However, a consensus among the opposition and ruling party as well as the Somaliland people forced the government and the electoral commission to push the timetable. Currently, we have finished the voter registration process and issuing voter cards. As you may know, we have decided to implement a modern state-of-the-art biometric registration system based on iris recognition. I think it is the first time in Africa. Furthermore, the electoral commission has completed many tasks such as the legal framework, voter registration, and distribution of voter cards, declaration of polling day, which is 13th of November, and also the nomination of candidates. Now, we have reached the final stages of the campaign period. Two weeks ago, we also conducted our first live televised presidential debate. I think the debate as well is not common in Africa or our region; so we are very proud of our democracy. I also feel that this election would open a lot of doors for Somaliland. Based on voter registration numbers, how do you think polling day turn out would be? Around, 600,000 citizens have collected their voter cards. When you look back to previous presidential election this number is quite similar. For example, in the last presidential elections it was around 700,000 and this is usually the number that turns out to vote on polling day. Those who register are usually around one million while the 700,000 actually cast their ballot. This election is also the first time that citizens from the six regions of Somaliland managed to register to vote in the election. This is significant especially with regards to regions like Khatoum in eastern Somaliland since there were some problems in that region which is settled now. There were also reports of irregularities like the two major parties (Kulmiye and Wadani) campaigning during voter registration which against law. How would that affect that election? You have to understand that electoral commission is a very independent institution; they will not have any interference from the government. And hence, in relation to the said irregularities, the commission has actually investigated incidents and has fined the two parties. This is a big step when you consider where we were some years back. I think the electoral commission is doing a very amazing job. With regards to the eastern region, we have heard reports that the problems there might be connected to interference from the Puntland government. There were also verbal exchanges with the Puntlanders. What is the issue there? I think the Puntlanders have enough problems of their own and they don’t need to create one with Somaliland. The whole problem involves the claim of the Puntlanders that some communities in the eastern part of Somaliland have some tribal linkages to the people on their side and hence they belong to Puntland. This is unacceptable. Somaliland could not redraw its boarder all over again every time some latent claims start to reemerge. It is like me claiming some of my relatives are living in Eastern Ethiopia and hence the territory they are living in belongs to Somaliland. This is not an isolated incident. Puntlanders are used to creating such problems. Although Somaliland preference is peace with all its neighbors, they also know that we are very capable of defending our territory. There also reports of growing tensions and rivalry between the ruling Kulmiye and Wadani parties in recent times. There are even reports of confrontations between the two in parliament following the election of a new house chairman. Some say this casts a shadow of doubt on the upcoming elections? That, in my opinion, was a minor issue. It was following the resignation of the house chairman, who was also head of the opposition Wadani party, to run for the presidency. Now, the house has elected a replacement in his place and including the outgoing chairman all three presidential candidates are campaigning peacefully. So, there is no issue for now. As I have mentioned, our current president was an opposition leader in 2005 presidential election and he lost the presidency by 80 votes and accepted gracefully. It was after campaigning again that he was able to win the presidency in 2010. Although he could run for a second term he decided not to leave the space for other candidates. But going back to the issue, the house chairmanship election was contested fiercely by the candidate from Wadani and he even appealed to the Supreme Court… Yes, that issue has now been settled. There were two candidates competing for the chairmanship to replace the outgoing chair who was also Wadani leader and candidate for the upcoming elections. One of the candidates was from Kulmiye and the other form Wadani. Eventually, the Wadani candidate had accepted that Kulmiye candidate has won the chairmanship. In the process, unfortunately, the Wadani candidate has passed and now there is only one chairman of the parliament. And the situation has resolved itself. With all the positive aspects of Somaliland’s multiparty system in place, there are still claims that even the democratic multiparty system is infiltrated by the old clan politics. Especially, diaspora returnees, who want serve their nation, claim that clan allegiance is still a deterministic factor in Somaliland. What is your take on that? In a lot of ways, I think that we as nation are still learning and are new to the multiparty democratic system. I am sure the new government that would come to power would look into how they can modernize our multiparty political system. Also, we are planning to hold parliamentary and local elections in two years’ time. I think before that, both the commission and the government will sit down to look for a way of modernizing our multiparty system. However, so far, we are very proud of what we were able to achieve in the past 26 years. We have respected all basic rights and political freedoms to our citizens. And I hope the international community will reward what we have achieved with more support from outside. We understand that the international community is focusing on Somalia but I feel we deserve some attention as well with regard to what we are doing in fighting terrorism, piracy and in securing our borders and keeping peace and stability. So, I think that the international community ought to give a strong consideration to a two state solution (Somalia and Somaliland republic) since the so-called dream of Greater Somalia is dead and buried. By Asrat Seyoum Ethiopian Reporter
  7. Madaxweynaha Masar Cabdi Fitaax Al-siisii ayaa ballan qaaday inay jawaab kulul ay ka bixin doonaan weerarkii shalay lagu qaaday Masjid ku yaallo Magaalada Siinay ee waqooyiga dalkaasi. Al-siisii oo ka hadlayey Telefishinka qaranka Masar ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in ciidamada qalabka sida iyo kuwa booliskaba ay u istaagi doonaan inay u aar gudaan dadkii ku dhintay weerarkaan. Madaxweynaha ayaa sidoo kale tilmaamay in ciidamada ay ka shqeyn doonaan dib u soo celinta amniga iyo xasiloonida maalmaha soo socda. Cabdi Fitaax Al-siisii ayaa yiri “ Waxaan ka digayaa inay dhacdadaan ay niyad jabiso dadka reer Masar,howlahaan argagixiso waxaan ka qaadeynaa awood iyo inaan meel uga soo wada jeesanno argigixisada”. Madaxweynaha Masar ayaa waxay ku dhawaaqay saddex maalin oo baroor diiq ah. Shalay aye aheyd markii weerar lala beegsaday Masjid ku yaallo gobolka Siinay,waxaana ku dhintay dad gaaraya 235qof,halka ay ku dhaawacmeen 109 kale. Dadka ku tukanayey masjidka ayaa waxaa lagu qiyaasay tiradooda inay gaarayeen 400 oo qof. Wadamada Mareykanka,Ingiriiska,Turkiga,Baxreyn iyo Urdun ayaa cambaareeyay weerarkaan oo dhacay xilli lagu jiray salaadda Jimcaha. Mas’uuliyadda weerarkaan ilaa iyo hadda cidna ma sheegan. Source
  8. Tank destroyers from the People’s Liberation Army’s base in Djibouti participate in a live-fire exercise at a range in the African country’s capital on Thursday. ZHANG QINGBAO/FOR CHINA DAILY The Djibouti Logistics Support Base of the People’s Liberation Army conducted a live-fire exercise on Thursday with its heavy-duty weapons, according to the Chinese military. Several wheeled tank destroyers and wheeled infantry fighting vehicles from the base in the Horn of Africa took part in the exercise at a local shooting range and fired dozens of shells, according to a news release published late Friday by the PLA Navy, which administers the logistics support base. Infantry practiced assault maneuvers with the armored vehicles, it said. It quoted Senior Captain Liang Yang, commander of the base, as saying that the move was intended to verify the combat capability of troops and their weapons and to improve their adaptability in the local environment. The PLA established its Djibouti Logistics Support Base, the first of its kind for the Chinese military, on July 11 and put it into formal operation on Aug 1. Located in Djibouti City, the African nation’s capital, the base will support the Chinese military’s naval escort, peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in Africa and western Asia, the Navy said. It will also help China improve its capabilities in international military cooperation, joint exercises, emergency evacuations and overseas rescue. It will enable the nation to better guard the safety of international strategic maritime passages with other countries, it said. President Xi Jinping, also chairman of the Central Military Commission, had a teleconference with troops at the Djibouti base this month during an inspection of the CMC Joint Command Headquarters in Beijing. Xi told them to gain a good reputation for Chinese soldiers and to contribute to regional peace and stability. On Friday, Premier Li Keqiang met with Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh in Beijing. Calling Djibouti a major partner in East Africa, Li said China is willing to work with the nation to make use of each other’s advantages to foster economic cooperation and to build a regional hub of trade and logistics. Chinadaily
  9. Madaxweynayaasha Turkiga iyo Mareykanka ayaa waxay ku heshiiyeen in lala dagaalamo dhammaan kooxaha argigixisada ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Daacish,Fatxullahi Goolan War ka soo baxay madaxtooyada Turkiga ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in labada mas’uul ay kuwada hadleen qadka telefoonka,waxayna is dhaafsadeen aragtiyo ku aadan gobolka iyo arrimaha Siiriya. Madaxweynaha Turkiga ayaa ku eedeeyay Mareykanka inay hubk soo galiyaan wadanka Siiriya kaasi oo ay gacanta ku dhigaan kooxaa Kurdiyiinta ah. Dhankiisa wasiirka arrimaha dibadda TurkigaMevlüt Çavuşoğlu ayaa sheegay in madaxweyne Tarump uu hoosta ka xariiqay in wixii xiligaasi ka bilowda aysan hub soo galin doonin Siiriya. Source
  10. Walaalayaal, rajada aan ka leenahay inaan dib u helno dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo taladeeda iyo go’aankeeda Soomaali leedahay aad bay u yar tahay mustaqbalka dhowhaddii aan laga tashanin arriimahan soo socda; 1. BEESHA CAALAMKA; waa cadowga koowaad oo ay Soomaali leedahay waxaney adeegsanayaan a) awooddii dalka ee siyaasad iyo dhaqaale ay gacanta ku hayaan iyadoo wax dawlad muuqaalka uga eg ugu magac dareen DFS si shacabka loogu qanciyo in beesha caalamka ay dawlad ay gacan siiyaan u dhiseen, isla markaana sameeyey maamul goboleedyo si madax banaan u dhaqmo. b) Cunaqabateyn hubka oo loogu talagalay inaan Soomaali lugaheeda marnaba isku taagin isla markaana lagu hubeeyo ururro mararka qaar ciidamada ka awood badan. Arrintani waxay keentay in Madaxweynaha DF iyo kuwa gobollada ay u hoos fariistaan waddama deriska inay weydiistaan taageero ciidan iyo hubka fudud si ay isaga difaacaan ururrada ka soo horjeeda dawladda. Waxaa meeshaa ka baxay madax bannaanidii, qabkii iyo karaamadii Soomaali lahaani jirtay oo muuqaata in loo dulleeyey dawladaha deriska oon jecleen inay arkaan Soomaali awood leh oo dib isugu taagto, 2. DAWLADAHA KHALIIJKA; Waa cadow sokeeye ah, waana dhuxulo dambas huwan inkastoo hadda ay bannaanka ula soo baxeen. Dawladaha khaliijka iyagu waxaa adeegsanaya shirkado shisheeye oo dano kale Somalia si kheyraadka waddanka aan maamulkiisa farahooda uga bixin. 3. DERISKA; Deriska waxay ka faa’iideen burburka Soomaaliya dhaqaalahooda waxaa kobciyey Soomalidii ku qaxdey oo dhaqaale badan gelisay, hawlaha Soomaaliya ka wadaan hayadaha caalamiga oo saldhig ka dhigtay deriska taasoo dhaqaala xooggan ay ka helaan iyo weliba fursado shaqo oo fara badan. Sidaa darteed ma doonayaan inaad dawlad noqoto. 4. DHUUNI RAAC: Dad Soomaali ah oo la shaqeeyo dawlado iyo sirdoonno shisheeye oo fuliya danaha muuqdo iyo kuwa qarsoon oo dawladahaa shisheeye ka leeyihiin Soomaaliya lkn aan marnaba u suuroobeynin DHUUNI RAACYADAN la’aantood. Kuwaasoo waddanka u diida deggenaasho dhinac walba ah. Kuwan keliya ma aha sababaha noo diidaya inaan dawlad noqonno lkn waa tusaalayaal kooban oo u baahan dadka Soomaaliyeed oo waddankooda jecel isla markaana wax walba lagu bixiyey sidii loo kala dili lahaa inay ku baraarugaan isla markaana ka tashaddaan dabinnada is wada daba yaallo oo u yaallo dadka, dalka iyo diinta Soomaalida. Waad mahadsan tihiin Abdirazak Gaboobe.
  11. Guddiga maaliyadda ee golaha shacabka ayaa soo saaray warbixintooda ku aadan xisaab xirka miisaaniyad sanadeedka 2016-ka, iyada oo soo bandhigay in ay kala duwan yihiin, lacagaha ay dowladda federaalka ah fileysay ama ku talagashay iyo waxa rasmiga ah ee soo xarooday. Qodobadda Ugu Muhiimsanaa Waxaa Ka Mid Ahaa: Guud ahaa qaabka diyaarinta warbixinta xisaab xirka waxaa ka muuqata in aysan jirin faahfaahin xisaabeed oo sahlaya dhaqso u fahanka xisaab xirka miisaaniyadda. Muuqaalka guud ee warbixinta xisaab xirka waxaa ka muuqda khaladaad la sixi karay waqtigeeda . sida kala wareejinta isticmaalka madax xigaha filaanka ah. Deeqaha dibadda ee lab dhinac ayaa la filayey in ay noqoto $34,000,000US$, lacagta dhabta ah ee soo xarootay waxay noqotay $31,260,098 farqiga u dhaxeeya wuxuu noqday $2,739,902 ooah boqolkiiba 8% inta aan la helin. Markii la eego deeqaha sadex geesoodka ayaa waxaa la filaayay in aay ka soo xarootay lacag dhan $74,365,875 lacagta dhabta ah ee ka soo xarootay waa $24,041,451. Farqi uu dhanyahay $50,324,424 kaas oo noqonaya Boqolay ahaan 68% una muuqata in ay la lagu dhisi balanqaad sax ah. Adeegga Shaqaalaha Mushaarka : Mushaarka shaqaalaha ku baxay sanad miisaaniyadeedka 2016 waxaa lagu talagalay kharash dhan 113,067,344, halka miisaaniyadda dhabta ah ee la baxshay ay noqotay $79,314,010 farqiga uu ahaa $33,753,334 una dhiganta 30% taasi oo keentay in la gaariwaayo dakhligii ku tala miisaaniyadda 2016k, keenikartana dayac dhinaca shaqada ama wax soo saarka shaqada maadaama uusan haynin qofka niyad uu ku shaqeeyo. Agabka iyo Adeegga: Miisaaniyadda sanadeedka agabka iyo adeegga ku baxa waxaa lagu talagalay in ay noqoto $96,434,512.00 waxa ay noqotay kharashka dhabta ah ee la isticmaalay $70,246,999.00, waxaana timid kala duwanaasho qoondada iyo kharashaadka la isticmaaley oo dhan $26,187,513.00 noqoneysana 27% keentayna in ay curyaamaan howlihii dowladda lagu dardargalin lahaa maadaama uu ahaa halbowlaha. Deeqaha / Mashaariicda: Deeqaha laga helo deeqbixiyaasha oo loogu talagalay mashaariicda waxay ahayd ku talagalka $17,229,550.00,waxaa la isticmaalay kharasha dhan $9,416,649.00, waxaa timid kala duwanaashah ku talagalka iyo kharashka farqi dhan $7,812,901,kaas oo noqonaya 45% una muuqata in laga faaideysan waayey si kastoo ay ahaataba. Keydka Kabidda: Lacagta keydka miisaaniyadda oo loogu talagalay ka hortaga masiibooyinka sida abaaraha, daadadka , fatahaadaha iyo iwm. Waxaa loo qoondeeyay lacag dhan $2,116,804 waxaa la isticmaalay $ 2,059,409, farqiga u dhaxeeya lacagtii loo qoondeeyay iyo midda la isticmaalay waa $57,395, markii boqoley loo badalo waxay noqoneysaa 3%, sidoo kale madaxaan inta badan waxaa loo isticmaalay wax ka baxsan wixii loogu talo galay. Curaar iyo deymo Kharash bixinta deymaha la galay sannadkii 2015kii laguna soo wareejiyey miisaaniyadda 2016ka kaliya lacag dhan $4,100,000 waxaa la baxshay kharash dhan $4,090,614, farqiga u dhaxeeya wuxuu noqday $9,386 . taaso uu muujineysa in la iska xil saaray bixinta kharashkaas inkastoo aysan ku cadeen warbixinta xisaabiyaha cida iskaleh deemaha iyo sida loo baxshay kaliya un ay tahay warbixin kooban taasi oo aan aad u sahlaneyn ogaasho qota dheer ee dhinaca daymahaan. Isticmaalka Ra’sulmaalka: Ra’sulmaalka waxaa loo qoondeeyay lacag dhan $15,309,692, waxaa la isticmaalay kharash dhan $5,939,039,kala duwanaashaha wuxuu noqdey $9,370,653, boqoley ahaana waxay noqotey 61%. Laba meeloo meel ahaan waa ka badantahay inta soo hartey taasi oo muujineyso in aan loo isticmaalin sidii kutalogalka ahaa qoondada miisaaniyadda 2016 laguna sababeeyay buuxin la’aanta shauruudihii ku xirnaa helidooda.
  12. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xeer Ilaaliyaha Qaranka Axmed Cali Daahir ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dowlada Federaalka ah ee Somalia ay dhawaan fileyso in mar kale ay ka qeybgasho Dacwada Badda ee kala dhexeysa Somalia. Xeer ilaaliyaha waxa uu sheegay in dowladda Kenya ay fursad u heysato in dacwadii laga gudbiyay ay uga soo jawaabto ilaa 18 Bisha soo socota ee December Sanadkaan 2017. Waxa uu tilmaamay in Dowlada Somalia ay dhankeeda ka dhameystirtay dhammaan cadeymaha ku aadan lahaanshiyaha Badda, balse ay u xayiran tahay Kenya oo laga sugaayo ka jawaabida Dacwada laga gudbiyay. Axmed Daahir, waxa uu carab dhabay in markii ay Kenya kasoo jawaabto Dacwada lagu soo oogay loo gudbin doono Maxkamada Hague ee dalka Holland, ay mar kale si toosa u furmi doonto Dacwada Badda leysku heysto. Waxa uu sheegay in Maxkamada Hague ay sugeyso keliya Jawaabka Kenya, si loo bilaabo dhageysiga muranka dhanka Biyaha ee u dhaxeeya Somalia iyo Kenya. ”Dacwada waxa ay dib u furmeysaa marka ay Kenya kasoo jawaabto Dacwada loo heysto, waxa ay fursad u heysataa ilaa 18 Bisha soo socota kadib waxaan u fadhiisan doonaa ka qeybqaadashada Dacwada” ayuu yiri Xeer ilaaliyaha Qaranka. Waxa uu Xeer ilaaliyaha cadeeyay in dowlada Somalia ay gar u leedahay in dib loogu soo celsho xuquuqda laga duudsaday maadaama Badda ka maqan ee ku jirta gacanta Kenya ay tahay mid leh cadeymo aan muran gali karin. Sidoo kale waxa uu shegay in ay tani horseedi karto in Soomaaliya ay guul ka soo hoyiso dacwadeeda Badda, maadaama Kenya ay u awood sheegatay Somalia oo iminka kasoo kabsaneysa burburka. Dhinaca kale, Dowlada Somalia ayuu cadeeyay inay u kaamilan yihiin dhammaan sharciyada cadeynaaya lahaanshiyaha Badda, keliya ay dharareyso Jawaabta Kenya si ay Maxkamadu u dhageysato Dacwada. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warbaahinta Nairobi ayaa aad u hadal heysa warar sheegaya in dowlada Kenya ay walaac xoogan ka muujineyso gooni isutaaga Kooxda argagixisada ee uu Hogaamiyo Ahmed Iman, ee qeybta ka ahaa al-Shabaab. Warbaahintu waxa ay sheegtay in walaaca ugu weyn uu yahay in Kenya ay marti galiso burbur hadda bilow ah, sababo la xiriira in maleeshiyaadka Ahmed Iman ay is baraan dowlada uu hadda Hogaamiyo Uhurro Kenyatta. Warbaahinta oo qaarkood xiganaaya Saraakiil ka tirsan Hay’adaha amaanka Kenya ayaa sheegay in gooni u goosadka maleeshiyaadka Ahmed Iman ay Dowlada Kenya uga dhigan tahay burbur iyo xasil daro bilow ah. Saraakiisha la xigtay ayaa sheegay in go’itaanka Ahmed Iman iyo maleeshiyadiisa ay Kenya u noqoneyso culeys hor leh oo kusoo rogmay maadaama ay hadda yar tahay dhibaatada Kenya uga imaada garabka Ahmed Iman ee ka gadoodsan al-Shabaab. Dhibaatooyinka Kenya ay kala kulmi doonto gooni isutaaga Ahmed Iman ayaa waxaa kamid ah: 1-Koror ku imaada weerarada iminka ka dhaca gudaha iyo daafaha Kenya. 2-Weerarada ay al-Shabaab ka dhex fulin jireen gudaha Kenya oo u gaar noqon doona Ahmed Iman iyo maleeshiyadiisa. 3-Weerarada Goobaha Ganacsi, Xarumaha dowlada iyo Goobaha lagu fiidsado ee Kenya oo joogta noqon kara. 4-Kenya oo marti galin doonta bixinta canshuuro u gaar ah Ahmed Iman iyo maleeshiyaadkiisa, taa oo laaluush ku noqon doona Ganacsatada si ay uga badbaadan weeraro. Sidoo kale, waxaa suuragal ah in al-Shabaab qudhooda ay dhabar jab ku noqoto gooni iskutaaga Axmed Imaan, iyadoo ay hubaal tahay in hoos u dhac ballaaran uu ku imaan doono awooda militari ee maleeshiyaadkaasi gaar ahaan kuwooda weerarada ka geystay deegaanada saaran xaduuda u dhaxeysa Kenya iyo Soomaaliya. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Kenya ayaa ku howlan xal ay uga hortageyso in Axmed Imaan uu kusii ballaarto Kenya, maadaama uu iminkaba heysto maleeshiyaad aad u badan. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Taliska ciidamada AMISOM ee Somalia ayaa bilaabay diyaarinta ciidamada ugu horeeya ee la filaayo inay ka baxaan Somalia. Taliska ayaa la xaqiijiyay in iminka uu wado diiwaan galinta ciidamada si dowladahooda loogu sii war galiyo bixitaankooda, kuwaa oo iminkaba ku diyaarsan magaalada Muqdisho. Ilaa Kun askari oo ka mid ah howlgalka AMISOM ayaa bisha soo socota ka bixi doona Somalia, iyadoo lagu wado in qeybta ugu horeysa ee ka bixi doona Somalia uu bixitaankooda noqon doono todobaadkan hadda bilowday. Richard Karimere oo ah Afhayeenka Ciidamada Milateriga Uganda, ayaa sheegay in ilaa 281 askari oo u dhashay Uganda, qeybna ka ah 1,000 askari laga soo saari doono Somalia horaanta todobaadka hadda dhalanaaya. Taliyayaasha iyo Saraakiisha ciidamada AMISOM ayaa sheegay in bixitaanka ciidamadooda ay fursad u noqon doonto ciidamada dowlada oo iyagu la wareegi doona amaanka Somalia. Waxa ay tilmaameen in Somalia ay heysato ciidamo ku filan keliya dowlada Somalia laga doonaayo inay bixiso xuquuqda ciidamada si ay ugu filnaadan amaanka Somalia. Dhinaca kale, Cutubkii u horeeyay Ciidamo ka socda Uganda ayaa Somalia yimid sanadkii 2007, waxaana ay Soomaaliya ka howl galayeen muddo 10 sano ah, iyadoo aan horumar muuqda laga gaarin howlgalka nabadeynta Somalia. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  15. Madaxda Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland ayaa ku qabtey magaalada Garowe xaflad casho sharaf ah oo shahaado sharaf lagu gudoonsiiyay dhalinyaro la magac baxay Waan-awoodnaa oo qeyb ka ah ololaha baraaruga dhalinyarada oo ka socday bilihii u dambeeyay Gobolladda Puntland. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland Cabdulaahi Siciid Dhaqaaje, Kuxigeenkiisa Cabdisalaan Bashiir iyo Wasiiru dowlaha Madaxtooyadda Quraan Jecel oo ka hadlay xafladda dhiirigalinta ayaa sheegay tani inay qeyb ka tahay sidey madaxda dalku ugu war hayaan waxqabadka dhalinyaradda,waxayna kula dardaarmeen inaysan ka caajisin hawlaha ay u hayaan dalka iyo dadkaba. Dhinaca kale qaar ka mid ah dhalinyaradda Waan Awoodnaa oo ka hadlay madasha ayaa soo bandhigay waxqabadkooda iyo qorshaha mustaqbalka dhaw. Daawo Xafladda Abaalmarinta. Sidoo kale fiirso sawiradda dhiirigalinta dhalinyaradda. Abshir Dhiirane PUNTLAND POST The post Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland oo dhiirigelisay dhalinyaro u shaqeeyay dalka. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  16. Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Antonio Guterres,ayaa si kulul u cambaareeyey weerar lagu qaaday masjid ku yaalla dalka Masar oo ay ku dhinteen ugu yaraan 230 ruux,110 kalena ay ku dhaawacantay. Weerarka ayaa ka dhacay masjid lagu magacaabo Al Rawdah oo ku yaalla galbeedka degmada El Arish oo ka tirsan gobolka Sinai ee Waqooyiga dalka Masar,waxaana weerarka lagu bilaabay qarax lagu beegsaday dad ku jiray salaaddii jimcaha,halkaasoo in ka badan 40 dagaallame oo hubaysan rasaas ku fureen qaraxa kadib. Masjidka waxaa ku cibaadaysanayey dariiqada suufiyada oo gacan saar la leh ciidamada amniga,kuwaasoo si weyn uga horjeeda mintidiinta xagjirka ah ee gobolka. Weerarkan ayaa lagu tilmaamay kii ugu xumaa ee taariikhda Masar inta la xasuusto. Ma jirto ilaa iyo haatan cid sheegatay mas’uuliyadda weerarkaan,hayeeshee dowladda Masar ayaa ku eedaysay mintidiinta jihaad-doonka ah ee gobolkaasi. Madaweynaha Masar ayaa kulan deg deg ah la qaatay wasiirada Difaaca iyo Arrimaha gudaha ee dalka oo ay weheliyaan madaxda Sirdoonka,waxaana lagu dhawaaqay baroor diiq qaran oo saddex maalmood ah. PUNTLAND POST The post Xogahaya Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay oo si kulul u cambaareeyey weerar ka dhacay Masar. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  17. Sheik Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi owns 4.7% of Ethiopia’s economy and employs 14% of its private workforce. Saudi authorities have arrested the Kingdom’s second richest man Sheik Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi, as part of its wide-ranging anti-corruption drive. Saudi Arabia has arrested the country’s second richest man, Sheik Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi, as part of a wide-ranging ‘anti-corruption’ drive. The specific charges against the 71-year-old Ethiopian-born billionaire, who holds Saudi citizenship are unclear, but he joins dozens of Saudi royal figures, ministers and businessmen being detained at the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh. However his arrest is also causing shockwaves more than 1,000 miles away in Ethiopia, where he is the single most important figure in one of Africa’s fastest growing economies. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 32, is behind the unprecedented purge, which began on 4 November, to clean up what is widely seen as decades-deep rooted corruption in the kingdom. Those detained include at least 11 princes, two of whom are nephews of the king, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The Saudi government described the detentions as “merely the start of a vital process to root out corruption wherever it exists”. US President Donald Trump backed the moves in Riyadh earlier this month. He tweeted: “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been ‘milking’ their country for years!” Cutting deals with the state Many of those detained are understood to be cutting deals to pay back billions to the Saudi government and win back their freedom. Investor Sheik Al-Amoudi, whose net worth is estimated at $10.3bn, will share quarters with the kingdom’s richest man Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, whose $16.7bn wealth has come from a broad range of holdings including stakes in Citigroup, Twitter and the Four Seasons hotel group. But Sheik Al-Amoudi’s detainment set alarm bells ringing in Addis Ababa, where his investments represent a significant part of Ethiopia’s economy. Hussein Al-Amoudi’s investments in Ethiopia, which span food, energy and retailing, are estimated at $3.4bn, representing 4.7% of Ethiopia’s current GDP. His companies employ around 100,000 people, around 14% of all those who work in Ethiopia’s private sector, one of the fastest growing in Africa. The five-star Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh where dozens of royal figures, ministers and businessmen are detained by Saudi authoritiesGetty “The Sheikh’s influence on the Ethiopian economy cannot be underestimated,” according to a leaked diplomatic memo from the US embassy to the US Treasury Department. It added: “The Sheik has cherry-picked the best of the companies sold to date.” Ethiopia’s prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, held a news conference on 10 November, the first he had hosted in two months, following Al-Amoudi arrest. He attempted to reassure the country that Amoudi’s investments in Ethiopia would not be affected by the moves in Riyadh. An influential figure A spokesman for the Ethiopian Investment Authority added: “The country’s economy can never ever sustain itself by a single investor – it’s a 100 million population for heaven sakes. How can it just depend on a single investment?” But economic observers say the potential seizure of Al-Amoudi’s assets could have a great affect on Ethiopia. Henok Gabisa, a visiting academic fellow at Washington and Lee University School of Law in Virginia and an Ethiopian researcher, said that the Addis Ababa government are now “panicking”, reported Middle East Eye. Dr Awol Allo, a law lecturer at the Keele University, called Al-Amoudi “an influential figure”. He added: “He is a person whose presence or absence might affect the country’s economy.” Al-Amoudi was born in Ethiopia in 1946 to a Ethiopian mother and a Saudi father, but at 17 he emigrated to Saudi Arabia to work with relatives, becoming a full Saudi citizen in 1965. His breakthrough deal came in the late 1980s when Saudi Arabia was trying to strengthen its security during the Iran-Iraq war. It offered lucrative tenders on a series of underground oil storage facilities, which saw Al-Amoudi step in after Western firms dithered over taking up the project. Al-Amoudi’s influence grew in the country of his birth in the early 1990s following the coup that ended the 17-year-old Marxist Derg regime. As Ethiopia switched to a free market economy, Al-Amoudi moved quickly to acquire large stakes in industries that had been nationalised. He controls over 70 firms in Ethiopia that cover a wide-range of activity spanning coffee and tea, meat, bottling, mining and tourism. If Sheik Al-Amoudi is forced to cut a deal with the Saudis that includes some of his substantial Ethiopian assets, that could see key parts of the booming north African country’s economy up for grabs. Source: IBT
  18. A SOUTH Lakes man played a role in the third Presidential election in Somaliland. Robin Le Mare, of Allithwaite, serves on the Election Observer Mission, as a result, gained first-hand experience into the political process in one of the most controversial countries in the world. The team arrived ahead of the election process, which began on November 13, to impartially observe and report on the election. Following Somaliland’s election, the 60-member mission, funded by Britain’s government and drawing on members from 27 countries is now finalising its interim report to Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission as observers return to self-declared capital city Hargeisa. Somaliland is a self-declared but internationally unrecognised republic within the borders of Somalia. Mr Le Mare said: “After a week of training and induction into Somali Society and Somaliland’s history we spread across the country to observe the presidential election. “I travelled to Burao in the centre of the country. “Polling day started with breakfast at 5am so we could get to a polling station to observe its opening. 16 stations later, at 6pm, we observed the closing and count. “My partner and I were very impressed by all the polling station staff and their polite, efficient administration of voting. One said he could sleep on Sunday night – his head was so full of excitement and determination to get his job done correctly. “When the lady chair took ill, her secretary took over, but only after she had confirmed this with her superiors in the National Electoral Commission.”On polling day, observers witnessed opening, voting and closing processes in approximately 350 polling stations across Somaliland’s six regions, as well as the tallying process. Observers noted that polls largely opened and closed on time, in a generally calm environment, with peaceful voting, and no major violence or intimidation observed. Eligible voters were mostly able to cast their votes without hindrance. Domestic observers and party agents were present and able to perform their duties without restrictions in most polling stations visited, although we note that there were occasions when observers were denied entry or asked to leave. Mr Le Mare added: “I first visited Hargeisa in February 1994, three years after a large and long peace conference declared the State of Somaliland as independent from Somalia. “The city, then, was a scene of dreadful destruction. Now, it is a large, busy and most hospitable city; no problem walking the streets from hotel to very good Yemeni and Ethiopian restaurants.” The mission will publish its final report in the first half of 2018. By Lloyd Bent
  19. I decided to spend my vacation in Ethiopia and Somaliland. I wanted to make it memorable so I fly from Addis Ababa to Jijiga and then grabbed a bus to take me through Eastern Ethiopia to the border and then I grabbed a cab to Hargeisa. It turned out to be a very stressful trip.
  20. A new President invariably has many calls upon their time, this is certainly true of the President-Elect of Somaliland. Whilst the country can take pride in the election that has recently taken place, it is now time to get on with the business of governing and serving the people. There is a general agreement that job creation needs to be the top priority, especially in view of a burgeoning population, many of whom are jobless or under-employed. Matters are further complicated by the perception that in the past nepotism has been the route to employment and preferment. The twin issue of unemployment and under-employment taxes the brightest of minds, and yet it is one concern that has to be addressed by any government. Naturally, much of the focus tends to be on urban unemployment, hence the hope provided by the development of the Port of Berbera. In reality, the highest levels of unemployment, especially youth unemployment, are in the regions and remoter areas of the country, away from the political nexus that is Hargeisa. There is a perception, rightly or wrongly, that the Government in Hargeisa neglects the regions, and so must make a more concerted effort to reach out as never before. Thriving economies are those that cherish all districts, and thus it is essential that a new administration make a conscious effort to stimulate economic growth in all areas, not just in its own political heartland. Effective government requires effective ministers and officials. Successive administrations have been tarnished by charges of cronyism, and thus it is imperative that every effort is made to ensure appointment and promotion on merit. Productivity remains an issue, especially when some senior officials feel that they can breeze in and out whenever they like. A country that seeks to earn international respect, must prove worthy through its industriousness and its desire for self-improvement. This brings us to the thorny issue of corruption. Whether we like it or not corruption is a fact of life, yet it need not be tolerated. All countries have forms of corruption, yet some appear more accepting of the fact. It is essential that Somaliland seeks to learn from others how best to tackle the scourge of corruption, and furthermore, needs to wage a sustained campaign against those who think nothing of using power, money and influence to get their way. The authorities need to have the courage for the fight, for it will be a long and arduous one, but it is a fight that has to be won. Somaliland requires a free and fearless press, one that is given appropriate safeguards. Journalists need to be responsible, and constantly strive to adhere to the very highest ethical standards. For a healthy independent media helps makes for a healthy democracy, a point that has yet to be grasped by the majority of governments across the Horn of Africa. If Somaliland is to truly prosper it must harness the considerable talent of its womenfolk. Whilst there will be some who baulk a such a notion, in reality there are already plenty of splendid examples of women who have more than proved their worth. All citizens deserve to live in safety and to feel valued. The country will only thrive when it provides opportunities for all regardless of gender or clan affinity. During the recent Presidential Election Campaign it was heartening that all the Presidential candidates publicly committed to tackle FGM, a human wrong that costs many lives unnecessarily every year and invariably causes lifelong trauma. Somaliland should have no place for misogynists, or for those who engage in or seek to perpetuate gender based violence. For the country to take its rightful place in the world, it must espouse values that engender tolerance and mutual respect. Inclusion requires a sea change in attitudes and practices, and whilst change will take time, it is imperative that clear leadership is given, and laws framed and modified accordingly. Those in leadership roles must be mindful of their roles as servants. Service is the highest calling, and requires us all to look to execute our tasks and labours to the very best of our ability. People across Somaliland look to their President for leadership, but equally must assist their President when it comes to demonstrating a unity of purpose. Managing water shortages, tackling pollution and environmental degradation cannot be done by one man. Each citizen must take ownership of these problems. Progress can and will be made. Thankfully there are examples elsewhere in Africa in countries such as Botswana and Rwanda that can provide useful examples of how pressing problems can be addressed successfully. The country must redouble its efforts to cherish the natural world, whilst ensuring that it protects all citizens, especially the most vulnerable in its midst. Some of the most pressing problems, especially drought, will require a spirit of co-operation with regional neighbours. It is important that meaningful links are forged at every level. Organisations such as IGAD have a constructive role to play in helping address regional needs. Somaliland must prove itself to be a caring and responsible neighbour, and what is more, a faithful friend. Family and cultural connections help encourage greater understanding, and are already helping to change misconceptions. Somaliland must be willing to reach out as never before and thus through extending the hand of friendship will learn more about itself in the process. Naturally, many will give thought to Somaliland’s standing in the world. The situation is clear, Somaliland’s right to self-determination is not a question of secession, but of restoration. The past, present and future mean that its people have chosen its own trajectory. International Law such as it is may well stack the odds against recognition, but it is increasingly becoming clear that it is not a matter of if, but when? For Somalilanders this is a matter of choice, they earnestly desire the right to choose their own destiny. Such choice is not made out of animosity, but out of love, love for those lost in the recent past, and the love of Somalilanders not yet born. President-Elect Musa Bihi Abdi and those who seek to lead Somaliland would do well to appreciate the enormity of the task that they have undertaken, but equally should commit to memory the Latin phrase – Amor Vincit Omnia – Love Conquers All. Mark T. Jones Consultant Futurist Twitter: @marktjones500
  21. Harare (PP) ─ “Tani waa bilowga dimuqraadiyad cusub oo ka curatay dalkeena,” Emmerson Mnangagwa ayaa sidaasi u sheegay taagerayaashiisa khudbadiisii ugu horreysay oo goob fagaaro ah uu ka jeediyo tan iyo intii uu dalkaasi ku soo laabtay. Balse su’aashu waxa ay tahay ma tahay mid dhab ah oraahda Mr Mnangagwa . Muddo dhan 50 sano,Mr Mnangagwa waxa uu ahaa saaxibka Mugabe ,waxa uuna u ahaa gacantiisa midig. Waa uu garab taagnaa xilligii halgankii dalkaasi looga xorreynayay caddaankii tirada yaraa iyo xorriyaddii ka dib ba. Mr Mnangagwa ayaa sidoo kale la sheegay in uu ka dambeeyay qaar ka mid ah tillaabooyiinkii cadaadiska ahaa ee Mr Mugabe gacanta ka siiyay in uu xilka sii hayo. Hasa yeeshee waxa jira farqi u dhaxeeya ninka imika noqday madaxwaynaha Zimbabwe iyo ninkii siyaasada ku soo barbaariyay. Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah farqiga u dhaxeeya: – Dhalinyarada ayaa garab taagan – Mr Mnangagwa inkastoo uu ku jiro da’da 70 hadana waxa uu 20 sano ka yar yahay madaxwaynihii uu badalay. Wali muran ayaa ka taagan in uu jiro 71 sano ama 75 sano. Balse marka uu Mr Mugabe arrimaha uu si adag u wajaho ayaa waxa la sheegay in Mr Mnangagwa uu ahaa nin si dabacsan u wajaha,marka ay noqoto in uu gaaro hadafkiisa. Iyada oo la qorshaynayo in doorashada Zimbabwi ay dhacdo sanadka soo socda ayaa xisbiga talada haya ee Zanu-PF, waxaa jagooyiinka sarsare haya dad rugcadaa ah oo u soo dagaalamay xorriyadii. Waxa uu Mr Mnangagwa rajaynayaa in uu xiriir dhaw la yeesho dhalinyarada oo uu kasbado quluubta dhalinyarada. Balse si la mid ah Mr Mugabe,waxa uu leeyahay sumcad daro ku saabsan falal arxandaro ah. Waxa uu wasiirkii ammaanka dalka xilligii uu dhacay xasuuqii Matabeleland sanaddi 1980,markaasi oo 20,000 oo looga shakisanaa mucaaradka la dilay. Kooxaha u dooda xuquuqul insaanka ayaa waxa ay ku eedeeyeen Mr Mnangagwa in uu ka dambeeyay howlgalkii ka dhanka ahaa taageerayaasha mucaaradka doorashadii 2008. Su’aasha muhimka ah ee soo wajahaysa Zimbabwe waxa ay tahay ,in uu ogolaan doono in dalka ay ka dhacdo doorasho xaq iyo xor ah. Mr Mnangagwa, waxa ugu badan oo uu danaynayo waxa ay tahay in beesha caalamka uu tuso Zimbabwe oo dagan ,si dhaqalaha dalka loo maalgashado. – Waa nin Furfuran dhanka Ganacsiga – Wariyaha BBC Stanley Kwenda oo ku sugan magaalada Harare ayaa sheegaya in Mr Mnangagwa uu sumcad wanaagsan ku leeyahay dhanaka waaxda ganacsiga islamarkana uu isku dayay in uu difaaco wax soo sarka beerihii ay haysteen dadka caddaanka,xilligii isbadalkii muranka dhaliyay ee sharciga dhulka. Mr Mnangagwa ayaa ahaa wasiirka maaliyada intii u dhaxaysay 1995 ilaa1996, markaasi oo dhaqaalaha dalka xasilooni laga dareemay. Markii uu dalka dib ugu soo laabtay Arbacadii ayaa khudbad u jeediyay waxa uu ku celceliyay in shaqa abuurid uu samayn doono. Waa kuma Emmerson Mnangagwa? Waxaa loo yaqaanna “yaxaas” sababtoo ah qabiilkiisa ayay astaan u tahay. Taageereyaashiisana waxaa loo yaqaannaa “Lacoste”. Tababar milatari ayuu ku soo kala qaatay Shiinaha iyo Masar. Wuxuu gacan ka gaystay hagidda dagaalkii xorriyadda ee 1970yadii. Wuxuu madax u soo noqday sirdoonkii dalkaas intii ay socdeen dagaalladii sokeeye ee 1980yadii, markaas oo kumannaan shacab ah la laayay. Waxaa loo arkayay isku xiraha ciidammada, laamaha sirdoonka iyo xisbiga Zanu-PF. Waxaa lagu eedeeyay in uu maleegay weerarro lagu qaaday taageerayaasha mucaaradka doorashadii 2008-dii kaddib. Saxafiga lagu magacaabo Martin Fletcher, oo waraystay sanaddii aanu soo dhaafnay ayaa sheegay in Mr Mnangagwa uu doonayo in uu muujiyo in hogaankiisa uu isbadal ku keenayo Zimbabwe. Mr Fletcher ayaa u sheegay BBC “waxa uu doonayaa in uu u muujiyo reer galbeedka in uu ka gadisnaan doono Mugabe, Tani waxaa laga yaabaa in ay micnaheeda noqoto in uu ka taqaluso sharciyada u xaglinaya dadka u dhashay dalkasi ,kuwaasi oo shirkadaha qasab kaga dhigaya in maalgalinta ay samaynayaan boqolkiiba 51 ay iska lahaadeen dadka madowga ah. Waxaa laga yaabaa in uu xaliyo arrimaha sida lahaanshiyada dhulka iyo in ay dadka caddaanka ah fursad u helaan in ay lahadaan Dhul dalka Zimbabwe. Xiriirka uu la leeyahay Ciidamada Mr Mnangwa mar walba waxa uu haystay taageerada ciidamada ,maadaama uu ahaa hogaamiyihii siyaasada ee halgankii xorriyadda ee sanaddi 1970 islamarkana inta badan Janaraalada ciidamada ay qayb ka ahaayeen. Gaah ahaan, Mr Mnangagwa waxa ay si aad ah isugu dhaw yihiin madaxa militariga Zimbabwe Gen Constantino Chiwenga. Markii uu dib ugu soo laabtay Harare ka dib iscasilaadii Mugabe, Mr Mnangagwa waxa uu sheegay in si joogto ah uu ula soo xiriirayay madaxda ciidamada ee talada la wareegay. Mr Mnangagwa waxa uu ahaa nin dhalinyaro ah xilligii halgankii xorriyadda oo uu hormuud ka ahaa. Markii uu ahaa wasiirka ammaanka sanaddii 1980s,waxa uu xiriir dhaw la yeeshay militariga iyo sirdoonka oo ilaa iyo hadda daacad u ahaa. Xiriirka uu la leeyahay ciidamada ayaa ahaa arrinta ay walaaca ka muujiyeen mucaaradka. Xildhibaan Eddie Cross ayaa BBC u sheegay “in Mr Mnangagwa uu siyaabo badan uu masuul uga ahaa burburka Zimbabwe. “Waxa uu ku lug lahaa qaar badan oo ka mid ah dhacdooyiin aan wanaagsanayn oo sanooyiinkii ugu dambeeyay dhacay,taasi oo ay ku jirto doorashadii 2013″ayuu yiri mr Cross. “Qaar badan oo inaga mid ah waxa aaan ka cabsi qabnaa in isbadal badan uu dhici waayo “ayuu intaa ku daray. Qalad kasta oo uu galaba, Mr Mugabe waxa aan shaki ku jirin in uu ahaa nin cod kar ah oo qancin kara dadka isu soo baxa islamarkana hogaamiyayaasha caalamka kala xaajoon kara arrimha dublamaasiyada. Balse taasi laguma tilmaami karo Mr Mnangagwa. Gabadhiisa ayaa sheegtay in uusan ahayn nin xamaasad leh. Wiilkisa oo ku sugan Harare oo lagu magacaabo DJ St Emmo) ayaa yiri:”Ma aha nin hadal badan waxa aana u malaynayaa in taasi ay tahay wax ka naxiya dadka oo ay iswaydiiyaan ‘muxuu ku fikirayaa?'” Mr Mnangagwa ayaa waxa lagu naaneesaa “Yaxaas. Waxa magacan loo bixiyay xilligii halkan xorriyadda lagu jiray. Xigasho; BBC PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynaha cusub ee Zimbabwe Muxuu kaga badalnaan doonaa Robert Mugabe? appeared first on Puntland Post.
  22. China on Thursday offered loans to Djibouti, the site of its first overseas military base, as the Horn of Africa state’s leader told President Xi Jinping he considered himself a great friend of the Asian giant. With a population of less than one million, Djibouti has long punched above its weight, thanks to a strategic location on the Gulf of Aden, one of the world’s busiest shipping routes linking Europe to Asia and the Middle East. China formally opened the base, which it calls a logistics facility, on Aug. 1, the 90th birthday of the People’s Liberation Army. Djibouti also hosts large U.S. and French bases. Djibouti was politically stable, Xi told its president, Ismail Omar Guelleh, at a meeting in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. “China sets great store by its relations with Djibouti,” he added. Guelleh, who has been in power since 1999, said he considered himself a “great friend of China’s” and could not count the number of times he had visited. “Djibouti is known for being a country of peace, exchanges and meetings,” Guelleh said. “I would like to recall the geostrategic position of Djibouti and its importance in this part of the world as an island of stability for Asia, Africa and the Middle East.” The two, who did not mention the military base in comments to reporters, later oversaw the signing of a framework pact for preferential loans. Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong declined to reveal the amount of loans offered, saying he could not remember. “In this area both countries have always had good cooperation,” Chen told reporters. Xi and Guelleh did discuss the military base, Chen added. “What I want to stress is that China building a logistics base in Djibouti benefits China to even better fulfill its naval protection, peace-keeping, disaster relief and other international work,” he said. The base will be used to resupply navy ships participating in peacekeeping, humanitarian and anti-piracy missions off the coasts of Yemen and Somalia, in particular. China also has deep economic interests in Djibouti. Last week, China’s POLY-GCL Petroleum Group Holdings Ltd signed a memorandum of understanding to invest $4 billion in a natural gas project in Djibouti. In January, the government launched construction of a project billed as Africa’s largest free trade zone, as part of China’s massive Belt and Road infrastructure initiative stretching to Asia, Europe and beyond. (Additional reporting by Martin Pollard; Editing by Clarence Fernandez). Source: Reuters
  23. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Xeer ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka Dr. Axmed Cali Daahir, ayaa ka hadlay arrimo badan oo ku xeeran howl gudashada Xafiiskii xili uu marti ku ahaa barnaamij ka baxaayay warbaahinta dowlada. Xeer ilaaliyaha oo ka hadlaayay Xabsiyada caalamka iyo Muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku jira ayaa sheegay inay badan yihiin balse dowlada Somalia ay wado qorsho dib loogu soo celinaayo xoriyadooda. Xeer ilaaliyaha waxa uu sheegay in Maxaabiista ugu badan ay yihiin kuwo ku eedeysan Burcadbadeednimo, waxa uuna tilmaamay inuu socdo dadaalka lagu sii deyn lahaa Maxaabiista. Wuxuu sheegay Dr. Axmed Cali Daahir in ku dhawaad 1024-ruux oo muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed ay ku xiran yihiin xabsiyada 22-dal oo kamid ah caalamka, kuwaasi oo dhibaatooyin kala duwan la kulmaya. Waxa uu qiray in Maxaabiista Soomaaliyeed ee ku jira xabsiyada Caalamka ay la kulmaan dhibaatooyin kala duwan balse ay dowlada Somalia Juhdi badan ku bixineyso sida ay ku badbaadin laheyd muwaadiniinteeda ku xiran Xabsiyada caalamka. Waxa uu Xeer ilaaliyaha sheegay in si caadi ah hoos uga sii dhacayaan tirada Maxaabiista ee ku xiran xabsiyada caalamka sida Siishalis, India, Kenya, Tanzaaniya, Cuman iyo waliba Wadamada Khaliijka. Sidoo kale, waxa uu Xeer ilaaliyaha sheegay inay socdaan wadahadalo heer gabagabo maraaya oo kala dhexeeya dowladaha heysta Maxaabiista si loosii daayo isla markaana dib loogu soo celsho dalkooda. Dhinaca kale, waxa uu cadeeyay inaan halkaa looga hari doonin danbiyada Maxaabiista balse lagu maxkamadeyn doono dalkooda si loo kala saaro cida danbiga leh iyo cida aan danbiga laheyn. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  24. Qaahira (Caasimadda Online) – Rag hubaysan ayaa weeraray Masjid ku yaal Gobolka Siinaa ee dhaca Waqooyiga Masar, waxa uuna sababay Khasaare Dhimasho iyo Dhaawac geystay. Inta ka badan 200 oo qof ayaa ku geeriyootay, halka ay ku dhaawacmeen 130 qof oo ah Jamaacadii Masaajidka ku sugneed, sida ay sheegeen Illo Wareedyo rasmi ah. Afhayeen u hadlay Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ayaa sheegay in ragga hubeeysan ay u adeegsadeen weerarkooda, qaraxyo iyo weeraro toos ah, isla markaana bartilmaameedkoodu ahaa Masjidka sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Kooxda weerarka qaaday ayaa la sheegayaa in ay beegsadeen mid kamid ah Gawaarida Gurmadka Deg deg, oo xiligaasi lagu daabulaye dadka dhaawacmay, taasine ay kordhineyso Khasaaraha Dhimashada. Britain, Turkiga, Jordan iyo Bahrain ayaa cambaareeyay weerarka. Madaxwaynaha Masar ayaa sidoo kale ku dhawaaqay baroordiiqda guud oo dalka Masar la geliyo Saddex Maalmood. Madaxweynaha C/Fitaax Al-Siisi ayaa la sheegayaa in uu shir deg deg ah Gudoomiyano, waxaana uu la qaadanaaya Laamaha Ammaanka Masaarida, si wax looga qabto Dagaalada Daba dheeraaday ee Gobolka Dhaca Waqooyiga Masar. Ma jirto koox ilaa hadda sheegatay mas’uuliyadda weerarka, Xukuumadda Qaahira ayaa dusha ka saareysa Kooxda Daacish ee ka dagaalanta Waqooyiga Masar. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  25. Maamulka Bangiga Amal ee Gobolka Bari iyo Sanaag bari ayaa kulankaan u qabtay dhalinyarada Gobolka bari, kulankaan oo ahaa kulan fagaare ka hadal ah ayaa waxaa cinwaan looga dhigay” Sirta Ay Hantiilayaashu Ku Hodmeen”, mowdcaan oo uu soo jeediyey tababare Cabdifatah Maxamud Ducaale “Cajab” madaxa xiriirka Bangiga Amal. Kulankaan ayaa waxa ka soo qeyb galay kudhowaad Labo Boqol oo dhalinyaro ah oo ka kala socday; ururada dhalinyarada ee kala duwan, Jamaacadaha, Macaahidda iyo hayado kale. Kulanka oo ka dhacay Hotelka Gacayte ee magaalada Bosaso ayaa waxaa ugu horeyn furey Madaxa Suuq-geynta Bangiga Amal ee Gobolka Sanaag Iyo Sanag bariMuuse Siciid Xasan, isagoo Faahfaahiyey ujeedad Kulanka oo aheyd kulan dhiiri gelineed oo dhalinyarada lagu barayey Habka maamulka dhaqaalaha iyo hal-abuurka ganacsi Waxa afka qalaad lagu yiraahdo (Financial literacy and entrepreneurship). Sidoo kale waxaa goobta ka hadlay Maamulaha Bangiga Amal ee Gobolka Bari iyo Sanaag Bari Dr. Maxamed Faahiye Ciise isagoo ku dhiiri geliyey in ay dhalinta ka faa’iideystaan tababarkaan, kana hadlay sida Bangiga Amal uga go’antahay in uu bulshada horumarinteeda qeyb weyn ka qaato. Uga dambeyntii kulanka ayaa waxaa si rasmi ah usoo xiray Madaxa horumarinta ganacsiga bangiga Amal Jama Ciise Maxamud, asagoo ku amaanay dhalinyarada kulanka ka soo qeyb-gashay sida ay ugu dedaalayaan in ay horumariyaan aqoontooda iyo in bangiga sidii wadi doono kulamada kala duwan ee bulshada lagu horumarinayo.. Ugu dambeytii wuxuu kulanku ku dhamaaday jawi wanaagsan. Cabdiqani Boos Puntland Post-Bosaso The post Bangiga Amal oo kulan ku saabsan aqoonta maaliyadeed u qabtay dhalinyarada Gobolka Bari appeared first on Puntland Post.