Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Nomads, please respect the rules of the website. No personal attack please. None will be tolerated. ********Didi Kong is banned from SOL for using vulgarity and insulting other nomads. *****
  2. Ebyan and Wisdom_Seeker, you are both banned from SOL. You've brought your immature squabbles here more than once, and it is time to put it to an end. Good luck.
  3. Guys, let us stop the insults and the childish name-calling. Don't bring your filthy language here please. Moderators are getting tired of grown-ups acting so childish everyday. If you don't respect the rules of the site, we will have no choice but to block your access to this site. It is not fair that we have to clean up your vulgar, ignorant comments when you clearly understand the rules of Somalia Online. Thank You.
  4. Site will offline for 30 minutes starting in couple of minutes. Please bare with us as we inspect our server case fans. Thanks
  5. Canadian Friends of Somalia cordially invites to mark International Human Rights Day with us on Monday December 11, 2006 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. on Parliament Hill West Block (room 200). As you're all well aware, the possibility of an impeding crisis in Somalia requires an organized international response. This year's conference " Somalia - A Country Forgotten by the World" will focus on a range of crosscutting issues of interest and concern to various stakeholders in Canada. The Honorable Jack Layton, Senator Mobina Jaffer, and Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen his Excellency Dr. Abdulla Nasher, Rahim Jaffer, Chair of the national Conservative caucus, Hon. Martin Official Opposition Critic for Foreign Affairs will be joined by special guest speakers from the NGO community, Parliamentarians, and Somali leaders. (See invitation) We apologize for the late notice. Recognizing that this is a busy time of year, we would be very appreciative if you could join us and an estimated audience of 300 Diplomat, Government Representatives, NGOs representative, and Community member as we discuss this pressing issue. Some of the topics that this year's conference will address: Opportunities and Challenges of NGO's and IGO's in Fragile States Conflict Prevention and Resolution Somali Women in War and Peacemaking Religion and Peace-building, Innocence Lost The Effects of War on Children Role of Diaspora Community in Reconciliation/Reconstruction efforts Role of Media in War-making and Peace-keeping Canadian Role in Fragile States You will find enclosed an invitation. We ask that you RSVP at by December 8th, 2006 . You may reach us at (613) 878-1960 with questions. We hope that you and your colleagues will be able to join us on the 11th. Sincerely, Farah Aw-Osman President Canadian Friends of Somalia
  6. Buy your tickets online: For more info, please write to
  7. If you see someone violating the rules of Somalia Online in any way, please use the "REPORT THIS" icon located at the bottom of every post and report the topic to the moderators. Your message will be sent out automatically as an email to all the moderators of that specific forum. Moderators/Admin will try their best to immediately remove/edit the post/thread. Look for this icon: Thank You.
  8. Private messages (pm) and the search function should be working fine. We had few issues of nomads complaining about a bug in the system which tells them that their inbox is full. Send your friends a pm and please confirm everything is working fine for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  9. We are planning to upgrade our hosting service. We plan to start the upgrade next week Insha Allah. Please bare with us. Thank You.
  10. Naa soco waa edab darantahay. Listen Miss Kutub weyn, xijaab dheer. Didi Kong, please respect other nomads and stop the childish attacks and the namecalling. We will not tolerate your insults against other nomads. This is a warning.
  11. Please stop the namecalling. We will not tolerate any childish insults on this forum. Please respect other nomads. This is a warning.
  12. This topic is being discussed here;f=9;t=005763
  13. Some nomads complained that they couldn't select the avatars. The bug is now removed. Avatars should now work in the chatroom. The link is: Action --> avatars
  14. Please respect the rules of the website. This is a warning to the individuals trading childish insults on this thread. SOL Is not a forum for useless vulgarity and ciyaalnimo talk. If you don't respect the rules of the site, we would have no choice but to block your usernames.. No open insults will be tolerated. Period. We made that very clear. Please respect the rules of the site.
  15. Firefox users should now see a cleaner face. "melted font" issue solved.
  16. ^^ Thanks Castro for the firefox alert. fixed.
  17. We set the standards 4 years ago. It is time we do it again. Nomads, thanks for your suggestions. Caano, you actually have been redirected to the browser specific webpage for firefox browser because you are a firefox user. The "dense font" issue with firefox is something we are aware of and will be taken care of soon Insha Allah. Explorer users (88% of SOLers) don't see the "melted font" look you see. We still appreciate your suggestion my man. In general, we actually have 3 or 4 images. No flash. No complicated colors. Background color is something we can still play with but gray is pretty much what we we have for now. As for the simplicity of the overall site, the forum will stay the same format. Just the logo will be updated and that would be it. It has just started ... PS: for those of you who have "" as the Somalia Online homepage, please update your bookmark with the proper link ---
  18. Nomads, please bare with us while we make changes to Somalia Online's front page and all the sub sections. In the next couple of weeks, we plan to complete all the missing sub-sections and get out of the "construction mode". 1. Immediate phase Upload pictures Send SMS text Play games New chat History section enuri project Podcasting section Uploader - Upload ringtones, pics to Phone Articles section Photos Shop - Sell quality photos from back home Photohosting - Create photo albums Pictures - Photo forum 2. Second phase Online store Blogging network more stuff Thank you.
  19. Khayr, please respect others and stop the namecalling and the insults against the nomads on this site.
  20. Nomads, please be civil to one another. Avoid the insults and the blantant or insuniating attacks against one antther. You can debate and discuss issues without loosing your cool. What I have seen on this thread is a clear violation of the forum civility rules and we will not tolerate senior nomads exchanging insults on this forum. All posts in violation of the forum rules will be deleted without a question. This is an important topic and it should be discussed without all the garbage I have seen.
  21. Mungu akupe eman na akuongeze maisha marefu,uzidi kuwafundisha luga yetu ya TAIFA.