Deeq A.

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  1. In a year which saw millions of Somali civilians displaced by armed conflict and thousands more killed and wounded in violence, the United Nations envoy to the country has called for sustained cooperation to tackle a number of pressing challenges. “No one should underestimate the many challenges ahead, and the serious issues that continue to retard and even threaten further progress,” said Michael Keating, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia. “These include pervasive corruption, most obviously in politics, and powerbrokers’ willingness to use violence, or the threat of violence, against opponents,” he added. Noting that the militants have retained the capacity to mount such devastating attacks, Mr. Keating also emphasized that the terrorist group thrives, among other things, on the absence of functional local government and on the many conflicts around the country. Severe and growing humanitarian needs At the same time, there is “severe and growing” humanitarian needs across the Horn of Africa nation. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), food security needs are nearly double the five-year average due to limited rain, increased displacement, lack of access to basic services, and continuing insecurity and conflict. “The number of people in [humanitarian] emergency [phase] have increased tenfold from 83,000 in January to 866,000 people in November 2017,” OCHA said in a humanitarian bulletin. “Humanitarian Emergency” is a state in which the acute malnutrition rate has surpassed the “emergency threshold” of 15 per cent. In Somalia, the rate stands at 17.4 per cent. Across the country, some 6.2 million are in need of humanitarian and protection assistance and more than half that number require urgent life-saving assistance. This year witnessed the displacement of a further one million Somalis, taking the total across the country to more than two million. Prospects of humanitarian recovery in 2018 ‘grim’ However, with forecasts for poor rains during the two main crop seasons and as well as a heightened risk of the La Niña weather phenomenon in early-mid 2018, the prospects for recovery next year look “grim,” said the UN relief wing. Life-saving assistance will, therefore, remain an urgent priority, it said, noting the need to also address the underlying causes of recurring humanitarian crises. “In line with the New Way of Working and building on efforts since 2012 to create household resilience, humanitarian and development partners are pursuing more sustainable mid- to longer-term investment in reducing risk and vulnerability,” said OCHA. In the same vein, Mr. Keating, who also heads the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), underscored the need the need for greater cooperation to overcome the obstacles. “Lessons can be drawn from 2017, both good and bad. A central one may be that when the most powerful actors cooperate, whether the Federal Government, Federal Member States, parliamentarians, clan elders, business or the international community, great progress can be made,” he said. “When they do not cooperate, the risks are enormous.” Source: UN News Center The post Sustained cooperation vital to address Somalia’s challenges, says UN envoy appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  2. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Hogaamiyaha maamulka HirShabelle,Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in deegaanada maamulkiisa ay buux dhaafiyeen maleeshiyaadkii ugu badnaa ee ka tirsan al-Shabaab. Waare, waxa uu tilmaamay in maleeshiyaadkasi ay kasoo carareen Gobolada kale ee dalka , gaar ahaan kuwa ay ka dhacaan duqeymaha. Waare, waxa uu sheegay in maleeshiyada ay culeys badan soo saareen deegaanada uu ka arrimiyo maamulkaasi, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay inay dareemayaan in deegaanada maamulka uu ka jiro dhaqdhaqaaq amni daro. Wuxuu sheegay Waare in sababta ugu weyn ee ay Al-shabaab culeyska u saaren tahay duqeymaha ka socdo qaar kamid ah gobollada dalka, isaga oo sheegay iney jiraan maleeshiyaad badan oo Al-shabaab ah, kana yimid deegaanada la duqeeyay. Waxa uu intaa raaciyay in qaar ka mid ah Shabaabka soo gaaray degaanada Hirshabeelle in ay ku sii socdaan gobollo xaga Waqooyiga xiga oo ay ugu horeyso Puntland. Wuxuu sheegay in ka maamul ahaan ay u diyaar garoobeen Dagaalka Shabaab, isaga oo sidoo kale shacabka ka dalbaday in Ciidamada ammaanka ay la shaqeeyaan. Dhinaca kale, Waare ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in la xoojiyo howlgallada ka dhanka ah Xarakada Al-shabaab. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Waare oo ka shanqariyay dhibaato cusub oo kusoo korortay maamulkiisa & Qeyla dhaan uu u diray DFS appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  3. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Wararka naga soo gaaray Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose, ayaa sheegaya in duqeyn xoogan ay ka dhacday deegaan hoostaga Gobolka. Duqeynta oo loo maleynaayo inay geysteen Diyaaradaha dagaalka Mareykanka ayaa waxaa lala eegtay Gaari la rumeysan yahay inay ku rarnaayen Shabaab iyo Qaraxyo. Gaariga la duqeeyay ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu kusoo jeeday magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana ay la socdeen Shabaab dhowr ah oo u diyaarsanaa fulinta weeraro lagu hoobto. Gaariga la beegsaday ayaa xiliga duqeynta marayey Tuulada Maracadde oo ay maamulaan al-Shabaab una dhaxeeysa deegaanada Cadow Dibille iyo Xaawo Cabdi, iyadoo ay ku dhinteen maleeshiyaadkii la socday. Sidoo kale, mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka Shabellaha Hoose ayaa sheegay in gaarigan duqeynta lala eegtay uu ahaa mid laga soo buuxiyey walxaha Qarxa oo ku socday Muqdisho. Maamulka Gobolka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Gaariga loo muuqaal ekeysiiyay mid shacab balse loola gol lahaa in weerar ismiidaamin ah looga fuliyo magaalada Muqdisho oo todobaadyadan ka caagan Qaraxyada. Dhinaca kale, maleeshiyaadka al-Shabaab ayaan weli ka hadal duqeynta looga fashiliyay Gaariga laga soo buuxiyay walxaha Qarxa iyo Maleeshiyaadkii la socday. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Gaari siday Qaraxyo lala damacsanaa Muqdisho & Maleeshiyaadkii la socday oo la duqeeyay appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  4. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online)-Waxaa lagu wadaa in maanta ay DFS si rasmi ah ula wareegto maamulka hawada dalka oo sanadihii ugu danbeeyay laga maamulaayay magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta Kenya. Dowlada Federaalka oo asbuucyadan ku howlaneed isku xirka qalabka ayaa waxaa iminka u suuragashay inay kasoo jeesato maadaama la dhameystiray qalabkii lagula socon lahaa dhaq-dhaqaaqa hawada. Qalabkaan oo ah mid casri ayaa lagu rakibay Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana hadda ka howlgeli doono shaqaale ajaaniib iyo Soomaali isugu jira. Maxamed C/laahi Salaad (Oomaar) oo ah Wasiirka Duulista iyo Hawada Somalia, oo la hadlay warbaahinta ayaa sheegay in diyaaradaha ay dhib badan ku qabeen qalabka lagu maamulo hawada ee yaallay Nairobi maadaama uu ahaa mid duug ah. Sidoo kale, waxa uu dhankiisa ka qiray in manta la qaban doono munaasabada lagu daahfuraayo Xarunta iyo qalabka, waxa uuna sheegay in DFS ay dhaqaale badan ka abuuri doonto Hawada. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, talaabadan ayaa noqoneysa mid hirgashay 27 sano kadib oo magaalada Muqdisho laga xukumi doono hawada Soomaaliya. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post DFS oo maanta la wareegi doonta maamulka Hawada & Ajaaniib ka shaqeyn doonta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  5. Diyaarado dagaal ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in habeenkii xalay ahaa duqeyn ka geysteen deegaan ka tirsan gobolka Shabellaha Hoose, waxaana duqeyntan ka dhashay khasaare. Duqeyntan ayaa la sheegay in lala eegtay gaari nooca raxada ah oo kusoo socday dhanka magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna marayey Tuulada Maracadde oo ay maamulaan Al-shabaab una dhaxeeya deegaannada Cadow Dibille iyo Xaawo Cabdi, iyadoo ay ku dhinteen dadkii la socday. Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka Shabellaha Hoose ayaa sheegay in gaarigan duqeynta lala eegtay looga shakisan yahay in laga soo buuxiyey walxaha Qarxa, kuna soo socday Muqdisho. Ma jirto faah fahinno intaan ka dheer oo laga helay gaarigan lagu duqeeyay Shabellaha Hoose, balse diyaaradaha Maraykanka ayaa sidan oo kale duqeymo uga geystay gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Insha Allah Goobjoog News Source
  6. Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntland, C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa ugu baaqay in loo midoobo dagaalka ka dhanka ah Al-shabaab, islaamarkaana laga saaro meelaha ay dalka ka maamulkaan. Waxa uu sheegay Gaas, in Al-shabaab yihiin kuwo mar walbo ka shaqeeya kala geynta dadka Soomaliyeed iyo sidoo kale kala fogeynta shacabka waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye. Dagaallada lala galayo Al-shabaab ayuu sheegay iney u baahan yihiin in la mideeyo si mar qura looga saaro mel walbo oo ay dalka ka joogaan. “Cadow waxaa jira manta Soomaaliya dhib badan ku haya oo diidan qaranimadeena, kana shaqeynaya dhibaatooyin dhaca si ay u guuleystaan, waxaan jeclaan lahaa in cadowgasi innaga oo mid ah aan ka xoreysanno meelaha ay naga haystaan, ha noqoto Galgala ama Xarar-dheere” ayuu yiri Gaas. Dowladda Federaalka ayaa dagaal ka dhan ah Al-shabaab ku dhowaaqday kadib qaraxii Zoobe ka dhacay 14-kii October, 2017. Goobjoog News Source
  7. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Guddoomiyaha Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Taabit Cabdi Maxamed, ayaa deeq dawo ah ku wareejiyey Taliska Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed, waxaana ka guddoomay Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta Sarreeye gaas Xuseen Xasan Cismaan oo ay wehliyeen ku xiggeenadiisa iyo saraakiil kale. Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa deeqda dawada ah ee uu ku wareejiyey Taliska Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed, waxaa uu ugu talo galay maxaabiista xabsiga dhexe ee Xamar ku xiran, si loogu daweeyo, Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Mudane Taabit Cabdi Maxamed, ayaa sidaasi sheegay. Taliyaha Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed, Sarreeye Gaas Xuseen Xasan Cismaan, ayaa Maamulka Banaadir uga mahad celiyey deeqda dawada ah ee ay soo gaarsiiyeen, isagoo xusay in wax badan ay ka tari doonto adeega dhanka caafimaadka ee Isbitaalka Xabsiga dhexe ee Xamar ka jirta. The post Sawiro: Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir oo ku wareejiyay deeq dawo ah Taliska Ciidanka Asluubta appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  8. Madaxweynaha maamulka Hirshabelle, Maxamed Cabdi Waare ayaa sheegay in dagaalyahannada Al-shabaab ay culeys badan soo saareen deegaannada uu ka arrimiyo maamulkaasi. Wuxuu sheegay Waare in sababta ugu weyn ee ay Al-shabaab culeyska u saareen tahay duqeymaha ka socdo qaar kamid ah gobollada dalka, isaga oo sheegay iney jiraan dagaalyahanno badan oo Al-shabaab ah, kana yimid deegaannada la duqeeyay. Sidoo kale, madaxweyne Waare ayaa tilmaamay in dagaalyahanno ka tirsan Al-shabaab ay sidoo kale marin ka dhiganayaan Hirshabelle, kuwaasi oo kusii socda gobollada xiga dhanka waqooyi oo ay ugu horreyso Puntland. “Maamulka Hirshabelle waxaa soo fuulay culeys aan jirin oo ay soo saareen cadowga Nabad diidka oo ay sabab u tahay howlgallo xoog badan oo dhulka iyo cirka isugu jira oo ka socda gobollada Koonfur naga jira, taasi oo keentay cadow badan oo soo cararay soo galen Hirshabelle, sidaan xogta ku hayno waxay kusii socdaan qaarkood gobollo Waqooyi naga xiga oo ay ugu horreysa Puntland, qaarkoodna dabcan maamulkeenna ayeey culeys soo saareen, sidoo kale waxaa sabab u ah xasilooni darrada ka jirta wadanka xagga siyaasadda, taasi oo naga jahwareerisay dagaalkii rasmiga ahaa ee la rabay in lagu qaado cadowga nabad diidka ah” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Waare. Ugu Dambeyn, madaxweyne Waare ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya in la xoojiyo howlgallada ka dhanka ah Xarakada Al-shabaab. Goobjoog News Source
  9. Maanta oo kahmiis ah ayaa lagu wadaa in dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay si rasmi ah ula wareegto maamulka hawada dalka, kadib markii la diyaariyey qalabkii lagula socon lahaa dhaq-dhaqaaqa hawada. Qalabkaan oo ah mid casri ah ayaa lagu rakibay garoonka diyaarahada Aadan Cadde ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana hadda ka howlgeli doono shaqaale ajaaniib iyo Soomaali isugu jira. Wasiirka Duulista iyo Hawada Soomaaliya Maxamed C/laahi Salaad (Oomaar) ayaa sheegay in diyaaradaha ay dhib badan ku qabeen qalabka lagu maamulo hawada ee yaallay Nairobi maadaama uu ahaa mid duug ah. Maanta waxaa la qaban doonaa munaasabadda lagu daah furayo qalabkan cusub, waana markii ugu horreysay 27 sano kadib, magaalada Muqdisho laga xukumo hawada Soomaaliya. Warkaan wixii kusoo kordha kala soco wararkeena kale Goobjoog News Source
  10. China’s base commander in Djibouti has operational and diplomatic experience that makes him well-suited to manage China’s growing military presence in the country. China’s base in Djibouti continues to make headlines. In late November, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) garrison there conducted its second live-fire exercise, the first having been conducted in September. This second exercise also coincided with Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh’s three-day visit to Beijing, where he and Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly discussed both China’s military facilities in the country while also reaching an agreement to provide Djibouti with additional loans for further infrastructure construction. Meanwhile, plans for a pier at the base housing the garrison, which would allow it to support PLA Navy ships independent of the adjacent Doraleh Multipurpose Port, as well as construction of a 400 meter helipad,continue to move forward. While the evolution of China’s base in Djibouti continues to receive significant attention, very little has been written about the officer responsible for overseeing this process on the ground: PLA Navy Senior Captain Liang Yang. Aside from a few brief quotes from the senior captain following China’s live-fire exercises in the country, he has largely stayed out of the Western press. Who is Senior Captain Liang Yang? Why was he chosen for this position? What can his background and career experience tell us about how China views the challenges of operating in Djibouti and the PLA Navy’s role in facing those challenges? As China’s presence in Djibouti continues to evolve, it will likely turn to its military, particularly its navy, to play multiple roles. Operationally, China’s navy will need to execute its primary responsibilities: carrying out China’s “far seas protection” operations, including maintaining access to sea lines of communication for trade and energy imports; protecting China’s assets and personnel abroad; supporting counter-piracy operations; and preparing to conduct humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts should the need arise. Yet operating in Djibouti creates a whole new set of diplomatic challenges as well, as China’s military contingent will have to manage issues that arise when introducing another military actor into an already crowded space while at the same time assuaging growing concerns about Chinese intentions in the region. In many ways, these challenges in Djibouti mirror the larger issues that China faces as the PLA becomes increasingly active abroad. First and foremost, it remains tasked with protecting China’s national security interests. Diplomatically, however, it must also manage the sensitivities that will inevitably arise between China and regional actors, or risk undermining its broader national interests. To achieve these two objectives, the PLA Navy will need to identify and promote naval officers that have a mix of both operational and diplomatic experience—individuals such as Senior Captain Liang. With this in mind, it may be worth examining in some detail the military career of China’s first-ever overseas base commander, in order to gain some insight into the qualities the Chinese navy is seeking for its officers as it manages these challenges. Operational and Diplomatic Experiences Congruent with China’s “Far Seas Protection” Missions As articulated in the 2015 national defense white paper, China’s new naval strategy of “Near Seas Defense, Far Seas Protection” fundamentally consists of two components. Closer to home, the Chinese navy remains tasked with protecting Chinese sovereignty and territorial claims, maintaining credible strategic and conventional military deterrence, and conducting joint operations in the maritime domain. Further abroad, China has, over the past decade, experienced a tremendous growth in assets and personnel in places such as Africa and the Middle East. Moreover, China remains reliant on maritime trade routes to conduct foreign trade and obtain energy imports. As a result, the PLA Navy has been tasked with protecting these interests through the execution of “far seas protection” operations, and just as Djibouti’s location along the Bab-el Mandab strait makes it well positioned to support China’s “far seas protection” operations, Liang Yang’s experience appears to make him well-suited to leading that effort. First, Senior Captain Liang has a wealth of operational experience. From 2006–2010, he served as a deputy commander aboard the PLA Navy guided missile destroyer Hefei. In March 2010, he was named commanding officer (CO) of the PLAN Frigate Changzhou, which a PRC Ministry of National Defense spokesperson referred to at the time as “China’s most advanced frigate.” Most recently, Liang came to Djibouti after having served as one of four deputy directors of the PLA Navy Headquarters’ Operations Departmentin Beijing. Liang has operational experience within the region as well. In 2012 during his tour as CO of the Changzhou, he commanded the ship as part of China’s twelfth counter piracy escort flotilla in the Gulf of Aden. During that tour, his ship was involved in the rescue of twenty-six Taiwanese fishermen who had been held hostage in the region for over a year. As a result, he was named one of China’s 2012 “Maritime Men of the Year” recipients. Given that China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already stated that the base will be used to support China’s anti-piracy operations and humanitarian assistance missions in the region, Senior Captain Liang’s operational experience within the region makes him well-suited to carrying out these tasks. China’s Growing Need for Military Diplomats Of growing importance however, will be the need for diplomatic skills that will allow China’s new base commander to successfully engage with the myriad of other foreign militaries operating in Djibouti, as well as the Djiboutian host government and regional militaries. Bustling with military activity, Djibouti is rapidly becoming a modern day Casablanca. In addition to the PRC, Djibouti plays host to militaries from six other countries, including the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain. Saudi Arabia is also finalizing an agreement allowing it to establish a military presence in the country, bringing the total number of foreign militaries to eight. A country the size of New Jersey, Djibouti has multiple foreign military installations all operating at close quarters. China’s new base near the Dorelah Multipurpose Port is only a few miles from Camp Lemonnier, home to U.S. Africa Command’s Joint Task Force for the Horn of Africa and France’s Chabelley airfield, which holds facilities used by the U.S. Air Force. With so many different militaries operating in such tight quarters, China’s new base commander will require the skills to manage issues that arise between them, such as the recent allegations that Chinese personnel had used the French-run firing range range outside of their scheduled time. Foreign militaries aside, China will also likely want to remain on good terms with its new host country. China has become Djibouti’s largest provider of capital for its ambitious infrastructure development program, providing roughly $1.34 billion to help finance roads, rails, ports, pipelines and real estate construction. While such dollar diplomacy has done much to develop relations, not all in China-Djibouti relations have gone smoothly. Previously, the cash strapped Djiboutian government was unable to come up with its share of the funding for the Djibouti-Ethiopia railroad ($58 million), and had to sell a 10 percent stake in the Djibouti-Ethiopia joint venture company that will oversee the railroad to the state-owned China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. In October 2017 the Djiboutian government announced that it was retendering contracts that had previously been awarded to China Civil Engineering for the construction of two airports. Meanwhile, reports of illegal Chinese fishing in Djiboutian waters continue to surface. To address these challenges, Senior Captain Liang will have to rely on a set of diplomatic skills he has developed through years of engaging with foreign militaries and working in public affairs. For example, prior to his posting in Djibouti, Senior Captain Liang was also dual-hatted in PLA Navy Headquarters in Beijing, working both as a deputy director of the Operations Department and as one of the PLA Navy’s first-ever spokesman. From 2004 to 2006, he was stationed in the region working in Liberia as one of China’s United Nations military observers, where he traveled through thirty-one different countries in the region during his two-year tour. He has worked closely with foreign naval personnel as well, having participated in China’s planning for both the China-Russia bilateral naval exercise Maritime Cooperation, as well as China’s participation in the U.S.-led Rim of the Pacific(RIMPAC) exercise in 2016. Both these exercises—which require being able to communicate, negotiate, and in the end, cooperate, with foreign navies—should serve him well as he begins to engage with the many and varied foreign military actors all operating in close quarters in Djibouti. As China’s global military presence continues to expand, Djibouti won’t be the last place where China’s navy will be in need of senior officers that can both conduct military diplomacy and execute their operational responsibilities. Already, China has over 1,700 peacekeeping troops in Africa, many of which are located in nearby Sudan, and has recently made another 8,000 personnelavailable for future missions. In August of this year, the navy’s twenty-seventh escort task force set sail from the island of Hainan to continue conductingcounter piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden, and with its base in Djibouti, the PLA now has a permanent foreign military installation through which it can rotate Chinese military officers and personnel to provide them experience operating abroad. Going forward, officers with backgrounds like Senior Captain Liang will likely be in high demand, as China’s military looks for personnel who can help address these dual operational and diplomatic challenges. Jeffrey Becker is an analyst in the CNA China Studies Division. His published books and monographs include From Peasants to Protesters: Social Ties, Resources, and Migrant Labor Contention in Contemporary China, and Behind the Periscope: Leadership in China’s Navy.
  11. Residents of the Bulo Isak camp for the internally displaced persons wait to collect safe drinking water. Baidoa, Somalia. Photo: UNICEF/Makundi 27 December 2017 – In a year which saw millions of Somali civilians displaced by armed conflict and thousands more killed and wounded in violence, the United Nations envoy to the country has called for sustained cooperation to tackle a number of pressing challenges. “No one should underestimate the many challenges ahead, and the serious issues that continue to retard and even threaten further progress,” said Michael Keating, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia. “These include pervasive corruption, most obviously in politics, and powerbrokers’ willingness to use violence, or the threat of violence, against opponents,” he added. <p Noting that the militants have retained the capacity to mount such devastating attacks, Mr. Keating also emphasized that the terrorist group thrives, among other things, on the absence of functional local government and on the many conflicts around the country.</p Severe and growing humanitarian needs At the same time, there is “severe and growing” humanitarian needs across the Horn of Africa nation. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), food security needs are nearly double the five-year average due to limited rain, increased displacement, lack of access to basic services, and continuing insecurity and conflict. “The number of people in [humanitarian] emergency [phase] have increased tenfold from 83,000 in January to 866,000 people in November 2017,” OCHA said in a humanitarian bulletin. “Humanitarian Emergency” is a state in which the acute malnutrition rate has surpassed the “emergency threshold” of 15 per cent. In Somalia, the rate stands at 17.4 per cent. Across the country, some 6.2 million are in need of humanitarian and protection assistance and more than half that number require urgent life-saving assistance. This year witnessed the displacement of a further one million Somalis, taking the total across the country to more than two million. Prospects of humanitarian recovery in 2018 ‘grim’ However, with forecasts for poor rains during the two main crop seasons and as well as a heightened risk of the La Niña weather phenomenon in early-mid 2018, the prospects for recovery next year look “grim,” said the UN relief wing. Life-saving assistance will, therefore, remain an urgent priority, it said, noting the need to also address the underlying causes of recurring humanitarian crises. “In line with the New Way of Working and building on efforts since 2012 to create household resilience, humanitarian and development partners are pursuing more sustainable mid- to longer-term investment in reducing risk and vulnerability,” said OCHA. In the same vein, Mr. Keating, who also heads the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), underscored the need the need for greater cooperation to overcome the obstacles. “Lessons can be drawn from 2017, both good and bad. A central one may be that when the most powerful actors cooperate, whether the Federal Government, Federal Member States, parliamentarians, clan elders, business or the international community, great progress can be made,” he said. “When they do not cooperate, the risks are enormous.” UN
  12. Rescue workers at the scene of a truck bomb explosion outside a hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, on Oct. 14.CreditMohamed Abdiwahab/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images On a sunny day in 1991, Maryan, my dad’s first cousin, was hiding from rifle-carrying soldiers in a house in Mogadishu, Somalia, while the melodic voice of the singer Magool blared from a megaphone outside. Magool repeated an ugly slur for the Darod, our family’s clan, while a sweaty Maryan crouched inside the kitchen, holding her breath. When I was 10 years old, Maryan casually told me this story from the civil war in Somalia — then almost a decade in the past — over breakfast in my family’s home in Minneapolis. I found it perplexing that Magool, an artist many Somalis held in high esteem, would allow herself to become a mouthpiece for violent men. Before I was born, my college-educated, fairly Westernized parents decided they weren’t going to teach me about clans because that knowledge, in recent history, has been employed so murderously, especially in the rise of the Shabab militants. Growing up in Minnesota, in the Somali diaspora, I was relatively sheltered from that history. In 2017, however, it has been impossible to ignore the truth because of a particularly grim event: On Oct. 14, a truck bombing in Mogadishu killed more than 500 people and injured hundreds more. In confronting the deadly toll of this year, I have also confronted the acute awareness of violence I have inherited — in the form of tales told over a meal — and the inevitability of death and destruction in the country my parents left more than a decade ago. As a child, I didn’t understand the extent to which clan ideology distorted many Somalis’ thinking. My own paternal grandmother, traumatized by the war, gave me my first introduction to that mind-set. “Do you know the name of your clan, or what a clan is?” she asked me, in Somali, of course, when I was visiting at her home in Ohio during the summer between fifth and sixth grades. I didn’t, I told her. She took it upon herself to teach me not only about my own clan but also about the singer Magool’s clan, and her disdain for it. At the time, I cared more about cartoons than about politics or my identity as a Somali, but I didn’t judge my grandmother. I know now, and to some extent I knew even back then, that my grandmother is a good woman who adopted a toxic ideology as a way to cope with pain. Relatives of Magool, who died in 2004, would tell you the same about her: the decades of cruelty and marginalization perpetrated by members of the Darod clan justified her hate. I see both my grandmother and Magool, and really all Somali women from that generation, as proxies in a conflict between men. Shortly after Maryan recounted her story about hiding from soldiers, her daughter Awo, only a few years older than I, told me how she smuggled her family’s jewelry — the only wealth they could take with them as they fled Somalia — under her dress. In Somali with bits of English, she told it like a funny story. “The men who were transporting us asked me why I had a lumpy stomach!” she said. “I told them I was extremely sick!” In the summer of 2014, violent reality intruded again: My mother’s good friend, and a distant relative, the singer Saado Ali Warsame, was killed. Last year, I spent some time compiling oral histories by Somali women for the history museum here in Minnesota, which has the largest Somali immigrant population in the United States. I was taken aback by the equanimity with which the women I interviewed spoke of the hardships they’ve endured since 1991. They calmly and clearly recalled the brutality that forced them to flee the country. Ilhan Omar, now a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, sat across from me on a couch in the lobby of my mom’s business and told me how soldiers kept trying to break into her childhood home in the middle of the night, until her family eventually fled Somalia. I remember thinking, as she spoke, that most people would collapse under the weight of this trauma, but there she was, wearing the same style of Somali skirt I wore, long and brightly colored, speaking easily about what she had experienced. She, like my grandmother, has continued to tell her story and rise above her circumstances. I know that I’ve inherited more than violence and trauma: I’ve also inherited Somalia’s rich oral storytelling and poetry tradition, which is still a feminist legacy. I’m sustained by the folk tales of the Somali heroine Arawelo and by new narratives being written by and about Somali women. This year was yet another reminder (as if we needed one) that the divisive remnants of clan identity and the pain of war are still present. It also reminded me that Somali women will heal us. Safy-Hallan Farah is a freelance journalist.
  13. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Faarax Macalin oo kamid ah Siyaasiyiinta Soomaalida ee kasoo jeeda Kenya ayaa si kulul uga hadlay go’aanka ay shaqsiyaadka mucaaradka ku ah DFS ku duminayaan Qaranka Somalia. Faarax Macalin waxa uu sheegay inay nasiib daro tahay in shaqsiyaad raja ka qaba inay maamulaan Somalia, ay hadana ku faanaan inay yihiin waxa uu ugu yeeray Jawaasiis shisheeye ay dhaqaale ku qaatan duminta dalkooda. Faarax waxa uu sheegay inaanu jirin sharci dhigaaya ‘’Xasaanad furan’’ balse diblumaasiga iyo Siyaasiga madaxabanaan ay leeyihiin xasaanad cayiman. Faarax waxa uu sheegay in wax lala yaabo ay tahay in Somalia ay kusii noolaadan shaqsiyaad ku faanaya inay yihiin Jawaasiis shisheeye oo dhibaateynaaya Qaranimada Somalia, waxa uuna carab dhabay inay mudan tahay in sharciga lala tiigsado C/raxmaan C/shakuur iyo kuwa lamidka ah isla markaana lagu qaado waxa uga soo baxo sharciga. Faarax ayaa yiri ‘’Ninka qaaday mas’uuliyada ee ku dhaartay kitaabka alle inoo qaado talaabo lamid ah tii lagu weeraray CC Shakuur waxba kama qabo waana arrin muhiim ah oo loo baahan yahay’’ Waxa uu sheegay in shaqsiyaadka ku faana inay u shaqeeyan shisheeyaha uu kamid yahay Ra’isul wasaarihii hore ee Somalia CCC Sharmaarke, oo la ogyahay inuu la shaqeeyo Imaaraadka iyo dowlado kale, sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxa uu soo hadalqaaday Askarta ilaalada u aheyd CC Shakuur ee la dilay iyagoo gudanaaya waajibaadkooda, waxa uuna DFS ugu baaqay inay qaadato khaladkeeda maadaama Askartaasi aysan aheyn kuwo ku jiray kiiska. DFS ayuu sheegay inay ku dhiirato inay raali galin ka bixiso dilka Askarta si aysan u niyad jabin Askarta kale. The post Daawo video: Faarax Macalin oo weerar afka ah ku qaaday CC Shakuur appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  14. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay Kooxda Xuutiyiinta Yemen ayaa ku goodisay inay weerar culus ku qaadi doonto magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta maamulka Somaliland ee Somalia. Muuqaal ay soo duubeen Xuutiyiinta ayay ku sheegen inay fursad siinayaan maamulka cusub ee Somaliland, si ay uga laabtaan Heshiiskii Imaaraadka Saldhiga loogu siiyay magaalada Berbera. Muuqaalka goodinta ah oo ay soo direen Xuutiyiinta ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in gantaalo ay ku burburin doonaan magaalada Hargeysa iyo daaraha ka dhisan, waa haddii ay Somaliland si dhaqsi ah uga laaban weydo Heshiiska maadaama uu imaaday maamul cusub. Xuutiyiinta muuqaalkooda kuma muujin in Somaliland ay ka tirsan tahay Somalia, waxa ayna kusoo koobeen keliya fariintooda goodinta ah. Dowlada Somalia ayaan weli ka hadal Hanjabaada muuqaalka ah ee kasoo yeeray maamulka Xuutiyiinta ee dagaalka ka wada dalka Yemen. Dowlada Somalia oo ku jahwareersan Siyaasada maamulka Somaliland ayaa u muuqaneysa mid maamulkaas ku fiirsaneysa Hanjabaadaha sawaariiqda ah, maadaama aysan ka talo qaadan DFS. Dowladaha Reer galbeedka iyo kuwa Afrikaanka ah ayaa rumeysan in Somaliland ay qeyb ka tahay Somalia inteeda kale, balse aamusnaanta DFS waxa ay shaki galineysaa in maamulkaasi uu qeyb ka yahay Somalia. Dowlada Federaalka waxa ay jawaab degdeg ah ka bixisaa hadal waliba oo duulaan Siyaasadeed u ah ee loo jeediyo maamulada dalka, hase ahaatee waxa ay su’aashu tahay miyeynan Somaliland qeyb ka aheyn Somalia? Dowladaha taageera Somalia iyo maamul Goboleedyada ka jira dalka ayaa sidoo kale u muuqda kuwo dowlada Federaalka ku tijaabinaaya ka hadalka Hanjabaada kasoo yeertay Xuutiyiinta Yemen oo iyagu sheegay in gantaalo ay ku garaaci doonaan magaalada Hargeysa. Docda kale, aamusnaanta DFS ee hanjabaadaasi ayaa Somaliland u noqon doonta rajo ay Somaliland kaga go’aan marba haddii DFS aysan muudin in ka jawaabida Hanjabaada Xuutiyiinta ay mas’uuliyad ka saran tahay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho The post Maxay DF uga jawaabi la’dahay hanjabaada sawaariiq ee kooxda Xuutiyiinta? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  15. Mooshinkii qaramada midoobay ee lagu diidayey arinka qudus. Waxaa maraykanka lasaftay 9dal, 128 waa ku diideen, 35 dalna waa ka aamuseen. Guatemala, Honduras, Palau, Marshal Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Togo, USA iyo Israel. Afar kamid ah waa jasiirado dhaca badda pacific-ka. Dadka ku noola waa in ka yar 200,000 oo qof, Saddex ka mid ahna waxay heshhisyo dhanka maamulka ah kula jiraan maraykanka. 1 jasiirada Marshal Waxaa ku nool 53,000, laga soo bilaabo 1986 ayuu fasaxay wuxxuna kula jiraa heshiis dhanka maamulka ah, difaaceeda iyo amaankeeda USA baa masuul ka ah. 2. Jasiirada Palau waxay ku Taal badda pacific-ka; waxaana ku nool dad gaadhaya 21,400 oo qof. Jasiiradan waxay maraykanka madaxbanaani ka heshay 1994 lkn weli wuxuu masuul ka yahay difaaceeda mudo 50 sano ah siada uu dhigayo CIA’S World Factbook. 3. Jasiirada Micronesia micnaheedu waa jasiiradii yarayd ee Greakii hore, waxaa degan 104,000 oo qof. Laga soo bilaabo 1986 waxay hoos imaanaysay USA ka dib heshiiskii “Free association agreement”. Heshiiskan oo u ogolaanay dadka reer Micronesia inay u safri karaan kuna noolaan karaan USA visa la’aan; isla markaana ka mid noqon karaan militariga maraykanka. 4. Jasiirada Nauru ma hoos timaado USA, jasiirdan 21kmsq ah kuna taala badda pacific-ka, waxay hooy u tahay in ka yar 10,000 oo qof. Sidoo kale Honduras iyo guatamela waxay dhul ahaan dhacaan bartamaha qaarada amerika, xidhiidh diblimaasiyadeed iyo mid militariga ah bay la leeyihiin USA oo ka soo jiray tobonaan sano, taariikh ahaana weligood halka codka USA maro baau u codeyn jireen. Togo ayaa iyana noqotay dalka keli ah ee afrika oo maraykanka ku raacay arinka qudus, halka dalal waa wayn sida ithopia, Uganda iyo Cameroon ka aamuseen; dalal kale side Somalia, Djibouti iyo masar si cad u cambaareeyen. Israel iyo maraykan oo mososhinka rabitaaankoda lagu diidayey ayaa iyaguna codkooda diidmo ku muujiyey. Dalalka balkanka ee muslimiintu ku badanyihiin sida Bosnia ayaa iyagu ka aamusay taaso ururka iskaashiga islaamka la yaab ku noqotay, W/Q: Abdisamad ALI Ahmed The post Waa kuwee 9-ka dal ee Maraykanka ku raacay arrinka Qudus appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  16. Dhowr bari ka hor ayuu Maraykunku ku hanjabay inuu cayrta ka jari doono waddanki ka codeeyo. Bootadi ma shaqayn oo adduunka intiisa badan oo dalkeennu ku jiro waa ka codeeyay. Ilaa shalay dhowr qof oo aan isku soo qaadnay arrintaas ayaa walaac ka muujiyay in Maraykanku biilka ka jaro dowladda. Balse su’aashu waxa ay tahay marki hore wax ma siin jiray? Waxaan isku dayay inaan wax ka ogaado inay jirto cid ku nool cayrta Maraynka, waxaana la kulmay warbixin ay daabacday Aljazeera sadex cisho ka hor iyadii ayaana halkaan idin kula wadaagayaa. Sanadki 2015ki waxa uu Maraykanku sadaqo u bixiyay adduun gaarayo $58.6 bilyan taasoo u dhiganto 1.3% miisaaniyadda dalkaas. 43% adduunka uu bixiyay Maraykanku waxay ku baxday borogaaramyada horumarinta dhaqaalaha ah ee labo geesood ah (bileral economic developmet programmes). 35% waxay ku baxday caawin xagga amniga iyo militiriga ah, 16% waxaa lagu sheegay gargaar bini aadamnimo, 6% waxay la marsiiyay hayadaha dalalka badan ka dhexeeyo (multilateral institution). Xoolahaas ay bixin jireen, Taraam waxaa uu jarayaa 28% laga billaabo sanadka danbe. Sidaa darteed, sanadka cusub waxaa uu xaqiijiyay inuu bixinayo $25.8 bilyan sidaan ayuuna ugu qaybin doonaa caruurtiisa bariga dhexe. Yuhuudda waxaa uu siin doonaa $3.1 bilyan waana dalka helo cawimaadda ugu badan. Dhammaan deeqdaan waa mid militiri caddaanna kuma jiro. Dhammaan qalabka militiri ee uu siinayo waxaa laga iibinayaa shirkadaha Maraykanka, ama waxay noqon tababarro ay bixiyaan saraakiil Maraykan ah. Labada dhinacba isaga unbaa qaadanayo waxaa u bixinayo. Waxaa kusoo xigo Masar iyo Urdun oo kala helayo $1.3 bilyan iyo $1 bilyan. Iyaguna waxay helaan waxay la mid yihiin waxa Yuhuudu helayso. Waxaa iyaga lidkooda ah xigta uu siiyo Falastiiniyiinta taas oo dhan $251 milyan, dhammaanteedna waa cunno iyo qashin kale. Iyaga hub iyo tababar toona looma ogala. Waddamadaan waxaa soo raaca kuwaan: Lubnaan $104 milyan, Yemen $35, milyan, Ciraaq $348 milyan, Suuriya $191 milyan, Tuunisiya $55 milyan, Morooko $16 milyan, Liibiya $31 milyan, Cummaan $3.5 milyan, Aljeeriya $1.8 milyan iyo Baxrayn oo hesho $800000. Dhammaan waddamadaan waa kuwo uu isaga burburiyay oo uu baahida ku jarrabay sida Ciraaq iyo Liibiya ama waa qaar uu dusha ka ilaashado oo qashinka ugu qubo inaysan ka fogaan sida Masar. Waxa uu siiyo waxaa ku tiirsan shirkado Maraykan ah sidaas darteed waxay dantu ugu jirto maahan kuwa la siiyo ee waa isaga. Masar waxaa la siiyaa sanad walba heelokobtarro cusub, kuwii hore oo loo la’layahay meel la dhigo sidaas darteed waxaa lagu xareeyaa baqaaro ay ugu danbayn ku bas beelaan. Dalkeena ma jiraan wax u go’aan oo uu siiyo laakiin waaxda horumarinta adduunka u qaabilsan (USAID) ayaa mashaariic yaryar oo ku go’ ah soo marsiiso hayado kale. Mashaariicdi ugu horraysay ee ay si toos ah ula gasho Soomaaliya tan markii ay dhacday dowladdii dhexe, waa tan bishaan ay la saxiixdeen dowladdaan iyaduna kuma jirto wax ay caddaan u bixin doonaan ama ay miisaaniyadda dalka ku kabayaan. Ugu danbayn waddamada codeeyay waa ogaayeen waxa uu bixiyo iyo cidda ay dantu ugu jirto sidaas awgeedna hanjabaaddiisi cidna dhag jalaq uma siin. W/Q: Ibrahim Aden Shire Kala soco: Halkaan akhri waxbixinti Aljazeera: The post Maraykanku yuu wax siyaa sideese wax u siiyaa? appeared first on Caasimada Online.
  17. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta 27 december 2017 waxaa uu kulan laqaatay xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Gaalkacayo. Kulanka uu Madaxwaynuhu Laqaatay Golaha Deeganka degmada Gaalkacayo ayaa waxaa ku wehelinaayay mas”uuliyiin katirsan golayaasha Dawldda Puntland iyo saraakiil katirsan madaxtooyada Puntland, waxaana kulanka lagaga wada hadlay arimo ay kamid ahaayeen dardargelinta mashaaricaha horumarineed ee Dawladdu kawado magaalada Gaalkacayo iyo wanaajinta xidhiidhka wada shaqayneed ee u dhexeeya xildhibaannada golaha deegaanka . Madaxwaynaha ayaa xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Gaalkacayo waxaa uu ku booriyay in ay kawada shaqeeyaan sidii ay magaalada Gaalkacayo hor”umar balaadhan ugaar siin lahaaye si ay ula jaanqaado magaalooyinka dhigeeda ah. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa waxaa uu ugu baaqay in dhammaan xildhibaanadu ay u istaagaan sidii ay waxbadan looga qaban lahaa horumarka, nabad gelyada, iyo bilicda magaalada Gaalkacayo. Ugu danbayn Madaxwaynha Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa uu kula dardaarmay guud ahaan shacab iyo Dawladd in laga wada qayb qaato horu”marka iyo nabad gelyada magaalada Gaalkacayo.
  18. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa maanta 27 december 2017 waxaa uu kulan laqaatay xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Gaalkacayo. Kulanka uu Madaxwaynuhu Laqaatay Golaha Deeganka degmada Gaalkacayo ayaa waxaa ku wehelinaayay mas”uuliyiin katirsan golayaasha Dawldda Puntland iyo saraakiil katirsan madaxtooyada Puntland, waxaana kulanka lagaga wada hadlay arimo ay kamid ahaayeen dardargelinta mashaaricaha horumarineed ee Dawladdu kawado magaalada Gaalkacayo iyo wanaajinta xidhiidhka wada shaqayneed ee u dhexeeya xildhibaanada golaha deegaanka . Madaxwaynaha ayaa xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Gaalkacayo waxaa uu ku booriyay in ay kawada shaqeeyaan sidii ay magaalada Gaalkacayo hor”umar balaadhan ugaar siin lahaaye si ay ula jaanqaado magaalooyinka dhigeeda ah. Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa waxaa uu ugu baaqay in dhammaan xildhibaanadu ay u istaagaan sidii ay waxbadan looga qaban lahaa horumarka, nabadgelyada, iyo bilicda magaalada Gaalkacayo. Ugu danbayn Madaxwaynha Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa uu kula dardaarmay guud ahaan shacab iyo Dawladd in laga wada qayb qaato horu”marka iyo nabad gelyada magaalada Gaalkacayo. -DHAMMAAD- XAFIISKA, WARFAAFINTA, WACYI-GELINTA, HIDDAHA IYO DHAQANKA EE MADAXTOOYADA DAWLADDA PUNTLAND. The post Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland oo Kulan Laqaatay xubnaha Golaha Deegaanka Gaalkacayo appeared first on Puntland Post.
  19. Young Somalilander during June elections with flag (©Claudia Simoes/Progressio) Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland:I haven’t switched back to Kulmiye, but I would be foolish to hide (or attempt to deny) both my personal glee, and the general public’s optimism since the recent 2017 Presidential Election in Republic of Somaliland. Like many who fought for over a decade for change, I was hoodwinked by former President HE. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Silanyo)’s Kulmiye administration. I wasn’t alone in this feeling of disappointment, it was a feeling I shared with the majority of those that held Kulmiye’s founding values close to heart. For whatever reason that HE. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo failed to live up to the very high expectations we had of him, we must acknowledge there were critical missteps that tarnished Kulmiye’s reputation that needed to be resolved. The previous administration immediately got in bed with big business, and played to tribal affiliations. It strengthened its core political alliance to the detriment of our collective nationalism, social cohesion, and even deeply divided the nation to the point of collective apathy. While their many positive accomplishments are truly commendable and noteworthy; it would be too convenient, partisan and foolhardy to deny the negatives that plagued the nation as a result of mismanagement by those that took advantage of a weakened leadership. The previous administration has left a mixed legacy that will continue to be debated for years. It’s been less than two weeks, but HE. President Musa Behi Abdi has already removed his primary/biggest donor from his inner circle, gotten rid of all the stragglers in the Presidency, is giving real direction (with help he isn’t shy to receive or ask for) to his newly formed and announced Cabinet, took Caaqil and Sultan’s (poisonous) potency and influence away by selecting his cabinet without their input (slowly cutting the head off the snake), is deeply searching the country in pursuit of competent DGs from our local pool of talent (to be hired based on ability and merit), humbled the much-needed-to-be-humbled Professor Samatar, Jamal Ali Hussein and Mohamed Bile by teaching them a crucial political lesson (they have to invest more heavily in Somaliland’s development first – on all levels – before aspiring to higher personal goals and positions), made peace with both opposition parties (and openly stated he can’t do it without them, a healthy constructive opposition), given an opportunity to Somalilanders by hiring some of the best talent from within Somaliland’s existing civil service for key positions, gotten rid of the old Kulmiye politicians which are remnants of the Silanyo era of compromise (even though they campaigned heavily for him, are still trying to remain relevant through awkward press statements), kept the best talent (current Foreign Minister Hon. Saad Ali Shire, etc) from the previous administration, demanded discipline from the highest branches of our armed forces, is actively seeking out information (through Auditor General) on illegal contracts of previous admins for close scrutiny (and possible cancellation, or renegotiation) including UAE’s Berbera military base, encouraging/empowering the young talent at Somaliland Civil Service to conduct a full HR Audit of civil servants without the fear of tribal interference, instructing his cabinet to strictly adhere to the NDPII (Somaliland National Development Plan 2), delivering compelling and inspirational speeches without the aid of his assistant or reading from paper, etc… and the list goes on. Why wouldn’t anyone be happy to see these welcome developments? These actions should instill pride in those that represent any one of the three parties in Somaliland (Waddani, Kulmiye, UCID). For the first time, it’s the obsequious snollygosters (guulwadayaal) that are unhappy, and the average citizen is pleased and hopeful. Apart from the tribalists, these were indeed dreams that unified and united all voters across all party lines. I don’t celebrate Christmas, but it feels like I’ve definitely gotten a lot of gifts this December. All the things I’ve mentioned above were high on my wish-list, and I feel elated this new admin has delivered on them. One doesn’t have to be interested in a position (or some sort of reward) to be impressed so early in this new administration, but merely a patriotic Somalilander not afraid to call a spade a spade, and give credit where it’s due. It appears HE. President Musa Behi Abdi is cleaning house and putting things in order, and that’s a win for all of us. Especially and more so for those that fought for these expectations by becoming active in politics, and voiced their concerns by joining the political process. As a fallible human, I expect HE. The President to make many mistakes (such as only threefemale Ministers, and no Gabooye Minister, not fully dismantling the horrid ‘Jeegaan’ Alliance), but he’s doing a decent job overall initially (and otherwise). Though many have criticised him for only producing positive words thus far (without measurable actions or results); let’s not forget that all group actions begin with ‘words.’ Defining and expressing your vision is an essential ingredient to great leadership, and is something HE. President Musa Behi Abdi has strived to do so far. We shouldn’t discount the potential of these words based on our negative expectations from previous disappointments; we should encourage them. We should also extend the same courtesy to (and encourage) those tasked to implement them unreservedly. There is no need to criticise for the sake of criticising, nor the need to support for the sake of supporting either. Let’s applaud the good, and condemn the bad in a manner that will strengthen our leadership and Somaliland’s progress. Let’s give HE. President Musa Behi Abdi a genuine chance, and see how he further progresses Somaliland before trying to judge him pedantically so soon. For me, the simple fact that his actions and words carried into his administration (and beyond his campaign rallies) is enough to remain thoroughly optimistic as someone who opposed his candidacy. Though I genuinely thought his stump speeches and promises were campaign theatrics catering and pandering to the audience, HE. the President of Republic of Somaliland is making it appear that such an assessment couldn’t be further from the truth. I’d like to finish with a call (once again) inviting my fellow Somalilanders to move beyond campaign/election partisanship, and revert to (constructive) patriots of the great nation of Republic of Somaliland. #SomalilandFirst, always. Written by Maxamuud-Aar (Mo Hussein) Twitter: @MoHussein Email:
  20. By ABDULKADIR KHALIF in Mogadishu Rebels loyal to Yemeni Huthis have threatened to attack the self-declared Republic of Somaliland for supporting their enemies. The rebels, in a social media video message read by hooded fighters, say they were aware of Somaliland intending to provide a military base to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “If Somaliland goes ahead with its plan to allow the UAE to use Berbera port as military base to carry out bombardments to Huthi rebels, it will be a wrong decision,” said the rebels. “If Somaliland does not heed to the warning then we will fire ballistic missiles to Somaliland,” they said further. A military base The breakaway Somaliland has also offered UAE the administration of the Berbera port, the main harbour facing the Gulf of Aden. The rebel group fighting the internationally recognised government of Yemen has been facing stiff opposition from a coalition led by Saudi Arabia, which includes UAE. Somaliland government announced in April its readiness to provide a military base to the Emirates at Berbera, just about 200km south of Yemen across the Gulf of Aden. The Huthi rebels targeted twice Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles, allegedly supplied by Iran. The social media video threat appears to have frightened the residents of Berbera, posing a serious challenge to the government of Somaliland, whose main source of revenue is the port. Somaliland declared independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991, following the collapse of the central government of Somalia led by the late dictator General Mohamed Siad Barre. It has since struggled for international recognition with little success. Standard
  21. Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo Wefti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo ayaa maanta oo ay tariikhdu tahay 27 December 2017 waxaa si balaadhan Xaafada ee Magaalada Gaalkacayo ugu soo dhaweeyay Maamulka Galmudug. Madaxawaynaha iyo Masuuliyiinta ku Wehelinaysay ka qayb galka kulan kaasi is dhex galka bulshada ayaa waxaa kusoo dhaweeyay dhinaca Galmudug Masuuliyiin katirsan Golayaasha Maamulka Galmudug, Talisika ciidamada mamulkaasi, saraakiil katirsan Madaxtooyada Galmudug , isimo Cuqaal, wax garadd, nabadoono, aqoonyahano, iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada maamulkaasi, Soo dhawayn kadib Madaxwaynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa waxaa uu kulan laqaatay ciidamada isku dhafka ee Magaalada Gaalkacayo, saraakiil katitrsan ciidanka xooga dalka,iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee ee bulshada Koonfurta Galaakacayo. “Waxaan Kamahad naqayaa soo dhawanynta wanaagsan ee walaaltinimada leh iyo dareenka wanaagsan ee aad maanta nagu soo dhawaayseen, waxaan aad ugu mahadcelinayaa intii wanaagaan kasoo shaqaysay sida maamulka degmada, maamulka Gobolka, dhalinyarada, haweenka, waxgaradka, taliyayaasha ciidamada, iyo intii kale oo kaqayb qaadatay wanaaga badan ee aan ujeedno maanta, una dhabar adaygay hawshaan adag, runtii waan jeclaa in aan imaado intii uu joogay madaxwayne Axmed Ducaale Xaaf, laakiin duruufo kale ayaan ii saamixin in aan imaado waan rajaynayaa markale in aan gobolka isugu nimaadno saan ku balansanahay, si nabadda Gaalkacayo usal dhigato, uwaarto dadkanina ay wanaag iyo walaaltinimo kuwada noolaadan ayaan rajaynaynaa, nabada Gaalkacayo marka hore Gaalkacayo ayay mihiim utahay, wanaag iyo qurux utahay, waxay horseed unoqonaysaa sidoo kale nabadda soomaaliyeed, maata waxaa ii muuqada bisayl aad ubadan waxaan rajaynayaa in bisaylkaasi uu yahay mid dhab ah dadka reer Gaalkacayo matihidin dad meel kala aadaya oo kala guuraya waxaa tihiin dad ehel ah oo aan kala maarmin, maanta waxaa jira cadaw Somaaliya dhib wayn kuhaya inaga oo dhan aan inakala aqoon oo aan cidna dhaafayn oo dhibaato wayn soomaaliya kuhaya oo Dawladnimadeena, wanaageena, qaranimadeena, hortaagan oo kashaqaynaya sidii ay inoo dhibi lahaayeen iyaguna u guulaysan lahaayeen, markaa wa in aan gacmaha isqabsanaa cadwgeena halmeel uga soo wada jeesanaa dhammaanteen oo goboladeena ay dhibka kuhayaan aynu si wada jir ah uga xoraysano ayaa layna karaabaa, waxaan rabaa marka in aan kahadlo ciidankan isku dhafka ah, waxaa loo sameeyay in ay wanaag soo kordhiyaan in ay nabad soo kordhiyaan in ay magaalada horumarkeeda ka shaqeeyaan, wixi ka dhiman oo imkaaniyaad ah wixii aan u awoodno sida ugu wanagsan ayaan isgu dayaynaa in aanu u hawl galno”. ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland. Ugu danbayn, Madaweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa Dawdwaynaha gobolka mugug ugu baaqay inay siwada jir ah nabadda uga wada shaqeeyaan.
  22. Ethiopia’s ambassador to Turkey highlights East African nation’s growing, historically rooted relations with Turkey FILE PHOTO – Ethiopia’s ambassador to Turkey Ayalew Gobezie ANKARA —Relations between Turkey and Ethiopia can be described as excellent, the envoy from the East African country said on Tuesday. Ayalew Gobezie, Ethiopia’s ambassador to Turkey, told Anadolu Agency that the Turkish government “does not exploit Africa but supports the African people”. In an exclusive interview in the Turkish capital Ankara, Gobezie thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish government for supporting stronger ties between the two countries. “The Turkish government has principles for its diplomatic relations: win-win, not to exploit but to support the African people and African development. We also share this perspective,” he said. Gobezie underlined the deep roots of ties between Turkey and Ethiopia, which go all the way back to the Ottoman Empire. “In 1912 the first Ottoman-Turkish Consulate in Ethiopia was opened in the town of Harar,” Gobezie said, adding that the Republic of Turkey’s first embassy in Sub-Saharan Africa opened in 1926 — just three years after Turkey’s foundation — also in Ethiopia. “The Ethiopian government opened its embassy in Ankara in 1933. There is a long-standing relationship,” he explained. “Turkey and Ethiopia have had bilateral relations more than 100 years. Today the relations between our two countries can be described as excellent, both politically and economically.” Trade with Turkey Turkey and Ethiopia are key economic partners in many areas. Trade cooperation between the two countries is on the rise. Turkish firms continue to invest in various sectors in the country. “A Turkish company is building a 386-kilometer [250 mile] railway with a $1.7 billion budget, which will be hopefully completed in the next two years,” he said. “In addition, Turkish companies’ investments are worth a total of nearly $3 billion. More than 100 Turkish companies are doing business here, and they have created more than 10,000 jobs,” Gobezie said. “Our trade volume is also growing and has now reached almost $450 million. Our aim to boost it to $1 billion in the next five years,” he added. “There is an integrated approach by the government of Turkey and Turkish businessmen to bring development to Ethiopia. President Erdogan has visited Ethiopia three times since 2005. His last visit was in 2015. He is currently in Africa again, visiting Sudan, Chad and Tunisia,” said the ambassador. “We want to improve our economic diplomacy through companies and businesspeople. We invite Turkish investors and entrepreneurs to come and invest in Ethiopia. We have industry parks ready for them. It’s easy and profitable to do business in our country.” They can invest in the manufacturing sector, for example — textile, garment and construction are the leading sectors,” Gobezie said. Transferring former terror group schools Gobezie also addressed the issue of schools previously run by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO), the group behind last year’s defeated coup in Turkey. Turkey established the Maarif Foundation last year to take over the administration of overseas schools linked to FETO. It also establishes schools and education centers abroad. To date around 30 African countries have handed over FETO schools to Maarif or closed them at Ankara’s request. “Governments are working to hand over those schools in a legal process,” said Gobezie. “Our government officially promised to transfer FETO schools to Turkey’s Maarif Foundation. It is in process, I believe it will be done in 2018. We are also as an embassy pushing to solve this issue.” FETO and its U.S.-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup of July 15, 2016, which left 250 people martyred and nearly 2,200 injured. Ankara accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary. FETO also has a considerable presence outside Turkey, including private educational institutions that serve as a revenue stream for the terrorist group. Gobezie also praised Erdogan and Turkey for their leading role in the recent UN vote rejecting the U.S. recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. “These kinds of conflicts should be solved with peaceful resolutions. We are part of the 128 countries who voted favor of the Jerusalem resolution at the UN,” he said. -Turkish-funded restoration Gobezie also said the local community was pleased with projects in Ethiopia by Turkey’s state development aid agency, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA). “Three years ago TIKA launched a restoration project on the tomb of King Najashi and the Al-Najashi Mosque, which is the first mosque in the country. The mosque and the tomb are located 800 kilometers from the capital,” he said. “TIKA’s other restoration project is on the old Ottoman Consulate building in the walled city of Harar in eastern Ethiopia. “The agency also helps and supports local authorities to restore almost 70 mosques in Harar Jugol, the fortified historic town which is registered by UNESCO. Harar is said to be the fourth-holiest city of Islam, with 82 mosques, three of them dating from the 10th century.” TIKA opened its first office in Africa in Ethiopia in 2005. Nile dam, Anadolu as news source Six years ago Ethiopia launched a $4.8 billion mega hydroelectric dam project on the Nile near its border with Sudan. “We want to solve this dilemma peacefully and technically, engineers should involve the issue. Ethiopia would [like to] continue to cooperate with Sudan and Egypt. “We don’t want to hurt our Egyptian brothers. But we want them to understand us as well,” he said. The ambassador also praised Anadolu Agency. “Anadolu Agency brings us true news, I always follow you. It’s the main source for us for African news, and even for world news,” he said. We benefit from Anadolu. Your office in our capital Addis Ababa helps improve our close relationship.” Anadolu Agency plans to open new offices in Nigeria and Sudan in 2018, and is also scheduled to reopen its office in Senegal. Ethiopia, the capital of African Union, is located in East Africa, with a population of 100 million. It is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, with growth of 8.5 percent this year, according to the IMF. AA
  23. Militeriga Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in ay 13 xubnood oo ka tirsan ururka Xagjirka ah ee Al-shabaab ku dileen duqeyn cusub oo ay ka geysteen Konfurta Soomaaliya. Qoraal ka soo baxay Taliska Ciidanka Maraykanka ee Afrika ayaa lagu sheegay in weerarka laga fuliyey meel 50km Waqooyi galbeed kaga aaddan magaalada Kismaayo,subaxnimadii Axadda. Diyaaradaha drones-ka Maraykanka ayaa Soomaaliya sannadkaan ka geystay 34 weerar oo lagu beegsaday Al-shabaab,kadib markii maamulka Trump uu ballaariyey hawlgallada ka dhanka ah mintidiinta xagjirka ah ee Soomaaliya. Al-shabaab waxaa lagu eedeeyay qarax gaari oo ka dhacay caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho bishii October,kaasoo ay ku dhinteen 512 qof. Wuxuu ahaa weerarkii ugu xumaa ee argagixiso tan iyo 9/11( September eleven). Xigasho: Wakaaladda Wararka ee AP News Agency PUNTLAND POST The post Militeriga Maraykanka oo sheegay in ay dileen 13 xubnood oo ka tirsan Alshabaab. appeared first on Puntland Post.
  24. The Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Saad Ali Shire, stated the planned United Arab Emirates (UAE) military base in Berbera of the Republic of Somaliland is on course. “The agreement to build a base in Berbera has been approved by the parliament and signed by the President of the Republic of Somaliland. It stands,” he said. “There are obligations each side has to fulfill as charted in the agreement. There are technical glitches which need to be ironed out such as the delivery, discussion and approval of the Berbera-Wajale corridor road and the civilian airport to replace the existing one taken over by the base which the UAE has to attend to. These are starting points that must be taken out of the way first,” Minister added. The minister made it clear, however, that neither he nor any other member of the Somaliland government has officially communicated with the UAE laying these or any other as preconditions to a consummation of all or parts of clauses in the agreement. “We regularly communicate on the progress of activities stipulated in agreement but I had never written on or intimated any preconditions stalling or halting the ongoing operation,” Minister Saad said. The agreement to build a military and naval base in Berbera granted to the UAE was approved on a resounding majority vote by a joint session of the Somaliland bicameral parliament on 12 February 2017. The minister’s statement comes at a time detractors of the military base had gone wild on both social and conventional media claiming that the new government of president Musa Behi which came into power on 14 December had reneged on the agreement the outgoing government had entered into with the United Arab Emirates. The Federal Government of Somalia which harbors ill-conceived, non-existent sovereignty over Somaliland affairs and its allies of Turkey and Qatar had left no stone unturned to unhinge the solidity of the agreement in which they see as a possible gateway to a full-fledged international recognition for the successful model government of Somaliland. A video claiming that Houthis of Yemen had a gunned a disturbing threat to shell the port of Berbera if the government went ahead with the planned UAE military base has since been discovered as a hoax concocted by neighboring ‘governments’.